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temps, formes verbales


present perfect


present perfect actif affirmatif


haveauxiliaire + verbeau participe passé




adverbe / marqueur de temps >


aux adverbes "faux-amis" :


In the last year + present perfect

(l'année en cours / écoulée jusqu'à présent,

et non pas l'année dernière :

last year + passé)




Ne pas confondre :


in the last + N

(période toujours en cours)




last + N

(clap de fin,

période finie, achevée, révolue)





You’ve read 90 articles in the last year


traduction explicative :


Vous avez lu 90 articles

depuis le 1er janvier 2021

(bilan des articles lus)



Ne pas confondre :









Attention :


Dans les marqueurs de temps

over the past N / the last N...,

in the past N / the last N...,




sont souvent, mais pas toujours,

des "faux-amis grammaticaux".



over the past N / the last N...,

in the past N / the last N...,

ne doivent pas être confondus


last year (l'an dernier),

marqueur d'une période passée,

et qui est lié au passé.



Dans de nombreux énoncés,

over the last / past N

délimite une période

qui court jusqu'à l'instant de l'énonciation

(prise de parole, rédaction de l'article).



On parle d'une tendance présente,

toujours d'actualité,

d'où l'emploi du present perfect,

qui permet ici de faire un bilan jusqu'au présent.





Social Networks

Meant for Social Good,

but at a Price


December 19, 2010

The New York Times



Over the last year or so,

[ ces douze derniers mois

= du 1er janvier 2010

au 19 décembre 2010 ]


there has been

[ bilan au present perfect affirmatif actif ]


an explosion of online intermediaries

promising to help nonprofit groups

raise money and awareness.


Crowdrise, Jumo, Causecast,

Causes on Facebook and others

try to use social networking and crowdsourcing

to build interest in charities and causes,

and to help them attract donations.


2010 has really been

[ bilan au present perfect actif ]


the year of the social network for social good,”

said Katya Andresen,

chief operating officer at Network for Good,

a nonprofit that handles processing

and other administrative chores

for many of the new sites.

Social Networks Meant for Social Good, but at a Price,
NYT, 19.12.2010,






College, Jobs and Inequality


December 13, 2010

The New York Times


A college education

is better than no college education

and correlates with higher pay.

But as a cure for unemployment

or as a way to narrow the chasm

between the rich and everyone else,

“more college” is a too-easy answer.


Over the past year

[ ces douze derniers mois

= du 1er janvier 2010

au 13 décembre 2010 ],


for example,

the unemployment rate for college grads under age 25

has averaged

[ bilan au present perfect affirmatif actif ]

9.2 percent,

up from 8.8 percent a year earlier and 5.8 percent

in the first year of the recession

that began in December 2007.

That means recent grads

have about the same level of unemployment

as the general population.

It also suggests

that many employed recent grads may be doing work

that doesn’t require a college degree.

College, Jobs and Inequality,






"I haven't felt too good

[ bilan au present perfect actif négatif ]

this last week

[ ces derniers jours ]."

Michael Barrymore interview,


Dans cet entretien,

publié un dimanche,

Michael Barrymore fait le bilan de la semaine,

période non révolue

au moment où il se confie au journaliste.






De même,


in the last three years,


in the past week,


 in the past,


in the past year,


in the past couple of days

over the last decade

sont liés au present perfect / past perfect.



La période de référence du bilan

court jusqu'à l'instant de l'énonciation.



Attention à la traduction :


in the past year

ne se traduit pas par l'année dernière,

mais par :

au cours des douze derniers mois /

ces douze derniers mois.



In the last three years,

Operation Trident has compiled a database

[ present perfect actif affirmatif ]

of 500 criminals involved in trafficking and dealing in crack cocaine.

Drug gang warning by police:
Yardie violence spreads across UK,
p. 1,




Traduction explicative :


Ces trois dernières années

(de 2001 à 2003 inclus),

l'opération Trident a permis

de constituer une base de données...


Le reste de l'article précise

que cette opération est toujours en cours.






The number of families making official complaints

against schools' admissions procedures

has more than trebled in the past two years,

[ present perfect actif affirmatif ]

figures to be presented to ministers this week show.


Many schools were failing to follow their own procedures

and in many cases the rules on admissions

were unclear or over-complicated,

according to a report by Philip Hunter,

the chief schools adjudicator.


Complaints were also increasing because parents

were better informed about appeal procedures, he said.


The Office of the Schools Adjudicator

deals with appeals from parents

whose children have been denied a place

at the school of their choice.


It received 270 complaints this year,

compared with 78 in 2002.

Surge in school entry disputes,
Saturday October 30,






The Israeli prime minister, Ariel Sharon,

spoke to his Palestinian counterpart today

and agreed in principle to permit

the ailing Yasser Arafat to be flown abroad

for medical treatment.

It remained unclear, however,

whether Mr Arafat would be allowed to return.

In the past Israel has said

[ present perfect actif affirmatif ]

the Palestinian leader could leave the West Bank,

but that he might not be allowed to come back.

Sharon: Arafat can leave Ramallah,






In the past week

security forces have intercepted bombs smuggled

[ present perfect actif affirmatif ]

on bicycles, in fruit carts and motor cars.

