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be + -ing


énoncés en be + -ing


sens et valeurs énonciatives



présent simple



présent en be + -ing




série d'énoncés


forme simple (sans -ing)


séquence be + -ing :


formes contrastantes,

effets de sens










effet de

be + -ing

après une forme simple :


gros plan discursif,

focalisation, dramatisation,



she knows what's coming




The Guardian    p. 18    17 February 2007

















The Guardian        p. 18        9 June 2007

















Cops say

they're being poisoned by fentanyl.


Experts say

the risk is 'extremely low'


May 16, 2023    NPR


















We pray for all those who, as we meet here,

are working to renew a ravaged country

- our own servicemen and women,

all those who are labouring to bring together

the Iraqi people in new political projects

for restoring common life.

Archbishop's address in full:
The full text of Dr Rowan Williams' address
at the St Paul's Cathedral service of remembrance
for those who died in the Iraq war,
BBC new / UK edition,















forme simple    ->    be + -ing    ->    forme simple



"I quite understand

[ présent simple à la voix active ]


that if you are being terrorized

and your shop is being burned

and you are being looted

[ énoncés au présent en be + -ing

à la voix passive ]



minutes seem like hours".

[ présent simple à la voix active ]


On This Day, The Times, September 11, 1985,
Birmingham violence spreads to new areas,
T, p. 37, 11 September 2003.












The Guardian        Weekend        p. 86

12 November 2005





























Watchdog says

IRA is still recruiting


Terror group still has capacity

for full-scale campaign, report finds


The IRA remains heavily involved in criminality

and is recruiting and training new members

in the use of guns and bombs,

Northern Ireland's ceasefire watchdog said yesterday.

The Independent Monitoring Commission's report,

published as the IRA is consulting on whether to abandon its weapons

once and for all, was seized on

by Ian Paisley's Democratic Unionists

as a "damning indictment" of what it saw

as republicans' duplicity in recent political talks.

Headline, sub and §1, G, 25.5.2005,






A month in Tescoland


With 250,000 staff, 1,800 stores

and the turnover of a medium-sized country,

Tesco now collects one

in every eight retail pounds we spend.

So how is it affecting the way we live?

[ is it (ing) + affect the way we live ]

To find out, Lucy Mangan spent a month

shopping for everything

- from clothes to pet insurance -

at the company's stores or websites

Headline and sub, G, 7.10.2005,

















be + -ing  ->  forme simple





Former Inmates Are Getting Jobs

As Employers Ignore Stigma In Bright Economy



Former Inmates Are Getting Jobs :


gros plan énonciatif,

information la plus étonnante,

effet, conséquence


As Employers Ignore Stigma In Bright Economy :

cause, explication, analyse
















An economic iron curtain is falling on Russia


[ valeurs de be + -ing ici >

focalisation, dramatisation, effet / conséquence ]


as companies like McDonald's cut ties


[ valeurs du présent simple ici >

explication, cause ]


March 12, 2022    NPR


































The Guardian        Europe Unlimited        p. 8        23 November 2005

















The Guardian        p. 25        5 December 2005


Consumer capitalism is making us ill - we need a therapy state

Britain is becoming unhappier

as depression, crime and alcoholism grow.

Government can and should intervene

Madeleine Bunting        The Guardian

Monday December 5, 2005


















The Guardian        p. 28        14 November 2005

Shell is forcing us out of work, say forecourt owners

· Franchisees told to take over six stations or quit

· Frustrated staff condemn 'unmanageable' workload

Terry Macalister        The Guardian

Monday November 14, 2005

















The Guardian        p. 20        30 June 2007















Modern death


People are killing themselves

and their children

and no one seems to notice


14 January 2006,






Physics is dying out in schools,

study warns


Rebecca Smithers,

education editor

Monday November 21, 2005

The Guardian


The teaching of physics in schools

is in danger of dying out unless urgent action is taken

to tackle a severe shortage of specialist teachers,

the government is warned today.

The number of pupils taking physics at A-level

has fallen 38% since 1990,

according to a national survey published today

by the University of Buckingham's

Centre for Education and Employment Research.

At the same time the number of new specialist

physics teachers has dropped sharply

while the shortage is likely to worsen

as older staff retire.

Physics is dying out in schools, study warns,
G, 21.11.2005,















be + -ing  +  be + -ing





The great thrift shift

Sep 22nd 2005

From The Economist print edition


America is spending

while the rest of the world is saving.

But for how long?

Zanny Minton Beddoes investigates

Headline and sub,














autres énoncés




The Guardian        Educ@        p. 12        15 November 2005















présent simple



présent en be + -ing




contrastes > forme simple  ≠  forme en be + -ing




forme simple


valeurs > information inédite,

sortie du continuum



instant zéro



forme en be + -ing


valeurs > validation, confirmation,

focalisation, gros plan,


théâtralisation, dramatisation,






















The Guardian        p. 1        20 December 2008
















be + -ing et présent simple,

deux formes énonciatives





Mueller On Russian Election Interference:

'They're Doing It As We Sit Here'


July 24, 2019

8:15 AM ET



Peril from foreign interference in American elections will persist through the 2020 presidential race, former special counsel Robert Mueller warned on Wednesday.

Asked whether Russia would attempt to attack future U.S. elections, as it did in 2016, Mueller replied: "They're Doing It As We Sit Here."

Mueller didn't detail a prescription for how he believes Congress or the United States should respond, but he recommended generally that intelligence and law enforcement agencies should work together.

"They should use the full resources
that we have to address this," Mueller said.

