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if ≠ whether


sens et valeur énoncitaives


whether > si oui ou non


la proposition subordonnée en whether

peut exprimer un choix / une décision

(qui peuvent être soumis à condition).


La réponse attendue est nette,

c'est oui ou non :


Facebook asks oversight board

whether Trump's account should be restored



January 21, 2021    NPR











whether > si oui ou non


réalisation ou pas

de ce qui est exprimé après whether :



Minnesota returns voting power to thousands.

The question is whether they'll use it


August 27, 2023    NPR



















The Michigan supreme court set to decide

whether voters see abortion on the ballot


Updated August 31, 2022    NPR



















Some Black Leaders Question

Whether Biden Will Fulfill His Promises To Black Voters


Updated August 2, 2021

Originally published August 1    NPR















si A peut-être considéré / catégorisé / identifié

ou non

comme B


The Supreme Court considers

whether the CIA's black sites are state secrets


October 6, 2021    NPR













whether... or :


valeurs > si oui ou non


la structure

whether... or

exprime le choix entre

2 prédications opposées

(be alive ≠ be dead) :


President Bush said last night

that he still did not know

whether Osama Bin Laden was alive or dead.

Americans hunt in vain for men of al-Qaeda,

T,  p. 17, 14 March 2002.










whether + Vsubjonctif


valeurs énonciatives > donner des exemples >

qu'il s'agisse de...


If you have a small business

that relies on fast exchange of information

– whether it be [ subjonctif ]

sound, graphics or video –

we have an opportunity for you.

BT ad, O, p. 4, 28 March 2002.





If (hypothèse) :




If you have a work problem,

write to Neasa MacErlean

at Cash, The Observer,

119 Farringdon Road, London EC1R 3ER.

Work writes,
O, Cash supplement, p. 26, 24.03.2002










if > valeur > équivalent de whether


dans certains contextes,

une proposition en if

peut également exprimer

le choix entre

2 prédications opposées

(le vaccin marche ou pas) :


How Can You Tell

If A COVID-19 Vaccine Is Working?


September 7, 2020    NPR



















autres énoncés > syntaxe > V + whether + toviseur -> Base Verbale (BV)




















autres énoncés > whether





















































autres énoncés

















































































States, DOJ Argue

Whether Trump's Travel Ban

Should Stay Suspended


February 7, 2017

2:40 PM ET


LISTEN: States, DOJ Argue
Whether Trump's Travel Ban Should Stay Suspended,
FEB. 7, 2017,






Mr X

The decision on whether a judgment is published on our website

rests with the presiding judge

and we have not been asked

to make this judgment available online.

Should you wish to contact the Court of Appeal

the telephone number is 020 7947 6000.

Department for Constitutional Affairs
Clive House
70 Petty France
London SW1H 9HD

E-mail, 2004.






An unprecedented independent inquiry

into whether more than 5,000 veterans of the first Gulf war

became ill as a result of their service will be announced today.

Independent inquiry into Gulf war illnesses,






Dawn Neesom was on a surprise holiday with her husband

to celebrate her 39th birthday when the call came through.

It was Richard Desmond.

"Do you know anyone who would like to edit the Daily Star?"

It was clear that the Express newspapers boss

was asking whether she fancied the job.

Hello girls, sub,
G, 22.12.2003,






It was unclear

whether other surviving fighters had fled the area

and been killed elsewhere

or were in any of the dozens of caves

that line the valley.

Americans hunt in vain for men of al-Qaeda,
T,  p. 17, 14-3-2002.






President Bush said last night

that he still did not know

whether Osama Bin Laden was alive or dead.







Whether it’s making movies or making babies,

Liz Hurley is set to continue

as one of the best-paid actresses in Hollywood.

Bids hit £1.5m for story of Liz Hurley’s baby,
ES, p. 5, 14-3-2002.






If you have a work problem,

write to Neasa MacErlean

at Cash, The Observer,

119 Farringdon Road, London EC1R 3ER.

Work writes,
O, Cash supplement, p. 26, 24-03-2002.






But others might even wonder

if a setpiece royal funeral, like Diana’s in 1997,

is inappropriate for the opposite reason,

overestimating the loss felt by the public.

Uncertain farewell reveals a nation divided,
GE, p. 1, 1-4-2002.






If you have a small business

that relies on fast exchange of information

– whether it besubjonctif sound, graphics or video –

we have an opportunity for you.

BT ad, O, p. 4, 28-3-2002.






« This is what John Browne calls meritocracy,

and if we believe something is important

then we find the right persons,

whether they are a woman, a person of colour

or of some religious persuasion. »

Big oil’s green evangelist,
p. 10,
27 April 2002.










Voir aussi > Anglonautes >

Grammaire anglaise explicative - niveau avancé







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