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The playwright Harold Pinter, who has
addressed the Swedish Academy by video from London.
Photograph: Janerik Henriksson
European Press photo Agency
Playwright Takes a Prize and a Jab at U.S.
Takes a Prize and a Jab at U.S.
December 8, 2005
The New York Times
LONDON, Dec. 7 - The playwright Harold Pinter
turned his Nobel Prize acceptance speech on Wednesday into a furious howl of
outrage against American foreign policy, saying that the United States had not
only lied to justify waging war against Iraq but had also "supported and in many
cases engendered every right-wing military dictatorship" in the last 50 years.
"The crimes of the United States have been systematic, constant, vicious,
remorseless, but very few people have actually talked about them," Mr. Pinter
said. "You have to hand it to America. It has exercised a quite clinical
manipulation of power worldwide while masquerading as a force for universal
good. It's a brilliant, even witty, highly successful act of hypnosis."
Sitting in a wheelchair, his lap covered by a blanket, his voice hoarse but
unwavering, Mr. Pinter, 75, delivered his speech via a video recording that was
played on Wednesday at the Swedish Academy in Stockholm. Doctors told him
several years ago that he had cancer of the esophagus and recently ordered him
not to travel to Stockholm for the speech, his publisher said.
The playwright, known in recent years as much for his fiery anti-Americanism as
for his spare prose style and haunting, elliptical plays like "The Caretaker"
and "The Homecoming," was awarded the $1.3 million Nobel literature prize in
October. In its citation, the Swedish Academy made little mention of his
political views, saying only that he is known as a "fighter for human rights"
whose stands are often "seen as controversial." It mostly focused on his work,
saying that Mr. Pinter "uncovers the precipice under everyday prattle and forces
entry into oppression's closed rooms."
The literature prize has in recent years often gone to writers with left-wing
ideologies. These include the European writers José Saramago of Portugal, Günter
Grass of Germany and Dario Fo of Italy.
When he won the award, Mr. Pinter said he did not know if the academy, whose
deliberations and reasoning are kept secret, had taken his politics into
account. He clearly welcomed the platform the award gave him to bring his views,
long expressed in Britain, to a larger audience.
Dressed in black, bristling with controlled fury, Mr. Pinter began by explaining
the almost unconscious process he uses to write his plays. They start with an
image, a word, a phrase, he said; the characters soon become "people with will
and an individual sensibility of their own, made out of component parts you are
unable to change, manipulate or distort."
"So language in art remains a highly ambiguous transaction," he continued, "a
quicksand, a trampoline, a frozen pool which might give way under you, the
author, at any time."
But while drama represents "the search for truth," Mr. Pinter said, politics
works against truth, surrounding citizens with "a vast tapestry of lies" spun by
politicians eager to cling to power.
Mr. Pinter attacked American foreign policy since World War II, saying that
while the crimes of the Soviet Union had been well documented, those of the
United States had not. "I put to you that the United States is without doubt the
greatest show on the road," he said. "Brutal, indifferent, scornful and ruthless
it may be, but it is also very clever. As a salesman it is out on its own and
its most saleable commodity is self-love."
He returned to the theme of language as an obscurer of reality, saying that
American leaders use it to anesthetize the public. "It's a scintillating
stratagem," Mr. Pinter said. "Language is actually employed to keep thought at
bay. The words 'the American people' provide a truly voluptuous cushion of
reassurance. You don't need to think. Just lie back on the cushion. The cushion
may be suffocating your intelligence and your critical faculties but it's very
Accusing the United States of torturing terrorist suspects in Guantánamo Bay and
Abu Ghraib, Mr. Pinter called the invasion of Iraq - for which he said Britain
was also responsible - "a bandit act, an act of blatant state terrorism,
demonstrating absolute contempt for the concept of international law." He called
for Prime Minister Tony Blair to be tried before an international criminal
Mr. Pinter said it was the duty of the writer to hold an image up to scrutiny,
and the duty of citizens "to define the real truth of our lives and our
"If such a determination is not embodied in our political vision, we have no
hope of restoring what is so nearly lost to us - the dignity of man," he said.
Playwright Takes a Prize and a Jab at U.S., NYT, 9.12.2005,
Passionate Pinter's
devastating assault
US foreign policy
Shades of Beckett
as ailing playwright
delivers powerful Nobel lecture
Thursday December 8, 2005
Michael Billington
There was something oddly Beckettian about
Harold Pinter's Nobel lecture, which was broadcast yesterday by More4, and which
even now is blazing its way across the world's media. It was Beckettian in that
Pinter sat in a wheelchair, with a rug over his knees and framed by an image of
his younger self, delivering his sombre message: memories of Hamm in Beckett's
Endgame came to mind. But if Pinter's frailty was occasionally visible, there
was nothing ailing about his passionate and astonishing speech, which mixed
moral vigour with forensic detail.
