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Videos > Documentaries > 2020s > UK > 2020


Health > Coronavirus / Covid-19 outbreak


SARS-CoV-2 virus


COVID-19 disease / outbreak in the UK


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Will everyone in the world

have access to a Covid vaccine?

The Guardian    27 November 2020





Will everyone in the world have access to a Covid vaccine?

Video    G    27 November 2020


The hunt for a coronavirus vaccine is showing promise

but it is premature to say the end of the pandemic is nigh.


Several rich countries have signed a 'frenzy of deals'

that could prevent many poor nations

from getting access to immunisation

until at least 2024.


Also, many drug firms are potentially refusing to waive patents

and other intellectual property rights

in order to secure exclusive rights to any cure.





















Is the new Covid vaccine

our way back to normality?

The Guardian    13 November 2020





Is the new Covid vaccine our way back to normality?

Video    G    13 November 2020


The news this week that the Pfizer/BioNTech Covid-19 vaccine

protected more than 90% of recipients in trials

is of huge importance.


The efficacy is significantly higher than hoped for

and thus far there appear to be no safety concerns.



















what has changed about what we know?

The Guardian    16 October 2020





Coronavirus: what has changed about what we know?

Video        G        16 October 2020


Covid-19 has spread around the world,

sending millions of people into lockdown as health services struggle to cope.


From symptoms and long Covid to vaccines and treatments,

the Guardian's health editor, Sarah Boseley,

explains what we now know about the virus

that we did not at the beginning of the crisis


















Work, life and balancing it all during coronavirus

A New Normal

The Guardian    22 July 2020





Work, life and balancing it all during coronavirus | A New Normal

Video        G        22 July 2020


There has been massive upheaval in the world of work

over the past four months with coronavirus lockdowns,

furlough schemes and redundancy.


What can we learn going forward?


In this episode of A New Normal,

Iman Amrani speaks to Guardian readers

about travelling less, dealing with childcare,

what working from home is really like,

and how they're feeling about a changed workplace.


















Owen Jones meets the coronavirus key workers

battling through a deadly pandemic

The Guardian    26 May 2020





Owen Jones meets the coronavirus key workers battling through a deadly pandemic

Video        G        26 May 2020


For some, lockdown has felt like an eternity,

but a lot of key workers have continued to go to work

through unprecedented circumstances.


Owen Jones asked four workers,

a postal worker, a care home worker,

a cycle courier and a security guard,

to give us an insight into their working life during the pandemic

and ask if enough has been done to keep them safe from Covid-19


















What does the 'R' number of coronavirus mean?

The Guardian    12 May 2020





What does the 'R' number of coronavirus mean?

Video        The Guardian        12 May 2020


The 'R' number of coronavirus

is a figure that is being closely scrutinised

as ministers decide when to end lockdown in the UK.


Boris Johnson even said

the country must keep the R rate below one

in order to avoid the disaster of a second peak.


But what does the R number mean and why is it important?

Kate Proctor explains why

the government is keeping a close eye on Covid-19's R number

and what it signifies


















How Covid-19 contact tracing

can help beat the pandemic

The Guardian    7 May 2020





How Covid-19 contact tracing can help beat the pandemic

Video        The Guardian        7 May 2020


If the UK government wants to start

easing the country's lockdown restrictions,

it needs to get contact tracing right.


But what does that mean?


What would successful contact tracing even look like?


Josh Toussaint-Strauss tries to find out

with a little help from Oxford Professor

and infectious disease epidemiologist,

Christophe Fraser,

and the Guardian's UK technology editor,

Alex Hern

















Why the 5G coronavirus conspiracy theory is false

The Guardian    1 May 2020





Why the 5G coronavirus conspiracy theory is false

Video        G        1 May 2020


Conspiracy theories linking 5G technology to coronavirus

have resulted in dozens of phone masts across the UK

being vandalised in recent weeks.


Theories about the dangers of 5G had already been circulating,

despite regulators confirming

that the radiation levels of the new technology

are well within safe boundaries.


So how did the conspiracy incorrectly linking it to 5G start?

And is 5G really dangerous?

We explain why 5G has nothing to do with Covid-19


















Coronavirus tests:

what they are and how they can help

The Guardian    20 April 2020





Coronavirus tests: what they are and how they can help

Video        The Guardian        20 April 2020


There's a lot of talk about coronavirus testing at the moment,

but some people are getting confused about what they actually are.


How is the antibody test different to the PCR antigen test?

What do they do? And why are they important?


Josh Toussaint-Strauss speaks with Professor David Smith

to answer some of these covid-19 questions

















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warning: graphic



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warning: graphic



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warning: graphic






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