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N + butconjonction + N
DOJ Watchdog On Russia Probe: No Evidence Of Bias, But Problems With Surveillance
December 9, 2019 NPR
adjectif + butconjonction + adjectif + N = Groupe Nominal
three small but successful countries
'Leaving Neverland' makes powerful but one-sided case against the king of pop
March 1, 2019 NPR
all butgroupe adverbial + adjectif
quasiment + adjectif
Consumers are all but
[ groupe adverbial : quasiment ] impotent [ adjectif ]
in facing up to companies - unless they decide to act together
My refund nightmare, G,
When the Bride Takes a Bride
July 15, 2010 The New York Times By KEVIN SACK
EAST POINT, Ga. — When the Palladinos were planning their wedding, they found that traditional bridal magazines were all but useless [ groupe adverbial > traduction > quasiment ]. in addressing their particular questions.
Questions like: Where does a woman find a man’s suit that does not make her look
like a woman in a man’s suit? Should Kirsten and Maria both walk down the aisle,
or was it O.K. for Maria, who sees herself as more masculine, to wait for her
bride? At which of the Caribbean resorts in the honeymoon pictorials would two
women feel most comfortable holding hands?
This month, they published the second issue of their online same-sex wedding magazine, Equally Wed.
When the Bride Takes a
adjectif + inpréposition all butpréposition + N
turbocharged in all but price
traduction explicative :
sauf pour le prix / le prix excepté
Guardian p. 7 28 August 2004
topréposition + all + butpréposition + N
traduction explicative : pour tous sauf N
Camp Delta, a camp within a camp at the US military base in Guantanamo Bay, is a measure of how much America has changed.
Yet because it is perched on a remote corner of Cuba, out of bounds to all but a few thousand troops and specially vetted service workers, the mutation has gone mostly unseen by the American people.
flouted at Guantanamo Bay,
N + beverbe + all butgroupe adverbial + adverbe
The strongest surge in industry’s confidence for nearly 30 years fuelled hopes yesterday that the deep recession in British manufacturing is all but [ presque, quasiment ] over.
sees an end to industrial recession,
N + V + all butgroupe adverbial + N
traduction explicative : presque, quasiment
First Monday
October 3, 2010 The New York Times
The Supreme Court enjoys all but free rein in selecting which cases to review [ traduction explicative : la Cour Suprême bénéficie quasiment d'une liberté absolue / totale... ].
From the end of one term in the summer until the start of the next, on the first Monday in October, the work of the court is to sift through thousands of petitions from parties that lost in one of the federal appeals courts or highest state courts and are eager for the justices to reverse their fate. The kinds of petitioners favored say a lot about the court’s interests and biases. The Warren court, eager to champion individual rights, chose a large number of petitions from downtrodden people. The Rehnquist court, looking for opportunities to vindicate states’ rights, favored petitions from the states. The Roberts court has championed corporations. The cases it has chosen for review this term suggest it will continue that trend. Of the 51 it has so far decided to hear, over 40 percent have a corporation on one side. The most far-reaching example of the Roberts court’s pro-business bias was Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission. By a 5-to-4 vote, the conservative justices overturned a century of precedent to give corporations, along with labor unions, an unlimited right
to spend money
in politics.
First Monday,
N + butpréposition + N
sauf, excepté, à part / si ce n'est...
The Guardian Life p. 8 21 July 2005
Airports, Designed for
but the Passenger APRIL 6, 2016 The New York Times By CHRIS HOLBROOK Airports,
Designed for Everyone but the Passenger,
butconjonction + forpréposition + N
I'm sorry,
butconjonction forpréposition the greater good, [ traduction : mais pour ]
the green belt has just got to go
By Tom Utley
The green belt, celebrating its 50th birthday this week, is one of those subjects that many of us free-marketeers would rather not think about. Our heads tell us that there is clearly a shortage of housing in many parts of the country - and particularly in the South-East - and that the answer must surely be to build more. There are places where the shortage is so acute that as many as two thirds of would-be first-time buyers cannot afford even the grottiest one-bedroom flat. That causes a great deal of unhappiness, which could be lifted almost at a stroke by handing over huge swathes of the green belt to property developers. I'm sorry, but for
the greater good, the green belt has just got to go,
but forgroupe prépositionnel + N
But forgroupe prépositionnel [ traduction explicative : sans ... si il n'y avait pas eu... ] the intervention of a solitary security steward and the timely arrival of the first of 15 police officers, there would have been a major incident.
