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at + N


sémantisme / sens



at + N



at your desk


at Asbury Park


at the U.S.-Mexico border


at war with Hollywood


at $2.1 Million


at 98








V + at + N


Wenger rails at 'racist' criticism


Teacher who fired airgun at youths

freed from jail but conviction stands








N + at + N


Nasal spray is a new antidepressant option for

people at high risk of suicide



The man at the head of all the airport queues










at + Nlieu, endroit



Fidgeting at your desk?

Your body may be trying to tell you something


February 2, 2025    NPR



















Here's why

6,000 octopuses like to be

under the sea

at an 'octopus garden'


August 23, 2023    NPR



















Amazon workers vote against unionizing

at upstate NY warehouse


October 18, 2022    NPR



















at + Nlocalisation imagée (sens figuré)


Biden is visiting Ottawa this week.

Concerns about Haiti are at the top of the agenda


March 23, 2023    NPR




















at + Ninstitution



At Morehouse,

Biden says dissent should be heard

because democracy is 'still the way'


MAY 19, 2024    NPR




































at + Névénement important, récurrent



















at + Névénement important



Did the world make progress

on climate change?


Here's what was decided

at global talks


Updated November 20, 2022    NPR



















After wins at the ballot,

abortion rights groups

want to 'put this to the people'


November 10, 2022    NPR




















at + Ntemporaliré, repère temporel



Biden is going to Hiroshima

at a moment when nuclear tensions are on the rise


May 15, 2023    NPR






































































at + Nrepère temporel


Super Fly at 50:

A blaxploitation classic

that remains a powerful pop culture force


August 4, 2022    NPR



















at + Ncible

(sens implicite : agressivité)


Why are you so mad at me?




Prickly City

Scott Stantis


March 26, 2023



















at + N


autres énoncés


















































































































































































































































































































The Guardian        Sport        p. 1        11 March 2006
















The Guardian        p. 2        11 March 2006

















Martin Scorsese


DVD pic

added 3.5.2005.
















The Guardian        p. 28        7 July 2007

















The Guardian        Office Hours        p. 2        2 July 2007




























































The Guardian        Film & Music        p. 5        7 April 2006
















The Guardian        p. 2        21 February 2006
















The Guardian        p. 9        8 July 2006
















The Guardian        p. 13        7 April 2006
















The Guardian        p. 8        28 February 2006
















The Guardian        p. 18        20 February 2006
















At Princeton,

Women Make Strides

at Clubs That Once Barred Them


FEB. 20, 2015

The New York Times



At Princeton,
Women Make Strides at Clubs That Once Barred Them,
February 20, 2015,






Iran Scoffs at U.S. Account

of Alleged Assassination Plot


October 13, 2011
The New York Times


The government of Iran on Thursday escalated

its rebuttal of American criminal charges

that it was behind a murder conspiracy in Washington,

calling the claims that Iranian agents

had plotted to kill the Saudi ambassador

with the help of a Mexican drug gang

so ludicrous that even politicians and press

in the United States were expressing skepticism

about such a scheme.

Iran Scoffs at U.S. Account of Alleged Assassination Plot,






Teacher who fired airgun at youths

freed from jail but conviction stands


A special needs teacher who fired an air pistol at youths

gathered outside her home was yesterday freed from jail

by the appeal court.

Headline and §1,






One night I heard a noise.

I looked out the window.

He saw me.

"Close the window and go back to sleep.

There's a fire at the

reactor. I'll be back soon."


I didn't see the explosion itself.

Just the flames. Everything was radiant.

The whole sky. A tall flame. And smoke.

The heat was awful.

And he's still not back.

The smoke was from the burning bitumen,

which had covered the roof.

He said later it was like walking on tar.


They tried to beat down the flames.

They kicked at the burning graphite with their feet ...

They weren't wearing their canvas gear.

They went off just as they were, in their shirt sleeves.

No one told them.

Chernobyl > Land of the dead >
On April 26 1986, the No 4 reactor at the Chernobyl power station blew apart.
Facing nuclear disaster on an unprecedented scale,
Soviet authorities tried to contain the situation
by sending thousands of ill-equipped men into a radioactive maelstrom.
In an extract from a new book by Russian journalist Svetlana Alexievich,
eyewitnesses recall the terrible human cost of a catastrophe still unfolding today,







GI Laughed at Grenade Movie Scene



Weeks before launching a deadly grenade attack

on his comrades,

Sgt. Hasan Akbar attended a camp showing

of the movie ``Apocalypse Now''

and laughed at a scene of U.S. troops

being hit by a grenade,

a soldier testified Monday.