In fact, the speech was all the more powerful
because it was delivered in a husky, throaty rasp. The facts are that Pinter,
having recovered from cancer of the oesophagus, was earlier this year stricken
by a condition in the mouth which affected his vocal chords. Then 10 days ago he
was re-admitted to hospital with severe leg pains. But he briefly emerged on
Sunday to record his Nobel speech, and the good news is that he should be back
home early next week.
Although the speech obviously was a physical strain to deliver, it was
impressively structured. It began with Pinter talking about his art - something
he rarely does in public. In particular, he drew a clear distinction between the
necessary ambivalence of art and the duty of the citizen to ask: "What is true?
What is false?" Pinter even gave fascinating examples of the way in which his
plays start with a line, a word or an image and then proceed on their journey
into the unknown.
Warming to his theme, Pinter argued that while language is, for the dramatist,
an ambiguous transaction, it is something that politicians distort for the sake
of power. And, in making his point, Pinter deployed a variety of tactics: the
charged pause, the tug at the glasses, the unremitting stare at the camera. I am
told by Michael Kustow, who co-produced the lecture, that after a time he
stopped giving Pinter any instructions. He simply allowed him to rely on his
actor's instinct for knowing how to reinforce a line or heighten suspense.
Although the content of the speech was highly political, especially in its
clinical dissection of post-war US foreign policy, it relied on Pinter's
theatrical sense, in particular his ability to use irony, rhetoric and humour,
to make its point. This was the speech of a man who knows what he wants to say
but who also realises that the message is more effective if rabbinical fervour
is combined with oratorical panache.
At one point, for instance, Pinter argued that "the United States supported and
in many cases engendered every rightwing military dictatorship in the world
after the end of the second world war". He then proceeded to reel off examples.
But the clincher came when Pinter, with deadpan irony, said: "It never happened.
Nothing ever happened. Even while it was happening, it wasn't happening. It
didn't matter. It was of no interest." In a few sharp sentences, Pinter pinned
down the willed indifference of the media to publicly recorded events. He also
showed how language is devalued by the constant appeal of US presidents to "the
American people". This was argument by devastating example. As Pinter repeated
the lulling mantra, he proved his point that "The words "the American people"
provide a truly voluptuous cushion of reassurance." Thus Pinter brilliantly used
a rhetorical device to demolish political rhetoric.
But it was the black humour of the speech I liked best. At one point, Pinter
offered himself as a speechwriter to President Bush - an offer unlikely, on this
basis of this speech, to be quickly accepted. And Pinter proceeded to give us a
parody of the Bush antithetical technique in which the good guys and the bad
guys are thrown into stark contrast: "My God is good. Bin Laden's God is bad.
His is a bad God. Saddam's God was bad except he didn't have one. He was a
barbarian. We are not barbarians." Pinter's poker face as he delivered this only
reinforced its satirical power.
One columnist predicted, before the event, that we were due for a Pinter rant.
But this was not a rant in the sense of a bombastic declaration. This was a man
delivering an attack on American foreign policy, and Britain's subscription to
it, with a controlled anger and a deadly irony. And, paradoxically, it reminded
us why Pinter is such a formidable dramatist. He used every weapon in his
theatrical technique to reinforce his message. And, by the end, it was as if
Pinter himself had been physically recharged by the moral duty to express his
innermost feelings.
· Michael Billington is the Guardian's theatre critic
Passionate Pinter's
devastating assault on US foreign policy, G, 8.12.2005,
Remembrance: The fallen of Iraq
They died for
us, and on this day we remember them, the men and women who gave their lives for
Britain. Today, the Independent recognises the contribution of those who have
given their lives in our most recent conflict as we pay tribute to the 97
Britons killed in Iraq
Published: 11 November 2005
The Independent
By Malcolm MacAlister
Corporal Stephen Allbutt
DIED 25 MARCH 2003
On one day, two soldiers from the Queen's Royal Lancers were killed by "friendly
fire" when their Challenger 2 main battle tank was accidentally hit by another
Challenger 2 during a battle with Iraqi forces on the outskirts of Basra. One
was David Clark, the other was Stephen Allbutt.
Stephen joined the 16th/5th the Queen's Royal Lancers in 1989 and saw action on
Operation Desert Storm in 1991. He also served in Bosnia. His commanding officer
described him as an "immensely dedicated and competent NCO" who was a strong
candidate for promotion. Aged 35, he camed from Stoke-on-Trent and was married
with two sons: Joshua, now 16, and Connor, 11. He and his wife Debi would have
celebrated their 10th wedding anniversary in September 2003.
