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Will you stand up for me today?




The Guardian        p. 10        15 September 2007

















Loomus        Steven Appleby

The Guardian        Family        p. 2        1 April 2006

















Flash Gordon

Jim Keefe

Created in 1934 by Alex Raymond

24 October 2004













































The Guardian        Office Hours        p. 2        10 July 2006









































GPs must open round the clock


Ministers push reforms that bypass Labour rebels

By Sam Lister, Health Correspondent


PATIENTS would be able to see a GP

in the evenings and at weekends

as part of a government drive to make primary care

available around the clock.

Private heathcare firms could also be used by the NHS

to provide late-night access to GPs

in a move that will risk angering Labour MPs.

Other reforms being considered

include staffing surgeries late at night

with nurses and pharmacists once doctors had gone home.

Patricia Hewitt, the Health Secretary,

will tell health leaders today

that doctors’ surgeries and other services

must be more accessible

to fit in with patients’ busy lifestyles.

GPs must open round the clock,
article/0,,2-1867551,00.html - broken link






Hurricane Ophelia

could boomerang back to US


Fri Sep 9, 2005
6:37 PM ET


MIAMI (Reuters) - Hurricane Ophelia edged away from Florida's Atlantic coast on Friday but forecasters said it probably would loop back and hit the southeast U.S. coast early next week.

Ophelia weakened to a tropical storm then strengthened back into a hurricane with 75-mph (121-kph) winds, just over the 74-mph (119-kph) threshold to regain hurricane status, the National Hurricane Center said. It was expected to gradually strengthen further.

At 5 p.m., Ophelia's center was about 220 miles south-southeast of Charleston, South Carolina.

It parked off Florida for three days, lashing the coast with squalls and beach-eating waves, but storm warnings were dropped as Ophelia began moving northeast away from the U.S. coast on Friday.

Forecasters expected it to turn back toward the United States and come ashore on Monday or Tuesday somewhere between north Florida and the Carolinas. The most likely target was South Carolina but Ophelia has so far defied forecasting models designed to predict its path.

There had been concern as Ophelia formed that it could threaten the U.S. Gulf Coast, which is still in the early stages of recovering from the August 29 strike by the much stronger Hurricane Katrina.

The forecast models still disagreed somewhat on Ophelia's target but none took it into the Gulf of Mexico.

Hurricane Ophelia could boomerang back to US,
Fri Sep 9, 2005,
6:37 PM ET,






HOUSTON (Reuters) -

The shuttle Discovery sailed away

from the International Space Station

on Saturday while NASA braced for the first landing

since the crew of Columbia died minutes

before they were due to touch down in February 2003.

Shuttle leaves station, focus shifts to landing, Sat Aug 6, 2005 7:40 PM ET,






Political leaders have been warned to back off

from exploiting public fears over immigration and asylum

- or they risk a surge in racially motivated violence

and harassment of ethnic minorities.

Immigration: Howard lights the touchpaper,
I, 11.4.2005,






California set up its own scientific program

after President Bush clamped down

on federal research into stem cells,

citing ethical concerns in sharply curbing federal spending.

Calif. High Court Dismisses Stem Cell Challenge,
R, Wed Mar 23, 2005 10:56 PM ET, http://www.reuters.com/newsArticle.jhtml;jsessionid=EOMGXEUTXLU4QCRBAEKSFFA?type=domesticNews&storyID=7990971






Bush reaches out to Europe

with pledge on Middle East


George Bush began five days

of intensive fence-mending in Europe yesterday

with a pledge to reinvigorate

the Middle East peace process

and to turn his war on terror

into a quest to spread democracy,

prosperity and hope.

At the start of a brief tour of three countries,

the American President wooed EU leaders

with praise for European unity

and a vision of a progressive US foreign policy

that would encourage democracy

and "improve lives" by rooting out the causes of terrorism.

Headline and first §§, I, 22.2.2005,






Clarke backs down on detainees


As Guantanamo four arrive back,

the home secretary prepares to act

on suspects held in UK

Clarke backs down on detainees, headline and sub,






Where once they popped down to the garage

on Christmas Eve to pick up a perfect present,

thoughtful men are now turning

to the supermarket and the internet

to find that special festive gift.

Men lead festive internet shopping spree,
0,12597,1361722,00.html - broken link






TOKYO (Reuters) -

The dollar fell to a three-month low

against the yen on Thursday

as traders zoomed in on growing concerns

about the U.S. economic outlook and the yawning trade deficit

amid a lack of fresh economic data.

Dollar Hits 3-Mth Low on U.S. Econ Woes,
R, Thu Oct 21, 2004 02:09 AM ET, http://www.reuters.com/newsArticle.jhtml;jsessionid=34QP4NFHX1CRMCRBAEZSFEY?type=businessNews&storyID=6564347






COLORADO SPRINGS, Colo. (Reuters) -

President Bush on Tuesday

hammered away at Democrat John Kerry

as a tax-and-spend liberal

and said his decision to invade Iraq

was the toughest he had made,

as he prepared for his third debate

with the Massachusetts senator.

