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séquences nominales


syntaxe et sens


séquence nominale complexe

(N complexe)



N complexe

peut inclure

une proposition affirmative

(Nsujet + Vtransitif + Nobjet)




une proposition affirmative infinitive

(toviseur -> Vtransitif + Nobjet)




une proposition interrogative

(doauxiliaire + Nsujet + base verbaletransitive + Nobjet + ?)
















what works for the hen


Dans cette mise en syntaxe,

cette proposition

devient une séquence nominale :


Does what works for the hen also work

for the cow?





Thailand beat avian flu 20 years ago.

What can we learn from their strategies?

June 14, 2024    NPR












The Forces Unleashed By Trump's Big Election Lie

Be Undone?

January 16, 20215    00 AM ET









To become George Best airport is

a humiliation worthy of North Korea








Fauci: no evidence

anti-malaria drug Trump pushes

works against virus









What Just Happened Also Occurred

Before The Last 7 U.S. Recessions.








Using doom and gloom

so people take climate change seriously

doesn't work


The weather gods must be climate sceptics.

Why else would they choose the start of Cancún

to smother Europe in snow?


Mon 6 Dec 2010    13.55 GMT

Last modified on Mon 6 Dec 2010    13.54 GMT











N sens inattendu


What would

the young you think of the older you?





























































































The Guardian        G2        pp. 8-9        22 December 2005

The toy that ate Christmas

How did a plastic dinosaur with a brain the size of a pocket calculator

take over the planet?

Oliver Burkeman and Jonathan Watts

trace the evolution of the Roboraptor


Thursday December 22, 2005

















The Guardian        Weekend        p. 38        7 January 2006

















The Guardian        p. 15        19 December 2005
















The Guardian        Media        p. 1        12 February 2007
















The Guardian        p. 5      1 June 2006

















The Guardian        p. 14        17.11.2005

















The Guardian        p. 16        16.7.2005

















The Guardian        p. 3         7 September 2004



























Exemple de GN complexe :



Op-Ed Columnist

The Health Care Sausage


July 23, 2009
The New York Times


Watching Barack Obama trying to push members

of Congress toward some kind of agreement

on a health care bill

[ GN -ing sujet ]

gives you a new appreciation for why Hillary Clinton

decided to just write the whole thing herself

and dump it on them.

[ ... ]


the leader of the Blue Dog rebels in the House

called the big cost-containment victory

a “small breakthrough” and noted

that he and his six fellow Dogs had nine

more big problems they wanted to discuss

with the White House.

The Health Care Sausage, NYT, 23.7.2009,







Dans les GN complexes

qui intègrent une proposition relative

avec verbe + préposition

(voir énoncés 1-2-3-5-6),


avec verbe à particule + préposition (4),

la préposition

(of, to, on, for, with, etc.)

se trouve après le groupe verbal (GV) nominalisé :


 'The farm I grew up on contains the ghosts

of so many of my memories.

And the ghosts of so many of Zimbabwe's memories'

G2, headline, p. 1, 27.11.2002.


Voir > Préposition en fin de séquence










topréposition  ≠  toviseur.



est suivi d'un nom

ou d'une forme nominalisée en -ing > Ngérondif.


toviseur cible une base verbale.






1 -> deux to se suivent :

le premier est préposition ( + N / N-ing),

le second viseur (-> Base Verbale).


- topréposition :

go to (énoncé théorique de départ :

... go to extraordinary lengths ...).


- toviseur :

to target and lure ...



1 -    "It clearly shows

the extraordinary lengths that sex abusers will go to

to target and lure children for their own sexual gratification,

and highlights the dangers of internet chatrooms."

The sick list, DM, p. 5, 10.10.2003.






2 -    "Some of the companies I've talked to

say it makes it that much easier to decide

- let's just buy more trucks."

A friend of freight, début de l'article,
GE, p. 16, 15.3.2003






3 -    Ergonomics experts I spoke to say

that it should be easier to find things

with a stylus than a mouse,

and that's the experience of those I've spoken to

who have used graphic tablets

(where you use a pen instead of a mouse,

on a separate tablet).

Write of passage,
I, Review pullout, p. 11, 4.11.2002.






4 -    'The farm I grew up on contains

the ghosts of so many of my memories.

And the ghosts of so many of Zimbabwe's memories'

G2, headline, p. 1, 27.11.2002,






5 -    First it was vintage heavy-metal T-shirts,

then came leg warmers and Lycra.

Now old mobile phones have become the retro fashion

accessory to be seen with.

Retro is all the rage in handsets, G, 20.11.2004,
- broken link






6 -  NEW HAVEN — A former parolee with a long history

as a petty criminal was convicted of capital crimes

on Tuesday for his part in a nighttime home invasion

in Cheshire, Conn., three years ago

that left a woman and her two daughters dead.

