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nom collectif

sans la marque du pluriel




Irish youth, jobless, aircraft, family,

the fish, the police, the public, staff,

Oasisnom propre singulier...







Oasis are back.

So why all the hatred?

















Hospital staff in Toronto deal with Covid crisis

– in pictures


















The Guardian view

on the coronation crowds:


the public are crucial for royalty


The people are essential to monarchy;


the power of performance

lies in the response of the audience


















Kanye West has shown us exactly who he is

– and yet the public are still listening


















The fish are vanishing anyway.


















The police are supposed to protect free speech,

not suppress it.




















The police are on our tail!


Dick Tracy

Joe Staton and Mike Curtis


March 01, 2014

















The Guardian        Society 1       p. 6        22 February 2006
















The Guardian        p. 11        18 August 2006






























The Guardian        Film & Music        p.1        24 February 2006













































The Guardian        p. 6        28 November 2005

















1 November 2005














many dead

as garment factory building

that supplied west collapses    


25 April 2013

Hundreds of workers feared to have died

at plant in Bangladesh

where staff were 'told to return to work'

despite crack in wall

many dead as garment factory building that supplied west collapses,
25 April 2013






Man Randomly Stabs Four,

One Fatally,

Then Slashes Himself,

the Police Say


August 23, 2011
The New York Times


A naked man with a knife unleashed a torrent of violence

inside the building where he lives in Upper Manhattan

on Tuesday, randomly stabbing four residents, one fatally,

before running outside and slashing himself, the police said.

Man Randomly Stabs Four, One Fatally,
Then Slashes Himself, the Police Say,






U.S. continues

to conduct air strikes in Libya


WASHINGTON | Wed Apr 13, 2011
6:53pm EDT
By Phil Stewart and Missy Ryan


WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. fighter jets are still attacking Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi's air defenses even after NATO took over full command of Libya operations earlier this month, the Pentagon said on Wednesday.

The disclosure came as Libyan rebels struggle to gain ground from Gaddafi's forces and NATO allies squabble publicly over stepping up air strikes to help topple him.

The Pentagon said previously it would not conduct strike sorties after April 4 without a specific request from the Brussels-based NATO alliance. But it clarified on Wednesday that this did not apply to attacks on Gaddafi's air defenses, which have continued.

Pentagon officials said the attacks on Libyan air defenses did not mean the United States had reconsidered its decision to take a limited support role in the Libya conflict.

"It is completely consistent with how we have described our support role ever since the transition to NATO lead," Pentagon press secretary Geoff Morrell told reporters.

But the strikes raise new questions about the future air campaign in Libya as Gaddafi hangs on and Britain and France call for more allied participation in the air strikes against Gaddafi's heavy weapons and on arming the rebels.

The U.S. military says the attacks -- known as Suppression of Enemy Air Defenses, or SEADs -- are defensive by nature and therefore not considered "strikes."

Eleven U.S. aircraft have flown 97 sorties in Libya since April 4 and fired on air defense targets three times, the Pentagon said. The aircraft involved are six F-16 fighter jets and five EA-18 Growler electronic warfare planes.

All the aircraft had been placed under NATO command.



"These are defensive missions that are simply to protect the aircraft flying the no-fly zone," a U.S. military official said on condition of anonymity.

The operations underscore concern about Gaddafi's mobile air defenses after an initial U.S.-led air campaign degraded his fixed anti-aircraft positions.

Grappling with conflicts in Iraq and Afghanistan, the Obama administration has been seeking to limit the U.S. role in Libya, where poorly organized rebels have so far failed to topple Gaddafi.

The Pentagon formally transferred control of coalition operations to NATO on March 31 but extended its participation in the mission to protect civilians with air strikes until April 4. That campaign included attacks on Gaddafi's ground forces and were deemed to be offensive, proper "strikes."

U.S. aircraft remain on alert and may participate

in those campaigns as well if there is a specific request

from NATO.

American officials have stressed that after its initial leadership of the air campaign in Libya, the United States has moved to a support role focused on aerial surveillance, jamming of Libyan communications, and refueling.

Colonel Dave Lapan, a Pentagon spokesman, said the United States remained in a support role.

"Having a few aircraft

[ Voir Quantificateurs + noms collectifs ]

providing this strike capability on a (limited) basis

doesn't change that," Lapan said.

The comments came as a group of Western powers and Middle Eastern states meeting on Libya's future called for the first time for Gaddafi to step aside. Divisions have emerged over how to achieve that political goal in Libya.


