learning > grammaire anglaise - niveau avancé
énoncés en be + -ing
sens et valeurs énonciatives
validation avec ou sans valeur temporelle
fiabilité, validation, certification, certitude, argumentation, re-présentation, théâtralisation agenda
valeur ajoutée : parfois dépréciation du co-énonciateur
The Guardian G2 pp. 6-7 27 January 2009 http://digital.guardian.co.uk/guardian/2009/01/27/pdfs/gdn_090127_gtw_6_21770838.pdf
The Guardian Society p. 20 10 December 2008 http://digital.guardian.co.uk/guardian/2008/12/10/pdfs/gdn_081210_so1_20_21413463.pdf
Jack Elrod Created by Ed Dodd in 1946 30 April 2005 / 2 May 2005 http://www.kingfeatures.com/features/comics/mtrail/about.htm
The Sun 30 September 2004
Exclusive I'll have Jacko's twins in the UK From ANTONELLA LAZZERI in Los Angeles
A STUNNING brunette claims she is carrying twins fathered by pop star Michael Jackson. Headline and first §§, S, 30 September 2004 http://www.thesun.co.uk/article/0,,2-2004452405,00.html - broken link
Larry Wright The Detroit News Cagle 5 February 2004
Validation :
Ce qui est dit / affirmé est présenté comme vrai, certain, confirmé, prouvé, décidé.
We're not moving from this location!
Jack Elrod Created by Ed Dodd in 1946 5 October 2004 http://www.kingfeatures.com/features/comics/mtrail/about.htm
Jeff Parker Cagle 15 October 2004 http://cagle.slate.msn.com/politicalcartoons/PCcartoons/parker.asp http://www.reuben.org/parkertoons/
L'énoncé en be + -ing correspond / correspondra à la "réalité-vérité" telle qu'elle est pensée, perçue, mise en scène par l'énonciateur.
Deuxième valeur : rectification, recadrage, contradiction.
Traductions explicatives du dialogue "You're living in a fantasy world, Brian" :
- moi qui te parle et qui en sais plus que toi, tu ne t'en doutais peut-être pas, mais je suis en mesure de t'apprendre que...
- là tu dis vraiment n'importe quoi puisque je te dis que...
- je ne sais vraiment pas dans quel monde tu vis, tu ne vois donc pas que...
Le co-énonciateur est pris à partie :
il est présupposé ne pas comprendre / ne pas prendre conscience / douter de ce qu'on lui affirme / tout ignorer / délirer.
"You're living in a fantasy world, Brian"
Morland Times December 5, 2005
L: British Prime Minister Tony Blair. R: Chancellor Gordon Brown (?).
Related The great rebate debate In an article first published on the European Movement website, Sir Michael Butler, the man who originally negotiated the UK rebate, comments on the present EU budget discussions G Friday December 9, 2005
Loomus Steven Appleby The Guardian Family p. 4 10 December 2005
Loomus Steven Appleby The Guardian Family p. 2 14 January 2006
Avec be + -ing, l'énonciateur valide ce qu'il dit, écrit, pense.
La valeur de be + -ing correspond souvent, en français, à celle d'un groupe adverbial (vraiment, bel et bien, sans aucun doute) :
Premier sous-entendu : moi qui vous parle, je suis en mesure de vous affirmer que / de vous expliquer..., mais si, croyez-moi, je vous garantis, je vous assure, je vous confirme, que ce que je dis est vrai, a / aura lieu, a bel et bien été décidé, prévu, j'en suis persuadé, vous pouvez en être sûr.
NoW Main frontpage headline 18 Juky 2004 http://www.newsoftheworld.co.uk/story_pages/news/news1.shtml
Deuxième sous-entendu possible :
l'interlocuteur est présupposé ne pas apprécier l'information à sa juste valeur : Mais saviez-vous que, est-ce que vous vous rend(i)ez compte que... ?
Illustration et 1-2-3 :
le temps chronologique (time) n'est pas marqué par be + -ing. mais par : next week, 13 July, tomorrow at 9:30, always.
1 - Godfather of soul James Brown is playing two UK shows. 13 July, Royal Festival Hall, London SE1 (020-7589 8212); 15 July, King's Dock Arena, Liverpool (0870-746 0000).
