learning > grammaire anglaise - niveau avancé
GV > auxiliaires > modaux
shall + Base Verbale (BV)
sens et valeurs énonciatives
(très forte / absolue) assurance, garantie, résolution, détermination, obligation, devoir religieux
intensification souvent maximale de la relation énonciateur / co-énonciateur :
moi qui vous parle, je vous garantis que...
prédiction / prophétie de l'énonciateur, domination du co-énonciateur
Thou shalt not make Trump a false idol.
Clay Jones political cartoon GoComics June 23, 2024 https://www.gocomics.com/clayjones/2024/06/23
background https://www.npr.org/2024/05/30/g-s1-1848/trump-hush-money-trial-34-counts
"And I shall stomp out the woke wherever I see it..."
Doonesbury Garry Trudeau GoComics August 20, 2023 https://www.gocomics.com/doonesbury/2023/08/20
valeur énonciative
confirmation / assurance
différence avec will
Cameron (Cam) Cardow Canada Cagle 11 November 2005 http://cagle.msnbc.com/politicalcartoons/PCcartoons/cam.asp
Steve Bell The Guardian 11 November 2003 https://www.theguardian.com/profile/stevebell
Man: George W. Bush, 43rd president of the United States.
Dog = British Prime Minister Tony Blair.
Woman, I shall have the rest of your money next week!
Dick Tracy by Joe Staton & Mike Curtis GoComics August 14, 2011 http://www.gocomics.com/dicktracy/2011/08/14
... you shall flee no more!
17 September 2004
My descendants shall follow me!
Paul Ryan (daily art), Graham Nolan (sunday art) & Tony DePaul (scripts) 16 May 2005 http://www.kingfeatures.com/features/comics/phantom/about.htm
The Guardian Weekend pp. 22-23 26 August 2006
Discours de Winston Churchill - 4 juin 1940 > le discours de George W. Bush - 7 octobre 2001
(The lady's not for turning) - 1980
Electricity shall now be passed...
I have myself full confidence that if all do their duty, At any rate, that is what we are going to try to do. Even though
large tracts of Europe and many old and
famous States
We shall go on to the
end. WSC, HOUSE OF COMMONS, 4 JUNE 1940. Source : The Finest Hour web site.
Image reference: INF 13/281 (10) World War II poster: Firebomb Fritz campaign: Britain Shall Not Burn http://www.nationalarchives.gov.uk/imagelibrary/ww2/
Contexte historique :
Après la politique de conciliation (appeasement) avec les nazis menée par Neville Chamberlain (I believe it is peace for our time), Winston Churchill succède à Chamberlain et devient premier ministre du Royaume-Uni le 10 mai 1940, alors que les Allemands attaquent la France par les Ardennes.
3 juin 1940 : dernier jour de l'évacuation de Dunkerque.
Pour l'énonciateur (Churchill), la relation prédicative we - go on to the end ne correspond ni à la réalité des faits, ni à l'état d'esprit des britanniques :
le prédicat go on to the end n'est pas inhérent au sujet we (le peuple britannique). Rappelons le jugement de Sir Samuel Hoare sur Chamberlain : "Appeasement was not his personal policy. Not only was it supported by his colleagues; it expressed the general desire of the British people." (Nine Troubled Years, London, 1954, p. 375).
Avec shall, Churchill se porte fortement / fermement garant de la réalisation de la relation prédicative we - go on to the end.
Traduction explicative :
"Moi-Churchill, je vous garantis que ce que je dis / prédis se réalisera, contrairement à ce que vous pouviez croire jusque-là." Ce que je dis, personne ne vous l'a dit auparavant, ce que j'ai dit est irrévocable, adviendra.
Ce type d'énoncé providentiel a une dimension biblique, prophétique (voir plus bas des extraits de la Holy Bible, où shall est le sceau du dit divin).
