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learning > grammaire anglaise - niveau avancé




structures hypothétiques

avec / sans conjonction



Ifconjonction - Nsubject - "passé" hypothétique

...  Nsubject - would - Base Verbale (BV)


If I had to describe the feeling in one word

I would say "grace".










If - Nsubject - had + Vau participe passé

(past perfect hypothétique)

Nsubject - would + have + Vau participe passé










Had - Nsubject - Vau participe passé

...  Nsubject - would + have + Vau participe passé










Had - Nsubject - Vau participe passé

...  Nsubject - would + BV


Had they committed the crime

in the last year,

Dobson and Norris would expect

to receive much tougher sentences










if - Nsubject - présent

...  Nsubject - will + BV


















Monte Wolverton


The Wolvertoon


21 September 2010
















hypothèse relative au présent


If ChatGPT designed"passé" hypothétique a rocket

would it get to space?


March 22, 2023    NPR














If I had to describe the feeling in one word

I would say "grace".

Good Scene/Bad scene,
I/I Review, p. 13, 25.4.2003.






At the present time I don't think she is suffering,

but if she were suffering significantly,

she would have to be euthanised,

just out of kindness.

Tears of a clone,
GE/GE2, p. 4, 19.4.2002,






My job is still in London.

I enjoy my work;

I have a senior position,

and I have great workmates.

But I spend nearly four hours a day commuting

and I miss time I could be spending with our children.

On weekdays,

I see them for half an hour a day

- we have a good relationship.

My wife copes, but wishes I was home more

and that I was less tired when I am around.

Local job opportunities are limited and I know

that if I were to get a job here,

I would not have nearly

as much job satisfaction as I do now.

Private lives, Next week,
GE/GE2, p. 11, 07.03.2003.






Stephen Lawrence murder:

Gary Dobson and David Norris

await sentencing

Minimum jail term is 12 years

because pair were juveniles,

and law was less tough on racist crimes

in 1993


Wednesday 4 January 2012
08.31 GMT
Sandra Laville,
crime correspondent


Gary Dobson and David Norris,

the two men convicted

of the racist murder of Stephen Lawrence,

will be sentenced today.

The pair, who were 17 and 16

at the time of the murder,

will receive a sentence

that takes into account as a starting point

the fact that they were juveniles

at the time of the fatal stabbing.

But Mr Justice Treacy, the trial judge,

will also take aggravating factors into account:

specifically that the murder was racist,

and also that the pair realised

one of their group might use a knife.


Had they committed the crime in the last year,

Dobson and Norris would expect

to receive much tougher sentences,

with minimum terms of 25 years

for a racially aggravated knife murder.

Stephen Lawrence murder:
Gary Dobson and David Norris await sentencing,






If he walks free,

Amrine will become only the third condemned man in Missouri

to be cleared of the death penalty conviction.


Had he not been convicted in Barber's murder,

he would have gotten out in 1992.

Man who spent years on death row
now looks forward to freedom, family,
B4, 2.5.2003










Voir aussi > Anglonautes >

Grammaire anglaise explicative - niveau avancé





when > subordonnée de temps



passé hypothétique :

souhait, irréel, hypothèse



be : conjugaisons

 présent, passétemporel, "passé"hypothétique



questions en would



would > hypothèse soumise à condition



could > hypothèse soumise à condition



past perfect > rétro-hypothèse >

hypothèse sur un fait passé



be + -ing




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