"The Army was Steve's life," says Debi today. "He had wanted to join since he
was a little boy. Although he was quiet, he had a brilliant sense of humour and
was a loyal and devoted friend. He was also very romantic. Just before he left
for the Gulf he planted some daffodil bulbs in our garden as a surprise, so
they'd come up while he was away. They came up just before he died. I hadn't
noticed them, and it was in one of the last phone calls I got from him that he
said: 'Have you noticed anything in the garden?' And I looked out, and said: 'Oh
yes! Thank you!' He was just a quiet family man really. He loved his boys, and
his life, he said, was his three loves: Stoke City FC, and the Army, and me and
the kids. He used to laugh and say that Stoke came first, but obviously I didn't
believe him. We loved each other deeply and words cannot express how much I'll
miss him. He was my true love."
Trooper David Clarke
DIED: 25 MARCH 2003
Nineteen years old, David, from Littleworth, Staffordshire, was a keen sportsman
who played for Stafford Rugby Club when he was on leave. He had joined the Army
aged 16, straight from school, and had volunteered for service in Iraq.
"He had wanted to join up ever since he was a little boy - he had no interest
whatsoever in doing anything else," recalls his mother, Beverley. His commanding
officer described him as a "diligent and popular soldier, [with] a promising
career ahead of him". On his next leave, he was due to get engaged to his
childhood sweetheart, Rachel.
His mother says he was as much a friend as a son to her: he loved going
clubbing, and used to take her with him. "The last time he came home on leave I
was at work at our local Co-op," she recalls, "and he came running into the
store, picked me up and gave me a great big kiss in front of everybody. He
wasn't frightened about letting anybody see how he felt. He was my best friend:
I didn't just lose my eldest son, I lost my best friend. He lived life to the
full. And I'm so proud of him."
Corporal Dewi Pritchard
DIED: 23 AUGUST 2003
Born in the Rhondda, Dewi was one of three military policemen killed when gunmen
opened fire on their vehicle in central Basra. A member of the Territorial Army,
he had joined the Royal Military Police in 1996, while managing an assembly line
at the Bosch factory in Miskin for his day job. As a corporal in 116 Provost
Company (Volunteers), he was described as "an outstanding junior
non-commissioned officer".
After six days' leave at home in Wales with his wife Tracey, daughter Kira (then
six) and son Ethan (one), he had been back in Basra for one day when he was
killed. He was 35.
"He'd been out in Iraq for 10 weeks, and then he surprised us - he just turned
up on the doorstep," says Tracey. "He had to leave to go back the following
Thursday, which was Kira's birthday, and then he was killed on the Saturday
morning. We were fortunate and blessed to have that week together."
She says he loved golf and karate, and was a very fair and honourable person.
"If he was your friend, he'd be your friend for life," she recalls. "There was
nothing he wouldn't do for anybody. And he always had a twinkle in his eye -
with his wicked sense of humour you never knew what he was going to do or say
next. He was an adventurous man, and a kind and compassionate husband and
father. To sum Dewi up in one word it would have to be 'love'. We've been left
devastated by his death, but feel proud, blessed and privileged to have had the
honour of sharing his life."
Lance Corporal Shaun Brierley
DIED: 30 MARCH 2003
Shaun, from West Yorkshire, was killed in a road accident in Kuwait. A radio
systems operator with 1(UK) Armoured Division HQ & Signal Regiment, he was
described by his commanding officer as a "highly regarded member of the
squadron". Aged 28, he had been based in Germany for four years and was the
father of a three-year-old son with his German girlfriend Birgitte.
His father Peter fondly remembers a "big, noisy lad", who looked tough and
aggressive - but wasn't. "He was really in your face, but he wouldn't have
harmed anybody. He was the gentle-giant type," says Peter. At his grammar school
he would protect younger children from bullies, and as a teenager he often
intervened to try to stop fights.
He never hid his opinions; but although "he looked and sounded aggressive, but
he wasn't at all, and he had that knack of talking to people. He was an
intelligent lad".
Fusilier Donal Meade
Killed in the same incident as Fusilier Stephen Manning (see below), Donal was
20. He was born on the island of Montserrat but came to Britain when he was 10
following the volcanic eruption of 1995. He lived in Plumstead, London, and
enlisted in the Army when he was 17. He joined the fusiliers in 2002 and - like
Stephen Manning - volunteered to serve in Iraq. His family said: "[We] are
tremendously proud of Donal and couldn't ask for a better son. Donal will be
deeply missed, but we take comfort in that he died doing a job he loved."
The commandingoOfficer of 2nd Regiment Royal Fusiliers, Lt Col John Whitwam MBE,
said: "The whole of the Royal Regiment of Fusiliers mourns the tragic loss of
these two fine young men... They understood the dangers but were proud to be
soldiers and recognised that they were doing a difficult, occasionally thankless
but always worthwhile job."
