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groupe verbal


verbes à particule adverbiale,

verbes à préposition,

verbes à préfixe >


verbestransitifs indirects à préposition + N



définition, explication




ask for N


look at Nobjet


look for N


listen to N


cope with N


aim at N


think of N


believe in N


care for N


approve of N


deal with N


provide with N


pay for N


prevent from N


thank for N


hint at N


hear of N


resort to N


abide by N


rely on N


wait for N


bump into N


comply with N


fear of N


account for N


comply with N


stand for N


complain about N


stand by N










Verbetransitif à préposition





Dans la plupart des énoncés,

ce type de verbe est suivi de sa préposition

- voir exceptions plus bas -

même lorsque Nobjet est placé avant le verbe :


You have nothing to complain about...


Verbe + préposition sont inséparables :





You have nothing to complain about...


Steve Greenberg

The Ventura County Star

Editorial cartoon


17 December 2010
















A dying father looks for the perfect family

to adopt his son in 'Nowhere Special'


Updated APRIL 30, 2024    NPR




























‘No one knows

what we stand for’:

Tory MPs in despair

ahead of Sunak’s crucial conference


With the party riven

by factions and differences on policy,

the prime minister has a job on his hands

trying to find a coherent way forward







McDonald’s Workers

Are Told Whom to Vote for


October 29, 2010

The New York Times




When workers in a McDonald’s restaurant

in Canton, Ohio,

opened their paychecks this month,

they found a pamphlet urging them

to vote for the Republican candidates for governor,

Senate and Congress,

or possibly face financial repercussions.





A former parolee with a long history

as a petty criminal was convicted of capital crimes

on Tuesday for his part in a nighttime home invasion

in Cheshire, Conn., three years ago

that left a woman and her two daughters dead.

The jury deliberated less than one full day.

The defendant, Steven J. Hayes,

who, the testimony showed,

described his eager anticipation of the crime

with an “LOL” — laughing out loud — text message

hours before taking part in murder,

rape, kidnapping and assault

at the home of the Petit family,

was convicted of 16 of 17 crimes in all;

he was acquitted of arson.

Six of the crimes he was convicted of

make him eligible for the death penalty.

The same jury that sat

during the three-week trial must soon determine,

in a penalty phase that could last a month,

whether Mr. Hayes is to be sentenced to death.

The penalty phase is to begin on Oct. 18.


Convictions on 16 Counts in Triple-Murder Case,







Syntaxe des verbes à préposition


Dans de très nombreux énoncés,

la préposition se trouve entre le verbe

et Ncomplément :


Look at him!


look est suivi de la préposition at

qui annonce le pronom personnelobjet





A new reality sets in

as Britons learn to cope with credit crisis


cope est suivi de la préposition with

qui annonce le nomobjet

credit crisis.










Un verbe à préposition

peut parfois n'être pas suivi

par sa préposition :


1 -    Un verbebi-transitif a 2 objets,


l'un direct

- Tony Blair -


l'autre indirect

- neglecting the poor

and creating a more "unequal" society

than under Margaret Thatcher and John Major -

car introduit / "aiguillé" par la préposition of :


Iain Duncan Smith accused Tony Blair yesterday

of neglecting the poor

and creating a more "unequal" society

than under Margaret Thatcher and John Major.

Tories offer to back the poor and minorities,
I, p. 8,










2 -    Le verbe est séparé de sa préposition

par un adverbe

(carefully, mockingly, exclusively)


par un nomcomplément

(at the Saville Inquiry)



The Day of Decision Arrives at Last


November 1, 2010

The New York Times


To the Editor:

“With Time Short, Parties Advance Last Argument”

(front page, Nov. 1):

The Republicans will almost surely regain

control of the House

and make serious inroads in the Senate

on Election Day.

But when they wake up bleary-eyed

on Wednesday morning

they will be faced with the same impossible choices

that President Obama and the Democrats

have been trying to deal with for almost two years now

— a high unemployment rate,

an unwinnable war in Afghanistan,

an education system crumbling as fast

as the antiquated buildings

our children attend school in

and deficits of monumental proportions.

I’ve listened carefully to G.O.P.

and Tea Party candidates

tell the public what they will do if elected

— cut taxes, reduce the deficit and cut spending —

but little is said about how they will accomplish this.

The Day of Decision Arrives at Last,






Michael Jackson is threatening

to sue Eminem over a music video

in which the rapper refers mockingly

to the child abuse allegations against Jackson

and ridicules his plastic surgery.

