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learning > grammaire anglaise - niveau avancé


GV > auxiliaires > modaux


would + rather + Base Verbale (BV)




The Guardian        G2        p. 16        3 December 2008

















The Guardian        Weekend        p. 138        18 February 2006















'I would rather be dead

than live next to them'


Anti-social behaviour orders can curb hooliganism,

but critics say they do not tackle root causes

Headline and sub,
O, 4.7.2004,






Every scar has a story to tell

and the two dozen fading wounds that track my body

tell the narrative of my 12-month relationship with Seroxat.

The most conspicuous,

and by far the least imaginative of them all,

are the horizontal lacerations

that run parallel down my wrists.

They were conceived in the week

I decided to reject Seroxat.

And with the same spiteful tenacity of the newly dumped,

Seroxat made the break-up as painful as possible.

It would rather have you dead than be without you.

Regulators have just banned
the prescription of the antidepressant Seroxat to under-18s.
Novelist Helen Walsh,
who was suicidal during her time on the drug, knows why:
Touching the void,
GI/GI2, p. 5, 12.6.2003.











Voir aussi > Anglonautes > Grammaire anglaise explicative - niveau avancé





auxiliaires be, have, do,

auxiliaires modaux,

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