Will n'indiquerait ici qu'une forte probabilité de réalisation, et non pas une forte prédiction / prophétie avec garantie de l'énonciateur (valeur de shall).
Il y aurait contre-sens : will implique un prédicat inhérent au sujet, ce qui n'est pas le cas des énoncés de type We shall go on to the end, où l'énonciateur sort du déjà-dit, rompt avec le passé.
Rappel > Définitions > Prédicat
Prédicat : ce qui est dit du Nsujet.
Steve Bell The Guardian 18 September 2001 https://www.theguardian.com/profile/stevebell
Left; George W. Bush Rright: Tony Blair
Steve Bell If... The Guardian G2 p. 23 12 July 2005
Dans un contexte historique très différent (attentats du 11 septembre 2001 à New York, déclaration de guerre au terrorisme), le président George W. Bush prononce un discours important, qui finit par une série d'énoncés en will.
Cette finale a des accents churchilliens, mais, à la différence de Churchill, qui devait se démarquer de l'appeasement (d'où les shall en série chez Churchill), le 43ème président des Etats-unis n'a pas à imposer un mot d'ordre à un peuple hésitant.
Bush sait qu'après les attentats de 2001, une grande partie des Etats-Unis le soutient ; il n'a pas à s'engager personnellement - we n'est donc pas ici seulement rhétorique.
Voici la fin de ce discours, diffusé le 7 octobre 2001 depuis la Treaty Room de la Maison-Blanche :
To all the men and women in our military -- every sailor, every soldier, every airman, every coastguardsman, every Marine -- I say this: Your mission is defined; your objectives are clear; your goal is just. You have my full confidence, and you will have every tool you need to carry out your duty. I recently received a touching letter that says a lot about the state of America in these difficult times -- a letter from a 4th-grade girl, with a father in the military: "As much as I don't want my Dad to fight," she wrote, "I'm willing to give him to you." This is a precious gift, the greatest she could give. This young girl knows what America is all about. Since September 11, an entire generation of young Americans has gained new understanding of the value of freedom, and its cost in duty and in sacrifice. The battle is now joined on many fronts. We will not waver; we will not tire; we will not falter; and we will not fail. Peace and freedom will prevail. Thank you. May God continue to bless America. END 1:07 P.M, EDT Presidential Address to
the Nation,
Même si will exprime souvent la volonté, la promesse et même la pulsion dans certains contextes, l'énonciateur (-trice), en employant ce modal dans sa valeur de prévision (souvent scientifique), fait souvent preuve d'une certaine distance / objectivité.
Il n'a souvent pas à s'engager, à s'impliquer, pour que ce qu'il dit se produise / advienne.
Ainsi la / le météorologue, dont le discours est ponctué de will, ne se porte pas lui-même garant-e de la réalisation de ses prévisions.
Il ne fait que prévoir le temps d'après des données neutres, scientifiques, objectives, sans prédire / garantir l'avenir :
It will be a showery day across most of the UK. Many places will have a dry and largely sunny start but slow moving, occasionally heavy, showers will become widespread as the day progresses.
Autre énoncé scientifique en will :
For example at sea level in London, England, water will boil at 100 degrees celsius (212 °F).
Ici encore, l'énonciateur-scientifique n'a pas à s'engager pour garantir la réalisation de la relation prédicative water - boil at 100 degrees celsius.
Il ne fait que constater - et répéter - la validité de cette relation.
