Vocapedia > Health, Medicine > Viruses
Coronaviruses > SARS-CoV-2 virus COVID-19 disease / pandemic 2019-2023
timeline > 2020
January - September 2020
How America Bungled the Plague NYT 29 September 2020
How America Bungled the Plague Video NYT Opinion NYT 29 September 2020
A year ago, the United States was regarded as the country best prepared for a pandemic.
Our government had spent nearly two decades strategizing for a doomsday scenario.
So what went wrong?
How is it that America, which wrote the global playbook for pandemic response, accounts for just 4 percent of the world’s population yet more than 20 percent of the world’s coronavirus deaths? One of the most important functions of journalism is to provide accountability, so in the video above, Johnny Harris dives deep into an exploration of what went wrong and when, and who’s to blame and why.
YouTube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GBGShUmEAFA
How Do You Protect Yourself If The Coronavirus Can Linger In the Air NPR 1 September 2020
How Do You Protect Yourself If The Coronavirus Can Linger In the Air Video NPR 1 September 2020
Researchers say airborne transmission is possible, especially in cramped indoor settings, but it's unclear how much it contributes to the spread.
Here's how to lower your risks, just in case.
Reported by Pien Huang/NPR. Animation by Shanti Hands for NPR. Video produced by Max Posner and Ben de la Cruz/NPR.
YouTube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3z0lr46ZXJ8
Work, life and balancing it all during coronavirus A New Normal G 22 July 2020
Work, life and balancing it all during coronavirus Video A New Normal G 22 July 2020
There has been massive upheaval in the world of work over the past four months with coronavirus lockdowns, furlough schemes and redundancy.
What can we learn going forward?
In this episode of A New Normal, Iman Amrani speaks to Guardian readers about travelling less, dealing with childcare, what working from home is really like, and how they're feeling about a changed workplace.
YouTube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dL4pkFxy7t4
Donald Trump Isn't the Worst Covid President. Just Ask Brazilians. NYT 15 July 2020
Donald Trump Isn't the Worst Covid President. Just Ask Brazilians. Video NYT Opinion The New York Times 15 July 2020
Who’s the world’s worst leader at handling the pandemic? Easy. Donald Trump. Right? Well, as terrible as Mr. Trump is, a Brazilian YouTube star, Felipe Neto, argues it’s actually his president, Jair Bolsonaro.
Presidents Trump and Bolsonaro have long admired each other’s caustic styles of governance.
So it shouldn’t come as a surprise that the United States and Brazil are the only two countries in the world with over a million confirmed cases of Covid-19.
It’s a tight race, and to be sure, neither government should be praised, but the reckless denial by Brazilian leadership is appalling.
Mr. Neto is not normally one to comment on politics.
He usually sticks to entertaining his 38 million followers on YouTube with his comedic takes on pop culture.
But as the death toll mounts, he’s become more outspoken.
And his message isn’t aimed only at Brazilians — it’s also for Americans. YouTube
Kid Cudi, Eminem - The Adventures Of Moon Man & Slim Shady (Lyric Video) 10 July 2020
Kid Cudi, Eminem The Adventures Of Moon Man & Slim Shady (Lyric Video) 10 July 2020 YouTube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s1-D8UOq7iA
Why is coronavirus still surging in the US? G 2 July 2020
Why is coronavirus still surging in the US? Video G 2 July 2020
The US recorded a new all-time daily high of 52,000 new Covid-19 cases on 1 July, according to John Hopkins figures, as Donald Trump repeated his belief the virus would 'just disappear'.
America has now had more than 2.7 million confirmed case - more than double that of Brazil, the second most-affected country.
Dr Anthony Fauci, the US’s top infectious disease expert, has said the country is 'going in the wrong direction', infections could more than double and the subsequent death toll 'is going to be very disturbing'.
