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comparaison, concession, contraste,

opposition, focalisation



even though





























The Guardian        p. 4        5 May 2007



















The results follow a study

by the National Foundation for Educational Research,

which showed that,

whereas comprehensive schools improved their pupils'

expected performance between 14 and 16,

grammar schools "performed slightly worse" than expected.

Grammars lag behind in new school tables,
- broken link



















Both pretenders have claimed

the scalp of Rooster Booster this season,

albeit in muddling events

which did not bring out the best in the champion.

Falcon out to rule the roost in Kingwell,
p. 22, 17.2.2004.






He lost by 314 to 33 votes

– albeit with a telling 27 further abstentions.

Rebel MPs plot Blair challenge,
GE, p. 1, 23-3-2002,






SNCF confirmed unequivocally to me as well

that this train did run, albeit slightly late.

On the trail of a French ghost train,
O, Cash pullout, p. 9, 28-4-2002.












"I think he's [Blair] got to consider his position.

If I was in his position, I would certainly do it.


"Whilst I cannot turn back the clock,

I think there would have been

a very different debate at that time

if we had known about the state of the intelligence.


I would not have voted for war

if I was confident

that Iraq did not have weapons of mass destruction.

"I don't think the prime minister's integrity

should be called into question,

but Tony Blair has made mistakes

and it is a serious matter

because it undermined the credibility of the government."

The loyal, the let-down, the critical and the regretful:
Labour MPs apply their benchmark to the Butler findings
and the prime minister's position,
G, 15.7.2004,






At least 10 people in Viet Nam have been arrested

and some sentenced to long prison terms

forpréposition using the Internet

whilstconjonction criticising the government

or sharing information with overseas Vietnamese groups

Viet Nam: Help free Le Chi Quang, imprisoned for internet use,
Amnesty International web frontpage, 9.12.2003,






The stock market.


Whilst it has tended to offer better returns

over the long term than traditional savings acccounts,

we all know

markets can fall as well as rise.

Play FTSE and keep your socks on, NS&I ad,
TI, p. 7, 7-3-2002.






As a member of the Territorial Army Medical Services

you’ll get the opportunity to learn new skills

at the Centre For Defence Medicine

whilstpréposition enjoying some high-energy activities.

TA ad,
p. 51,










While > Différents sens



Poll: Biden's standing improves,

whilecomparaison > contraste Trump slumps with Republican voters


Traduction explicative :


La cote de popularité de Biden s'améliore,

alors que celle de Trump est au plus bas

auprès des électeurs républicains


February 22, 2023    NPR



















The Christian Right is winning in court

whilerhétorique > contradiction, paradoxe [ it is ] losing in public opinion


Traduction explicative :


La droite chrétienne

gagne à la cour suprême,

alors qu' / mais

elle perd l'opinon publique


July 1, 2022    NPR




























































While [ même si ] not exactly one-hit wonders,

Cutting Crew never recaptured

the heights of this first success

and split up after three studio albums.

Kevin MacMichael: Guitarist with Cutting Crew,
p. 14,






Lauching our celebration of 40 years of Bond,

Shawn Levy reveals 007’s slickest trick of all :

changing with the times

while [ tout en ] remaining exactly the same.

Oh, James…,
p. II,






Since 1995,

the number of vehicles on our roads has grown by 15 per cent

while [ alors que ] the population has risen by just three

per cent.

Carnival spirit rules the day,
p. 4,






While [ même si / bien que ]

there has been a significant increase

in the casting of black actors,

backstage and office areas of theatres

remain almost wholly white.

Is British drama racist?,
p. 9,
17 April 2002.






Last night, the Home Office said that

while [ même si ] some powers introduced

under anti-terror and other laws infringed privacy,

safeguards were in place to ensure

the correct balance between civil liberties and security.

UK singled out for criticism over protection of privacy,
p. 2,
5 September 2002.










Voir aussi > Anglonautes >

Grammaire anglaise explicative - niveau avancé












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