Légende de la photo (gros plan du chanteur; on ne voit donc pas le chanteur arriver au Royaume Uni) : The Godfather of Soul is coming to the UK The Week's guide
to what's worth seeing and reading, The Week, p. 26,
2 - We are leaving tomorrow at 9:30. http://erminecentral.tripod.com/archive/winterblog.html - broken link
3 - Why is volatility beneficial to dollar cost averaging? "You're always investing a consistent dollar amount," says Alexander. "That means when share prices are low, You're buying more shares and when they're expensive, you're buying less. As a result, your average cost of purchasing shares is always less than the average price the shares traded at during the year. It also assured that I stayed fully invested at all times - another key to my success."
Dollar Secrets,
The world's first septuagenarian mother has given birth, while in Britain, with its population of 100-year-olds approaching half a million, royal congratulations to centenarians have long been abandoned because the number of recipients threatens to overwhelm Buckingham Palace. The greetings card industry has never had it so good, while Saga magazine - now renamed Just Seventy - vastly outsells lads' magazines like Loaded and FHM. It sounds the stuff of science fiction. But only just - for researchers now believe our nation has begun to fade to grey. Falling birth rates and rising life expectancy are turning Britain into a land of codgers. Living with Britain's population timebomb :100 years ago, there were five people working for every retired person. Soon for every pensioner, there will be just one worker.
But we have not woken up to this social revolution
Traduction explicative :
La baisse du taux de natalité et l'augmentation de l'espérance de vie transforment bel et bien la Grande-Bretagne en un pays de vieux bonhommes.
La baisse du taux de natalité et l'augmentation de l'espérance de vie sont en train de transformer la Grande-Bretagne en un pays de vieux bonhommes.
"en train de" / "euh !!!" > recadrage
"en train de" n'a pas seulement un sens temporel.
Dans les expressions ci-dessous, cette expression théâtralise la présence de l'énonciateur et interpelle le co-énonciateur.
Ce qui est dit est important :
- "Non mais qu'est-ce que t'es en train de me faire là ?"
- "Non mais qu'est-ce que t'es en train de me dire ?"
- "Si je te comprends bien, tu es en train de me dire que..."
- "Ce que je suis en train de te dire, c'est que tu te trompes de A à Z."
- "Si je te comprends bien, ce que tu es en train de me dire, c'est que ..."
- "Là, t'es vraiment en train de me prendre la tête toi !"
- "A coups de lois absurdes, vous êtes en train d'anéantir l'exception culturelle."
- Exclamation (de l'entrée, un père impatient lance à sa fille de cinq ans, qui se trouve encore dans sa chambre) :
Faut que tu t'habilles on va être en retard !
Réponse (ton quelque peu excédé) :
C'est ce que je suis en train de faire !
- Autre exclamation, du même père, un autre jour : Bon alors faudrait peut-être te préparer !
Réponse de l'impertinente, qui sautille et joue dans le couloir, sans s'habiller : On EST en train de se préparer !
- Camille, petite fille de six ans, est en cours préparatoire (CP) depuis un mois et demi.
A la maison, elle s'applique à écrire pour la deuxième fois le prénom de son père, Thomas, "en attaché".
Elle fait remarquer que dans la première tentative, le T et le h ne sont pas bien attachés.
Son père lui répond que ce n'est pas très grave, que le prénom est quand même bien écrit.
Réaction indignée de la petite fille :
"En plus je suis en train d'apprendre à lire et à écrire donc..."
Ici encore, en train de ne renvoie pas au présent de l'énonciation.
Traduction explicative :
Mais tu te rends pas compte papa, c'est grave, comme je suis en CP, je dois bien écrire.
- Dans un train, en février 2006, un homme d'affaires téléphone :
Oui là je suis en train d'appeler le bureau.
Le sémantisme n'est pas temporel, puisque l'homme, qui n'a qu'un seul téléphone, parle en ce moment avec un collègue, ou avec sa femme, etc.
Ce qui est sous-entendu ici, via en train de, ressort plutôt de l'affect :
tu m'ennuies, tu-vois-pas-que-tu-m'empêches-de-travailler, je ne peux pas te parler, laisse-moi tranquille,
ou de la justification : suite à un rappel à l'ordre d'un supérieur : "Mais non, je n'ai pas oublié, j'allais appeler...