The Guardian's Ed Pilkington looks at why a patchwork approach to lifting lockdowns, as well as the president's mixed messages on wearing a mask, has led to confusion across the country and why some states
are having to clamp down on restrictions again YouTube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wT-xHitYFN8
These Workers Are Risking Their Lives to Feed America NYT 17 June 2020
These Workers Are Risking Their Lives to Feed America Video NYT Opinion The New York Times 17 June 2020
YouTube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hHNWv7Fbep8
Amazon Warehouses Are Still Seeing Coronavirus Outbreaks. Why Did They End Hazard Pay? NYT 5 June 2020
Amazon Warehouses Are Still Seeing Coronavirus Outbreaks. Why Did They End Hazard Pay? NYT Opinion Video NYT 5 June 2020 YouTube
Coronavirus Commercials Are Everywhere, Here's What Advertisers Want Us to Think NYT 28 May 2020
Coronavirus Commercials Are Everywhere, Here's What Advertisers Want Us to Think Video NYT News 28 May 2020
Our critic Amanda Hess looks at how brands are selling shopping as a noble act. YouTube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f7ksviRHd5A
Tracing The Origins Of The Coronavirus NPR 22 May 2020
Tracing The Origins Of The Coronavirus Video Short Wave NPR 22 May 2020
As scientists race to keep up with the spread of the new coronavirus, one of the big mysteries surrounding the disease is where this virus originated.
While the evidence overwhelming points to wildlife, reporter Emily Kwong with NPR's Short Wave podcast explains how tracing the origins of a disease like COVID-19 could take years.
Owen Jones meets the coronavirus key workers battling through a deadly pandemic G 26 May 2020
Owen Jones meets the coronavirus key workers battling through a deadly pandemic Video G 26 May 2020
For some, lockdown has felt like an eternity, but a lot of key workers have continued to go to work through unprecedented circumstances.
Owen Jones asked four workers, a postal worker, a care home worker, a cycle courier and a security guard, to give us an insight into their working life during the pandemic and ask if enough has been done to keep them safe from Covid-19
Why Do Some Health Care Workers Live in Poverty? NYT 19 May 2020
Why Do Some Health Care Workers Live in Poverty? Video NYT Opinion The New York Times 19 May 2020
It’s 3 a.m. and Kim Rockwood, a health care worker, is driving to her patients’ homes — even during the coronavirus pandemic — to help them take medication or go to the bathroom.
She’s effectively on call 24/7.
Yet she can barely make ends meet.
As she explains in the above video, she’s always on the clock, and even though she loves her job, she can’t afford her own health insurance.
Why is someone so vital to our health care system scraping by on poverty wages?
Ms. Rockwood, a certified nursing assistant in Worcester County, Mass., is not alone.
The average home care worker in America makes just $16,200 a year.
Many of them would make more on unemployment.
Someday, most of us will need supportive care. Will there be any workers left when that time comes?
YouTube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JqCKPWEZfAE
What does the 'R' number of coronavirus mean? The Guardian 12 May 2020
What does the 'R' number of coronavirus mean? Video The Guardian 12 May 2020
The 'R' number of coronavirus is a figure that is being closely scrutinised as ministers decide when to end lockdown in the UK.
Boris Johnson even said the country must keep the R rate below one in order to avoid the disaster of a second peak.
But what does the R number mean and why is it important? Kate Proctor explains why the government is keeping a close eye on Covid-19's R number and what it signifies
How Does Coronavirus Antibody Testing Work? NYT 8 May 2020
How Does Coronavirus Antibody Testing Work? Video NYT News 8 May 2020
Stanford Health Care gave us exclusive access to show how coronavirus antibody testing works. So we followed two caregivers and their blood, through the testing process. YouTube
How Covid-19 contact tracing can help beat the pandemic The Guardian 7 May 2020
How Covid-19 contact tracing can help beat the pandemic Video The Guardian 7 May 2020
If the UK government wants to start easing the country's lockdown restrictions, it needs to get contact tracing right. But what does that mean?
What would successful contact tracing even look like?
