learning > grammaire anglaise - niveau avancé
conjonctions > sens
hypothèse, déduction, concession, constat
hypothèse > if
Mr Spitale argues that,
danger can be foreseen early enough,
that would be necessary
would be to alter
the surface of the asteroid,
its heat characteristics.
Scientists fear
asteroid collision,
GE, p. 5, 5 April 2002.
hypothèse > even if
constat > even though
How to wake up early,
even if you're
not a morning person
Mr Sharp said
that even though two
weeks had passed
since Amanda vanished
and his officers were still confident
of finding her alive,
although he conceded
that as every day
passed their concern for her safety grew.
déduction > as though
The drivers both said they saw Amanda,
who is known as Milly to family and friends,
looking upset
as though
she had been
hypothèse > even if
constat > even though

Even though he
has no experience.
Jim Morin
political cartoin
November 20, 2016

The Guardian p. 26
24 March 2007
In Sight of Manhattan Skyline,
Living Forlorn and in the Dark
November 4, 2012
The New York Times
Watching the Manhattan skyline shimmer over Jamaica Bay had
always been one of the charms of life in the Rockaways. But now, when the Empire
State Building winks on each night, those lights feel almost like a punch in the
It felt that way to the two women caked in the sandy silt that still blankets
most streets here, as they trudged up Rockaway Beach Boulevard on Saturday,
pushing shopping carts they had dug out of wreckage piled beside the boarded-up
C-Town Supermarket.
The women, Monique Arkward and her neighbor Eyvette Martin, pushed the carts
more than 40 blocks from their battered bungalows to St. Francis de Sales
Church, where they had heard — by word of mouth, since phones hardly work here —
that they might find bottled water, batteries and some measure of warmth.
“We’re living like cavemen,” Ms. Arkward said. “It’s like we’re forgotten. It’s
like they say, ‘O.K., when we get to them, we’ll get to them.’ ”
The Rockaways, a narrow peninsula of working-class communities in Queens, have
become one of the epicenters for the simmering sense of abandonment felt in
still-darkened areas of New York City, and out into the suburbs and beyond,
including large swaths of New Jersey and Long Island, where the lack of power
was made more problematic by persistent gas shortages.
Around the city, particularly in places already sensitive to the afterthought
status conveyed in the Manhattan-centric characterization “outer boroughs,” the
accusations of neglect seemed colored by a growing belief that the recovery from
Hurricane Sandy has cleaved along predictable class lines. That sentiment was
captured in a much-publicized street-corner confrontation over the weekend when
residents shrieked their frustrations at Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg as he
visited the Rockaways on Saturday.
“It’s all about Manhattan,” said Nora McDermott, who lives in the Rockaways, as
she stood in a relief center on Saturday. “It was unbelievable, to see Manhattan
get power,” she said. “Was I surprised they got it quicker? Not really. But I
was like, ‘Damn.’ ”
Echoes of that thought abounded in places like Red Hook in Brooklyn, Gerritsen
Beach in Brooklyn, and New Dorp Beach on Staten Island, where thousands are
struggling to rebuild their lives without electricity — and, residents insisted
with growing vehemence, sufficient help from leaders — even as the rest of the
city powers up and moves on.
At the Red Hook Houses, a public housing complex of nearly 3,000 apartments,
power was still out on Sunday.
For almost a week now, Mario Davila, 64, who is in a wheelchair and lives on the
third floor of one building, has eased his way downstairs for cigarettes and
food from Meals on Wheels, a step at a time, one hand on the railing and one on
his chair, and then waited for his brother to help him crawl back up. Across the
East River, he knew, the elevators were once again ferrying passengers.
Mr. Davila said he wished they were as lucky as those residents.
As the storm sent the waters of Shell Bank Creek on the westernmost edge of
Jamaica Bay overflowing into Gerritsen Beach last Monday night, Jennifer Avena,
35, and her three children and Labrador mix swam nearly 10 blocks through
chest-deep water to refuge at Resurrection Church.
A week later, she still felt on her own, as she photographed the contents of her
house on Sunday, throwing out each destroyed item.
Her own neighbors, Ms. Avena said, were the few who were helping.
Tensions also remained high across Staten Island, where the storm’s impact was
particularly deadly and where criticism of the official response has been vocal.
Though electricity had been restored to 160,000 customers, according to
Consolidated Edison, another 19,000 remained without power.
