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des adverbes / marqueurs de temps

dans un GV au present perfect







present perfect actif


haveauxiliaire + adverbe(s) + Vau participe passé


I have neverfréquence intentionallymanière used






I have never intentionally used steroids!

[ never : adverbe de fréquence,

intentionally : adverbe de manière ]


Rob Rogers

Comment cartoon

The Pittsburgh Post-Gazette



12 August 2005

















haveauxiliaire + adverbe + verbeau participe passé + adverbe



Not finding WMDs doesn't mean there are none.

Last week the ground-forces commander in Iraq,

Lt. Gen. David McKiernan,

told NEWSWEEK he's confident evidence will emerge.

"We haven't found yet the big, hard evidence,

but I think that will come," he said.

WMD: Looted and Lost?, N, p. 4, 19.5.2003.










autres énoncés


















































































I've always been deeply prejudiced against racists


[ always : adverbe de fréquence ]



by Garry Trudeau


March 18, 2012
















The Guardian        p. 22        21 February 2007
































The Guardian        p. 6        22 October 2005















Studies on gay boys predominate, so young lesbians are more of a mystery. Pioneering findings suggest lesbian teens may be different from gay boys in key ways. There's more variability in the age when they realize they're not straight, says Lisa Diamond, a University of Utah psychologist. Unlike boys, most girls also have opposite-sex attractions. And strong emotional bonds are more key in sparking girls' sexual attractions, Diamond says.

She also has ventured into territory rarely trod in studies on gay youths: friendships and romances. "They're adolescents first, and adolescents are obsessed with their friendship networks," she says.

They have been nicknamed 'The Untouchables' because of the reign of fear they have imposed on Catholic working-class districts of Belfast during 10 years of the peace process.

However detectives investigating the savage murder of Robert McCartney outside a city centre bar might prefer to use another name for the IRA gang responsible - 'The Inscrutables'.

Gay teens coming out earlier to peers and family, UT, 7.2.2007,






Three of the 12 IRA members said to have been involved in the stabbing, kicking and beating of McCartney and his friend Brendan Devine on 30 January have over the past fortnight walked into Musgrave Street police station, just a brief stroll from the pub where the attack started. Under pressure from the IRA leadership as well as growing antipathy towards them from the Catholic community, all three used the same classic IRA anti-interrogation techniques as they were questioned: they remained silent, refused to answer questions and stared at the wall.

'Untouchables' stay out of reach:
IRA witnesses stay silent on murder of Robert McCartney,
as his sisters carry on their fight for justice,






Hundreds of Britons may still be missing

following the Indian Ocean tsunami

which has so far killed at least 28 UK nationals,

officials said.

British death toll climbs to 28, §1, PA, 31.12.2004,



so far

porte sur la relation prédicative :

the Indian Ocean tsunami - has killed at least 28 UK nationals


Déplacement théorique :

So far the Indian Ocean tsunami has killed at least 28 UK nationals



at least

porte sur l'objet :

at least 28 UK nationals


Déplacement théorique :

At least 28 UK nationals have been killed

by the Indian Ocean tsunami







To see the report or section

you have just selected,

you need to login,

or register if you have not previously done so.

DT message, 17.12.2003.






"I've never had sex with a man."

'Im a big hypocrite', Moby interview, GI/G2, p. 2, 16.6.2003.






Not finding WMDs doesn't mean there are none.

Last week the ground-forces commander in Iraq,

Lt. Gen. David McKiernan,

told NEWSWEEK he's confident evidence will emerge.

"We haven't found yet the big, hard evidence,

but I think that will come," he said.

WMD: Looted and Lost?, N, p. 4, 19.5.2003.






Coalition forces have not yet found

weapons of mass destruction in Iraq.

Truth and Credibility As Casualties of War, caption,
NYT/Le Monde, p. 3, 15/16.6.2003.






Hans Blix,

the chief UN weapons inspector for Iraq,

warns that this is a dangerous time.

He has rarely spoken a truer word.

No rush to judgment: The inspectors need time and space,
GE, p. 11, 18.1.2003.






Blobs of oil have already washed up on Atlantic beaches

in the Landes region, near Bordeaux, south-west France.

French coast braces for oil disaster,
GE, p. 9, 4.1.2003.















present perfect passif


haveauxiliaire + beenauxiliaire + verbeau participe passé




des adverbes / marqueurs de temps

dans un GV au present perfect passif



haveauxiliaire + adverbe + beenauxiliaire + verbeau participe passé



U.K. Steps Up Coronavirus Prevention,

But Its Hospitals Have Already Been Strained


March 17, 2020    NPR














Voir aussi > Anglonautes > Grammaire anglaise explicative - niveau avancé


faire un bilan :

verbe de la proposition principale



present perfect





Present perfect > marqueurs de temps



Present perfect > Valeurs > Breaking News



depuis : since / for



Present perfect > traductions



Past perfect > Valeurs



present perfect (have + p. passé) :

le présent et ses conséquences



present perfect (have + p. passé) :





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