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data, sale, rubble, advice...



à la 3ème personne du singulier


South African data suggests

Omicron outbreak has caused less severe disease




















M&S ad    The Guardian    p. 14    27 December 2006



















A boy walks in the rubble

after a Sunni mosque was destroyed in Basra today.


Photograph: Atef Hassan



BAGHDAD, June 16 — Hooded gunmen clad in black

blew up another Sunni mosque in the southern city of Basra today

after ordering the police officers at the mosque to flee,

and despite a curfew imposed by Iraq’s central government,

witnesses and security officials said.


The blast at the Al-Ashrah Al-Mubashra mosque in central Basra

— the second Sunni mosque razed in as many days —

suggested that Shiite militias south of the capital

have rejected calls for restraint from Iraqi leaders

after explosions Wednesday toppled two minarets

at a revered Shiite shrine in Samarra.


Second Sunni Mosque Is Blown Up in Basra


June 16, 2007

















Lebanon diary:

‘Residential buildings

have been hit at random,

rubble is everywhere’


2 September 2006

Socialist Worker 2016


Wednesday 23 August:

‘Khiam became a symbol of resistance’


Standing on a hill above the village of Khiam

in southern Lebanon lie the ruins of a prison used

by the Israelis during the occupation to hold detainees

- a place of torture and despair.

When the occupation came to an end in 2000

the locals did not wait for the Israelis to withdraw.

They showed up in force and smashed their way

through the gates as the guards fled down a cliff face

to the rear of the compound.

The liberation of Khiam prison became

a symbol of resistance and a museum of liberation.

It had a visitors’ centre and a bookshop,

and hosted regular events

when former prisoners would meet

with their families to remember fallen comrades.

The courtyard was home

to several captured Israeli vehicles,

which now lie in pieces strewn around the remnants

of the buildings.

This was clearly a propaganda strike

against the Lebanese.

The locals insist that this location

was of little strategic importance

and occupied only by its caretaker during the war.

The rest of Khiam is typical of towns in the south.

Residential buildings have been hit at random.

Engineers are working around the clock

to restore the power.

The only drinking water is from temporary tanks

installed in the town centre.

The locals are doing their best

to clear out the ruined shops

and clear the rubble that is everywhere.

Lebanon diary:
‘Residential buildings have been hit at random, rubble is everywhere’,
article.php?article_id=9606 - broken link









Dans certains articles,


peut être suivi d'un verbe conjugué

au singulier et / ou au pluriel :



Government faces questions

over Lockerbie bomber


August 22, 2009

The Times

From Times Online

Robin Henry



The Government are under fresh pressure this morning

over an alleged trade deal

behind the release of the Lockerbie bomber.

    Government faces questions over Lockerbie bomber,



article6806172.ece - broken link










Voir aussi > Anglonautes >

Grammaire anglaise explicative - niveau avancé


séquences nominales






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