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learning > grammaire anglaise - niveau avancé




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But Labour's fears are derided

by the Liberal Democrats,

who use a political broadcast tonight to accuse them

of "crying wolf". "Clearly, Labour are worried

about the Liberal Democrat challenge,"

Charles Kennedy says.

"There is no danger of a Michael Howard government.

People can go out and vote for

what they believe in and agree with,

confident in the knowledge

that he's not going to be prime minister

and that Tony Blair should certainly not enjoy

another three-figure majority."

Labour fears meltdown in marginals:
Chancellor warns voters that his party's headline poll lead
masks a deteriorating situation in many key seats,
uk/politics/story.jsp?story=634701 - broken link










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Grammaire anglaise explicative - niveau avancé


prépositions + N



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verbes à particule adverbiale + préposition




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