(Editing by John O'Callaghan and Peter Cooney)

U.S. continues to conduct air strikes in Libya, R, 13.4.2011,
http://www.reuters.com/article/2011/04/13/us-libya-usa-strikes-idUSTRE73C4XB20110413 - broken link






The Jobless See a Lifeline at Risk


March 31, 2011
The New York Times



With his worn black canvas briefcase at his feet,

Richard Dudenhoeffer, a cabinet maker,

stood at a computer at the one-stop employment center

and scrolled through Florida’s employment listings

before settling on three applications:

Custodian for the Flagler County School Board.

City meter reader.

Assistant manager at a tractor supply company.

In the year he has been collecting unemployment checks

in Flagler County, where joblessness remains

stubbornly high, Mr. Dudenhoeffer, 61,

has not even gotten his foot in the door,

despite his almost daily efforts to find a job, any job.

No interviews. No phone calls. No e-mails.

No flicker of hope.

Without charity

and his $247 weekly unemployment check,

he would lose it all, he said,

starting with his mobile home and his car,

a lifeline in a county with no public transportation.

“I sold my 9-millimeter gun,”

Mr. Dudenhoeffer said offhandedly,

after rattling off the possessions

— coin collection, gold jewelry —

he had sold to stay afloat.

“It was too tempting to blow my brains out.”

He added, “I am just so depressed.”

For the jobless like Mr. Dudenhoeffer,

the outlook does not look immediately brighter.

The Jobless See a Lifeline at Risk, NYT, 31.3.2011,






'Too many passengers

are still standing in queues'


Thursday June 21, 2007
Guardian Unlimited
Dan Milmo


The British are supposed to be tolerant of queuing,

but Stephen Nelson's post bag indicates

that their patience at airports has reached breaking point.

'Too many passengers are still standing in queues',






Ahead of tomorrow's American poll,

Stephen Armstrong meets

a Sky News team who are struggling

with 8,000 other international journalists

to gain access to candidates who see them

as a waste of time

'Foreign media are about as useful as lice' - Kerry aide,






Australia breach final frontier


Australia 398 & 329-5 dec; India 185 & 200

Gillespie: nine wickets in the match

Australia have won their first Test series in India

since 1969-70 after a crushing 342-run win

in the third Test in Nagpur.

Headline, sub and §1,
G, 29.10.2004,






It's peace but the dead are everywhere

G, 28.8.2004,






John Le Carré's novels may go on the shelves

next to Tom Clancy (and sell as many copies)

but if his popularity is due to a belief

that he adheres to the Boy Scout code of fiction,

then his public are reading him for the wrong reasons.

His books have been formed

by the nature of the Cold War;

they are one of the most thorough

and historically useful guides

to the mentality of those who ran it

that we have.

The redemption of an unheroic hero:
John Le Carré reaches beyond the thriller in The Constant Gardener,






The Spencer family are making their first public

appearance alongside the Royal Family since Diana,

Princess of Wales's emotionally-charged funeral

seven years ago.

Fountain dedicated to Diana, PA, 6.7.2004.






In Mecca itself, the Grand Mosque - Islam's holiest site -

overflowed today with nearly 500,000 faithful,

who heard Sheik Saleh al-Taleb give a fiery sermon

and led them prayer.

Muslims gather for climax of annual pilgrimage, G, 31.1.2004,






To do this, we need committed, dedicated staff

who are prepared to embrace the challenges,

take the rough with the smooth, the highs and the lows,

help us to deliver the standards of policing

that we all deserve, and to do all this with a smile.

'We need a committed, dedicated staff to embrace these challenges',
I, Police, p. III, 16.9.2003.






Why Brazil are unluckier than England in World Cups (...)

Why England aren't quite the unluckiest team

in the world ever
G, 1.8.2002.






That, argues MacLean,

shows that the police are either too uninterested

or too overburdened to track down bail skips

- particularly those charged with minor offensives.

Titre de l'article à préciser, GI/G2, p. 5, 20.6.2003.






The poor, emphatically, are not the new rich.

One the contrary, the rich are the new poor.

Talking cheap on poverty:
The only lesson Blair needs to learn from the fuel tax protests
is to be bullish over poverty,
p. 28,















Dans certains cas,


peut être suivi

d'un verbe au singulier

et / ou

au pluriel :



Government faces questions

over Lockerbie bomber


August 22, 2009

The Times

From Times Online

Robin Henry


The Government are under fresh pressure this morning

over an alleged trade deal

behind the release of the Lockerbie bomber.


Government faces questions over Lockerbie bomber,



tol/news/uk/scotland/article6806172.ece - broken link










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