Corporal Marc Taylor
Marc "Spud" Taylor, from Ellesmere Port, was one of two British soldiers who
died when their military convoy was ambushed south-west of Basra. Aged 27, he
was married with a daughter. His wife Olivia was expecting their second child
when he was killed.
In Iraq he commanded a four-man team with B Battery Royal Horse Artillery and
provided escort teams to a group coordinating reconstruction projects in Basra
province. He was killed while escorting a visit to a new housing project. He was
described as a calm, confident leader, and a first class team commander.
"He was an Army man through and through," said his wife. "He was always very
positive about his time in Iraq, and serving his country. He enjoyed the
particular job he was doing, helping the Iraqi people rebuild their lives. All
of his family are proud that he died doing the job he wanted to do. He was a
hero to all of us."
Captain Philip Guy
DIED: 21 MARCH 2003
A 29-year-old husband and father, Philip came from Skipton, North Yorkshire. He
was killed just hours after the attack on Iraq began, in a helicopter crash that
also claimed the lives of seven other men from 3 Commando Brigade (all
remembered below). Captain Guy died two weeks before his wife Helen was due to
give birth to their second child. She described him as "the most brave,
courageous man you could ever imagine" and a "perfect, loving, special husband".
He had joined the Royal Marines after graduating from Salford university in
1995, and had served in Bosnia and Afghanistan. He had been in the Gulf for six
weeks. A keen sportsman, he represented his Corps in long-distance running. His
fellow officers had nominated him for a Marine medal for courage and
Major Jason Ward
DIED: 21 MARCH 2003
Described as "an exceptional leader" by his colleagues, Jason, aged 34, had been
a UN peacekeeper in Cambodia and had served in Bosnia and Northern Ireland.
His childhood ambition was to be a Royal Marine, and he served in the corps for
15 years. He was renowned for always being among the first to volunteer for any
task, and for boldly leading his men into battle from the front.
Very close to his family - his mother Jaqueline, his father George, a retired
businessman, and his younger brother Elliot - he wrote to his parents a week
before he died: "I am genuinely very well. I really want you both to know that.
I am not putting up a brave face. All is good out here... Obviously I have no
idea how long we are going to stay, but I guess I'll be back mid-May, hopefully
the 5th, because I will stand to win nearly 50 bottles of champagne. The
quartermaster and I are running a book on it."
Colour Sergeant John Cecil
DIED: 21 MARCH 2003
Aged 35, and from Newcastle upon Tyne, John was "proud to be a Royal Marine,
proud to be British and proud to represent his country", according to his
family. "John leaves behind a great many friends and relatives," said a
statement issued at the time, "and our thoughts and prayers go out to Wendy
Cecil, his children Nicholas and Jodie, his beloved daughter Paige, and his
brother David."
Lance Bombardier Llywelyn Evans
DIED: 21 MARCH 2003
Nicknamed "Welly", Llywelyn was 24 and came from Llandudno. He had been in the
army since 1996 and had served in Sierra Leone and Afghanistan. He was engaged
to Miss Rebecca Williams. His father, Gordon Evans, said: "On behalf of my whole
family, I wish to say that we are all devastated by the loss of our son. Whilst
we are deeply saddened, we are, and always will be, proud of him."
Marine Sholto Hedenskog
DIED: 21 MARCH 2003
A university graduate from Cape Town, South Africa, Sholto had abandoned further
study to realise a lifelong ambition to serve with the Marines, whom he joined
in 2000 and with whom he served in Afghanistan in the search for al-Qa'ida
fighters in the caves of Tora Bora. Nicknamed "Sonic" by his colleagues -
because his name sounded vaguely like "hedgehog" - he had last been home in
December 2002, on leave after his tour of duty in Afghanistan. His cousin, Sean,
said: "He was totally dedicated. After becoming a marine, he became so strong
and confident. He loved it. He knew the dangers involved."
He was due to be best man at the July 2003 wedding of Craig Garnett, his best
friend in 3 Commando Brigade. They had joined up together and were due to leave
the marines the following year. He is survived by his mother and two sisters,
Megan and Eva, who live in Cape Town. He was 26.
Sergeant Les Hehir
DIED: 21 MARCH 2003
Les, from Poole, Dorset, was 34. He and his wife Sharon had two sons: Oliver
(then five) and William (then three). Mrs Hehir said Les's death was "the worst
blow imaginable". She added: "In addition to being an outstanding and highly
regarded soldier, Les was an extremely loving and devoted husband, father and
son. The loss we feel is really too much to bear. We lived for each other and
our two wonderful boys."