- Même lorsqu'elle porte apparemment sur un processus, la locution en train de n'a souvent rien de temporel.
Une petite fille d'à peine six ans, qui se chamaille souvent avec sa grande soeur de bientôt treize ans, lui demande, face à la porte de la salle de bains fermée à clé :
Louise, t'es toujours [encore] en train de prendre ton bain ?
Traduction explicative : qu'est-ce que je m'ennuies sans toi, quand est-ce qu'on joue / que tu sors ?
- "en train de" // "euh !" Un père lance à sa fille de 6 ans, qui n'a toujours pas commencé à manger : Bon alors Emma tu commences à manger ?!
Réponse de l'enfant, irritée, qui tient toujours sa fourchette en l'air : Oui-EUH !!!
Dans une aire de jeux, un père crie à son enfant de deux ans, qui porte du sable à sa bouche :
Pas dans la bouche euh !!!
Traduction explicative :
Pas dans la bouche je dis / je te dis ! Pas dans la bouche non mais tu comprends ?!
"en train de" ne peut être réduit à l'expression du temps chronologique.
Ce segment démonstratif a des valeurs similaires à celles de be + -ing :
- anaphore (référence à du déjà perçu / énoncé, renvoi à un dit commun, culturel)
- mise en avant de l'énonciateur
- validation du dit de l'énonciateur (valeur similaire à hein > Fausse question : ça caille, hein ? Réponse : ah-oui-hein ! )
- emphase
- effet d'annonce
- interpellation et / ou dépréciation du co-énonciateur (traduction explicative : toi, t'as rien compris à ce que je dis / à ce qui se passe).
- mise en doute de sa capacité à comprendre
- mise en demeure possible du destinataire, qui est forcé de répondre d'une certaine manière, ou est réduit au silence
Equivalences :
- "Non mais qu'est-ce que t'es en train de me dire ?" Est-ce que tu te rends compte de ce que tu me dis ?
- "Ce que je suis en train de te dire, c'est que tu te trompes de A à Z." Tu réalises (sic) que tu te trompes de A à Z ?
Sur-énonciation, sur-représentation, cadrage linguistique :
"en train de" renforce le sens du dit, recadre le déjà-dit, encadre l'énoncé :
Il est en train de réaliser un de ces exploits...
Pierre ? Il doit être en train de faire ses trucs...
Fêted by stars, envied by mere mortals, Britain's most famous cosmologist has unravelled some of the darkest secrets of the universe. But he is refusing to provide clues to an altogether more human mystery in which he has suffered a series of suspicious injuries...
Stephen Hawking: The accidental genius,
sub, IoS, 25.1.2004,
Traduction explicative : Mais il refuse catégoriquement de fournir les preuves...
Confused public 'believe cannabis is being legalised'
The public are confused about changes to the law on cannabis that take effect today and many mistakenly believe that marijuana is being legalised, according to the head of the largest police association. The statement by Jan Berry, the national chairwoman of the Police Federation, follows comments by Sir John Stevens, the Commissioner of the Metropolitan Police, who has said there is a "massive amount of muddle" surrounding the changes, under which people caught in possession of cannabis will normally be let off with a warning and the drug will be confiscated.
Headline and §1, I, 29.1.2004,
The job of the main chute is to reduce the velocity to less than 40mph. On contact with Mars, the lander in its protective cocoon of inflatable bags, will bounce out from under the parachute until it comes to rest. If it lands upside down, the hinge which opens the lid is able to turn Beagle 2 over. A journey of 250m miles will be over, but the real work will just begin. Unlike Darwin's Beagle, ours will not be coming back - but it will be transmitting invaluable information about whether Mars has ever supported life. If this mission succeeds where Nasa has failed, it will be an astonishing tribute to British scientific endeavour. It just goes to show: never knock an idea that started out on the back of a beer mat. Man with a mission, G, 10.11.2003, https://www.theguardian.com/books/2003/nov/10/ science.scienceandnature
The pseudopatients practised for a few days. Much of the practice was, admittedly, passive, letting entropy and odour wend their way in. Their hair grew out and clumped. Their breath got a greenish tinge. The day that Rosenhan departed for one of Pennsylvania's state hospitals was brilliant. The sky was a frosty, pre-winter blue, the trees like brushes dipped in paint, turned upward and wet with colour. Rosenhan pulled into the parking lot. The psychiatric hospital had gothic buildings, every window caged. Orderlies in pale blue smocks floated on the grounds. Once in the admissions unit, Rosenhan was led to a small white room. "What is the problem?" a psychiatrist asked. "I'm hearing a voice," [ validation, fait indiscutable, permanent, mise en avant de l'énonciateur ]
Rosenhan said, and then he said nothing else.
