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learning > grammaire anglaise - niveau avancé






même si, bien que


sens et valeur énonciative :

contraste, paradoxe, inattendu


‘Although I’m tetraplegic,

I’ve started to feel normal’

































Une proposition subordonnée en although

exprime souvent une information bien connue,

qui sert de point de départ "perspectif"

à la nouvelle information

donnée par la proposition principale :




Although [ même si ]

the idea that social deprivation might influence health

had been around for more than a century,

publication in 1980 of Inequalities in Health (the « Black Report »)

was a turning point.

Sir Douglas Black: Medical scientist
whose report on the link between social deprivation and ill-health
was a turning point in attitudes to the problem,
T, Business pullout, p. 8, § 1.
















La proposition subordonnée en although

exprime souvent une idée négative,

que la proposition principale va relativiser :




Although [ même si ]

he has received scant news

of the outside world over the last three years,

Anvar knew that Muslims in Britain

were having problems in the aftermath of 11 September.

My brother, the Taliban fighter from Burnley,
I, p. 7, 22-3-2002,






Although [ bien que / même si ]

the new money still leaves the US

at the bottom of the league table generosity,

UN officials said it marked a major shift

after decades of declining budgets.

Bush offers aid incentive to the poor,
p. 7,
23 March 2002
[début de §]










Voir aussi > Anglonautes >

Grammaire anglaise explicative - niveau avancé








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