Police look into
ugly scenes at Rushden,
SVO / SVadjectif + but forgroupe conjonctionnel + SVO
traduction explicative :
si il n'y avait pas / si ce n'est que ...
The sight of Amrozi bin Nurhasyim, the "smlling bomber" of Bali, raising his arms in triumph as his death sentence was announced was profoundly disturbing.
Throughout his trial, Amrozi betrayed no glimmer of remorse for the appalling crime he had helped execute.
His claim to be seeking vengeance against America, the west and "the Jews" might be dismissed as delusional,
but forgroupe conjonctionnel [ traduction explicative : si il n'y avait pas / si ce n'est que ... ]
the uncomfortable fact that many Muslim extremists have a similar aim.
smile of death: Executing the Bali bomber is no remedy,
SVO + butconjonction + SVO
I'm not racist but... + ... proposition SVO implicite (formulée) ou explicite (sous-entendue)
traduction : mais
Une proposition (= SVO ) en but peut contredire l'information exprimée par la proposition précédente, introduire le doute, mettre en évidence / en valeur un contraste, un paradoxe,
ou remettre un fait en contexte / en perspective :
Y2K seems like a joke now, but in 1999 people were really freaking out
December 28, 2024 NPR
Why experts say
inflation is relatively low but voters feel differently
April 25, 2024 NPR
dans une séquence SVO + butconjonction + SVO
butconjonction peut introduire une proposition (SVO) qui reprend / critique / analyse / met en doute la première proposition :
North Korea Claims Zero Coronavirus Cases, But Experts Are Skeptical
February 20, 2020 NPR
dans les séquences
SVO + butconjonction + SVO
SVO + butconjonction + SVOcomplexe
SVintransitif + butconjonction + SVintransitif
butconjonction peut introduire une proposition (SVO ou SVintransitif) qui exprime un développement inattendu, surprenant, paradoxal :
‘My body is broken, but I’m not going to give up’:
Hanif Kureishi on life after the accident that paralysed him
Homeless camps are often blamed for crime but experts say it's not so simple
[ it's not so simple est une proposition nominalisée, objet de say.
Enoncé premier théorique (non formulé) : it's not so simple ]
January 24, 2022 NPR
They Fell In Love Helping Drug Users. But Fear Kept Him From Helping Himself
February 24, 2020 NPR
SVO. + Butconjonction + SVO
Butconjonction peut introduire une proposition (SVO) qui exprime la combativité, la résolution :
Idalia demolished some Florida fishing communities. But locals say they'll rebuild
September 1, 2023 NPR
dans une séquence S V O + butconjonction + S stilladverbe V O
butconjonction peut aussi introduire une proposition (SVO) qui exprime du positif, pour contrebalancer l'information négative de la première proposition :
SXSW Is Canceled, But You Can Still Discover — And Support — These Artists
March 14, 2020 NPR
traduction :
mais vous pouvez quand même découvrir...
énoncé bipolaire :
dans une séquence SVO + butconjonction + SVO
butconjonction peut introduire une proposition (SVO) qui exprime du négatif, pour relativiser l'aspect positif de la première proposition :
Asylum-Seekers Are Entering The U.S. Again — But Many More Migrants Are Left Behind
March 6, 2021 NPR
La relativisation n'est pas toujours négative.
La proposition en but peut apporter simplement un complément d'information :
Sleeping Octopuses May Have Dreams, But They're Probably Brief
March 25, 2021 NPR
développement inattendu, sensibilisation
dans une séquence SVO + butconjonction + SVO
butconjonction peut aussi introduire une proposition (SVO) qui incite le / la destinataire à s'investir pour régler un problème créé par d'autres personnes.
The Plastic Problem Isn't Your Fault, But You Can Be Part Of The Solution
July 13, 2021 NPR
SV + adverbe + adjectif + adverbe + butconjonction + VS + adverbe + adverbe ?