Comme "on" le sait depuis longtemps, il est dans la nature de l'eau de bouillir à 100 °; le prédicat boil at 100 degrees celsius est inhérent / est l'une des caractéristiques du sujet water.
will > Autres valeurs énonciatives
The Guardian G2 frontpage 18 June 2004 > Summer of Hate
The Guardian 19 June 2004
(The lady's not for turning) - 1980
If our people feel that they are part of a great nation and they are prepared to will the means to keep it great, a great nation we shall be, and shall remain. So, what can stop us from achieving this? What then stands in our way? The prospect of another winter of discontent? I suppose it might. But I prefer to believe that certain lessons have been learnt from experience, that we are coming, slowly, painfully, to an autumn of understanding. And I hope that it will be followed by a winter of common sense. If it is not, we shall not be diverted from our course. To those waiting with bated breath for that favourite media catchphrase, the "U" turn, I have only one thing to say. "You turn if you want to. The lady's not for turning." I say that not only to you but to our friends overseas and also to those who are not our friends. (...) With each day it becomes clearer that in the wider world we face darkening horizons, and the war between Iran and Iraq is the latest symptom of a deeper malady. Europe and North America are centres of stability in an increasingly anxious world. The Community and the Alliance are the guarantee to other countries that democracy and freedom of choice are still possible. They stand for order and the rule of law in an age when disorder and lawlessness are ever more widespread. The British government intend to stand by both these great institutions, the Community and NATO. We will not betray them. The restoration of Britain's place in the world and of the West's confidence in its own destiny are two aspects of the same process. No doubt there will be unexpected twists in the road, but with wisdom and resolution we can reach our goal. I believe we will show the wisdom and you may be certain that we will show the resolution. In his warm hearted and generous speech, Peter Thorneycroft said that, when people are called upon to lead great nations they must look into the hearts and minds of the people whom they seek to govern. I would add that those who seek to govern must in turn be willing to allow their hearts and minds to lie open to the people. This afternoon I have tried to set before you some of my most deeply held convictions and beliefs. This Party, which I am privileged to serve, and this Government, which I am proud to lead, are engaged in the massive task of restoring confidence and stability to our people. I have always known that that task was vital. Since last week it has become even more vital than ever. We close our Conference in the aftermath of that sinister Utopia unveiled at Blackpool. Let Labour's Orwellian nightmare of the Left be the spur for us to dedicate with a new urgency our every ounce of energy and moral strength to rebuild the fortunes of this free nation. If we were to fail, that freedom could be imperilled. So let us resist the blandishments of the faint hearts; let us ignore the howls and threats of the extremists; let us stand together and do our duty, and we shall not fail. 'The lady's not for turning',Full text of Margaret Thatcher's 1980 party conference speech, G, https://www.theguardian.com/politics/2003/oct/09/ conservatives2003.conservatives5
Constitution des Etats-Unis d'Amérique
No person shall be a Representative who shall not have attained to the Age of twenty five Years, and been seven Years a Citizen of the United States, and who shall not, when elected, be an Inhabitant of that State in which he shall be chosen. The United States Constitution, art.I, section 2, Clause 2.
Traduction explicative :
moi, énonciateur, je garantis que ce qui est écrit dans la Constitution aura lieu effectivement / ne doit pas être transgressé.
On retrouve ici, comme dans le discours de Churchill, des intonations bibliques.
Constitution for the United States of America Article the fourth [Amendment II] / Second amendment 1789-1791
"A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed" https://www.archives.gov/founding-docs https://constitution.findlaw.com/amendment2.html
(...) electricity shall now be passed through your body until you are dead, in accordance with state law. May God have mercy on your soul." Green Mile film,
The Guardian p. 16 25 September 2004
Le dit / prédit de Dieu ne peut qu'advenir.
Shall est la marque, le sceau de la prédiction divine :
In the sweat of thy face shalt thou eat bread, till thou return unto the ground; for out of it wast thou taken: for dust thou art, and unto dust shalt thou return. Old Testament, Holy Bible, King James Bible / Authorized Version (1611), Gen 3:19.
Le texte suivant, extrait de l'Apocalypse (Nouveau Testament de Tyndale), montre bien la différence entre will et shall.
