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GV > auxiliaires > modaux


hypothèse, prévision > degrés hypothétiques


hypothèses relatives au passé












séquences actives


séquences passives








modal + haveauxiliaire + Vau participe passé


I can't remember.

But I must have done it."









modal + haveauxiliaire + beenauxiliaire au participe passé + Vau participe passé


When the shoebill was created,

the mold must have been broken,

but the big beak serves the bird

very efficiently





When the shoebill was created,

the mold must have been broken,

but the big beak serves the bird very efficiently


Mark Trail    Jack Elrod

Created by Ed Dodd in 1946

5 December 2004















Abigail Witchalls,

the 26-year-old mother who was left paralysed

after being stabbed in the neck,

has failed to pick out one of the main suspects

in the investigation during a photo identity parade,

police said last night.

Richard Cazaly, a 23-year-old gardener

who lived near the scene of the attack,

has been a suspect since he killed himself in Scotland

a few days after the assault.

In one suicide note he wrote:

"I'm terribly sorry. I must be two people.

I can't remember.

But I must have done it."

Mrs Witchalls was shown the photograph in hospital

yesterday afternoon.

A police spokesman said: "Surrey police officers

investigating the attempted murder

of Abigail Witchalls on 20 April 2005

have now conducted a formal identity parade

in which Abigail was shown a photograph

of Richard Cazaly along with eight others.

"Abigail did not pick out Richard Cazaly

as the man who attacked her.

Witchalls ID parade fails, first §§,







Day from Hell

May Have Killed Off Dinosaurs


Wed Oct 27, 2004

09:32 AM ET



One minute you're a big T-Rex, the next you're toast.

Challenging conventional theory,

new scientific research suggests

the dinosaurs may have been scorched into extinction

by an asteroid collision 65 million years ago

that unleashed 10 billion times more power

than the Hiroshima nuclear bomb.

Earth's temperatures soared,

the sky turned red

and trees all over the planet burst into flames,

said atmospheric physicist Brian Toon

of the University of Colorado.

Among the few survivors

would have been animals living in water

or burrowed in the ground like turtles,

small mammals and crocodiles.


Creatures living near ground zero

would have been vaporized immediately

while those in the Caribbean area and southern United

States would have drowned

in 330-feet-high (100-meter) tsunamis

when the asteroid impacted

near today's Gulf of Mexico shoreline

at a speed of 33,750 mph (54,000 kph).

Then, a column of red-hot steam and dust

soared thousands of miles into space

and most of it fell back toward Earth within a few hours,

turning the heavens into hell.



"The entire sky would be radiating at you.

It would be like standing next to a giant fire;

you'd be burned very severely," Toon said,

whose research is based on mathematical

and computer models.

Headline and first §§, R, 27.10.2004,






SEOUL (Reuters) -

A huge explosion rocked North Korea

near the border with China three days ago,

producing a mushroom cloud that sparked speculation

Pyongyang might have tested an atomic weapon,

Yonhap news agency reported on Sunday.

Big Blast, Mushroom Cloud Reported in N.Korea, R, 12.9.2004,






Had Guy Fawkes succeeded in blowing up

the Palace of Westminster 398 years ago today,

large parts of Central London would have been flattened,

new calculations show.

Westminster Hall, the Abbey and surrounding streets

would have been destroyed,

with damage spreading into Whitehall,

according to experts at the Centre for Explosion Studies

at the University of Wales in Aberystwyth.

There would have been complete destruction

of all buildings within 135ft,

and partial collapses of walls and roofs of houses out to 354ft.

Ceilings would have fallen in

and glass been damaged up to 1,600ft away.

What if Guy Fawkes had got away with it?,
T, p. 1, 5.11.2003.









Voir aussi > Anglonautes >

Grammaire anglaise explicative - niveau avancé


modaux > hypothèse, prévision >

degrés hypothétiques



syntaxe > séquences hypothétiques >

séquences avec auxiliaire modal,

séquences avec auxiliaire non modal






might > valeurs énonciatives >

hypothèse + / - probable,

présupposition, conseil



be :

conjugaison présent,

passé temporel, "passé" hypothétique



may > valeurs énonciatives >

hypothèse première



hypothèse relative au passé



hypothèse > could ≠ might



reprise de may par might / could



can / could questions



would questions



traduire le verbe "devoir"

en anglais



auxiliaires be, have, do,

auxiliaires modaux,

question tag



be + -ing




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