Bush Hammers Kerry, Defends Iraq War,
Tue Oct 12, 2004 01:18 PM ET, http://www.reuters.com/newsArticle.jhtml;jsessionid=4I54WH0PQS320CRBAELCFFA?type=topNews&storyID=6480179







Kelli's heart goes POP!

LOVE is in the air for another of those Liberty X ladies.

Sexy singer Kelli Young has hooked up

with fresh-faced POP! fella Glenn Ball, 3am can reveal.

Ex-professional dancer Glenn, who's strutted his stuff on stage

for the likes of Kylie Minogue, Mariah Carey and Atomic Kitten,

first met Kelli a month ago at a friend's birthday bash.

Young Love, Mi, 30.8.2004,






New Zealand failed

to cash in effectively on a century opening stand

but still posted a testing target of 266

for the West Indies

in Saturday's NatWest Series final at Lord's.

Kiwis' progress checked at Lord's, PA, 10.7.2004.






Barclays chief executive Matt Barrett is to step up to chairman

four months ahead of schedule and he will smash

the pay benchmark for a non-executive FTSE 100 chairman.

Barrett raises pay stakes:
Barclays chief executive to get £650,000 as part-time chairman,






BAGHDAD (Reuters) -

The United Nations envoy in Baghdad urged Iraqis on Wednesday

to press on with setting up a broad parliamentary-style body

to help oversee the new interim government that is charged

with organizing elections.

UN Urges Iraqis to Set Up Body to Oversee New Govt,
R, 2.6.2004,






Cut down on tranquilliser prescriptions,

GPs warned

G, 11.2.2004,






100 years ago,

there were five people working for every retired person.

Soon for every pensioner, there will be just one worker.

But we have not woken up to this social revolution

as we grow older and healthier.

Robin McKie asks what this means for the future

and how our lives will change

 Living with Britain's population timebomb, O, 25.1.2004,
- broken link






THE British computer scientist who created the World Wide Web

and did not make a penny from it is knighted in the New Year honours.

Tim Berners-Lee developed the hypertext language of the internet,

setting up the information superhighway

on which documents on different computers are linked.

Without his genius, there would be no www. addresses

and the net might still be the exclusive domain of computer experts.

Mr Berners-Lee, 48, refused to cash in on his work.

Instead he fought to keep it out of the hands of mega-corporations

such as Microsoft

and ensured his invention of 1990 remained free to everyone.

Sir-fing the net, DMi, 31.12.2003,






Tony Blair signalled his determination today

to press ahead with controversial reforms

to the public services in the coming year,

saying he will not "falter with the job only half done".

In his new year message to the country,

Mr Blair emphasised his determination to ensure

that reforms are seen through to their conclusion,

however great the opposition.

'I will not falter': Blair,
G, 31.12.2003,






If you are low on Christmas spirit,

take a trip to Calais to see Père Noël

and stock up on festive wine supplies,

writes Cathy Packe

Somewhere for the weekend... Calais,
I, 11.12.2003,






Time for reflection:

after 13 years playing cricket at the highest level,

Stewart is able to look back with satisfaction

and forward to more time with his family

Photo caption, Memorable innings comes to happy end,
T, p. 42, 3.9.2003.






John Farmer, one vocal retail investor,

hit out at the rising level of executive pay

for "sub-standard performance"

and told the company management:

"Frankly, you give a disgusting impression

of a complacent and self-satisfied board".

Rolls-Royce rides out stormy AGM,
I, p. 23, 30.5.2003.






Hand in guns to your local police station

and you won't be prosecuted for having them illegally.

Home Office Gun Amnesty ad, Get guns off the streets,
O, p. 12, 30.3.2003.






Tony Blair might not be feeling it now,

but being prime minister is not all bad.

To make up for all the jetlag and public opprobrium,

there is the pile of gifts he has received

from foreign governments and dignitaries,

which, it is revealed today, includes everything

from tennis rackets to a guitar

from the soft rocker Bryan Adams.

Revealed: PM's cupboard full of secret gifts,
GE, p.1, 25.3.2003.






As for spin doctors,

"It's a bit like the emperor's clothes.

Someone is going to come along one day and say:

'This is a fantasy. We don't need these people.

We should do away with them'."

Speaker lays into spin doctors as a 'nuisance',
G, p. 5, 2.1.2003.






'I'm not

the easiest person in the world to get along with,'

he admits.

'I'm angry and innocent' - the 16-year hell of Death Row Briton,
O, p. 14, 13.10.2002.






Thousands of young eastern Europeans

are to be allowed into this country to work as au pairs.

Is this a wonderful opportunity for them to learn English

and study our curious customs?

Or are they in for a nasty shock?

Not quite Mary Poppins, GE2, p. 2, 28.11.2002.






EMI, the world's third-largest music business,

yesterday blamed the illegal copying of songs

for falling sales at its recorded music division

and called on governments

to crack down on piracy

in order to preserve intellectual copyright.

EMI blames scourge of piracy for drop in music sales,
I, p. 24, 20.11.2002.






As the search closed in on the two,

the joint task force investigating the sniper killings

continued to communicate with the killers,

issuing the latest, and strangest of a series of messages.

Found asleep but ready to kill: Gulf veteran and the teenager,

















The Guardian        G2        p. 8        19 July 2005















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