Josh Toussaint-Strauss tries to find out with a little help from Oxford Professor and infectious disease epidemiologist, Christophe Fraser, and the Guardian's UK technology editor, Alex Hern YouTube
Working in Coronavirus: Why One Domino's Finally Gave its Workers P.P.E. NYT 5 May 2010
Working in Coronavirus: Why One Domino's Finally Gave its Workers P.P.E. Video NYT Opinion 5 May 2010
Some workers, particularly Latino ones, have never had the luxury of sheltering in place during the coronavirus outbreak.
The country’s millions of fast food employees can’t continue to ensure pizzas, pasta and salads make it to their destinations, guaranteeing that both their customers and their families are fed, by working from home.
These essential workers — most making minimum wage without health benefits — have to fight for basic safeguards from the virus while their employers rake in profits.
For one group of Domino’s employees in Southern California, the only option was to strike.
After a colleague came down with Covid-19, they stopped working and insisted on protective gear, hazard and quarantine pay, reimbursements, their store being deep cleaned and being informed when co-workers are sick.
In a rare labor success story, on May Day they won enough of these concessions from their Domino’s franchise to return to work.
This victory is the exception, not the rule.
Workers around the country are still fighting for proper safety equipment, cleaning supplies and sick pay — even as they continue to feed millions of Americans each day.
How The Coronavirus Attacks Your Lungs Deep Look NPR 5 May 2020
How The Coronavirus Attacks Your Lungs Video Deep Look NPR 5 May 2020
The new coronavirus packs a devastating punch.
It penetrates deep into your lungs, causing our immune cells to go haywire and damage tiny air sacs – the alveoli – where oxygen normally flows into our blood. YouTube
Why the 5G coronavirus conspiracy theory is false The Guardian 1 May 2020
Why the 5G coronavirus conspiracy theory is false Video G 1 May 2020
Conspiracy theories linking 5G technology to coronavirus have resulted in dozens of phone masts across the UK being vandalised in recent weeks.
Theories about the dangers of 5G had already been circulating, despite regulators confirming that the radiation levels of the new technology are well within safe boundaries.
So how did the conspiracy incorrectly linking it to 5G start? And is 5G really dangerous? We explain why 5G has nothing to do with Covid-19
YouTube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f279f-Y-O-w
Crise des masques : comment la France a arrêté de se préparer aux épidémies 22 April 2020
Crise des masques : comment la France a arrêté de se préparer aux épidémies Video Le Monde 22 April 2020 - French
« Au début de la crise, le ministère nous a dit qu’ils étaient prêts, qu’il y avait des stocks d’Etat. Mais on a vite réalisé que c’était faux », raconte Jean-Paul Hamon, président de la fédération des médecins de France. Face au manque de masques et à l’ampleur de la crise, le personnel soignant a parfois dû recourir au bricolage pour se protéger le visage. « On a été dépendants de dons de particuliers, d’entreprises. Et l’administration française a été complètement défaillante », insiste M. Hamon. Aujourd'hui, de nombreux Français sont même contraints de se fabriquer leurs propres masques en s'inspirant de tutos sur internet. Pourtant, l’Etat français était prêt à faire face à une crise de cette ampleur… en 2009. A l’époque, un milliard de masques de protections et plus de 700 millions de masques FPP2 étaient alors prévus dans les stocks de l’Etat. Mais alors, comment est-on passé d’un tel niveau de précaution à la pénurie qui nous frappe aujourd’hui ? Explications. YouTube
How Coronavirus Ravaged Ecuador: From First Confirmed Case to Thousands Dead NYT 21 April 2020
How Coronavirus Ravaged Ecuador: From First Confirmed Case to Thousands Dead Video NYT News The New York Times 21 April 2020
Ecuador took early aggressive measures to stop the coronavirus, but ended up becoming an epicenter of the pandemic in Latin America. How? We revisit the first confirmed case and what led to the disease’s spread. NYT
Coronavirus in Spain: from forest ranger to care home cleaner The Guardian 23 April 2020
Coronavirus in Spain: from forest ranger to care home cleaner Video The Guardian 23 April 2020
Javier is a 50-year-old forest ranger in Soria, a popular tourist region in the north-east of Spain and one of the regions hardest hit by the coronavirus crisis.
