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learning > grammaire anglaise - niveau avancé


be + -ing


énoncés en be + -ing


sens et valeurs énonciatives



présent simple



présent en be + -ing




sens et valeurs




be + -ing > valeurs


mise en avant du sujet / thème,

implication du co-énonciateur,

emphase, insistance,

anaphore (= retour sur du déjà-dit),


variations sémantiques possibles






be + -ing > sémantisme >

changement de sens du verbe



-ing change le sens premier / liitéral

du verbe see :





















Rob Rogers

Comment cartoon

The Pittsburgh Post-Gazette



14 December 2005

















Mark Trail        Jack Elrod        Created by Ed Dodd in 1946        8.11.2004
















Be + -ing

peut intensifier

le sens du verbe / du prédicat,

jouant un rôle comparable

à celui d'un adverbe de degré.






Traduction explicative du slogan

de la chaîne de restauration rapide

McDonald's (2004) :


McDonald's ?

J'adore (ça) !

J'aime vraiment ça !

Qu'est-ce que j'aime ça !















Traduction explicative

du dessin sur la pénurie

de vaccin anti-grippal

aux Etats-Unis :


Les gens deviennent vraiment désespérés,

sont de plus en plus désespérés,

les gens n'ont plus rien à perdre,

ne savent vraiment plus quoi faire.





Chris Britt


14 October 2004



















Larry Wright


15 October 2004

















Meanwhile, above Washington,

American flight 77 had begun

to diverge from its course.

But for 13 minutes, investigators said,

a software anomaly meant

that radar information did not reach air traffic control.

Military commanders,

unaware that flight 77 was missing,

became convinced that it was flight 11

- which had already crashed -

that was heading for the capital.

The confusion grew deeper.

Fighter planes were dispatched to intercept the plane,

but the pilots were never briefed

on why they were being sent,

and ended up over the Atlantic.

The lead pilot told the commission:

"I reverted to the Russian threat ...

I'm thinking cruise missile threat from the sea.

You know, you look down

and see the Pentagon burning,

and I thought the bastards snuck one by us."

Panic and delay wrecked 9/11 response, G, 18.6.2004,






JM: If you could live and work as a designer in any era,

which one would it be?

AM: Any time? Future as well?

JM: Future as well. But particularly the past.

AM: Let's stick to the past then.

I'm thinking cavemen and loincloths.

JM: What about Tudors and Stuarts?

AM: Er ... I'm answering the questions! Most probably ...

JM: What about -

AM: I'm thinking! Fifteenth-century Flemish, Netherlands.

My favourite part of art.

Because of the colours,

because of the sympathetic way they approached life.

JM: Simplicity, you mean.

AM: I'm not going to get into a big art debate with you.

JM: No, I'm trying to get to the bottom of why you like that.

AM: 'Cause I think they were very modern for their times,

in that period and in that part of the world.

'Meeting the Queen was like falling in love':
In the second day of our week of guest arts editors,
Sam Taylor-Wood takes the chair.
First she asked Joyce McQueen to interview her son,
the famed fashion designer Alexander,
20 April 2004,










Voir aussi > Anglonautes >

Grammaire anglaise explicative - niveau avancé


be + -ing




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