Michael Jackson threatens to sue over mocking video by Eminem,






On the eve of the publication

of his eagerly anticipated $10m autobiography,

Bill Clinton speaks exclusively to Alan Rusbridger

and Jonathan Freedland in New York

Mandela helped me survive Monicagate,
Arafat could not make the leap to peace
and for days John Major wouldn't take my calls'






Martin McGuinness was accused

at the Saville Inquiry

of letting his loyalty to IRA secrecy

stop the families of 13 civilians killed on Bloody Sunday

from ever discovering the truth

when he refused to disclose information

about IRA locations on the day.

Silent witness, T, p.1, 5.11.2003.
Main article:
McGuinness's IRA loyalty 'obstacle to Bloody Sunday truth",
p. 4.










3 -    Syntaxe des verbes à préposition > autres cas


Au passif,

dans les propositions

Nsujet + GVpassif + préposition + by + Nagent,

les propositions infinitives,

les interrogatives directes / indirectes

ou les relatives déterminatives,

le verbe est bien suivi de sa préposition,

mais celle-ci n'est pas suivie de N :

Nsujet est antéposé

(placé en amont de la préposition).


Nsujet + GVpassif + préposition + by + Nagent

The picture was looked at by many people.






Interrogatives directes


What are you missing out on?


What are you staring at?


What do kittens dream of?


Who should I go out with?


What sports do you listen to on the radio?






Interrogatives indirectes


I don’t know

who he went to the cinema with. 










4 -    Relatives déterminatives


Dans une proposition relative déterminative,

l'énonciateur / l'énonciatrice

peut antéposer la préposition,

( = placer la préposition avant le verbe ) :


Dans l'énoncé ci-après,

la séquence

The group to which Sanchez referred

est ici nominalisée

et joue le rôle

d'un Groupe Nominal complexe sujet de is :


The group to which Sanchez referred

is the World Cup qualifying one

also featuring England and Wales

that starts in the autumn.

Sanchez aiming to stop the rot,
p. 22, 17.2.2004.





Kate Moss is not the first person

that you would expect to bump into

at the Wemyss Bay Ferry terminal,

a modest building perched

on the west coast of Scotland

where many a Glaswegian's

summer holiday has begun.

What Stella didn't see,
GI/G2, p. 4,
2 Seotember 2003.






Parents will be presented with

a framework or plan for future contact arrangements

which they will be expected to comply with.

New access plan for fathers,
G, p. 2, 17.2.2004.










Sens (= sémantisme)


Dans la plupart des cas,

le verbe à préposition

a un sens qui se suffit à lui-même :


approve of N


rely on N


listen to N


believe in N


Dans les exemples ci-dessus,

la préposition n'ajoute pas

de valeur sémantique à l'élément verbal.






Dans certains cas,

la préposition modifie, à divers degrés,

le sens de l’élément verbal :


know of / know about

(être au courant de, connaître l'existence de)




look at (regarder)


look for (chercher)


look after (surveiller)


look on (considérer)




fall for (tomber amoureux de)


stand for (représenter, défendre - contexte : politique)




sleep with (coucher avec)




stand for (représenter / symboliser / signifier)


stand by (soutenir moralement)




hear from (avoir des nouvelles de)


hear of (entendre parler de)




break into (cambrioler)




call for

(réclamer, en appeler à / au, appeler à / au,

demander instamment / réclamer exiger,





turn into (transformer)




tell from (distinguer, faire la différence entre),


tell of

(raconter, exprimer, faire part de,

témoigner de -> contexte judiciaire;

au passif :

be told of -> avoir été informé).






verbe à préposition

tell of



verbe à particule adverbiale

tell off

(réprimander, "passer un savon", engueuler).











The Guardian    p. 16    12 February 2009

















The Guardian    ad    p. 15    15 February 2006
















These people know of the temple of Eden...


The Phantom

Paul Ryan (daily art),

Graham Nolan (sunday art)

& Tony DePaul (scripts)


28 April 2005

http://www.kingfeatures.com/features/comics/phantom/about.htm - broken link















Verbe à Préposition > Prononciation


La voyelle de la préposition

se prononce souvent en forme faible.

schwa =  [ ə ] :

Im looking at this huge telephone bill.

                  [ ə ]



sauf en fin d’énoncé :

What are you looking at?

                               [ a ]










Voir aussi > Anglonautes >

Grammaire anglaise explicative - niveau avancé


verbestransitifs indirects

à préposition + N



verbes à particule adverbiale,

verbes à préposition,

verbes à préfixe



prépositions + N



be + -ing




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