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learning > grammaire anglaise - niveau avancé


GV > auxiliaires > modaux


concordance des formes

verbales et auxiliaires


la concordance


aux verbes et aux auxiliaires




Dans un contexte passé,

certains modaux ont une valeur passé:


will -> would


can -> could


may -> might





Sean Connery quits film project

as Variety reports he may be retiring

 [ concordance au présent :

quits -> reports -> may ]


Hollywood's industry newspaper, Variety,

reported last night

that Sean Connery had abruptly pulled out

of his current film project

and might be about to announce his retirement.

 [ concordance au prétérit :

reported -> had -> might ]

Headline and §1,
G, 30.9.2004,






Sharon hints

that Arafat may be killed


Ariel Sharon has threatened

that Yasser Arafat will meet the same fate

as Hamas leaders

who were assassinated earlier this year

by the Israeli military.

In ambiguous comments to Israeli newspapers

to mark the Jewish new year, the prime minister said

he intends to force the Palestinian leader into exile.

But he also hinted

that Mr Arafat might be killed.

Headline and first §§,
G, 15.9.2004,










Voir aussi > Anglonautes > Grammaire anglaise explicative - niveau avancé





auxiliaires be, have, do,

auxiliaires modaux,

question tag



be + -ing




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