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learning > grammaire anglaise - niveau avancé


groupe verbal


verbes à particule adverbiale,

verbes à préposition,

verbes à préfixe >


verbestransitifs indirects à préposition + N



verbetransitif indirect

à préposition

à l'actif, au passif ou à l'infinitif >







Vtransitif indirect  +  préposition  +  Nobjet



On 'Time To Shine,'

Black Violin Focuses On The Light


February 17, 2021    NPR













U.S. ambassador to the U.N. calls

for suspending Russia from the Human Rights Council


April 4, 2022    NPR













How poor diet contributes to coronavirus risk



















Nobjet antéposé  Nsuje Vtransitif indirect  + préposition



‘No one knows

what we stand for’:

Tory MPs in despair

ahead of Sunak’s crucial conference


With the party riven

by factions and differences on policy,

the prime minister has a job on his hands

trying to find a coherent way forward











The everyday fear of violence

every woman has to cope with


















Nobjet antéposé  +  toviseur -> Vtransitif indirect  + topréposition



What to look forward to

in the final leg of the Paris Olympics




















Nsujet  beauxiliaire  +  Vau participe passé préposition  +  Nobjet


Tories were accused

of "apeing" the British National Party


















toviseur -> Base Verbale + préposition


an offer to smile about.

















CSV ad    The Guardian    Technology    p. 8    28 June 2007






















deal with N




































The Guardian        Society        p. 43        26 July 2006

Guardianjobs ad > cropped by Anglonautes

















The Guardian        p. 12        17 December 2008

















The Guardian        p. 1        20 April 2007

















The Guardian        p. 7        9 December 2005
















The Guardian        p. 11        9 December 2005















Les verbes à préposition

sont des verbes transitifs indirects.




Transitifs :


ils ont un objet > Do you want to talk about it?




Indirects :


la relation verbe-objet

n'est pas directe,

elle transite par une préposition :


cope with Nobjet


talk about Nobjet


listen to Nobjet


deal with Nobjet


think of Nobjet



On appelle ce type de verbe :

Vtransitif (il a un Nobjet) indirect

(Nobjet transite par une préposition)




Dans un énoncé

Nsujet - Vtransitif indirect - Nobjet,

la préposition relie le verbe à son objet :


Nsujet   V   P   Nobjet


Michigan's Tart Cherry Orchards Struggle To Cope

With Erratic Spring Weather
















Comme la particule adverbiale

dans les verbes à particule adverbiale,

la préposition peut modifier

le sens de l'élément verbal :



call for Nobjet :


appeler / appeler à

(au sens politique / diplomatique du terme)


Trump Calls For Apple Boycott,

But Lawmakers Don't See Clear Path In iPhone Case

Updated February 19, 2016




call on Nobjet : appeler, "inviter"

Pope Calls On Christians To Abolish Death Penalty

February 21, 2016




Autres exemples :


run (courir) -> run into Nobjet

(dans la rue, "tomber" sur quelqu'un).


turn (tourner) -> turn into Nobjet

(transformer, adapter) -> 5.


stand (se tenir) -> stand by Nobjet 

("défendre / soutenir / considérer",

"maintenir / s'en tenir à") -> 6










Verbes à préposition en anglais et en français


Comme le montre l'énoncé 1 ci-dessous,

il n'y a pas toujours d'équivalence syntaxique

entre le français et l'anglais.


La syntaxe n'est pas la même :


enter N -> entrer dans / en N





Autres exemples :


think of Nobjet -> penser à, considérer






look at Nobjet -> regarder Nobjet



listen to Nobjet -> écouter Nobjet



approve of Nobjet -> approuver Nobjet



pray to Nobjet -> prier Nobjet



owe Nobjet -> devoir à Nobjet / attribution



Le verbe peut parfois être séparé

de sa préposition par un complément (3-4).




Dans certains cas,

Nobjet peut être antéposé à la proposition :


The everyday fear of violence every woman has to cope with










1 -    Tories were accused of "apeing" the British National Party

yesterday over a leaflet claiming seven asylum seekers

will enter Britain the time it takes an elector to vote

in next Thursday's local elections.

Tories accused of apeing BNP,
p.4, 26.4.2003,






2 -    'It reminds me of Barcelona

with the curvy shapes'

Headline, 3.3.2004,






3 -    Martin McGuinness was accused

at the Saville Inquiry

of letting his loyalty to IRA secrecy

stop the families of 13 civilians killed on Bloody Sunday

from ever discovering the truth

when he refused to disclose information

about IRA locations on the day.

