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learning > grammaire anglaise - niveau avancé


temps, formes verbales


groupe verbal


it is / it has been X years / days


since + proposition au passé



la séquence en since

marque le début

de la période de référenc

du bilan





It is almost two years

since the Guantanamo prison camp opened.

[ Traductions explicatives :


Cela fait presque 2 ans

que le camp-prison a ouvert à Guantanamo /

 Guantanamo est ouvert depuis presque 2 ans ]


Its purpose is to hold

people seized in the 'war on terror'

and defined by the Bush administration

as enemy combatants

- though many appear to have been

bystanders to the conflict.

Images of Camp Delta's orange-jumpsuited, manacled

detainees have provoked international outrage.

But the real horror they face isn't physical hardship,

it is the threat of infinite confinement,

without trial or access to legal representation.

James Meek has spent the past month talking

to former inmates and some of those involved

in operating the Pentagon's

Kafkaesque justice system.

He has built an unprecedented picture of life

on the base,

which we present in this special issue

People the law forgot,
G, sub, 26.6.2004,






It has been just about two years

since Michael Barrymore stood on a stage.


[ Traductions explicatives :


Cela fait 2 ans environ

que Michael Barrymore n'a pas joué au théâtre /

Michael Barrymore n'a pas joué au théâtre

depuis 2 ans environ ]

A glimpse of the truth,
O, Review, p. 1, 29.12.2002,






He points out

that it is only two days since McDonald's,

bete noire of the anti-globalisation movement,

issued a profit warning,

its seventh in the past two years.

Power to the people,
GE Review, p. 4, 20.12.2002,;










On rencontre aussI

since + marqueur passé (1964)


proposition au passé :




The Higgs Boson particle was first observed

when scientists at the European Center

for Nuclear Research, or CERN,

spun and crashed particles together

near the speed of light.


They did that

by using the world's largest and most powerful

particle accelerator — the Large Hadron Collider.


Since 1964,

physicists theorized this particle existed,

but it took nearly 50 years to find evidence.


Scientists believe the Higgs field was formed

a tenth of a billionth of a second

after the Big Bang and without it,

stars, planets and life would not have emerged.











Voir aussi > Anglonautes >

Grammaire anglaise explicative - niveau avancé


Present perfect >

marqueurs de temps



Present perfect >

Valeurs énonciatives >

Breaking news



depuis : since / for



Present perfect > traductions



Past perfect > Valeurs énonciatives




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