learning > grammaire anglaise - niveau avancé
GV > auxiliaires > modaux
would + Base Verbale (BV)
sens et valeurs énonciatives
habitude / répétition dans le passé avec parfois un effet de gros plan, de nostalgie
would > forme contractée : 'd
We'd go scampering off like a bunch of boobies falling all over ourselves
In the evening dad would invite a few rabbits over...
Dad never chased rabbits...
instead, he'd invite them over to play cards
Peanuts Charles Schulz GoComics June 16, 2024 https://www.gocomics.com/peanuts/2024/06/16
The Guardian Film
would > valeur itérative
comportement "à répétition", caractéristique du référent du sujet dans le passé (ce que la personne dont on parle avait pour habitude de faire)
"I used to sleep on the streets when Milton came with his wife. He would take pictures, and three, four days later he would come back and give you a copy of the picture." A
Sympathetic Lens On Ordinary People,
The first thing I ever bought was Ride a White Swan by T Rex. It was the first thing I had ever got for myself that wasn't a toy or a comic. I was 13 years old and it was like buying a piece of magic. It was as if I could begin to understand what I was living for. I would slide the mysterious black disc out of its paper sleeve. I would put it with unlikely care on to a soft rubbery turntable. I would nervously drop the needle on to the edge of the disc and hear the tantalising crackle that seemed to last an eternity before Marc Bolan, as if from space, as if for me only, began singing his electric folk song that seemed to be all about swans, sex and the strangeness and tender brilliance of being a teenager. The
magic circles: First they killed off 45s.
My partner's violent outbursts became more regular. She would smash windows, break doors, and rage at her child, who was beginning to veer out of control.
Private lives, GE/G2, p. 11,
Voir aussi > Anglonautes > Grammaire anglaise explicative - niveau avancé