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verbe à préposition


proposition affirmative / interrogative


Nobjet antéposé

(antéposé = placé avant)


préposition en fin de séquence :


but how can you say

you don't like the friendsobjet antéposé

I hang out with?!





but how can you say

you don't like the friends I hang out with?!


Glasbergen Cartoons


July 24, 2016
















syntaxe = ordre / colocation des mots



V + préposition (about, to, for, with, of...)



V + préposition + Nobjet

sont très souvent inséparables

mais dans certains cas :



se trouve avant le verbe

et la préposition

se situe en fin d'énoncé :



but how can you say

you don't like the friends I hang out with?!



There's something

business need to talk about.



One less thing to worry about.



Nicer people to do business with.










autres énoncés



These are the 19 movies

we're most excited about

this summer


















'The voice

we woke up topréposition':

Bob Edwards,

longtime 'Morning Edition' host,

dies at 76


February 12, 2024    NPR



énoncé théorique / explicatif :


we woke up topréposition the voice




















11 books toviseur look forward topréposition in 2024


December 30, 2023    NPR



















The years-long journey to save

a tiny snail you've never heard of


August 12, 2023    NPR



















British people are kinder and less divided

than politicians give us credit for


















Here are 3 dangerous climate tipping points

the world is on track for


November 10, 2022    NPR
















































































adjectif + préposition




I need an idea I can feel passionate about...


I wonder what we were once proud of.


















except the parts I don't agree with

or don't know about...


R.J. Matson

The St. Louis Post-Dispatch and Roll Call



22 October 2010



Christine O’Donnell,

the Tea Party-backed Republican Senate candidate

in Delaware


















I guess

a moment of silence is too much to ask for.


John Deerin

The Arkansas Democrat-Gazette


12 January 2011


Related > Tucson shooting

















whatobjet antéposé do ears have to grumble about?





Charles Schulz


August 13, 2023




















You don't have any women in there

for them toviseur relate topréposition.


[ premier to :

toviseur suivi de la Base Verbale (BV).


second to :

topréposition qui renvoie ici à  any women ]



By Garry Trudeau


February 5, 2012



















I need an ideaobjet antéposé

I can feel passionate about...



By Garry Trudeau


September 18, 2011


















I wonder whatobjet antéposé

we were once proud of.



By Garry Trudeau


August 14, 2011

















The Guardian        p. 28        16 February 2006
















The Guardian        p. 13        12 February 2007















The Guardian        Society        p. 16        4 July 2007
















The Guardian        Society 2        p. 27        5 April 2006
















The Guardian        Travel        p. 12        6 May 2006
















The Guardian        Society 2        p. 2        29 March 2006
















The Guardian        Society 1        p. 15        1 March 2006
















The Guardian        p. 18        4 March 2006
















The Guardian        p. 4        28 February 2006
















The Guardian        Money        p. 4        18 February 2006
















The Guardian        Film & Music        p. 7        28 July 2006




























The maximum sentence for the crimes

Tory Lanez was convicted of

is 22 years and eight months in prison.


[ la séquence

The maximum sentence for the crimes

Tory Lanez was convicted of

est un groupe nomonal complexe,

sujet de is.


22 years and eight months in prison

est un groupe nomonal

qui donne l'information annoncée

par le premier GN :

The maximum sentence for the crimes

Tory Lanez was convicted of


On a donc ici un montage N + be + N :

The maximum sentence for the crimes

Tory Lanez was convicted of

is 22 years and eight months in prison. ]


However, due to a recently passed California law

meant to measure criminal justice reform,

courts are now required to impose

the middle length of a possible prison term

unless there are aggravating circumstances.

Tory Lanez sentenced to 10 years for Megan Thee Stallion shooting
Updated August 8, 2023
8:03 PM ET,






The Other Pipeline

ou Should Worry About


It’s Not Just Keystone XL,

It’s Also Line 61


JAN. 16, 2015

The New York Times

The Opinion Pages

Op-Ed Contributor


WHILE the ire of environmental activists

remains fixed on the Keystone XL pipeline,

a potentially greater threat looms

in the proposed expansion of Line 61,

a pipeline running the length of Wisconsin

carrying tar sands crude.

The pipeline is owned by Enbridge,

a $40 billion Canadian company,

which has been responsible for several hundred spills

in the past decade,

including one in 2010 near Marshall, Mich.,

reportedly the largest and most expensive inland oil spill

in American history.

The Other Pipeline You Should Worry About,






Above All Else,

Eastern Quake Rattles Nerves


August 23, 2011

The New York Times



Of all the things there are to worry about,

earthquakes are fairly low on the list

for those on the East Coast.