Mueller On Russian Election Interference:
'They're Doing It As We Sit Here',
July 24, 2019    8:15 AM ET,




Les deux énoncés ci-dessus,

le premier en be + -ing

et le second au présent simple,

renvoient au présent chronologique.


 be + -ing apporte un "plus sémantique"

par rapport au présent simple :


 be + -ing

dramatise l'énoncé théorique They-do-it,

alors que le présent simple donne à

As We Sit Here

une valeur discursive d'instant zéro :

au moment même / à l'instant où je vous parle...


 be + -ing se greffe

sur l'énoncé qui est le plus informatif :

l'énoncé en  be + -ing fonctionne

comme un gros plan discursif,

qui doit attirer l'attention

et déclencher une prise de conscience

chez le co-énonciateur / la co-énonciatrice.


L'inversion du schéma  be + -ing  -> présent simple

ne fonctionnerait pas

et constituerait un contre-sens ridicule :


??? 'They do it As We're Sitting Here'










autres énoncés



Murders Drop to a Record Low,

but Officers Aren’t Celebrating


DEC. 31, 2014

The New York Times




The number of murders in New York City has dropped to what years ago would have seemed like an impossible low: 328 killings recorded in 2014, the lowest figure since at least 1963, when the Police Department began collecting reliable statistics.

With hours left in 2014, the number of murders capped a year of lower numbers in nearly every major crime category and offered an answer to what had been a central question of Mayor Bill de Blasio’s first year: Could a mayor elected on promises of police reform keep the specter of the bad old days from returning?

But there is little celebration among the city’s police officers, who remain in mourning after the recent killings of two comrades. They have also heard calls to reverse their policing practices and found their union representatives locked in a bitter public struggle with the mayor that, in recent days, has coincided with a substantial drop in enforcement of everyday crime by officers.

Reports of major crimes citywide continued their yearlong decline, to 105,428 through Dec. 28, from 110,728 in the same period in 2013, according to Police Department statistics. Murders dropped from 335 in 2013.

The decrease in crime in 2014 continues a two-decade slide in New York City. While other cities have seen fluctuations and occasional increases in recent years, New York has largely grown safer. Los Angeles, for example, was on pace to end 2014 with more overall violent crime than in 2013, including big jumps in assaults and rapes. In Chicago, crime is down, but the city recorded 392 murders through Dec. 21 in a much smaller population.

Mr. de Blasio told Police Academy graduates on Monday that when he took office, the Police Department spoke of 2013 with reverence. “But this year — 2014 — this N.Y.P.D. beat the record,” he said. “That is an achievement for the ages.”

Under the guidance of his police commissioner, William J. Bratton, the department ended its reliance on stopping and frisking vast numbers of mostly minority men, a practice that exposed rifts between the police and some communities. But even as street crime receded, the mayor found those rifts torn open by the chokehold death of Eric Garner after his arrest on Staten Island in July, and a grand jury’s decision last month not to indict the officer involved.

During his first stint as police commissioner, Mr. Bratton sought to honor police officers in 1995 with a parade through Manhattan to celebrate what he saw as their success in turning a corner on crime. That year, there were 1,177 murders. The highest number came in 1990, with 2,245.

This time around, as Mr. Bratton ends the first year of his return to the commissioner’s office, no such parade has been suggested in the Canyon of Heroes. Instead, officers have been assigned in those same corridors of Lower Manhattan to patrol demonstrations over Mr. Garner’s death and other police killings.

Police officials chalked up their success in 2014, in part, to an increased focus on the small number of people responsible for a majority of offenses and their patterns of criminal behavior. “We have the luxury to really dig in,” said Dermot F. Shea, the department’s deputy commissioner of operations.

The number of robberies, a bellwether crime that erodes public perception of safety, reached their lowest levels yet recorded, 16,326 through Dec. 28, down 14 percent from 2013. The high point for robberies came in 1981, when the police recorded 107,495.

Shootings, which spiked over the summer, leveled off at 1,162 through Dec. 28, and remained only slightly ahead of 2013’s low levels. Mr. Shea said 200 to 300 mostly young men are responsible for a majority of those shootings, according to a department analysis.

Despite a continuation of the steep drop in recorded stop-and-frisk encounters, the department’s philosophy of crime prevention has remained the same between the Bloomberg and de Blasio administrations, said Dennis C. Smith, a professor of public policy at New York University who has studied the Police Department’s strategies.

But Mr. Bratton has made adjustments. Where in the past, commanders from particular precincts or areas of the city gathered to discuss crime trends, officers now also gather in so-called CompStat meetings to discuss particular crimes of concern, such as grand larcenies and rooftop burglaries.

Among the more surprising trends in 2014 was a sudden uptick in car thefts, a crime that had virtually disappeared as a fear for most New Yorkers. Much of the rise, Mr. Shea said, came from a loophole in state law that allows for older model cars — those that are also easier to steal — to be junked with minimal paperwork that proves ownership.

But homicides provided the starkest development, a continued slide that came despite an atmosphere of tit-for-tat gun violence among some gangs. The Police Department recorded at least 40 homicides in December, Mr. Shea said, a high tally that includes roughly a dozen deaths stemming from assaults in prior months or years.

George L. Kelling, an architect of the “broken windows” theory of crime-fighting, which emphasizes focusing on low-level crimes to prevent larger ones, said the low numbers called to mind the long-ago notions of a London policing luminary often cited by Mr. Bratton.

“It goes back to Sir Robert Peel,” he said. “The sign of an effective police department is the absence of crime. Not the activities dealing with it, like an arrest.”

A version of this article appears in print on January 1, 2015,
on page A1 of the New York edition with the headline:
Murders Drop to a Record Low, but Officers Aren’t Celebrating.

Murders Drop to a Record Low, but Officers Aren’t Celebrating,










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