Lorsque Dieu parle de lui-même, rappelle ce qui va de soi, les énoncés sont en will :
Dieu étant Dieu de toute éternité, il n'a pas à rappeler son existence ni à s'impliquer / garantir quoi que ce soit (fonction de shall), pas plus qu'il n'a à s'engager dans le temps humain pour exister, se définir, faire advenir tel ou tel événement.
Will est ici la marque du non-contingent, de la certitude absolue, de ce qui va de soi, de ce qui n'a pas été oublié par les croyants.
Traduction explicative :
Comme tu le sais bien, comme tu ne peux l'ignorer...
A l'inverse, quand Dieu, face à l'oubli, à l'indifférence ou à la transgression, rappele qui il est et ce qu'il promet, le sceau de la parole divine est shall.
Traduction explicative :
"Moi, Dieu, JE suis toujours là / Au cas où tu l'aurais oublié JE te garantis que ce que je dis arrivera".
Ce modal est ici lié aux notions d'interdit, d'incrédulité, de transgression, de châtiment, de promesse. Il sous-entend que ce qui est dit a été oublié, ignoré.
Avec shall, l'énonciateur se démarque du déjà-dit, place l'autre dans la fiction du jamais-dit, de l'énonciation première, de ce qui va advenir via le verbe divin :
And I heard a great voice out of heaven saying: behold, the tabernacle of God is with men, and he will dwell with them. And they shall be his people, and God himself shall be with them and be their God. And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes. And there shall be no more death, neither sorrow neither crying, neither shall there be any more pain, for the old things are gone. And he that sat upon the seat, said: Behold I make all things new. And he said unto me: write, for these words are faithful and true. And he said unto me: it is done, I am Alpha and Omega the beginning, and the end. I will give to him that is a-thirst of the well of the water of life free. He that overcometh [ GN complexe ] shall inherit all things, and I will be his God, and he shall be my son. But the fearful and unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers, and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone, [ GN complexe ] which is the second death.
The Relevation
of St John the Divine, 21,
shall, omniprésent dans les versions Tyndale (1537) et King James (1611) du Nouveau Testament, est parfois remplacé par will dans la Revised standard version (1946-1977).
Avec will, pardon et rédemption sont déjà accordés, Jésus n'a plus à les "garantir" :
And I say unto you, Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you. (Luke, 11:9, King James version).
And I tell you, Ask, and it will be given you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you. (Luke, 11:9, Revised standard version).
valeur énonciative > prophétie
And I say unto you, Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you.
Luke 11:9 > Bible, King James >
Search and you shall find
With the launch yesterday of MSN search, Bill Gates is taking Google on at its own game. But it's not just a fight for web hits and advertising dollars: it is also a reflection of how a simple tool has become essential to the way we live our lives. Oliver Burkeman and Bobbie Johnson report Headline and
First page of Penn's Frame of Government. April 25, 1682 Images of American Political History. http://teachpol.tcnj.edu/amer_pol_hist/thumbnail4.html http://www.constitution.org/bcp/frampenn.htm http://memory.loc.gov/ammem/today/oct14.html
Loomus Steven Appleby The Guardian Family p. 2 22 October 2005
Gerald Scarfe
March 15 2009 Sunday Times http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/comment/article5908768.ece
L to R : Tory leader David Cameron, Prime Minister Gordon Brown.
n'ont pas tous une valeur solennelle :
Here is my mobile number : (...) I shall be shopping between 10.00 + 11.00 so call me if you need anything.
Back in the afternoon.
August 2008.
Dear X,
I am writing to inform you that we have considered your application for the German and Spanish post carefully and I am sorry to say that I shall not be pursuing it further.
I am most grateful for the interest you showed in this vacancy and I hope you will soon find a post to your liking.
Yours sincerely, Y. Letter, February 2005.
John shall be in London from the 21st of Jan till the 28th. If it is possible to use Peter's flat that would be great but if it's any problem just email me over Christmas and I will book something else. Email, December 2004.
Voir aussi > Anglonautes > Grammaire anglaise explicative - niveau avancé