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learning > grammaire anglaise - niveau avancé


GV > auxiliaires > modaux


hypothèse, prévision > degrés hypothétiques




structure modale inversée


should + Nsujet + Base Verbale (BV)

Should locals have concerns,

we encourage them to come forward,”

she wrote.








structure verbale inversée


hadauxiliaire + Nsujet + Vau participe passé


Had she been put to death,

Newton would have been the first black woman

to be executed in Texas

and the fourth woman to be executed

in the state since 1863.








In Afghan South,

U.S. Faces Frustrated Residents


October 16, 2010

The New York Times



KANDAHAR, Afghanistan — As American troops mount a critical operation this weekend in the campaign to regain control in Kandahar, they face not only the Taliban but also a frustrated and disillusioned population whose land has been devastated by five years of fighting.

While most villagers have fled the area, those who remain complain that they are trapped between insurgents and the foreign forces, often suffering damages for which they remain uncompensated.

One of those who left is Abdul Hamid, once a prosperous grape farmer and the owner of two houses, a raisin barn and 900 vines. He lived in a hamlet called Lora in Panjwai, a fertile farming district southwest of Kandahar where others who recently left say there has been heavy shooting and bombardment.


He put in a general claim with other villagers for compensation through the district and provincial government offices to the Canadian military, but he said he never received anything.

“I tried so much,” he said. “I tried writing many letters, but I received nothing and I became disappointed, and then I threw out the letters.”

Part of the problem is that in areas where the Taliban presence is strong, villagers cannot take compensation openly. “When the Taliban know you went to the district, or to the city, they come and see you and say, ‘What is this?’ Then they take the money and beat you,” said one farmer, asking not to be named.

Yet fighting through the bureaucracy seems just as hard for the Afghans. Lt. Kelly Rozenberg-Payne, a public affairs officer with the Canadian Expeditionary Force Command in Ottawa, wrote by e-mail that she had no information to support the allegations that Lora was bulldozed.

But she acknowledged the existence of an “austere platoon house” in the area, which Canadian forces upgraded to a substation for the Afghan police in the spring of 2008. It was dismantled in the fall of 2008 “because of changing operational priorities,” she wrote.

Should locals have concerns,

we encourage them to come forward,”

she wrote.

Muhib Habibi contributed reporting from Kandahar,

and Ruhullah Khapalwak from Kabul.

In Afghan South, U.S. Faces Frustrated Residents,






HOUSTON, Texas (Reuters) -

Texas Gov. Rick Perry granted a rare stay

of execution to a Houston woman

just hours before she was scheduled

to die on Wednesday night by lethal injection

for the 1987 murder of her husband and two children.

Frances Newton, 39, has protested her innocence

since she was charged in the shooting deaths

of her husband Adrian, 23, son Alton, 7,

and daughter Farrah, 21 months,

in what prosecutors said was an attempt

to collect $100,000

from life insurance policies on her family.


Had she been put to death,

Newton would have been the first black woman

to be executed in Texas

and the fourth woman to be executed

in the state since 1863.

Governor Stays Texas Woman's Wednesday Execution,
Wed Dec 1, 2004,
06:35 PM ET,







Accidents will happen and illness can strike,

but many of us seem to assume

that our charmed lives will last for ever.

According to research from the Alliance & Leicester bank,

almost a third of Britons haven't got life assurance.


Of course,

no one wants to dwell on thoughts

of what might happen

should they die,

but the beginning of National Breast Cancer Awareness month

ought to remind us that it's vital we do think the unthinkable

if we don't want our loved ones to struggle financially.

So you think disaster will never strike?: A third of us have no life cover.
Yet if we die, our families could lose their homes and be wrecked financially.
Melanie Bien reports,










Voir aussi > Anglonautes >

Grammaire anglaise explicative - niveau avancé


modaux > hypothèse, prévision >

degrés hypothétiques



syntaxe > séquences hypothétiques >

séquences avec auxiliaire modal,

séquences avec auxiliaire non modal






might > valeurs énonciatives >

hypothèse + / - probable,

présupposition, conseil



be :

conjugaison présent,

passé temporel, "passé" hypothétique



may > valeurs énonciatives >

hypothèse première



hypothèse relative au passé



hypothèse > could ≠ might



reprise de may par might / could



can / could questions



would questions



traduire le verbe "devoir"

en anglais



auxiliaires be, have, do,

auxiliaires modaux,

question tag




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