"And what is the voice saying?" the psychiatrist questioned, falling, unbeknown to him, straight into Rosenhan's rabbit hole. "Thud," Rosenhan said, smugly, I imagine. "Thud?" the psychiatrist asked. "Did you say thud?" "Thud," Rosenhan said again. Into the cuckoo's nest :Thirty years ago psychiatry was rocked by the revelation that nine sane volunteers had faked hearing voices and fooled their way on to locked wards Has diagnosis improved since? Psychologist Lauren Slater repeats the experiment, G, 31.1.2004, http://www.guardian.co.uk/weekend/ story/0,3605,1134105,00.html - broken link
They're building another runway at Stansted; maybe we should move there
Matt DT 17 December 2003 http://www.telegraph.co.uk/portal/
Un énoncé en be + -ing ne réfère pas nécessairement au temps de l'énonciation (l'instant où l'on parle, pense, écrit).
Dans certains contextes, il renvoie à un futur planifié, organisé, programmé (agenda).
Dans le dessin ci-dessus, après avoir lu le journal, le père s'exclame :
They're building another runway at Stansted maybe we should move there
Traduction explicative: "Ils vont construire une nouvelle piste (d'aéroport) à Stansted; on devrait peut-être y déménager."
Au 17 décembre 203, date de la publication du dessin, les travaux n'ont pas commencé.
Seule la décision de construire vient d'être prise : Heathrow airport could have a third runway and a sixth terminal within 12 years, to the delight of Britain's leading airlines, under a plan published yesterday by the transport secretary, Alistair Darling. Mr Darling gave the green light for development at more than 20 airports across Britain in an unprecedented programme of aviation expansion which sparked fury among environmentalists. Stansted, Edinburgh and Birmingham are to get new runways by 2020. Landing strips are to be extended at another 10 airports to cope with a surge in demand for cheap foreign travel, while many other regional airports will be allowed to build bigger terminals.
Huge airport expansion given
the green light,
Email from Studabaker on February 13 2003:
"I love you more than I ever loved anyone else, all i want is to know the truth about you and rob [a 14-year-old boy] ... i dont want no one else in my life as much as i want you."
Feb 20: "I will do what it takes to be with you, I miss you a lot even though I have never been with you ... I too look for the day when we are together for good ... I look forward to the day when we ... dont have to worry about that either of us will get in trouble."
March 4: "i hate sounding like i am obsessed with you, i can't stop thinking about you ... just the thought of you saying you dont want to be with me anymore drives me insane..."
April 9: "...i dont give a fuck what my family thinks if they find out everything because they aren't me or us ... its been a long fucking 10 months but one more month and we can see each other and work on our relationship."
April 28: "Does anyone in your family ever have twins?" She answers: "no". He replies, "so we dont have much worry of having twins then, only my little brother had twins."
April 29: "...when we first met and you told me how old you were ... [I] didnt know what to say ... i never regretted saying yes to you because i feel you are the one."
June 9: "if you really give it a chance for me to be over there and get the relationship on a more personal level to it we would of really worked ... If you knew me in person you would think totally different..." The girl says: "well i dont ... because you wont let me ... and maybe i dont want to."
June 12: "what would you do if ... someone found out we are seeing each other ... and they put me in jail? would you wait...?" She says: "yes."
June 30: They set up webcam link. She sends an email saying she is getting changed. He sends: "put up your cam ... me want to see."