Operator Mechanic Ian Seymour RN
DIED: 21 MARCH 2003
Also from Poole, Operator Mechanic (Communications) Second Class Ian Seymour RN
was 28 years old. Married to Lianne, 27, and with a young son, Beck (then aged
three), he was the first British victim of the war to be buried. The funeral, on
April 9, followed a service at St Michael's Church, Hamworthy, Poole, and was
conducted with full military honours.
Among the flowers and tributes left at the Plymouth headquarters of 3 Commando
Brigade was one from his wife and son. The note, pinned to a photo of them,
read: "For my Daddy. I love you loads. So does Mummy. We will miss you always.
God bless you. Lots of love from your Baby Bear and Tinkerbell."
Warrant Officer Mark Stratford
DIED: 21 MARCH 2003
Aged 39, and from Plymouth, Warrant Officer Second Class Mark Stratford
completes the list of victims of that first helicopter crash. His family said:
"The Royal Marines were Mark's life and he was dedicated to the regiment. He
served in many areas of the world and we know that he thoroughly enjoyed his 20
years with the corps. He had a wonderful life."
Lieutenant Marc Lawrence
DIED: 22 MARCH 2003
Aged 26, Marc was one of six British victims of a second tragic crash, between
two Royal Navy Sea King helicopters over the northern Arabian Gulf. The others
are remembered below.
Marc grew up in Westgate-on-Sea, Kent, the son of George and Ann. From an early
age he loved the sea and was a keen sailor, diver and windsurfer. After officer
training at the Royal Naval College, Dartmouth, he trained as a Sea King
Observer at Culdrose, gained his wings in 2002, and joined 849 Squadron. That
same year, he also became engaged: to Elaine Cleaver, also from Kent. They had
planned to marry in 2004 and make their home in Cornwall.
An accomplished musician, Marc played in the ship's band on board HMS Ark Royal.
His sister Jayne described her brother as a "happy man with a ready smile". "He
stole our hearts," said his fiancée Elaine.
Lieutenant Philip West
DIED: 22 MARCH 2003
Aged 32, Philip was 6ft 4in tall and was known throughout 849 Squadron as
"Stretch". He was brought up in Carlisle but moved with his family to Hoylake on
the Wirral when he was 10. In later life he lived in Budock Water, Cornwall,
with his fiancée, Nicky.
According to his parents, Philip always wanted to fly. After Salford university
he did officer training at Dartmouth, and he gained his wings in 1994. His
parents said that his decision to join the service made them immensely proud.
During the Balkan conflict he served in HMS Invincible in the Adriatic and was
awarded the campaign medal.
He and Nicky - a nurse whom he had met when he was serving at Culdrose Air
Station - were converting a barn together, and were looking forward to their
wedding. They were due to be married in August 2003.
Lieutenant Andrew Wilson
DIED: 22 MARCH 2003
Aged 36, Andrew was married and came from Exeter. His wife Sarah said that she
was devastated and saddened by her tragic loss, but intensely proud of her
husband's commitment to the Royal Navy. She described Andrew as an extremely
kind and outgoing person who would be greatly missed by his family, his squadron
colleagues and by the wider naval aviation community.
Fellow aircrew on 849 Squadron - in which Andrew had served for the past three
years - said that he had been a powerful personality within the squadron and an
outstanding pilot.
Lieutenant Philip Green
DIED: 22 MARCH 2003
Born in North Walsham, Norfolk, Philip learnt to fly with Oxford University Air
Squadron while studying geology at Oxford Brookes University. He joined the Navy
in April 1996, and by early 2000 he had completed Anti-Submarine Warfare
training on Sea King helicopters. He joined 849 Squadron in May 2002. His flying
skills had won him "green rated" status - the highest possible.
Aged 30 at the time of his death, he was from Frieston, Lincolnshire. His family
- his parents, Richard and Karen, and his sisters, Juliet and Catherine - say
they miss Philip terribly, and remember his gentle, easy manner and dry sense of
humour. Philip also loved spending time in Scotland with his girlfriend Louise
Cameron and her family in Ayrshire.
Philip loved the outdoors, keeping fit and walking on Caythorpe heath with his
greatest and most devoted admirer, the family's springer spaniel, Sam. Every
year, in memory of Philip, a shield is presented by North West English Springer
Spaniel Rescue to a rescued dog that has shown extreme bravery in the face of
life's adversities.
Lieutenant Antony King
DIED: 22 MARCH 2003
Brought up in North Somerset, Antony joined the Royal Navy in 1987 at the age of
19. At the time of his death - aged 35 - he had recently been selected for
promotion to the rank of Lieutenant Commander. Described as a "committed family
man" who valued his family and close friends above all else, he lived in
Helston, Cornwall, with his wife Sarah and children David (then five) and Molly
(then four).
