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Vocapedia > Health, Life


Contraception, Aging, Death


warning: graphic / distressing content



sexual health,

birth control, contraception



pregnancy > childbirth, birth



pregnancy > miscarriage, stillbirth



pregnancy > abortion > Ireland, UK



pregnancy > abortion > USA



pregnancy > abortion >

anti-abortion movement > USA










childhood, youth



aging, adulthood,

growing old / getting older



age discrimination, bias, ageism



old people, elders, the elderly, seniors



older people > abuse



aging / getting older > centenarians



elder care, aged care,

care homes, nursing homes,

hospices, retirement communities













life expectancy










near-death experience



end of life






the terminally ill



death > suicide > help, prevention



death > suicide - warning: distressing



death > right-to-die laws,

assisted dying / death / suicide



death > euthanasia / mercy killing



death > funerals



death > funerals > burials

graveyard, cemetery, mausoleum,

grave, tomb,

cremation / crematorium,

aquamatio, human composting



death > funerals > burials

common / pauper graves, potter's field



death > mourning, grief, bereavement



death > orphan, widow, widower













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health, medicine, drugs,

viruses, bacteria,

diseases / illnesses,

hygiene, sanitation,

health care / insurance



mental health, psychology



health > disabilities



lifestyle, health > exercise,

smoking / tobacco, vaping,

drinking / alcohol,

diet, obesity



violence, knife crime, gun violence,

abuse, domestic violence,

prostitution, sexual violence, rape,

kidnapping, crime, police >




violence, abuse, prostitution,

sexual violence, rape, harassment,

kidnapping, crime, police,

arrest, investigation, custody,

police misconduct / brutality / violence >




gun violence > USA



drugs worldwide



genocide, war,

weapons, arms sales,

espionage, torture



conflicts, wars, climate, poverty >

migration >

asylum seekers, displaced people,

migrants, refugees




terrorism, global terrorism,

militant groups,

intelligence, spies, surveillance



slavery, eugenics,

race relations,

racial divide, racism,

segregation, civil rights,







law, justice > death penalty > USA




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