July 1: "i haven't been any happier ... then i am knowing that not long from now i will be with you, holding you ...kissing you and being able to wake up next to you." 'I can't stop thinking about you' : The emails, G, 13.2.2004, http://www.guardian.co.uk/online/news/0,12597,1147343,00.html - broken link Contexte : http://www.guardian.co.uk/online/news/0,12597,1147264,00.html - broken link
Fishing boss furious over cockle tragedy claims
A fishing boss arrested over the deaths of 19 Chinese cockle pickers in Morecambe Bay says he is being made "a scapegoat" for the tragedy. [ present en -ing à la voix passive = beconjugué + being + Vau participe passé ] Headline and §1, A, 13.2.2004,
According to a Yemeni newspaper, the first 25-mile stretch of the barrier, erected in the last month, is less than 100 metres from the border line. The head of Saudi Arabia's border guard, Talal Anqawi, told an Arab newspaper last week that the barrier was being constructed inside Saudi territory [ présent en -ing à la voix passive = beconjugué + being + Vau participe passé ] but did not specify the exact location. He also dismissed comparisons with Israel's West Bank barrier, which has sparked international condemnation. "What is being constructed inside our borders with Yemen [ présent en be + -ing à la voix passive = beconjugué + being + Vau participe passé ] is a sort of screen ... which aims to prevent infiltration and smuggling," he said. "It does not resemble a wall in any way." Saudi security barrier stirs anger in Yemen, G, 17.2.2004, http://www.guardian.co.uk/print/0,3858,4860165-110491,00.html - broken link
Lottery cash is not being used to subsidise the rich, [ présent en -ing à la voix passive = beconjugué + being + Vau participe passé ] nor is our spending being concentrated on high-profile London-based arts organisations [ présent en -ing à la voix passive = beconjugué + being + Vau participe passé ] (Lottery cash 'subsidies arts for rich' February 13). (...) Peter Hewitt, Chief executive, Arts Council England. Transforming the arts, Letters, G, p. 17, 17.2.2004.
If you're a BT customer, you're paying too much for your landline.
One.Tel would like to point
this out to BT customers,
But a designer of Smith's stature does not have to rely on hype. The store buyers who visit his showroom are happy to place orders because they know Smith's clothes sell. "Who knows whether the press will like it?" he shrugged. "But it's been doing extremely well in the showroom, [ présent perfect en -ing actif = have auxiliaire + been + -ing ]
and that means I'm doing my job."
Shipping forecast: Smith
collection anchored in tradition,
"And I tell you honestly what my fear is, my fear is that we wake up one day and we find either that one of these dictatorial states has used weapons of mass destruction - and Iraq has done so in the past - and we get sucked into a conflict, with all the devastation that would cause; or alternatively these weapons, which are being traded right round the world at the moment, [ présent en -ing à la voix passive = beconjugué + being + Vau participe passé ] fall into the hands of these terrorist groups, these fanatics who will stop at absolutely nothing to cause death and destruction on a mass scale. Now that is what I have to worry about. (...) This is not a time to err on the side of caution; not a time to weigh the risks to an infinite balance; not a time for the cynicism of the worldly wise who favour playing it long. Their worldly wise cynicism is actually at best naivete and at worst dereliction. When they talk, as they do now, of diplomacy coming back into fashion in respect of Iran or North Korea or Libya, do they seriously think that diplomacy alone has brought about this change? Since the war in Iraq, Libya has taken the courageous step of owning up not just to a nuclear weapons programme but to having chemical weapons, which are now being destroyed. Iran is back in the reach of the IAEA. North Korea in talks with China over its WMD. The A Q Khan network is being shut down, its trade slowly but surely being eliminated. " [ présent en -ing à la voix passive = beconjugué + being + Vau participe passé ] Full text: Tony Blair's speech, Speech given by the prime minister in Sedgefield, justifying military action in Iraq and warning of the continued threat of global terrorism, G, 6 March 2004, https://www.theguardian.com/politics/2004/mar/05/ iraq.iraq
Flash Gordon Jim Keefe Created in 1934 by Alex Raymond 21 November 2004 http://www.kingfeatures.com/features/comics/fgordon/about.htm
The Guardian p. 8 28 June 2004
Voir aussi > Anglonautes > Grammaire anglaise explicative - niveau avancé
be + -ing > valeurs énonciatives >