So it was startling,

just as the lunch hour was ending Tuesday

and workers in a broad area of North America

were settling back into their cubicles,

when floors began to shake and chairs rocked.

Above All Else, Eastern Quake Rattles Nerves,






How to cook perfect hot cross buns

Which modern additions to hot cross buns

do you approve of

and what do you eat them with?


You know you're getting old

when you catch yourself tutting

at the sight of hot cross buns on sale

while most of Britain is still

ploughing through Christmas cake.

I can't blame people for buying them

– spiced, fruited breads are delicious at any time of year –

but equally,

I do regret the spreading of their brief season.

My style is to hold out until Good Friday,

and then cram as many as possible into my diet

until they disappear from the shelves

(or, at least, from the promotional hotspots

and back into the muffin and teabread aisle).

This year, of course, I've had to climb down

from my high horse and eat more than is strictly wise

during Lent in pursuit of perfection;

that's professionalism for you.

How to cook perfect hot cross buns,
G, 21.4.2011,






The Day of Decision Arrives at Last


November 1, 2010

The New York Times

To the Editor:

“With Time Short, Parties Advance Last Argument”

(front page, Nov. 1):

The Republicans will almost surely regain control of the House

and make serious inroads in the Senate on Election Day.

But when they wake up bleary-eyed on Wednesday morning

they will be faced with the same impossible choices

that President Obama and the Democrats

have been trying to deal with for almost two years now

— a high unemployment rate, an unwinnable war in Afghanistan,

an education system crumbling

as fast as the antiquated buildings our children attend school in

and deficits of monumental proportions.

I’ve listened carefully to G.O.P. and Tea Party candidates

tell the public what they will do if elected

— cut taxes, reduce the deficit and cut spending —

but little is said about how they will accomplish this.

The Day of Decision Arrives at Last,






In ‘Daily Show’ Visit,

Obama Defends Record


October 27, 2010

The New York Times



WASHINGTON — If you are president of the United States

and you take your campaign get-out-the-vote blitz

to a fake news program,

do you get tweaked, or do you get a pass?

You get tweaked,

as President Obama discovered Wednesday,

when he made his first appearance

as president on “The Daily Show” on Comedy Central.

As the host, Jon Stewart, needled him,

the president declared

that he never promised transformational change overnight.

“You ran on very high rhetoric, hope and change,

and the Democrats this year seem to be running on,

‘Please baby, one more chance,’ ”

Mr. Stewart said at one point.

At another,

he wondered aloud whether Mr. Obama had traded

the audacity of 2008 for pragmatism in 2010,

offering a platform of

“Yes we can, given certain conditions.”

Mr. Obama paused for a moment.

“I think I would say, ‘Yes we can, but —— ”

Mr. Stewart, laughing, cut him off.

The president pushed ahead, finishing his sentence:

“But it’s not going to happen overnight.”


In the interview, Mr. Obama conceded

that he understands the feeling among his supporters

that he has not fundamentally changed

the way Washington does business.

“When we promised

during the campaign ‘change you can believe in,’

it wasn’t ‘change you can believe in in 18 months,’ ”

he said.

“It was ‘change you can believe in

— but we’re going to have to work for it.’ ”

In ‘Daily Show’ Visit, Obama Defends Record,






Convictions on 16 Counts

in Triple-Murder Case


October 5, 2010

The New York Times



NEW HAVEN — A former parolee with a long history

as a petty criminal was convicted of capital crimes on Tuesday

for his part in a nighttime home invasion in Cheshire, Conn.,

three years ago that left a woman and her two daughters dead.

The jury deliberated less than one full day.

The defendant, Steven J. Hayes, who, the testimony showed,

described his eager anticipation of the crime

with an “LOL” — laughing out loud — text message

hours before taking part in murder, rape, kidnapping

and assault at the home of the Petit family,

was convicted of 16 of 17 crimes in all;

he was acquitted of arson.

Six of the crimes he was convicted of

make him eligible for the death penalty.

The same jury that sat during the three-week trial

must soon determine,

in a penalty phase that could last a month,

whether Mr. Hayes is to be sentenced to death.

The penalty phase is to begin on Oct. 18.


Convictions on 16 Counts in Triple-Murder Case,










Voir aussi > Anglonautes >

Grammaire anglaise explicative - niveau avancé


syntaxe > proposition interrogative >

préposition en fin de séquence



prépositions + N



verbes à particule adverbiale + préposition >

en contexte




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