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formes avec ou sans -ing


attention, un "-ing"

peut en cacher un autre !



nominales, adjectivales, participes,

be + -ing





Cave paintings!

[ GN-ing




[ adjectif-ing ]



We've been officially notified

that a dam is being constructed

and that in six months much of the estate will be under water

[  séquence passive en be + -ing

-- along with the Waziri village and this cave's paintings! ]




Edgar Rice Burroughs


January 21, 2024



















1 -    NEW YORK (Reuters) -

Most Americans

are planning to curb their holiday spending this year.

making it a challengingadjective shoppingadjective season

for U.S. retailers,

according to a holiday buyingadjective survey

by The NPD Group.

Survey: U.S. to Rein in Holiday Spending,
Tue Oct 5, 2004    12:06 AM ET


















séquence nominale-ing


 their holiday spending











énoncés en be + -ing



be + -ing


Most Americans

are planning to curb their holiday spending this year.






have been + -ing



has been bracing itself for the release of Fahrenheit 9/11,






modal + be + -ing


At teatime today, as they do most weekdays,

a fair share of those with leisure on their hands

will be flopping down with a cup of tea and a biscuit

and tuning into A Place in the Sun.











séquence -ing déterminante


Increasing [ adjectif-ing ]

numbers [ nom ]

seeking new life abroad

[ segment déterminant-ing :

en déterminant le nom numbers,

ce segment est nominalisé

et devient partie intégrante

de la séquence nominale-ing autonome

Increasing numbers seeking new life abroad ]






N -ing


Testing a new jeep is a dirty job










autres énoncés



The Guardian        p. 8        5 May 2005
















The Guardian        p. 11        12 February 2007
















The Guardian        p. 32        13 January 2007

















The Guardian        p. 15        15 April 2006

















The Guardian        p. 3        22 October 2004
















The Guardian        p. 2       22 October 2004



















Steve Roper and Mike Nomad        Fran Matera

23 November 2004

24 November 2004
















1 -    NEW YORK (Reuters) -

Most Americans are planning to curb their holiday spending this year.

making it a challengingadjective shoppingadjective season for U.S. retailers,

according to a holiday buyingadjective survey by The NPD Group.

Survey: U.S. to Rein in Holiday Spending,
Tue Oct 5, 2004 12:06 AM ET,



Enoncé causal en be + -ing :


Most Americans

are planning to curb their holiday spending this year.


Cette séquence -ing

a absorbé un groupe nominal-ing

 their holiday spending.




Segment participe -ing

à valeur conséquentielle

(conséquence / effet de la cause

exprimée dans l'énoncé en  be + -ing.)


Ce segment est une insertion,

encadrée par des virgules :


 , making it a challenging shopping season for U.S. retailers ,


Ce segment contient un groupe nominal :

a challenging shopping season for U.S. retailers.


Adjectif (s) en -ing :

challenging + shopping + N (season)



Groupe nominal en fonction adjectivale

- holiday buying -

dans le groupe nominal complexe

a holiday buying survey.








2 -    Double détermination du groupe nominal

clinical evidence,

en premier par un adjectif-ing (increasing),

en second par un segment-ing déterminant :

increasing clinical evidence linking cannabis use to mental illness.



2 -    Increasing numbers of people

are becoming dependent on cannabis,

The Observer has learnt.

Department of Health figures show that drug centres

are reporting

growing [ adjectif-ing ] numbers coming to them

with problems related to the drug.

Nine per cent of all those attending clinics cited cannabis

as the main reason they were attending,

rather than any of the other drugs they were using,

twice as many as a decade ago.

With a separate study by the World Health Organisation

showing that one in five 15-year-olds in Britain

smokes cannabis - more than twice the world average -

there is concern

that many are becoming addicted to the drug earlier in life.

Although government experts insist cannabis is non-addictive,

there is growing [ adjectif-ing evidence

suggesting that regular users of high-strength varieties

may develop a chronic dependence.

There is also increasing  [ adjectif-ingclinical evidence

linking cannabis use to mental illness,

particularly schizophrenia, psychosis, anxiety and depression.

US research shows that 80 per cent of new cases of psychosis

in some hospitals have been triggered by cannabis use.

Someone who starts using cannabis aged 15

is at more than four times the risk of developing schizophrenia

over the next 11 years

than someone starting smoking the drug at 18.

And 18-year-olds who have used cannabis at least 50 times have

a seven-fold increased risk of developing psychosis in the next 15 years.

Last month The Priory,

one of Britain's leading [ adjectif-ing ]  addiction treatment centres,

responded to an increase in inquiries about cannabis dependency

by publishing a new leaflet for users and their relatives.

The group's medical director, Michael Rowlands, said:

'There is no doubt that cannabis is addictive

and that we are seeing an increase in dependence,

especially among the young

and those smoking the stronger varieties of cannabis.

Alarm at rising cannabis 'addiction',
sub and first §§, 13.6.2004,






Falluja fighting continues


US marines were today battling insurgents

attempting to return to the southern Iraqi city of Falluja,

[ participe -ing > valeur ici > détermination de insurgents]


killing three militants

[ participe -ing > valeur ici > conséquence]


as violence continued to flare

across the Sunni-dominated heartland.

Headline and §1,
G, 17.11.2004,






Disenchanted Britons head for the exit


Increasing [ adjectif-ing ]

numbers [ nom ]

seeking new life abroad

[ segment déterminant-ing :

en déterminant le nom numbers,

ce segment est nominalisé

et devient partie intégrante

de la séquence nominale-ing autonome

Increasing numbers seeking new life abroad ]

[ segment en -ing déterminant ]

At teatime today, as they do most weekdays,

a fair share of those with leisure on their hands

will be flopping down with a cup of tea and a biscuit

and tuning into A Place in the Sun.

