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GV > auxiliaires > modaux


could + Base Verbale (BV)

might + BV


sens et valeurs énonciatives,

point de vue






valeurs > supposition, prévision, hypothèse

présentées comme fondées / très probables,

quasiment certaines,

fort potentiel du référent du Nsujet

(ça pourrait bien + V...)




As Trusted Voices,

Farmers Could Be Key To Boosting Rural Vaccination Rates


August 7, 2021    NPR













How Biden's Plan

Could Help Reshape The Finances Of American Families









Widespread Use Of Face Masks

Could Save Tens Of Thousands Of Lives,

Models Project









Pence Warns

Coronavirus Outbreak Could Last 'Well Into July'









How Terrorism Suspects Buy Guns

— and How They Still Could,

Even With a Ban









The World Could End AIDS if It Tried









Climate Model Predicts

West Antarctic Ice Sheet Could Melt Rapidly
















might > valeurs énonciatives


simple supposition


















might > valeurs énonciatives


forte présupposition


ça pourrait / risquerait vraiment de...


comme vous vous en doutez,

je vous préviens que...







added 1 September 2007
















couldmight > autres énoncés




































The Guardian    p. 19    29 July 2005

















The Guardian Society    p. 14    19 July 2006



















A Look and Learn cover

from the early 1970s,

painted by McBride (below),

depicting pre-Thames barrier fl ooding fears



Angus McBride

Popular illustrator of military and historical subjects

whose work spilled into fantasy

Steve Holland    The Guardian    p. 43    Saturday May 26, 2007


















The Guardian    p. 14    29 July 2005


























































What Trump's Increasing Isolation

Could Mean For His Presidency


August 19, 2017

7:00 AM ET







7 Chicago Officers Could Be Fired

In Laquan McDonald's Death


August 18, 2016

9:25 PM ET


Jason Slotkin


Chicago Police Superintendent Eddie Johnson has recommended that seven officers be fired for providing false information in the shooting death of 17-year-old Laquan McDonald.

Chicago's police superintendent is recommending seven officers be fired after finding that they gave false statements in the 2014 shooting death of 17-year-old African-American Laquan McDonald by a white officer.

Superintendent Eddie Johnson announced the recommendations in a statement Thursday.

"The Department and its outside counsel have carefully reviewed the reports and supporting documents, videos, and other evidence," the statement reads, "and will accept the [city's inspector general's] recommendation to submit seven of the officers to the Police Board for separation."

7 Chicago Officers Could Be Fired In Laquan McDonald's Death,
August 18, 2016,






Climate Model Predicts

West Antarctic Ice Sheet

Could Melt Rapidly


MARCH 30, 2016

The New York Times



For half a century, climate scientists have seen the West Antarctic ice sheet, a remnant of the last ice age, as a sword of Damocles hanging over human civilization.

The great ice sheet, larger than Mexico, is thought to be potentially vulnerable to disintegration from a relatively small amount of global warming, and capable of raising the sea level by 12 feet or more should it break up. But researchers long assumed the worst effects would take hundreds — if not thousands — of years to occur.

Now, new research suggests the disaster scenario could play out much sooner.

Continued high emissions of heat-trapping gases could launch a disintegration of the ice sheet within decades, according to a study published Wednesday, heaving enough water into the ocean to raise the sea level as much as three feet by the end of this century.

With ice melting in other regions, too, the total rise of the sea could reach five or six feet by 2100, the researchers found. That is roughly twice the increase reported as a plausible worst-case scenario by a United Nations panel just three years ago, and so high it would likely provoke a profound crisis within the lifetimes of children being born today.

Climate Model Predicts West Antarctic Ice Sheet Could Melt Rapidly,
March 30, 2016,










Voir aussi > Anglonautes >

Grammaire anglaise explicative - niveau avancé





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Autres valeurs de might



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