Alongside local firefighters and trainee police, he has joined a group of volunteers dedicated to containing the spread of Covid-19 in the most vulnerable settings: care homes for the elderly YouTube
Coronavirus tests: what they are and how they can help The Guardian 20 April 2020
Coronavirus tests: what they are and how they can help Video The Guardian 20 April 2020
There's a lot of talk about coronavirus testing at the moment, but some people are getting confused about what they actually are.
How is the antibody test different to the PCR antigen test? What do they do? And why are they important?
Josh Toussaint-Strauss speaks with Professor David Smith to answer some of these covid-19 questions YouTube
How Coronavirus is Upending Ultra-Orthodox Jewish Traditions NYT 17 April 2020
How Coronavirus is Upending Ultra-Orthodox Jewish Traditions Video NYT News The New York Times 17 April 2020
Hundreds of ultra-Orthodox Jews are estimated to have died in Brooklyn.
Here’s how the pandemic is changing their longstanding rituals. YouTube
Doctors Face Troubling Question: Are They Treating Coronavirus Correctly? NYT 14 April 2020
Doctors Face Troubling Question: Are They Treating Coronavirus Correctly? Video The New York Times NYT News 14 April 2020
Doctors say the coronavirus is challenging core tenets of medicine, leading some to abandon long-established ventilator protocols for certain patients. But other doctors warn this could be dangerous.
"I could see the fear in his eyes." What Battling Coronavirus Looks Like NYT 14 April 2020
"I could see the fear in his eyes." What Battling Coronavirus Looks Like NYT Opinion The New York Times 14 April 2020
Nicholas Kristof visits two New York City hospitals and witnesses the heavy toll on medical workers fighting to keep Americans alive. YouTube
Why coronavirus mortality rates are so different The Guardian 9 April 2020
Why coronavirus mortality rates are so different Video The Guardian 9 April 2020
How can we understand the risk of death from Covid-19 when there are so many numbers flying around?
Well, there are actually three different types of fatality rate: Case Fatality Rate (CFR), Infection Fatality Rate (IFR), and Crude Mortality Rate (CMR).
They are calculated in different ways and tell you different things.
When we know what each means and how they work, we learn more about how new infections like the coronavirus affect us. YouTube
How coronavirus changed the world in three months The Guardian 8 April 2020
How coronavirus changed the world in three months Video The Guardian 8 April 2020
In just three months, the coronavirus has turned the world upside down.
But how did it play out so quickly?
We take a look back to where it all began – from its origins in south east Asia, to its acceleration across Europe and the US.
As the infection rate increased and countries went into lockdown, people began to find imaginative and inspiring ways of coping with our new reality G Thu 9 Apr 2020 07.00 BST
Hospital Workers Are Dying From Coronavirus. Here's Why. NYT 7 April 2020
Hospital Workers Are Dying From Coronavirus. Here's Why. Video NYT NYT Opinion 7 April 2020
Health care professionals are still going to work each day without sufficient masks, gloves, gowns and other supplies, and are begging for proper personal protective equipment (P.P.E.).
In a country that spends more on health care than anywhere else on the planet, masks are being rationed or reused, and some hospital workers are even using novelty rain ponchos to protect themselves.
Health care workers around the country are falling ill and dying — The Brooklyn Hospital Center estimated a third of its doctors and nurses are home sick with the virus.
Meanwhile, President Trump has openly accused health care workers of being wasteful and hoarding masks.
In the above Op-Ed video, nurses and physicians from around the country are demanding that the government take aggressive action to get them sufficient equipment. Right now. YouTube
How Coronavirus Attacks the Body NYT 6 April 2020
How Coronavirus Attacks the Body Video NYT News 6 April 2020
It doesn’t take long for mild coronavirus symptoms to turn serious.