His family described him as a "larger than life" character with a "tremendous
presence". He had a passion for rugby and had played for Stithians RFC. He was
awarded a posthumous mention in dispatches in recognition of the vital work he
had done in bringing into service a new battlefield communications system.
Lieutenant James Williams
DIED: 22 MARCH 2003
Aged 28 at the time of his death, James was the son of Vernon and Liz Williams.
He grew up in Winchester with his older sister Caroline and was fascinated by
aircraft from boyhood. While a student at Liverpool University he met his
fiancée Sarah, with whom he later moved to Falmouth. He joined the Royal Navy in
January 1999 and 849 Squadron's A Flight in 2003. The Iraq campaign was his
first operational tour of duty.
A popular character in the squadron, he joined the Navy in fulfilment of an
ambition to fly, and to serve his country. His parents recalled how proud he was
to wear his uniform, and said that he died doing the job he loved most.
Flight Lieutenant Kevin Main & Flight Lieutenant David Williams
DIED: 23 MARCH 2003
On Sunday 23 March 2003 at 2.48am local time, an RAF GR4 Tornado was returning
from a mission over Iraq when it was hit near the Kuwaiti border by a Patriot
missile at 18,000ft after its "friend or foe" identification system had failed -
unknown to the two crewmen. The US battery's electronics thus mis-identified the
aircraft as an incoming Iraqi missile. Kevin - the pilot - and David - the
navigator - were both killed instantly when the Patriot struck. The families of
both men requested that no further details should be released.
Sapper Luke Allsopp
DIED: 23 MARCH 2003
Luke, a 24-year-old from north London, was one of two soldiers killed in an
attack on British military vehicles in southern Iraq. "Luke Allsopp was a very
capable individual who was well liked within the squadron, and a valued team
member," said Lieutenant Colonel Anthony Troulan, his commanding officer. "He
had served in bomb disposal in Cyprus and Kenya. He leaves behind a loving
family and girlfriend, Katy."
Staff Sergeant Simon Cullingworth
DIED: 23 MARCH 2003
Simon, who died in the same incident as Sapper Allsopp, was from Essex. He was
36. His commanding officer described him as "an extremely experienced soldier
who was in line for promotion and whose dedication to duty and professionalism
won him the respect of everyone he served with."
"This was his third tour of duty with the regiment," continued Lieutenant
Colonel Troulan; "he had already served as a bomb disposal officer in the
Balkans and Afghanistan. He leaves behind his wife Allison and two young sons
aged eight and three."
Sergeant Steven Roberts
DIED: 24 MARCH 2003
Aged 33, Steven - known as "TC" in his regiment - was killed in action near Az
Zubayr, south west of Basra. Brought up in Cornwall, he later lived in Bradford.
He joined the Army in 1986 and quickly gained promotion, serving in Northern
Ireland, Cyprus and Canada. His commanding officer described him as "an
all-round professional soldier" and a "first-class tank commander, a strong and
effective leader with great depth of character who excelled under pressure".
Keen on sport, he had also represented both the 2nd and 3rd Tank Regiments in
rugby and squash.
His wife Samantha said in a statement: "Steve's whole future lay with the Army;
it was his life and he was very proud of his job. He was adamant that he was
doing the right thing and said that he was doing it for the people back home and
the Iraqi people. He was a unique man, who was very outgoing and sociable. We
loved each other deeply - he is totally irreplaceable."
His mother, Mrs Marion Chapman, said: "Steve loved Cornwall - and he always took
a Cornish flag with him everywhere. He was the best son anyone could have. He
made us laugh, he was the most perfect son ever."
Lance Corporal Barry Stephen
DIED: 24 MARCH 2003
A 31-year-old from Perth, Barry "Baz" Stephen was awarded a posthumous mention
in dispatches for the gallantry he displayed during the action in which he fell,
near Al Zubayr. He joined the battalion in 1997, and served in Northern Ireland,
Germany, and in the UK with the regimental recruiting team. He was then called
back to his regiment in Fallingbostel, Germany, to rejoin the mortar platoon.
In a statement issued on behalf of his family, his close friend Sergeant Mark
Hudson said: "I know I speak for Barry's family and all of his many friends when
I say that we are absolutely devastated to learn of his death. He was a
wonderful husband and son as well as a great friend. I know he was very proud to
be a soldier and to wear the red hackle. He loved the army, and both his family
and I take some comfort from knowing that he died a hero, doing the job he
loved. We will miss him dreadfully."