Not, for those out of the loop,

the classic weepie starring Montgomery Clift and Elizabeth Taylor,

but Channel 4's hugely successful series

which finds homes in exotic locations

- Marrakesh is the destination today -

for Brits who fancy a change of scene.

New figures released

by the Office of National Statistics yesterday

suggest that such programmes

are not simply a vicarious pleasure:

a steadily increasing [ adjectif-ing ] number of British people

- and not just elderly retirees -

are actually packing their bags and moving abroad.

According to the figures,

361,000 people left the UK last year.

Of these, just under 191,000 were British,

the highest level since the current method

of collating the figures [ N -ing ]

was introduced in the early 1990s.

The ONS statistics show

that in 1994 only 125,000 British people upped and went,

a figure which increased steadily until the late 1990s

when there was a slight drop.

In 2000 161,000 people packed their bags,

and in 2002 186,000 left.

Of the 161,000, around a quarter were aged over 45

- and therefore likely to be

members of the A Place in the Sun brigade.

The other three-quarters,

researchers believe, are made up primarily

of adult workers

moving abroad for a new challenge

[ segment-ing déterminant ],

or new posting

[ groupe nominal ],

and their families.

Headline, sub and first §§, G, 5.11.2004,






The chief constable of Humberside police

who is refusing to resign in the face

of stinging criticism over his force's

handling of Ian Huntley


[ stinging : adjectif -ing ]


[  handling of Ian Huntley : N-ing ]


[ grammaire syntaxique :

cette séquence fonctionne comme un groupe nominal complexe,

sujet de received :

The chief constable of Humberside police

who is refusing to resign in the face of

stinging criticism over his force's handling of Ian Huntley

received... ],


received the backing of his boss today.

The chairman of the Humberside police authority,

Colin Inglis, said that chief constable David Westwood

was being made a scapegoat for police failings

that were identified in the Bichard inquiry.


[ grammaire syntaxique théorique :

avant d'être intégré dans cette séquence-ing,

police failings est un groupe nominal-ing ],


The inquiry yesterday highlighted

the "deeply shocking" blunders

[ shocking : adjectif-ing ],


made by both Humberside and Cambridgeshire police forces

in their investigations of allegations of sexual offences

committed by Huntley in Grimsby before he was appointed

caretaker of Soham Village College.

Chairman backs beleaguered police chief,






Washington was reported today

to be considering

offering North Korea a limited set of incentives

to dismantle its nuclear weapons,


[ grammaire syntaxique théorique :

avant d'être intégré dans cette séquence-ing,

offering North Korea a limited set of incentives

to dismantle its nuclear weapons,

 est un groupe nominal-ing ],


as the two nations headed into six-way talks

aimed atpréposition averting a crisis over the arms programme.

'New offer' in Korean nuclear talks,






Paying the price for instant loans


Business is booming for credit firms

charging desperate customers up to 400% interest


[ grammaire syntaxique théorique > segment déterminant-ing :

en déterminant le nom credit fiorms,

ce segment participe-ing est nominalisé

et devient partie intégrante du grouope nominale-ing


credit firms charging desperate customers up to 400% interest.


Catégorisant :

juxtaposé à credit firms,

ce segment participe-ing crée la catégorie

des sociétes de crédit

qui font payer à leurs clients désespérés

des taux d'intérêt allant jusqu'à 400% :

credit firms charging desperate customers up to 400% interest.


Ce groupe nominal complexe

est ensuite intégré dans la séquence -ing

booming for credit firms

charging desperate customers up to 400% interest ]

Headline and sub,






He's been given a kicking

[ groupe nominal-ing]

at the local elections

and was last night facing a bloody nose at the European polls.


So it's just the kind of cheerful news Tony Blair needs now:

that the cinematic equivalent of a rottweiler, Michael Moore,

is contemplating making the prime minister his next victim.

Fresh frompréposition savaging President George Bush

in the critically acclaimed Fahrenheit 9/11,

the filmmaker is now thinking aboutpréposition making a movie

aboutpréposition Mr Blair and Britain's role in the war on Iraq.


"I personally hold Blair more responsible for this war

than I do George Bush.

The reason is, Blair knows better,"

Moore said in an interview with the Reuters news agency.


"Blair is not an idiot.

What is he doing hanging around this guy?"

America has been bracing itself for the release of Fahrenheit 9/11,

which won the Palme d'Or at the Cannes film festival.


There has even been speculation that the film could help

to tip the November US presidential election

in favour of Mr Bush's rival, John Kerry.

Movie rottweiler turns on Blair,






NEW YORK (Reuters) -

U.S. stocks closed higher on Thursday,

notching gains in a shortened week,

as investors set aside worries about budding  [ adjectif-ing ] inflation

and a looming  [ adjectif-ing ] interest-rate hike

while they looked forward to a strong second-quarter earnings season.

Stocks Rise; End Quiet Week Higher, R, 10.6.2004,






Khalid Ali sat quietly looking towards

the sun-baked golden dome rising from the shrine of the Imam Ali,

almost refusing to notice the crowd of chanting  [ adjectif-ing ] gunmen

who danced through the street before him.

Gunmen rule in a city gripped with fright,
GI, p.1, 16.4.2004,






TERROR group al-Qaeda yesterday issued

a chilling [ adjectif-ing ] warning  [ N-ing ] to Western airlines.


















The Guardian        20 May 2004










Voir aussi > Anglonautes >

Grammaire anglaise explicative - niveau avancé






be + -ing


GN complexe


séquence nominale-ing autonome




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