Silent witness,
T, p.1, 5.11.2003.
Main article:
McGuinness's IRA loyalty 'obstacle to Bloody Sunday truth",
p. 4.






4 -    Ministers were accused last night

of failing to prepare Britain

for an 11 September-style terrorist attack

after it emerged that the police

and the Army lack enough specialists

to cope with such an atrocity.

Terror attack plans hit by troops shortage, I, 31.12.2003,






5 -    Di-di-di-di dah-dah, di-di-di-di daaaah.

Di-di-di-di dah dah, di-di-di-di daaaah!

It's the most recognised TV theme song,

and now it'll get stuck in your head all over again.

The 70s cop show Hawaii Five-O

is to be turned into a movie.

Film deal for Hawaii Five-O,
G, 10.9.2004,






6 -    Attorney general stands by new act

as 'the law of the land'

Hunt lobby in court for fight to overturn ban, sub,



A forensic pathologist hired

by Jeffrey Epstein's family said

he believes Epstein's autopsy

suggests homicide rather than suicide.

But New York City's chief medical examiner

stands by her conclusion

that Epstein died by hanging himself.

Jeffrey Epstein Case:
Expert Hired By His Family Suggests Doubt On Suicide Finding,
October 30, 2019 4:55 PM ET,















verbe à préposition en contexte


autres énoncés














The everyday fear of violence

every woman has to cope with


Men's rights internet forums

are seeking to distance themselves

from last week's mass murder

by a misogynist in California

– but it didn't happen in a vacuum

The everyday fear of violence every woman has to cope with,
G. 1.6.2014,






Gene scientists

turn waste into fuel for Europe's cars

Forget the tiger. Put some mushrooms in your tank,
O, 21.11.2004,






Pensions report

calls for radical shake-up

and hints at compulsory saving

Headline, G, 13.10.2004,
pensionsincrisis/story/0,12199,1326113,00.html - broken link






Bush team 'knew of abuse' at Guantánamo


Evidence of prisoner abuse

and possible war crimes at Guantánamo Bay

reached the highest levels of the Bush administration

as early as autumn 2002,

but Donald Rumsfeld, the defence secretary,

chose to do nothing about it,

according to a new investigation published

exclusively in the Guardian today.

Headline and §1, G, 13.9.2004,






Europe 's space chiefs have backed a suicide mission

which will end in a head-on collision

with an approaching asteroid.

Astronomers so far know of about 1,200 objects in space

more than half a mile across

which might one day collide with Earth.

Crash mission to deflect Earth-bound asteroid:
Project given high priority by Europe's space agency ,
16, 7, 2004,






Witnesses [ are ] told of seeing

at least 50 bodies lined up on the roadside.

This year up to 2 million people converged on the area

around the holy city of Mecca, western Saudi Arabia. 

244 pilgrims killed in stampede during devil stoning ritual, G, 2.2.2004,






Victim Support is the independent charity

which helps people cope with the effects of crime.

We provide free and confidential support and information

to help you deal with your experience.

Victim support site, 23.1.2004,






A revolution in the law that governs IVF treatment

- which would end the requirement for women

to find a man to act as father to their child -

will be called for today

by the head of Britain's fertility regulator.

Fathers no longer required: Fertility chief signals an IVF revolution,
I, 21.1.2004,






Pilots call for summit on air marshals

G, 7.1.2004,






BBC chiefs knew of Coke chart deal


Senior BBC executives knew about a controversial deal

with Coca-Cola to sponsor the music charts

before it was signed, the Guardian has learned.

Although the corporation spent the past week insisting

it was "not party" to the deal between the drinks giant

and the Official UK Charts Company,

which compiles the Top 40,

it failed to say that Radio 1's controller, Andy Parfitt,

was told of the negotiations and discussed the issue

with colleagues last month.

Headline and first §§,
G, 8.12.2003,






'UK ill-prepared to deal with terror'


Britain is ill-prepared to deal with a major disaster

such as a large-scale terrorist attack

because of underfunding,

a leading emergency planner said today.

Headline and §1, PA, 27.9.2003.






We ran up, down and across the footbridge.

The railway children, G magazine, p. 3, 2.8.2003.










Voir aussi > Anglonautes >

Grammaire anglaise explicative - niveau avancé


verbestransitifs indirects

à préposition + N




à particule adverbiale / préposition / préfixe



prépositions + N




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