Lance Corporal of Horse Matty Hull
DIED: 28 MARCH 2003
Matty, 25, from Salisbury, served with the Blues & Royals, Household Cavalry
Regiment. He was killed in a suspected "friendly fire" incident in southern
Iraq. His wife, Susan Hull, said in a statement: "He is, without doubt, the most
exceptional man I have ever met; a loving and supportive husband and son, a
dedicated soldier and a great friend to so many. He had rightly earned the
utmost respect from everyone he worked with, and this makes it that much harder
to accept this accidental death. It is not easy to come to terms with the fact
that someone who was so full of life has had his so cruelly cut short, just
three days before his 26th birthday, but come to terms with it we must. It is
what he would want. Matty always strived for a challenge, and Iraq has proved
his ultimate test. His aim in life was to be the best he could be, and there was
certainly no better husband, son or brother on this earth."
Major Stephen Ballard
DIED: 30 MARCH 2003
Stephen, 33, from Swindon, was in 3 Commando Brigade. He died of natural causes
while in Iraq. His family said in a statement: "Stephen joined the Royal Marines
in 1994 and was promoted to the rank of major in 2001. He was passionate about
his life in the Royal Marines and proud to be a marine. One of four sons, he
loved his family. Stephen and Lucy had been married for 18 months and were
thrilled at the prospect of the arrival of their first child. Stephen's family,
colleagues and wide circle of friends are devastated by his death."
Marine Christopher Maddison
DIED: 30 MARCH 2003
Christopher, of 9 Assault Squadron, was killed in action near Basra. Aged 24, he
came from Scarborough. In a statement, his parents said: "Christopher Maddison
was loved and respected by everybody who knew him. He was a man of character,
honour and principles who always fought for those less able. As he lived, he
died, with strength and courage. He died in a war that will be won in his name
alongside all the other brave souls who selflessly gave themselves for the
freedom of all our nations. God bless him and all his brothers and sisters."
Staff Sergeant Chris Muir
DIED: 31 MARCH 2003
A staff sergeant with the Army School of Ammunition, Chris, from Romsey,
Hampshire, was killed in southern Iraq during a bomb disposal operation. Aged
32, he was qualified in bomb disposal at the highest level and had travelled
widely with the Royal Logistics Corps. Shortly before his death, he had been
selected for promotion to warrant officer. "It is a particularly sad fact that
we will not see him wearing the new rank he so richly deserved," said his
commanding officer, recalling his wit, and his love of sport and motorcycling.
"He was a very strong character, an outstanding technician, and a highly
effective leader. Most of all, however, Chris was a gentleman through and
His wife Gillian said in a statement: "Chris was the sort of person that could
light up a room just by being in it. I know that [he] was very proud to wear the
badge of an ammunition technician, and I take small comfort from the knowledge
that he died doing the job he loved. He has left me and our families with the
most fantastic of memories, the greatest one being our son, Ben, who can grow up
knowing that his father was a good, honest, hardworking soldier, who died trying
to do the right thing."
Lance Corporal Karl Shearer
DIED: 1 APRIL 2003
Karl, from Irvine in Ayrshire, was killed when a Scimitar armoured vehicle
overturned. He was 24. His wife Suzie described him as "a very loving,
supportive husband and father. He was a wonderful son and brother. He was loved
very much and will be missed terribly." His commanding officer said: "Karl was a
popular and very able soldier whom I had recently promoted. He demonstrated the
very best of what it is to be a soldier of the Household Cavalry and will be
greatly missed."
Lieutenant Alexander Tweedie
DIED: 22 APRIL 2003
Lieutenant Tweedie died in hospital from injuries sustained in the same incident
that killed Lance Corporal Shearer (see above). He was 25. He had served for two
and a half years in D Squadron, The Blues & Royals, Household Cavalry Regiment.
His family said in a statement: "He was a wonderful, loving son who brightened
the lives of everyone who knew him. We are proud of Alexander and will remember
him in our hearts forever."
His commanding officer said: "Alexander was an excellent officer. Popular with
all, he matched very positive leadership from the front with a deep care for his
men. He led his troop in battle with skill, determination and great coolness
under fire."
Fusilier Kelan Turrington
DIED: 6 APRIL 2003
Eighteen-year-old Kelan, from Haslingfield, near Cambridge, was the youngest
serviceman to lose his life in the Iraq campaign so far. He was killed in an
assault on an enemy trench in Basra. He was awarded a posthumous mention in
dispatches in recognition of the gallantry he displayed during the action which
cost him his life. His mother said that he had wanted to be a soldier since the
age of four.
Lance Corporal Ian Malone
DIED: 6 APRIL 2003
Ian, from Dublin, was killed in action in Basra. He was 28. He had enlisted in
1997, was promoted to Lance Corporal in 2000 and had served in Kosovo, Poland,
Canada, Oman and Germany. He was also a valued member of the pipe band.