These virtual reality images show how the virus can invade the lungs and kill. YouTube
Inside a New York City I.C.U. Battling Coronavirus NYT 6 April 2020
Inside a New York City I.C.U. Battling Coronavirus Video NYT News 6 April 2020 The Brooklyn Hospital Center is on the front lines of the coronavirus pandemic. YouTube
Spain’s Health Care Workers *Are Battling Coronavirus, Unprotected. Here's How NYT 31 March 2020
Spain’s Health Care Workers Are Battling Coronavirus, Unprotected. Here's How Video NYT News 31 March 2020
Over 12,000 health care workers have contracted Covid-19 in Spain amid grave shortages in personal protective equipment.
Nurses and doctors showed us how they make their own gowns, masks and shields.
Low Pay, High Risk: Nursing Home Workers Confront Coronavirus NYT 31 March 2020
Low Pay, High Risk: Nursing Home Workers Confront Coronavirus Video NYT News 31 March 2020
“Who else is going to take care of them?”
We spoke with nursing home workers about their fear of catching and spreading #coronavirus. YouTube
Coronavirus Pandemic: Will N.Y.C.'s Homeless Students Be Left Behind? NYT 26 March 2020
Coronavirus Pandemic: Will N.Y.C.'s Homeless Students Be Left Behind? Video The New York Times NYT News 26 March 2020
This week New York City’s public schools began remote learning.
But for the more than 100,000 students who are homeless, virtual education may be out of reach. YouTube
‘People Are Dying’: Battling Coronavirus Inside a N.Y.C. Hospital NYT 26 March 2020
‘People Are Dying’: Battling Coronavirus Inside a N.Y.C. Hospital Video NYT News 26 March 2020
An emergency room doctor in Elmhurst, Queens, gives a rare look inside a hospital at the center of the coronavirus pandemic. “We don’t have the tools that we need.”
How to use your spare time during the coronavirus crisis The Guardian Australia 24 March 2020
How to use your spare time during the coronavirus crisis Video The Guardian Australia 24 March 2020
Australian academic, psychologist and author Lea Waters shares some advice for how to use your spare time as other activities and social engagements are cancelled during the coronavirus crisis.
The video forms part of a multipart series looking at ways we can all stay positive
As the Coronavirus Approaches, Mexico Looks the Other Way NYT 24 March 2020
As the Coronavirus Approaches, Mexico Looks the Other Way Video The Dispatch The New York Times 24 March 2020
“This is going to be as bad as Italy or worse.”
As much of the world shuts down amid the worsening coronavirus pandemic, Mexico City’s streets are bustling and the country’s president insists on calm. YouTube
‘Brace Yourself’: Doctors in Italy Share Coronavirus Advice NYT 23 March 2020
‘Brace Yourself’: Doctors in Italy Share Coronavirus Advice Video NYT News The New York Times 23 March 2020
Officials in the U.S. and elsewhere fear they’ll face a coronavirus scenario similar to Italy’s soon.
Three doctors and a nurse in Lombardy, the region hit hardest by the virus, described what they faced and offered advice to those awaiting the storm.
How New Yorkers Are Coping With Coronavirus NYT 22 March 2020
How New Yorkers Are Coping With Coronavirus Video NYT News The New York Times 22 March 2020
With restrictions tightened on businesses and daily activity, residents are grappling with uncertainty about resources, health care and their paychecks.
‘How do we survive coronavirus?’ Owen Jones meets low-paid workers The Guardian 20 March 2020
‘How do we survive coronavirus?’ Owen Jones meets low-paid workers Video The Guardian 20 March 2020
The Covid-19 crisis is expected to hit the lowest-paid and precarious workers the hardest – those who can’t work from home and those who might not be entitled to sick pay.