“We’ve made good progress,” said John Miksad, Con Ed’s senior vice president for
electric operations. “But I know for those 19,000 customers that are still out,
it’s misery.”
In New Dorp Beach, mounds — some as high as 10 feet — of debris, vintage dolls,
mattresses, photographs, teddy bears and Christmas decorations piled outside
nearly every home on Sunday, awaiting dump trucks. The roar of generators filled
the air.
John Ryan, 47, had salvaged just two books from his collection. He bristled at
the mayor’s assertion that the city is edging back to normalcy. “It’s completely
unrealistic,” Mr. Ryan said. “I think he should go house to house and see what
the war zone is like.”
But down the block, Orlando Vogler, 26, had a different sentiment. As he stood
next to a bonfire fueled by pieces of his destroyed furniture, he said that the
situation had improved over the weekend. “It’s finally starting to come
together,” he said. “Now you see hundreds of volunteers coming down the street.”
In New Jersey, Matt Doherty, the mayor of Belmar, described the conditions as
“third world.” He said the borough of roughly 6,000 year-round residents was in
need of more blankets and “heavy duty” clothing.
“We’re in the Dark Ages here. It’s really back to basics,” he said Sunday. “It’s
almost like camping outside in November. People are doubled up in blankets,
sweaters, sweatshirts, socks. Residents are living in their living rooms,
sleeping in front of their fireplaces.”
Every one of the over 115,000 residents of the Rockaways and Broad Channel is
still without power, according to the Long Island Power Authority, which
services those areas. And it will be several more days before the
seawater-soaked substations along the Rockaway Peninsula are repaired or a
workaround is in place. The substations power neighborhoods like Belle Harbor
and Breezy Point, a community largely of firefighters and police officers where
over 110 houses burned down on Monday night.
But even once the substations are repaired, each flooded house must be certified
on a case-by-case basis by a licensed electrician before it is deemed safe to
flip the switch, said Lois Bentivegna, a LIPA spokeswoman.
Even though some residents
acknowledged the risks of
living along the ocean, the contrast between Manhattan’s thrumming power
lines and the snail’s pace of recovery was hard to bear.
In Sight of Manhattan Skyline, Living
Forlorn and in the Dark,
Mr Sharp said
that even though two
weeks had passed
since Amanda vanished
and his officers were still confident
of finding her alive,
although he conceded
that as every day
passed their concern for her safety grew.
The teenager, prime witness for the
told the court she saw one of the group
« hit him with the thing »,
but that she left Damilola lying in the street,
even though the
10-year-old was crying for help,
she did not know he was badly injured
and was reluctant to get involved.
Damilola witness clashes with defence QC,
GE, p. 5, 5.2.2002.
déduction, hypothèse > as though
The drivers both said they saw Amanda,
who is known as Milly to family and friends,
looking upset and
as though
she had been
Police seek driver as search for missing girl enters third week,
p.2, 5-4-2002.
As though :
comme si …
Je reviens sur du déjà dit /
pensé / perçu
pour donner mon interprétation des faits.
Supposition, interprétation.
Even if :
même si / même au cas où / dans l’hypothèse où … (condition).
Je fais une
je pose une
relation Sujet / Prédicat (V +
Even though :
même si (constat
/ concession).
Trump's travel ban, though lifted for now,
threw tens of
thousands of people into limbo.
Among the
groups affected are scientists.
NPR's science
correspondent Joe Palca has more now
on how recent
events have created uncertainty
for the
American scientific community.
BYLINE: Early last month,
Hanan Isweiri
left her lab at Colorado State University,
where she's
pursuing a Ph.D. in plant physiology,
to fly home to Libya.
Her father had
just died,
and she wanted to spend time with her mother.
She was
scheduled to return to Colorado 10 days ago.
She caught a
flight from Libya to Amman, Jordan,
on her way back.
But when she
reached the gate for her connecting flight,
ground agents
told her that
even though
she had
a valid student visa to re-enter America,
she couldn't
board the plane
because of
the new travel restrictions.
She returned
to Libya
and asked officials at Colorado State
to help her
sort things out.
Isweiri says
they told her - stay put.
Travel Ban
Keeps Scientists Out of the Lab,
February 5, 2017, 7:37 AM ET
Voir aussi > Anglonautes >
Grammaire anglaise
explicative - niveau avancé