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will + Base Verbale (BV)


sens et valeurs énonciatives,



valeurs temporelles > présent / futur





Jeff Koterba


Omaha World Herald



8 December 2005


















Wayne Stayskal

Tampa, FL

Tribune Media Services


7 December 2006



















Mark Trail        Jack Elrod        9 January 2005






Willdescripteur : Valeur définitoire, descriptive


L'énonciateur (-trice) attribue une caractéristique

au référent du sujet :


moi qui parle, j'estime que ce je dis du sujet,

ce que j'attribue au sujet,

est très probablement vrai, bien connu, va de soi,

repose sur des données bien établies.



Cette définition peut être indépendante

du temps chronologique (time).


Willdescripteur ne se traduit donc pas toujours par le futur.


Comics ci-dessus, droite, grande case:

Traduction de will attack par le présent :


The newly hatched fry, like their parents,


and will attack and swallow their own brothers and sisters


[ caractéristique inhérente du sujet :

avec will - et à l'inverse de shall -

l'intervention de l'énonciateur est ici minimale :


moi énonciateur-relai,

je me tiens en retrait, je reste objectif,

je ne peux que redire

ce que les spécialistes de ces poissons

ont déjà dit ].


Traduction explicative :

... sont des cannibales

qui attaquent leurs propres frères et soeurs

pour les dévorer.






La validité de will

peut être renforcée par un procédé graphique :


The proof:

Vote reform will boost turnout


By Marie Woolf,

Chief Political Correspondent

15 June 2005


Countries which elect their governments

using proportional voting systems

have higher turnouts among voters than those using

first-past-the-post, electoral specialists have found.

Nations using PR had average turnouts of 70 per cent

- 10 per cent higher than those, such as Britain,

which use non-proportional systems.

The analysis of turnout in 164 countries,

by Professor Pippa Norris of Harvard University,

was seized on yesterday by MPs

who said PR may be an answer

to addressing the worrying lack

of voter engagement in the UK.

Headline and first §§, I, 15.6.2005,












Trois occurrences de will

dans le comics ci-dessous :


Deux se traduisent

par une forme exprimant le futur,

l'autre par le présent :




Mark Trail        Jack Elrod        24 August 2004








1. I'll see what I can do about a crew!


Je vais voir ce que je peux faire pour l'équipage !




2. Good, I'll leave everything up to you!


Bien, je vous laisse carte blanche !




3. His excellent meals will make the cruise more enjoyable!


Ses bons petits plats rendront la vie à bord plus agréable !










Valeur présente de will > autres énoncés :


1-2 : will s'inscrit dans un récit au présent

(concordance des temps).


Dans ces deux énoncés,

will a une valeur emphatique

(insistance, dramatisation).


1 -    About two years ago,

unable to put up with pressures from his family to marry,

he came out to them about his homosexuality.

His family have since all but cut him off.

His father will have nothing to do with him

and he has been cut out of a susbtantial inheritance.

His father will not allow his mother

to have any contact with her son

and she has to do so secretely.

When she does contact him,

she urges him to repent and marry,

as do his brothers and sisters.

He finds these conversations upsetting and frustrating.

He has been threatened with violence

by one family member

and he refuses to reveal his address to them.

Private Lives, GE/GE2, Next Week, p. 11, 18.4.2003.



Traductions explicatives :


Son père ne veut absolument

plus entendre parler de lui... /


Son père refuse catégoriquement

que sa mère ait le moindre contact...






2 -    Surely you don't really believe his wife is neurotic?


All married men who have flings hedge their bets

with the line about "my wife doesn't understand me,

but I can't leave because of her health and/or the children."


I bet he's told you he's not sleeping with his wife.


That, too, will be a lie.

Private Lives,
2 November 2001,


Traduction explicative :


Je parie qu'il vous raconte qu'il ne couche pas avec sa femme.

Mais ça aussi, c'est à coup sûr / encore un mensonge /

un mensonge de plus.






3 comprend deux occurrences de will

(valeurs assertive / prédictive).


La première se traduit par le présent,

la seconde par le futur.