Headline and §1,
G, 19.4.2005,
worldlatest/story/0,1280,-4947706,00.html - broken link






A grandmother knocked out a burglar

by hitting him with a garden gnome.


Jean Collop, 69, woke at 5am to find an intruder

clambering on her roof.

She yelled at the man, then picked up a gnome

and hurled it at him, reports The Sun.

Gran hits burglar with garden gnome,
Ananova, April 2005,
sm_1357571.html - broken link






I respond that I am only making sure

that people don't touch him or block his sign.

He asks why I am doing this.

I begin to explain that as a Quaker,

I am committed to equality and peace.

He interrupts me repeatedly,

then tells me that I am not a Quaker.

I fall for the bait and reply that I am.

He continues to talk at me, his voice rising,

almost yelling.

I lower my voice and slow down,

hoping to slow him down in turn.

By this point a bit of a crowd has gathered around us

I  find myself getting angry at him

and want to argue back.

Reflections of a Con Con Peacekeeper:
Lisa Graustein is a high school teacher
who works extensively with Quaker youth
and is a member of Beacon Hill Friends Meeting,
May 2004,






Everybody's talking at you on phones


As the Post Office delivers a landline deal,

Sam Dunn cuts through a tangle of tariffs to help you find

the best rates to beat BT

It could be time to hang up on your phone company.

A battle between service providers,

each wanting a bigger slice

of our £4.3bn residential landline market,

is helping to cut the cost of calls

and offer highly attractive deals.

Everybody's talking at you on phones,






The first thing to tell you

about the family-owned Summer Isles Hotel is that,

by the time you read this,

it will be closing its doors until next Easter.

Do not swear at me. I am doing you a service.

Though a well-kept secret among its devotees,

they are so numerous that,

if you tried to get in during the season,

you would be turned away.

This way you can book for next season.

All for one: The menu at the Summer Isles Hotel
is a blessing for those who can't make up their minds.
And yes, it was worth the 700-mile trip, says Jay Rayner,
O, 5.10.3003,






And the spittle flies on.

Last month, during an international match,

the England captain David Beckham was involved

in a similar dispute with the Turkish player Alpay.

The England player alleges that his opposite number

made a profane insult about his mother,

but it was the suggestion

that Beckham had spat on the player's Turkish badge

that really got him riled. "I don't spit at people.

As far as I'm concerned it's all over and done with,

but if he keeps coming out saying things like that

obviously I'm going to defend myself."

Last year the Arsenal player Dennis Bergkamp

was fined £5,000 for stamping on Blackburn's

Nils-Eric Johanssen; three years earlier

his teammate Patrick Vieira had been stung for £45,000

and banned for six matches for spitting.

Here's one in the eye:
When Lazio's Sinisa Mihajlovic expelled a mouthful of phlegm
towards the ear of Chelsea's Adrian Mutu on Tuesday night,
he was delivering the most potent insult at his disposal.
But what makes spitting so uniquely offensive?
Esther Addley investigates,






It was all too much for some.

One of the distraught Israeli relatives

shouted at Mr Barghouti's daughter "whore" in Arabic.

A mother whose daughter had died in a Palestinian attack

had to be restrained by Israeli security

when she rushed across benches

in a determined attempt to reach Ruba, shouting:

"You are going to die, as my daughter died."

Bitterness boils over at Barghouti trial:
Tel Aviv court witnesses emotional scenes on both sides
as Fatah leader is accused of role in 26 deaths,






The team, from the School of Pharmacy

at the University of London looked at prescribing

of antidepressants, stimulants,antipsychotics,

tranquilisers and medications to treat anxiety.

They examined prescription data for children up to 17

in the UK, France, Germany, Spain, Argentina, Brazil,

Mexico, Canada and the US.

Child antidepressant use 'rising':
The UK has seen the fastest rise in the prescribing of antidepressants
and other mind-altering drugs to children,
a study of nine countries shows,
BBC News,
Thursday, 18 November, 2004, 00:03 GMT,






Look at Bush's enemies:

they are the reason

why he deserves re-election


FOUR YEARS ago, when I covered

the last US presidential election campaign,

it was hard to be impressed with George W. Bush.

He seemed a callow sort,

propelled effortlessly towards the presidency

by a combination of heredity and money,

swagger and bonhomie.

Headline and §1,
article/0,,1072-1332174,00.html - broken link






Look at us


Abba did it. The Clash did it.

Now S Club are at it.

But why, asks Alexis Petridis,

are popstars so keen to be in ridiculous movies

Headline and sub,
10 April 2003,










Voir aussi > Anglonautes >

Grammaire anglaise explicative - niveau avancé


prépositions + N



toviseur -> Base Verbale



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