The jury deliberated less than one full day.

The defendant, Steven J. Hayes, who,

the testimony showed,

described his eager anticipation of the crime

with an “LOL” — laughing out loud — text message

hours before taking part in murder, rape, kidnapping

and assault at the home of the Petit family,

was convicted of 16 of 17 crimes in all;

he was acquitted of arson.

Six of the crimes he was convicted of make him

eligible for the death penalty.

The same jury that sat during the three-week trial

must soon determine,

in a penalty phase that could last a month,

whether Mr. Hayes is to be sentenced to death.

The penalty phase is to begin on Oct. 18.


Convictions on 16 Counts in Triple-Murder Case, NYT, 5.10.2010,






Nominalisé (ate -> ate),

le verbe de la proposition relative déterminative

fait partie intégrante du GN complexe

the-game-that-ate-itself :



7 -    The game that ate itself


Attendances are falling and there's trouble looming

for The Premiership.

A league that has become ridiculously uncompetitive

and for many fans, terminally over-priced.

Denis Campbell reports

Headline and sub, O, 24.10.2004,






A day that will decide the fate of the world


For once,

the cliché wheeled out by desperate politicians trying

to terrify their lazier supporters into voting is no lie.

This is indeed the most important American election

of modern times.

Indeed, it is arguably the most important single election

of modern times.

From the fate of the Middle East,

to the global scourge of terror

and the threat of nuclear proliferation,

to the economic and financial future of the world's

greatest debtor nation

­ on all these issues, the next occupant of the Oval Office

must make decisions that will shape history.

If that were not enough, the country,

which chooses today between John Kerry and George Bush,

is as divided as at any time in its history.

    Headline and first §§, I, 2.11.2004,






An online pay-per-view showing of Michael Moore's

controversial anti-Bush documentary "Fahrenheit 9/11"

will be released on the eve of the US presidential election,

the Internet movie provider CinemaNow has announced.

US viewers can see the film on Monday

by logging on to the company's website paying to view.

It also will be made available in December.

"We're thrilled that the people behind 'Fahrenheit 9/11'

have recognised the power of digital distribution,"

Marvis said.

    Fahrenheit 9/11 wins online release, PA, 31.10.2004,






NEW YORK (Reuters) -

Mattel Inc (MAT.N: Quote, Profile, Research) on Monday

posted a better-than-expected 12 percent increase

in quarterly earnings,

as the weak dollar and strong sales of toy cars

and American Girl dolls offset slumping Barbie sales.

    Mattel Earnings Rise; Barbie Sales Wilt, R, 19.7.2004,






Special motorway lanes to fast-track commuters

to work if they share their cars

are set to be launched

in a radical bid to ease Britain's congestion crisis

and cut pollution.

    Motorway fast lane for car share commuters:
Transport revolution to beat rush-hour congestion, O, 4.7.2004,






Charles, 73, died Thursday

at his Beverly Hills home

surrounded by family and friends.

His more-than-50-year career included dozens of hits

and nearly non-stop touring,

and gave him millions of other friends worldwide.

Can't stop loving the legendary Ray Charles sound, USA T, 10.6.2004,






FREED bomb-hoax girl Samantha Marson

spoke of her joy at returning to Britain yesterday

—and said of her airport joke: "It was so stupid.

My bomb joke was so stupid, NoW, 8.2.2004,
story_pages/news/news3.shtml - broken link






A row about the commercial rights

to the Spanish surrealist Salvador Dalí's work

threatens to mar his centenary celebrations,

being held around the world,

according to a friend who claims the rights are his.

Dalí biographer seeks peace in battle for rights, G, 14.1.2004,






Les deux énoncés suivants montrent bien qu'en anglais,

l'infinitif (to -> Base Verbale) - l'infinitif  est un mode -

ne doit pas être confondu avec la base verbale

(de laquelle procèdent toutes les formes :


learn -> he learns -> he is learning -> he learned

-> he has learned, etc.).



Sauf exceptions

(certaines structures verbales et questions en What + BV)

l'opérateur to fait entrer le verbe en scène,

en mode infinitif.


Cet opérateur joue ici le rôle d'un "metteur en syntaxe".


On ne pourrait pas dire :


    * ??? come here and see 100 years

of the Daily Mirror on display is inspiring.






"To come here and see

100 years of the Daily Mirror on display is inspiring."

Old the front page: Science museum shows how Daily Mirror made history,
DM, p. 25, 10.10.2003.






To blame Orson Welles

for the shameful lack of opportunities for women

is idiotic.

Orson and the women, GI, p.17, 2.9.2003.