Masks Remain Extremely Effective Indoors, But Are They Necessary Outside?
April 21, 2021 NPR
SVO + butconjonction + what about N + ?
Young Activists Pour Energy Into Protests, But What About The Election?
June 14, 2020 NPR
SVO + butconjonction + so + VO
Ireland Finds U.S. Tourists During Pandemic May Be Trouble. But So Is Their Absence
August 7, 2020 NPR
autres énoncés en but
nothing is certain butpréposition + N
traduction : hormis, si ce n'est (= excepté)
nothing is certain but death and taxes - proverb
Steve Sack The Minneapolis Star-Tribune Minnesota 1 April 2011
but > que / quoique
nothing + but + N
rien que / rien d'autre que + N
How Do You Say ‘Economic Security’?
September 23, 2011 The New York Times By THEODORE R. MARMOR and JERRY L. MASHAW
IN the face of nothing but bad economic news, Americans often take heart in remembering that we have been here before — during the Great Depression, when conditions were far worse than they are today — and we survived. How Do You Say ‘Economic Security’?,
I was nervous. I adjusted my headphones for the translation, I accidentally hit the microphone, and then I stumbled as I read out my solemn declaration that I would tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth. Grilled by the butcher,
but forhypothétique
sans / si ce n'est / s'il n'y avait (pas) eu
have no choice butconjonction + to -> Base Verbale
n'avoir pas d'autre choix que...
n'avoir d'autre choix que...
Science funding cuts: We won't fill the gaps, say firms and charities
Big R&D spenders say they
won't step up
Imran Khan, director of the Campaign for Science and Engineering, said: "Industry leaders have consistenly said their private sector investment depends on public support for science.
If that support disappears, they will have no other choice butconjonction to look abroad for their raw materials: world class research and talented scientists and engineers."
Science funding cuts:
Women have no choice now butconjonction to halt this backlash
This is far from being a post-feminist era - the battle is only half-won
and sub, G, 14.7.2004,
but + for
mais pour / si ce n'est que
can’t help but + Base Verbale
traduction explicative : ne pouvoir s'empêcher de / ne pouvoir que + infinitif
There are some great songs here, proper songs, which choruses that are impossible to dislodge from the brain, and lyrics that you can’t help but sing along to [ ... ]. When the lights go
down, GE2, p. vI, 30.8.2002.
‘Julie’s track record and the vision she has articulated over the past couple of years for ‘building Europe.net’ is one that I cannot help but support.'
queen bee still buzzes, O, Business pullout,
any / anyone / anything / everything + but + N
tout sauf
Anyone but Brown
The Guardian p. 1 24 February 2009 http://digital.guardian.co.uk/guardian/2009/02/24/pdfs/gdn_090224_ber_1_21997807.pdf
anything but gardening
The Guardian Weekend p. 26 3 December 2005
Everything but the truth
Google's front page gets an image: are doodles dead, and what's the purpose?
June 10, 2010
View the search engine in any browser but [ conjonction > à l'exception de ... / excepté ... sauf... ] Safari or Opera, and you'll get a full-page image. Copying Bing - or is there a more subtle purpose, such as recruiting users
front page gets an image:
anything + butadverbe + adjectif
tout sauf + adjectif
They're anything but standard
The Guardian p. 14 8 January 2007
The End of the Tunnel
October 7, 2010 The New York Times By PAUL KRUGMAN
The Erie Canal. Hoover Dam. The Interstate Highway System. Visionary public projects are part of the American tradition, and have been a major driver of our economic development. And right now, by any rational calculation, would be an especially good time to improve the nation’s infrastructure. We have the need: our roads, our rail lines, our water and sewer systems are antiquated and increasingly inadequate. We have the resources: a million-and-a-half construction workers are sitting idle, and putting them to work would help the economy as a whole recover from its slump. And the price is right: with interest rates on federal debt at near-record lows, there has never been a better time to borrow for long-term investment.
But American politics these days is anything but [ groupe adverbial > tout sauf ]
rational [ adjectif ].
Republicans bitterly opposed even the modest infrastructure spending contained in the Obama stimulus plan. And, on Thursday, Chris Christie, the governor of New Jersey, canceled America’s most important current public works project, the long-planned and much-needed second rail tunnel under the Hudson River.
