Les anglonautes

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learning > grammaire anglaise - niveau avancé


GV > auxiliaires > modaux


hypothèse, prévision > degrés hypothétiques




possibilité / probabilité

soumise à condition (if Roe falls)


A process

that allows minors to get an abortion could disappear

if Roe falls


June 14, 2022    NPR






















Is it a bird? Is it a spaceship?

No, it's a secret US spy plane

· Sightings of flying object over Britain worried MoD

· Questions threatened to strain relations with US


Saturday June 24, 2006



















possibilité, probabilité, forte probailité,

souvent soumise à condition


Recycle me

(condition : si vous me recyclez)


and in seven days

I could be back in your arms as a new paper.




The Guardian    p. 1    13 August 2005

















The Guardian    p. 21    18 November 2004















The Guardian    Film & Music    p. 15    28 October 2005














reprise de could par might


suite hypothétique,


inférence, conséquence,

degré hypothétique supérieur





If it is done properly,

the privatisation of Japan Post

could boost competition in the country's financial markets.

Trouble is,

it might not be

Ready, steady, go, E, 2.9.2004,






The west prides itself on its open democratic society,

but if openness and democracy are what we value,

then we need to export those values

to countries that desperately need them.

We will supply arms to anybody.

Where is our support for those men and women

who are trying to modernise their countries

- to bring books and education and emancipation

to people who live in fear of being flogged or killed?

The truth is that we would rather sell arms

and trade oil and cheap goods with the bosses

than help the ordinary people who need us.

I'm not talking charity.

I mean a whole new approach

to how we deal with the third world.

We could start by not exploiting them.

We could give up the myth that the west is the good guy.

We could refuse foreign policy deliberately aimed

at manipulating other countries for our own ends.

We could learn to forgive.

That might mean learning to say our prayers...

You need not believe in God to believe in prayer.

Which of us should not ask for forgiveness?

Which of us should not ask for the strength

to forgive others?

Forgive but don't forget:
There are only three possible endings to any story:
revenge, tragedy, forgiveness. We need to forgive,










Voir aussi > Anglonautes >

Grammaire anglaise explicative - niveau avancé


modaux > hypothèse, prévision >

degrés hypothétiques



would > hypothèse soumise à condition



syntaxe > séquences hypothétiques >

séquences avec auxiliaire modal,

séquences avec auxiliaire non modal



modaux > might > valeurs énonciatives >

hypothèse + / - probable,

présupposition, conseil






be :

conjugaison présent,

passé temporel, "passé" hypothétique



may > valeurs énonciatives >

hypothèse première



hypothèse relative au passé



hypothèse > could ≠ might



reprise de may par might / could



can / could questions



auxiliaires be, have, do,

auxiliaires modaux,

question tag






if  ≠  whether



if, as though, even though



structures hypothétiques en





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