3 -    Even non-francophiles will know of Astérix,

the little Gaul whose adventures

have sold more than 300 million books,

and some will have read about Lucky Luke,

the cowboy who shoots faster than his shadow.

They are the most famous cartoon figures created

by France's most prolific and influential comic strip author,

René Goscinny.

Now, more than 25 years after he died of a heart attack,

the full variety of 2,000 published heroes and villains

that sprang from his imagination has been collected

for what will be France's bestselling Christmas present

- the 1,250-page Dictionnaire Goscinny.

Astérix's creator sees off all rivals at Christmas,


Traduction explicative :


Même les non-francophiles

connaissent Astérix / ont entendu parler d'Astérix...

ce qui sera le cadeau de Noël le plus vendu en France.






So you think

disaster will never strike?


A third of us have no life cover.

Yet if we die, our families could lose their homes

and be wrecked financially.

Melanie Bien reports


Accidents will happen and illness can strike,

but many of us seem to assume

that our charmed lives will last for ever.

According to research from the Alliance & Leicester bank,

almost a third of Britons haven't got life assurance.

Headline, sub and §1, IoS, 3.10.2004,






" . . . will you take . . .

to be your lawful wedded wife / husband"


(Response 'I will' )

Marriage ceremony.


Traduction explicative : Voulez-vous prendre...






As you will know

if you have ever thirsted for a nip of alcohol in Utah,

the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints

has great influence in certain western states.

Latter-Day Saints: Go east, young Mormon:
Where Joseph Smith ended, and Brigham Young resumed the journey,
E, p. 47,

















The Guardian        9 June 2004















will > traductions


présent ou futur



will > traduction > présent




Ten years after it was published,

Elizabeth Wurtzel's Prozac Nation

is still selling steadily.


Surely, then, the film version,

with a stunning central performance from Christina Ricci,

can't fail?


Except Miramax won't even let us see it...

Release me, sub,


Traudction au présent :

sauf que Miramax ne veut même pas nous laisser le voir...















will > traduction > futur



The Guardian        p. 12        11 October 2004















Satellites will track 5,000

of the worst criminals in Britain


Satellite technology will be used to track 5,000 career

criminals who are responsible for one in every 10 crimes

in Britain,

the Home Secretary David Blunkett will announce tomorrow.

The radical new technology, which has been developed

in the US, will enable law enforcement officers to pinpoint

the exact location of criminals who have been released early

from prison and fitted with electronic tags.

It will feature among a series of measures in a five-year plan

to tackle burgeoning violent crime and antisocial behaviour.

Home Office figures released next week will show

police forces recording rises as high as 25 per cent.

A Home Office source said:

"We are the largest users of tagging outside the US

and we will continue to do this.

We will introduce satellite tracing for prolific offenders

as well as for domestic violence and sex offenders."

Headline and first §§,
IoS, 18.7.2004,
- broken link


















futur rhétorique

(futur "antérieur"

dans les grammaires classiques),


présent rhétorique


valeurs :



certitude, inévitabilité,




If you’ve paid

any attention to Israeli politics

in the past few years,

you will have been following the rise,

fall and rise again

of Benjamin Netanyahu.


Israel’s longest-serving prime minister

is still facing trial on corruption charges

but is now due to return to office

after the most recent election,

the fifth in four years.


The far-right radical in Israel’s new government

Itamar Ben-Gvir has spent a lifetime on the fringes of Israeli politics.

He was once considered so extreme

that he wasn’t allowed to serve in the Israeli army.

Now he is the country’s security minister. Bethan McKernan reports


Tue 6 Dec 2022





Traductions explicatives :


si vous vous êtes

tant soit peu intéressé

à la politique en Israel

ces dernières années,

dont l'année écoulée,


vous aurez suivi...

(futur rhétorique / antérieur)


vous avez certainement suivi...

(passé composé)



vous ne pouvez qu'avoir suivi l'ascension...

(présent + infinitif passé)


Sous-entendu :


vous avez forcément...


vous n'avez pas pu faire autrement que..


c'est sûr, vous avez...












Voir aussi > Anglonautes >

Grammaire anglaise explicative - niveau avancé





will  ≠  shall



auxiliaires be, have, do,

auxiliaires modaux,

question tag







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