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learning > grammaire anglaise - niveau avancé


temps, formes verbales


present perfect


present perfect simple >

actif ou passif


sens et valeurs énonciatives :



information inédite,

breaking news




present perfect actif affirmatif


haveauxiliaire + verbeau participe passé


Afghanistan's President Has Left the Country






Un clic sur

Taliban Forces Enter Kabul

- titre au présent simple -

affiche une nouvelle page,

avec un titre


present perfect actif affirmatif :


The Taliban Has Entered Kabul





















Tony Benn has died











Biden has pardoned 2 turkeys.

Here's the strange truth behind the tradition


Updated November 21, 2022    NPR





































present perfect passif affirmatif


haveauxiliaire + beenauxiliaire + Vau participe passé


sens et valeurs énonciatives :



information inattendue, inédite, importante

(breaking news)



Middle East crisis:

Hamas political leader Ismail Haniyeh (has been) killed in Iran

– latest updates


Political leader Ismail Haniyeh has been killed

in an attack in Tehran,

saysprésent Iran’s Revolutionary Guard Corps


Full report:

Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh  (has been) killed

in raid on Iran residence,

says Palestinian group



















Nine people have been killed in a shooting

near LA after a Lunar New Year festival


January 22, 2023    NPR




au present perfect passif affirmatif

have been killed


sens et valeur énonciative :

breaking news




au passé actif / passif affirmatif

valeurs / sens :

historisation, narration, mise au passé,


avec marqueurs de temps passé




Nine people were killedpassé passif affirmatif

in a mass shooting late Saturday

in a city east of Los Angeles

following a Lunar New Year celebration

that attracted thousands,

police said.


Sgt. Bob Boese

of the Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department

said early Sunday

that the shooting occurred

at a business on Garvey Av

 in Monterey Park.


The shooter

ispresent simple actif affirmatif, discours indirect / rapporté

a male,

Boese said.


Earlier in the day,

thousands of people attended the annual festival.


















A former US marine has been given a bionic arm

in a pinoeering operation


















Kennedy has been shot
















Voir aussi > Anglonautes >

Grammaire anglaise explicative - niveau avancé


present perfect


verbes réguliers


verbes irréguliers




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