In a rapidly changing situation Owen Jones spoke to an Uber driver, a cleaner at the Ministry of Justice and a Stuart courier picking up Ocado zoom orders on the frontlines facing uncertain weeks ahead YouTube
US health workers on the coronavirus frontline The Guardian 20 March 2020
US health workers on the coronavirus frontline Video The Guardian 20 March 2020
American doctors and nurses tell us they're frustrated with a lack of testing ability, and a lack of protective equipment they need to fight Covid-19.
They say the US isn’t prepared for the spike of patients suffering from the virus in the coming weeks YouTube
Virus With Your Quarter Pounder? Why McDonald's Needs to Guarantee Paid Sick Leave NYT 20 March 2020
Virus With Your Quarter Pounder? Why McDonald's Needs to Guarantee Paid Sick Leave Video The New York Times 20 March 2020
One of McDonald’s values is to “invest in all the people our success rests on.”
But in the video above, a shift manager at a McDonald’s restaurant in Kansas City, Mo., asks why a company that earned $5.3 billion last year can’t guarantee paid sick leave for all of its workers, especially during the coronavirus outbreak.
And while the relief bill President Trum signed Wednesday night expands paid sick leave, McDonald’s lobbied against parts of the legislation.
The new law only guarantees sick leave to 20 percent of private-sector workers — and many of the company’s franchise workers get nothing.
Would you want to get your next meal from a restaurant where workers can’t stay home while sick? YouTube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0oPbpE5EIgc
How China Is Reshaping the Coronavirus Narrative NYT 19 March 2020
How China Is Reshaping the Coronavirus Narrative Video NYT News 19 March 2020
We looked at China’s expansive propaganda system aimed at foreigners and analyzed thousands of English-language tweets from state media and diplomats.
Here are the coronavirus messages China is projecting to the world.
How Coronavirus Racism Infected My High School NYT 17 March 2020
How Coronavirus Racism Infected My High School Video NYT Opinion The New York Times 17 March 2020
What happens when stereotypes and fear about Covid-19 arriv before the actual disease does?
In the video above, Katherine Oung, a 11th grader in Florida, shows what teenagers like her and her friends face as the coronavirus pandemic brings to the surface the racism underlying her community. YouTube
Coronavirus Testing: U.S. Residents Share Their Woes NYT 17 March 2020
Coronavirus Testing: U.S. Residents Share Their Woes Video NYT News The New York Times 17 March 2020
Since March 3, the Trump administration has said coronavirus testing is available to all.
But people across the country told us that’s not the case.
Coronavirus Critics Disappear in China WSJ 13 March 2020
Coronavirus Critics Disappear in China Video WSJ Wall Street Journal 13 March 2020
Two men disappeared after their unfiltered video reports questioned China’s handling of the coronavirus epidemic.
WSJ looks at why non-sanctioned storytelling in China about the crisis flourished online and how the authorities are pushing back. YouTube
How the World Is Reacting to Coronavirus NYT 13 March 2020
How the World Is Reacting to Coronavirus NYT News The New York Times 13 March 2020
The coronavirus has touched a diverse collection of countries and cultures, but a number of shared experiences have emerged — from grieving the dead to writing songs.
Iran Played Down the Coronavirus. Then Its Officials Got Sick NYT 10 March 2020
Iran Played Down the Coronavirus. Then Its Officials Got Sick Video NYT News The New York Times 10 March 2020
More than 237 people have died of coronavirus in Iran, and critics say the government was slow to respond to the outbreak because it failed to take it seriously.
How China Is Deploying Drones and Data to Tackle Coronavirus WSJ 9 March 2020
How China Is Deploying Drones and Data to Tackle Coronavirus Video WSJ 9 March 2020
From drones that scold to neighbors who snitch, China is relying on its vast surveillance network to stop the spread of the coronavirus.
WSJ takes a close look at its national monitoring experiment that’s made up of human volunteers and big data.
