learning > grammaire anglaise - niveau avancé
GV > auxiliaires > haveauxiliaire
sens et valeurs énonciatives
present perfect, past perfect
Present perfect et past perfect se construisent avec haveauxiliaire
haveauxiliaire se conjugue au présent (has à la 3ème personne du singulier) et au passé (had à toutes les personnes)
Present perfect : haveauxiliaire au présent + Verbeau participe passé (pp)
Past perfect : hadauxiliaire au passé + Verbeau pp
Present perfect : haveauxiliaire au présent + beenauxiliaire au pp + Verbeau pp
Past perfect : hadauxiliaire au passé + beenauxiliaire au pp + Verbeau pp
Past perfect
hadauxiliaire au passé + Verbeau pp
valeurs énonciatives
1. Comme le present perfect, le past perfect sert à faire un bilan, mais dans un contexte passé.
A statement released on behalf of the company that owns the transporter, Elliott Sargeant of Totton, Southhampton, saidpassé it waspassé "devastated".
It had been the first accident involving one of its vehicles in more than eight years of trading.
Five killed as pile-up brings M1 to a halt,
2. Dans un contexte passé, le past perfect met en évidence l'antériorité d'un événement A :
two young scientists walked (passé) into the Eagle, a dingy pub in Cambridge, England, and announced (passé) to the lunchtime crowd
they had
discovered (past perfect)
the secret of life
Fifty years ago, on Saturday, February 28, 1953, two young scientists walked (passé) into the Eagle, a dingy pub in Cambridge, England, and announced (passé) to the lunchtime crowd that they had discovered (past perfect) the secret of life.
Double Helix Leaps
Fom Lab to Real Life,
--- A (had discovered) ---> B (walked / announced / February 28, 1953) --->
I forgot (verbe irrégulier forget au passé)
that I had promised (past perfect)
to take them on a picnic today...
Peanuts by Charles Schulz GoComics September 04, 2016 http://www.gocomics.com/peanuts/2016/09/04
3. Effet de rhétorique / de style
Le past perfect met en valeur / en scène certains faits révolus.
fait antérieur mis sur le devant de la scène énonciative (// gros plan)
We had an ordinary marriage.
Then I found outpassé irrégulier my husband had been viewing images of child abuse
4. Hypothèse relative au passé :
past perfecthypothétique
If an American had thrown a shoe at an Arab leader.
Dana Summers Orlando, FL The Orlando Sentinel Cagle 18 December 2008
5. Syntaxe > past perfect inversé
sens et valeur énonciative
Le past perfect inversé (hadauxiliaire + Nsujet + Vau participe passé) permet de formuler une hypothèse sans utiliser if :
There is little doubt that had he not quit he would have been sacked.
Sky News reporter who
faked war report found hanged,
Musicians speculate endlessly about what Mozart might have achieved had he not died at the miserably early age of 35.
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Voir aussi > Anglonautes > Grammaire anglaise explicative - niveau avancé