Christie's is also effectively gagging one

of its former senior employees

who discovered the probable location of the painting

and would like to tell the Jewish family who say

they owned it before the war.


The picture is a Venetian scene

by the 18th century Italian master Michele Marieschi

and would be worth about £250,000 if sold with good title.

Christie's hides behind confidentiality over painting stolen by Gestapo:
Auctioneers accused of looking after interests of clients
rather than true owners of Venetian masterpiece,
G, 25.10.2003,






Scientists have solved

the mystery of why some smokers get lung cancer

while others escape

- and developed a blood test to identify those most at risk.

They have found a genetic variation

that makes some smokers

ten times as likely as others to get the disease.

Test will show which smokers face lung cancer death,
T, p. 4, 3.9.2003.






Parents whose own immunity has worn off

may be passing potentially lethal whooping cough

to their babies, scientists at the health protection agency

suggest today.

Whooping cough still a threat to babies,
GI, p. 6, 25.8.2003.






She added that homosexuals kissing in public

was a criminal offence in some countries.

After 28 years,
the union of Alex and Ian has finally got official blessing...,
I, p. 3,, 6.9.2001.






US officials said the British man arrested on Tuesday

for attempting to smuggle a surface-to-air missile

from Russia into New Jersey

believed he was selling weapons to Islamic terrorists

bent on shooting down a commercial airliner.

UK flights to Saudi Arabia cancelled on fear of attacks,
FT, p. 1, 14.8.2003.






Whereas during the first Gulf War in 1991

one in 50 personnel on the ground was a private contractor,

that number had grown to one in 10 by this year's Gulf war

- driven by the need to reduce the cost of the logistics.

But war cannot only be about costs.

And this trend raises troubling questions.

Does being able to outsource

the cost of combat more cheaply [ gérondif ]

lower the barriers to war?

The business of war gets murkier:
It urgently needs clarifying in national and international law,
FT, p. 12, 14.8.2003.






Though it is unclear how sucessfully MI6 used the FA,

it did use businessmen, notably Greville Wynne,

the go-between with Oleg Penkovsky,

the Russian spy who passed on vital information

about the limited nature of Russia's arms programme

during the 1962 Cuban missile crisis.

MI6 plotted spying role for arts, sport and trade,
GI, p. 6, 16.6.2003.






The career criminal shot and injured by Tony Martin

as he led the raid on his remote farmhouse was

yesterday given the go-ahead to sue the jailed farmer

for damages.

Burglar has right to sue Tony Martin, judge rules,
GI, p. 7, 14.6.2003.






Britain's leading employers' organisation, the CBI,

yesterday demanded a cut in interest rates

to rescue Britain's manufacturing sector.

The call came after the organisation's

latest snapshot of industry

found weakness in global trading conditions

was spreading to the domestic market.

CBI pleads for rapid rate cut,
GE, p. 12, 29.4.2003.






Seeing the late jazz diva play live

was a thrilling but dangerous experience,

as Keith Shadwick recalls

The other side of Nina Simone,
I/IR, p. 20, 25.4.2003.






When Griffin, the photographer and I approach,

Dolly comes up to us and sticks her muzzle

between the bars of her gate,

but doesn't vocalise.

When Wilmut appears, she lets forth a husky bleat.

Whether she recognises him or is simply protesting

against his maroon-and-Prussian-blue-check jacket

is not clear.

Tears of a clone, GE/GE2, p. 2, 19.4.2002,






"To say I was surprised to win

is a serious understatement,"

she said.

Former popcorn queen scoops literary prize,
GE, p. 5, 18.4.2003,






How has Jeffrey Archer really reacted

to life inside prison?

Is he his usual cocky self?

Or has being locked up ground him down?

'As a con, he's just a beginner', GE/GE2, p.2, 7.4.2003,






A cult which believes that humans

were first created by aliens claimed yesterday

that it had won the clandestine and increasingly bizarre race

to produce a human clone.

Cult scientists claim first human cloning,
GE, p. 1, 28.12.2002,






Rob Marshall's film version of the jazz age musical

takes us right back to an era of high-living, nightclubs,

sexual decadence,

teetering on the abyss of financial ruin - the 1970's.

Murder, she sang / Film of the week / Chicago,
GE Review, p. VIII, 20.12.2002,






"Philip Noyce's adaptation of Graham Greene's novel

is a masterpiece"

The Quiet American, ad, TLS, dernière page, 22.11.2002.






And, bizarrely, everyone he does meet

seems eager to share their secrets with him

Stale porridge, GE2, p.7, 9.10.2002,











Voir aussi > Anglonautes >

Grammaire anglaise explicative - niveau avancé


N formes nominales >

N avec segment déterminant -ing



formes nominales



formes nominales > pronoms



adjectif > détermination du nom




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