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learning > grammaire anglaise - niveau avancé


temps, formes verbales


groupe verbal > expressions du futur


modalité > prévision / très forte probabilité






A lucky break on Friday the 13th, 2029:

giant asteroid will narrowly miss earth

A giant asteroid the size of three football pitches

will make the closest flyby of Earth

in recorded history for an object of its size,

scientists said yesterday.


It will pass between the Earth and the Moon

and will even come closer than the orbit

of many telecommunications satellites,

although astronomers insisted

that there was little chance

of a collision with the massive rock.


Anxious Earthlings need not worry too much

for another 24 years, however,

because asteroid 2004 MN4 is not due to make

its closest approach to Earth

until about 10pm London time on Friday 13 April 2029.


The latest calculations of the rock's orbit suggest

that it will come so close that it will probably be

visible to the naked eye from Britain.

It will shine in the sky as a dim, fast-moving star

- the first asteroid in modern times to be clearly visible

from Earth without the aid of a telescope or binoculars.

Headline and first §§, I, 15.2.2005,






AT&T will slash 3,500 jobs

in its business services division

and take $1.5bn (£940m) in fourth-quarter charges,

mainly to reflect losses on investments

in its Latin America subsidiary.

AT&T to cut 3,500 in business division, I, p. 17, 7.1.2003.






The man who will lead the war against Iraq

is every inch a soldier's soldier,

a straight talker who prefers the company of his peers

to public scrutiny

A modern major general, O, p. 27, 29.12.2002,






A convoy of anti-war activists,

likely to include dozens of British volunteers,

will act as human shields protecting strategic sites in Iraq.

Human shield convoy aims to beat bombers to Iraq,
O, p. 6, 29.12.2002.










Will ne sert pas seulement à exprimer le futur : will > présent


Valeur subjective / objective


Différence avec shall










Voir aussi > Anglonautes >

Grammaire anglaise explicative - niveau avancé


groupe verbal > expressions du futur




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