Clashes with US-led forces in the volatile southern provinces

have intensified.

[ present perfect actif affirmatif ]


Yesterday Nato troops mounted foot patrols

and searched vehicles in Kabul,

after a rocket landed 200 metres

from a fortified US compound.

Call for global jihad puts jittery Afghanistan on high alert:
Propaganda urges war on 'oil-thieving Christian crusaders'
as Taliban vows to derail today's election,
Saturday October 9, 2004,






Internet search giant Google

has spectacularly laid to rest concerns

that growth would be hampered by going public,

announcing that

profits had more than doubled in the past year

[ past perfect actif affirmatif ]


in its first financial results

since floating on the stock market.


which was started in a garage by two students

and grew to overtake Yahoo! and Microsoft

to become the most popular

search engine in the world,

posted third quarter net profits of $52m (£30m),

up from $20.4m in the previous year.

Google profits soar,




Même information,

mais au present perfect,

en Une de l'édition web du Guardian :


Google profits soar



Internet search giant Google announces

[ present ]


that its profits have more than doubled

[ bilan au present perfect actif affirmatif ]

in the past year.




Dans l'énoncé ci-dessous,

extrait d'un article du New York Times

qui fait un bilan de la violence

à l'intérieur même des tribunaux américains,

In the last decade

ne se traduit pas par :


Au cours de la dernière décennie (1990-2000)


mais par :


Ces dix dernières années (1995-2005).


Le bilan court jusqu'à l'instant de l'énonciation

(mars 2005) :


Only federal authorities keep a count of annual threats,

but the 700 reported against federal judicial officials alone

suggest that the total made against federal,

state and local court officials is much larger.


In the last decade, too,

threats have escalated,

[ present perfect actif affirmatif ]

especially on the federal level,

where there is a new age of dangerous cases

involving terrorism, international drug trafficking,

international organized crime and gangs.


Violent incidents themselves,

inside and outside the courtroom, are not tallied,

but they are known to involve

an unpredictable range of defendants,

from white supremacists and gang members

to white-collar frauds, batterers and civil litigants.

In Courts, Threats Become Alarming Fact of Life,










Exceptions > Anglais américain


over the past year /

over the past few months

- marqueur d'une période-bilan -

peut s'utiliser avec le passé.




En anglais américain,

over the past week

est aussi un marqueur de temps passé

qui indique une période clairement finie,

et qui est donc compatible avec le passé.


Dans l'énoncé ci-dessous,

première phrase d'un article-bilan

publié le dimanche 5 mars 2023,

donc le dernier jour de la semaine,

over the past week

signfie clairement :

au cours de la semaine qui vient de s'écouler,

 du lundi au dimanche

(traductions explicatives).


Over the past week,

significant turbulence caused [ passé actif affirmatif ]

one death and one hospitalization on a business jet

and seven hospitalizations on a commercial flight.

Turbulence usually just causes a bumpy ride,

but it varies widely in severity

and can cause damage to the plane

and injuries to the passengers and crew on board

— not to mention

serious fear and anxiety among flyers.

How dangerous is turbulence on airplanes?
Here's what you need to know
March 5 (Sunday), 2023
2:43 PM ET






Over the past few months,

the probe moved

[ passé actif affirmatif ]

into a new phase

when James subpoenaed Trump

and his two eldest children,

Donald Trump Jr. and Ivanka Trump.







At Least 67 Killed

at Baghdad’s Largest Market


February 12, 2007

The New York Times



BAGHDAD, Feb. 12 — Four bomb explosions

at Baghdad’s oldest market

killed at least 67 people and wounded 155 today,

charring families in their cars, shredding stores

and setting ablaze a seven-story clothing warehouse,

where black smoke billowed for hours,

witnesses and officials said.

The blasts at Central Baghdad’s Shorja Market

— the capital’s largest bazaar — struck shortly

after Iraq’s Shiite-led government

marked the first anniversary,

by the Islamic calendar, of an attack

that destroyed a revered Shiite mosque in Samarra.

That bombing,

which shattered [ passé actif affirmatif ]

the shrine’s golden dome,

ignited [ passé actif affirmatif ]

a wave of sectarian violence in Iraq

that has yet to be extinguished.

With its timing and severity,

today’s attack seemed [ passé actif affirmatif ]


to fuel the country’s sectarian hatreds,

and to identify weaknesses

in the new American-Iraqi security plan for Baghdad

that has just begun.


It was

 [ passé actif affirmatif du verbe irrégulier be ]

at least the fifth bombing at the Shorja market since August [2006],

and one of roughly a dozen attacks at markets

over the past year,

killing more than 500 people

as they bought or sold what they needed to survive.

At Least 67 Killed at Baghdad’s Largest Market,
February 12, 2007,










Voir aussi > Anglonautes >

Grammaire anglaise explicative - niveau avancé


present perfect



present perfect passif



past perfect



depuis : since / for




de l'adverbe / du marqueur de temps

dans un groupe verbal au present perfect



passé temporel

avec adverbe / marqueur de temps



adverbes > temps > yet



adverbes > temps > ever



adverbes > temps > never



verbes réguliers



verbes irréguliers




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