The End of the
anything butgroupe adverbial
tout sauf
Adolf Hitler a war hero?
Anything but, [ groupe adverbial > traduction explicatives > absolument pas, au contraire, tout le contraire, pas du tout, non, tout sauf ça ]
said first world war comrades
Unpublished letters and diaries from List regiment soldiers portray Hitler as a loner, an object of ridicule and 'a rear area pig'
Monday 16 August 2010
This article was published
A version appeared on p12 Dalya Alberge
Adolf Hitler a war hero?
N + beverbe + anything + butadverbe
traduction explicative :
à éviter, tout sauf à faire
No matter how many times we are told sun bathing can cause skin cancer, we still insist on exposing ourselves to the dangers. The fact is that more than 70,000 new cases are reported in Britain every year.
Simon Garfield reveals why a 'healthy tan' is anything but
The burning issue, sub,
N + beverbe + nothingpréposition + butconjonction + N
This duplicitous liberal-left is nothing but a straw man
traduction :
rien d'autre que / rien que...
The Guardian Wednesday 31 January 2007
autres énoncés
Mayor Candidate Feels Cold Shoulder From Obama
October 7, 2009
To bolster Democratic prospects, President Obama has tried to elbow New York’s governor, David A. Paterson, out of next year’s race, and has thrown his weight behind New Jersey’s governor, Jon S. Corzine, in next month’s election. Then there is the mayoral race in New York City.
Here, the president has all but [ groupe adverbial : complètement / totalement ] ignored the Democrat running on a message of change and embraced the incumbent running on the Republican ballot on Nov. 3.
Confused? So is William C. Thompson Jr., the Democratic nominee for mayor this fall. Since Mr. Obama’s election, Mr. Thompson, the city’s comptroller, has found his attempts to piggyback on Mr. Obama’s popularity thoroughly drowned out by Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg, who has tethered himself to the new president. Mr. Bloomberg has met with the president four times since his inauguration, held public events with four of his cabinet members, and heaped praise on the new administration at every turn, no matter how mundane the occasion. “Superb move,” Mr. Bloomberg declared in a press release after Mr. Obama created the obscure-sounding job of chief performance officer at the White House.
Mayor Candidate Feels Cold
Shoulder From Obama,
So it is surprising that Mr Bush is showing such interest in Africa. His tour will include five countries: the continent's two main powers (South Africa and Nigeria), and three small but successful countries (Senegal, Bostwana and Uganda). Talks will focus on security, trade and aid. For Mr Bush, security means, first and foremost, preventing terrorist attacks on Americans in Africa. Al-Qaeda has little support south of the Sahara, but finds it easy to operate in countries with lax security - hence its successes blowing up embassies in Kenya and TAnzania in 1998, its more recent murders of Israelis in Kenya and the suicide bombings by an unknown Islamist group in Morocco in May. This week, Mr Bush promised $100m to east African countries to beef up the security around their airports, sea ports and other vulnerable places, which should help a bit. When terrorists murder westerners in Africa, a much larger number of Africans usually die, too. But African leaders do not get nearly as worked up about terrorism as Americans do, because they have much bigger security problems to contend with. Africa's wars claim thousands of times more lives than a-Qaeda. Nigeria and South Africa each do their bit to try to keep the peace in their respective spheres of influence, but both would like some American help. (...) Most of Africa is not at war, however, and needs different kinds of help. As a baby-eating right-winger, Mr Bush is loved neither by Africa's chattering classes nor by the West's professional worriers about Africa. But he has a habit of suprising foe and friend alike. His recent promise to give $15 billion to the fight against AIDS prompted Bob Geldof, a campaigning Irish rock star, to tell Britain's Guardian newspaper that "You'll think I'm off my trolley when I say this, but the Bush administration is the most radical - in a positive sense- in its approach to Africa since Kenedy."
Now for Africa:
There is nothing to do butconjonction to wait. [ Il n'y a plus qu'à attendre ] BBC Radio 4 radio drama, 3.9.2002.
Voir aussi > Anglonautes > Grammaire anglaise explicative - niveau avancé