China Is Censoring Coronavirus Stories. These Citizens Are Fighting Back. NYT 25 February 2020
China Is Censoring Coronavirus Stories. These Citizens Are Fighting Back. Video NYT News The New York Times 25 February 2020
Information about the coronavirus outbreak is not immune from Chinese censors. But more and more citizens are dodging censorship by creating a digital archive of deleted posts.
They told us how.
Inside Italy's coronavirus 'red zone' Guardian 25 February 2020
Inside Italy's coronavirus 'red zone' Video Guardian 25 February 2020
Schoolteacher Marzio Toniolo describes life under lockdown in San Fiorano, one of the northern Italian towns under quarantine as coronavirus cases rise.
Around 50,000 residents of 11 towns across Lombardy, where the outbreak emerged suddenly on Friday, and Veneto have been quarantined for at least the next 15 days as Italian authorities scramble to contain the worst outbreak of the virus in Europe and the third worst in the world.
The coronavirus cat rescuer of Wuhan The Guardian 14 February 2020
The coronavirus cat rescuer of Wuhan Video The Guardian 14 February 2020
It is estimated that more than 30,000 pets have been left stranded after the Chinese government sealed off Wuhan following the coronavirus outbreak.
In response, people trapped in Wuhan have been volunteering and checking in on the animals whose owners are stuck outside the city.
Here's Ye Jialin's story of helping those who are currently not allowed to return home
Coronavirus kills Chinese whistleblower doctor BBC 7 February 2020
Coronavirus kills Chinese whistleblower doctor Video BBC News 7 February 2020
Dr Li Wenliang has died - this is the man who became a hero in China after trying to warn the medical community about the coronavirus.
He was told to be quiet by the authorities - before weeks later being diagnosed with the virus himself.
BBC Chinese reports that Dr Li was declared dead on Thursday evening.
But there's this too.
"The news of his death triggered a huge wave of popular reaction on Weibo - China’s equivalent of Twitter.
Journalists and doctors at the scene who do not want their names used, told the BBC that officials then decided to control the flow of information by ordering the doctor to be put back on life support and to change all official media reports from death to in critical condition."
That attempt to shut down the story, looks to have failed - and official Chinese media are now again reporting the death of Dr Li.
The Chinese doctor who tried to warn others about coronavirus BBC 5 February 2020
The Chinese doctor who tried to warn others about coronavirus Video BBC News 5 February 2020
In early January, authorities in the Chinese city of Wuhan were trying to keep news of a new coronavirus under wraps.
When one doctor tried to warn fellow medics about the outbreak, police paid him a visit and told him to stop.
A month later he has been hailed as a hero, after he posted his story from a hospital bed.
Dr Li was working at the centre of the outbreak in December when he noticed seven cases of a virus that he thought looked like Sars - the virus that led to a global epidemic in 2003.
The cases were thought to come from the Huanan Seafood market in Wuhan and the patients were in quarantine in his hospital.
Coronavirus outbreak: should you wear a face mask? G 5 February 2020
Coronavirus outbreak: should you wear a face mask? Video The Guardian 5 February 2020
The Guardian's health editor, Sarah Boseley, gives the lowdown on the effectiveness of wearing face masks to protect against the coronavirus, explains how viruses are spread, and offers tips on staying healthy and safe as the outbreak that originated in Wuhan, China, continues to spread
How Residents in Wuhan Are Coping With Coronavirus NYT 4 February 2020
How Residents in Wuhan Are Coping With Coronavirus Video NYT News The New York Times 4 February 2020
Authorities sealed off Wuhan, the Chinese city of 11 million at the center of the coronavirus outbreak.
Residents told us how they are coping.
Coronavirus: the people trapped in Wuhan Guardian 29 January 2020
Coronavirus: the people trapped in Wuhan Video Guardian 29 January 2020
Wuhan, the Chinese city identified as the origin of the coronavirus outbreak, has been on lockdown since 23 January.
The Guardian spoke to residents, expats and tourists currently in the city about what it's like living in quarantine
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