learning > grammaire anglaise - niveau avancé
formes interrogatives / questions directes
modaux > will
will + Nsujet + Base Verbaletransitive + Nobjet + ?
Republican Sen. Bill Cassidy wants to save Social Security. Will Washington let him?
SpaceX wants this supersized rocket to fly. But will investors send it to the Moon?
Will we ever achieve immunity from Covid-19?
Will Texas Kill an Insane Man?
autres énoncés
Will Texas
Kill an Insane Man? NOV. 23, 2014 The New York Times The Opinion Pages | Editorial By THE EDITORIAL BOARD
On Dec. 3, Texas plans to execute an inmate named Scott Panetti, who was convicted in 1995 for murdering his in-laws with a hunting rifle. There is no question that Mr. Panetti committed the murders. There is also no question that he is severely mentally ill, and has been for decades. Will Texas Kill an Insane Man?,
Will 3-D Printers Change the World?
Updated August 11, 2014 7:33 PM The New York Times Will 3-D Printers Change the World?,
A Tragedy of Silence
December 14, 2012 The New York Times By CHARLES M. BLOW
day, another mass shooting in America. A Tragedy of Silence, NYT, 14.12.2012,
What Will Apple Reveal Next Week?
October 15, 2010 6:08 pm The New York Times By NICK BILTON
What Will Apple Reveal
Next Week?,
Why Won’t [ will + not ] Obama Talk to Israel?
Why Won’t Obama Talk to
Discussion: Will children in 2010 ever pick up a book?
British Library school page, 17.1.2004,
Pupil power: Will vote at 16 change schools?
Guardian web frontpage, 13.1.2004.
Will antibiotics be useless by 2015?
Headline, G, 2.10.2003,
Voir aussi > Anglonautes > Grammaire anglaise explicative - niveau avancé
formes interrogatives / questions directes
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