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proposition subordonnée de temps


subordonnée de temps


when / once / after / before / until



sens futur


verbeprésent :


à l'inverse du français,

en anglais

l'énonciateur / l'énonciatrice

s'imagine dans le futur,

qui devient

un présent fictif, virtuel :


When I'm dead...




































The Guardian        p. 29        27 February 2007


















The Guardian        p. 24        27 March 2007






























Syntaxe / grammaire


Proposition principale

en will / shall + Base Verbale


précédée ou suivie


de sa subordonnée en

when / once / after / before / until







Trust me...

once Keith gets to know me,

we'll be best friends!


Promise me

we'll have a real wedding

when we get back?


Judge Parker

Harold LeDoux and Woody Wilson

Created by Nicholas P. Dallis

20 October 2004

















proposition de temps

(sans will)



proposition complétive

(avec will)


Une complétive répond à la question :

Quoi ?





1 - proposition principale en will


-> proposition subordonnée de temps au présent


-> proposition complétive en will




1 -   The high winds even forced

Kew Gardens in west London to close

amid fears that falling branches could injure visitors.

Kew's site at Wakehurst Place in West Sussex

was also shut due to the bad weather.

A statement on its website said:

"Some branches have been torn

from trees within the gardens,

and while nobody has been hurt ...

we will remain closed

until we are satisfied

that none of our visitors will be at risk in any way."

Gales, storms ... is it really July?
Widespread disruption as high winds hit southern England,






2 -    Lord Hutton announces

he will unveil his report on the Kelly affair

day after MPs vote on student grants and fees.

The Life or Death of a Premiership,
web frontpage, 16.1.2004, main article:






3 -    'I've no doubt we will catch them'


Gang behind Britain's biggest cash haul

exploited security firm's weakest link

- the human factor

Headline and sub,

















The Phantom

by Paul Ryan (daily art), Graham Nolan (sunday art)

& Tony DePaul (scripts)

15 May 2005
















When Charles is king,

[ proposition subordonnée de temps au présent ]


he will no doubt speak out

even more fearlessly... on anything

from grey goo to coffee enemas

[ proposition principale ]

Headline, G, 23.2.2006,






Ariel Sharon said yesterday

that an assault on the Gaza strip

that has claimed more than 60 lives and injured 250 people

- the bloodiest of the intifada - will be expanded

[ proposition principale ]


until it puts an end to Hamas rocket strikes against Israel.

[ proposition subordonnée de temps au présent ]

Sharon vows to step up assault on Gaza strip as death toll rises,






Zimbabwe opposition

to boycott elections

until system changes


Zimbabwe's opposition party,

the Movement for Democratic Change (MDC) announced yesterday

[ proposition principale ]


that it will boycott all future elections

[ proposition subordonnée complétive ]


until President Robert Mugabe's government

changes its electoral system, ends state violence

and repeals repressive media laws.

[ proposition subordonnée de temps au présent ]

Headline and sub, G, 26.8.2004,






The rows over money and design

that have bedevilled Freedom Tower,

the skyscraper that will dominate

the site of New York's destroyed World Trade Centre,

were set aside yesterday as a granite cornerstone

was officially laid on US Independence Day.

Unveiling the 20-ton slab of stone,

the governor of New York, George Pataki,

described it as "a new symbol of this city

and this country and of our resolve in the face of terror".


Authorities believe Freedom Tower

will be the world's tallest skyscraper

[ proposition principale ]


when it is completed in 2009.

[ proposition subordonnée de temps au présent passif ]


The twisting glass and steel design

is meant to echo the Statue of Liberty,

with an 85-metre (280ft) spire resembling her torch.

First stone laid at Freedom Tower,
G, 5.7.2004,






Pigs will fly

[ proposition principale ]


before we get an accountable police force

[ proposition subordonnée de temps au présent ]

Headline, Thunderer, T, p. 20, 5.11.2003.






When I get older losing my hair,

[ proposition subordonnée de temps au présent ]


Many years from now.


Will you still be sending me a valentine

[ proposition principale ]


Birthday greetings bottle of wine.


If I'd been out till quarter to three

Would you lock the door,

Will you still need me, will you still feed me,

[ proposition principale ]


When I'm sixty-four.

[ proposition subordonnée de temps au présent ]

When I'm Sixty-Four (Lennon/McCartney),
Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band 






"The parliamentary party has spoken,

the announcement has been made,

and I will stand down as leader

[ proposition principale ]


when a successor has finally been chosen".

[ proposition subordonnée de temps

au present perfect passif ]

A defiant last stand, even as the vultures gathered >
The Statement, I, p. 4, 30.10.2003.






After she dies,

[ proposition subordonnée de temps au présent ]


Dolly will undergo an exhaustive postmortem,

[ proposition principale ]


before being stuffed and put on display

in the National Museum of Scotland.

Tears of a clone, GE/GE2, p. 4, 19.4.2002.






Once tests are clear

[ proposition subordonnée de temps au présent ]


the entire school hot water system will be inspected

[ proposition principale ]

to see if any changes need to be made.

School closed over Legionnaire’s fear,
GE2, p. 3, 5.9.2002.

But the fact remains that on September 7,

Rattle will take a huge step away from Britain

[ proposition principale ]


when he finally takes up his baton

[ proposition subordonnée de temps au présent ]

as music director of the Berlin Philarmonic Orchestra.
My crazy plan, GE2, p. IV,










Voir aussi > Anglonautes >

Grammaire anglaise explicative - niveau avancé





whentemporalité  ≠  whenidentité



when / while



while > valeur rhétorique



as > sens > temps / contraste







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