How to translate and listen to Anglonautes
Free browser add-ons / extensions for PCs
Translation add-ons for Firefox (Anglonautes is best viewed with Firefox)
Double-click on any word to see instant translation.
Translate any word / sentence to the language of your choice.
Set up time before showing translation in a pop-up.
Pronunciation: listen to every word / text selection
press just one key - ALT, COMMAND, CTRL, META, RETURN or SHIFT - while pop-up is showing
Read Aloud: A Text to Speech Voice Reader
Read out loud web-page articles with one click.
More Firefox language support extensions
TransOver > Hover, click or select to translate
How to use Transover Video 15 November 2016 YouTube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MkGxLjW0MXA
Instant translation and pronunciation
2 - In the settings, right-click on the Transover icon to choose one of the following options:
Translate word or highlighted text selection to the language of your choice by pointing / hovering or by clicking at it (left click).
After activating one option, on Anglonautes just hit CTRL to get pronunciation.
Add Pronounce to Chrome
English text-to-speech app with natural voice to read aloud, boost your productivity and improve pronunciation.
Tired of reading?
Want to hear correct intonation?
Would you like to speak like a native?
Would love to improve your pronunciation?
Best free online chrome browser extension for English text-to-speech reader and pronunciation improvement.
Pronounce will read aloud the text you highlighted, record your speech and play your record.
Listen, record, compare and repeat, improve your English pronunciation.
You can read aloud words, phrases or articles on any web pages.
Replenish your dictionary and don’t be shy speaking anymore.
You can proofread your materials.
The voice changes on question marks, to sound as if they have a question.
The commas are read as commas, with a pause.
Pronounce extension helps you to look up correct pronunciation most easily and efficiently.
Even if you are a native speaker, you might encounter words, phrases and even sentences that you want to pronounce better without spending too much time.
The app provides quick access to the reader and a voice record tool with a player.
Select the text you want to hear and read.
Click on the app icon on the top right;
pop-up starts reading automatically, showing you record and play buttons to work with your pronunciation afterward.
Also available via context menu.
Select text and right click to open the context menu with an option to pronounce the selection.
Pronounce uses a text-to-speech (TTS) system that converts English language text into speech.
Translation add-ons / extensions for Chrome
add to Chrome
Double click on a word and get instant translation and pronunciation.
How to Enable & Used Google Translate in Google Chrome Windows Video e hindi-urdu 2 April 2019 YouTube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AH00ul8PTmA
Learn more about Google Translate at http://translate.google.com/support/?hl=en