His family said in a statement: "Ian was a wonderful son, full of life and
vitality, fun and wit. His family and girlfriend are devastated to learn of his
death. He had so many friends and so much to live for. He loved the Army and
lived for the excitement and challenges that being a soldier brought. He was
proud to be an Irishman and proud to serve in the Irish Guards. His family takes
some comfort from knowing that he died doing the job he loved."
Piper Christopher Muzvuru
DIED: 6 APRIL 2003
Christopher, 21, was from Zimbabwe and was his regiment's first black piper. He
died in the same incident as Lance Corporal Malone. He had enlisted in February
2001, and after training joined his battalion in October that year. In April
2002 he completed a piper's course at the piping school in Edinburgh and was a
valued member of the battalion's pipe band.
Lance Corporal James McCue
DIED: 30 APRIL 2003
James, from Paisley, was a lance corporal with 7 Air Assault Battalion, REME
(Royal Electrical and Mechanical Engineers). Aged 27, he was killed in an
explosion in southern Iraq. Keen on rugby and running - he had represented
Scotland as a junior sprinter - he was also his unit's physical training
instructor. His commanding officer said: "He was a popular soldier who forged a
large number of friendships within the unit and enjoyed a lively social life as
a result. He was a strong character who displayed a great sense of pride in
everything he did. He was a credit to his corps and will be sadly missed."
His mother Mary said he was a "wonderful son", with a lively sense of humour.
"Words cannot express the depth of our grief, but mixed with our profound
sadness there is pride in the knowledge that he died a soldier while serving his
country. He will be remembered by all that knew him forever."
Private Andrew Kelly
DIED: 6 MAY 2003
Andrew, from Tavistock, was in Iraq with the 3rd Battalion, The Parachute
Regiment. He died in an accident. His mother, Helen Yallop, said in a statement:
"Andrew's loss is deeply felt by all the family. We are devastated. He was a
wonderful, fearless and confident son, always well-mannered, and who, even as a
young boy, desired only to be a Para. He turned 18 on 9 March this year [2003],
and within days was on his way to the Gulf.
"Even at school in Tavistock, he was single-minded about an Army career, knowing
it would fulfil his ambitions for travel and sport. He loved swimming,
roller-blading and skiing, and had enjoyed many family trips abroad. In his last
call to me just days ago, he said, 'Don't worry about me mum; Paras always go to
heaven.' Andrew remains alive in our thoughts and memories; it will always be
Describing him as polite and "quiet but confident and likeable", his commanding
officer said he was a "full of energy and life with a long career in The
Parachute Regiment ahead of him... [he] proved himself to be fit, mentally
agile, professional, and highly determined."
Gunner Duncan Pritchard
DIED: 8 MAY 2003
Duncan died in hospital in the UK following a traffic accident in Iraq. He was
serving with 16 Squadron RAF Regiment, home-based at RAF Honington in Suffolk.
He was 22.
Corporal David Shepherd
DIED: 19 MAY 2003
David died from natural causes in Kuwait. He was 34.
Len Harvey
DIED: 22 MAY 2003
A civilian member of the Defence Fire Service, Leonard died in hospital after
falling ill while serving in the Gulf.
He had worked in the Defence Fire Service for 33 years, was normally based at
Wattisham in Suffolk, and had twice served in Bosnia. As a civilian firefighter,
he had volunteered to go to the Gulf, which was his third overseas deployment.
The father of three daughters, he was popular with his colleagues and had a
great passion for football. He had regularly played in goal in his youth, and
was a lifetime supporter of Ipswich Town.
Sergeant Simon Hamilton-Jewell
DIED: 24 JUNE 2003
Simon was one of six royal military policemen who were killed when an armed mob
stormed an Iraqi police station where they had sought refuge at Al Majar Al
Kabir. They had been helping to re-establish the local police. Simon, from
Chessington, was 41. Known to his friends as "HJ", he joined the Army in August
1988, and had previously been in the Territorial Army (from 1979). He had served
in Germany and the UK, and on operations in Northern Ireland, Sarajevo and
Sudan. As well as being a trained military parachutist, he practised martial
arts and loved motorcycling, hiking and climbing. His mother, Teresa, and
brother, Tony, described him as "keen to help anybody", and "a fearless man" who
was dedicated to the Army, his regiment, his unit and to his comrades. "He gave
20 years of service defending others, in so many locations, and was a selfless
man to the last. For a soldier never afraid to do his duty - we love and miss
you. God bless."
Corporal Russell Aston
DIED: 24 JUNE 2003
Killed in the same incident as Sergeant Hamilton-Jewell, Russell, from
Swadlincote, Derbyshire, was 30 years old. Married, with one daughter, he had
joined the Army in 1993 and had served with the Grenadier Guards. Parachute
trained, he had served in Macedonia and Northern Ireland and on operations in
Kenya. He was also the company's physical training instructor.
His wife, Anna, and parents, Glenice and Mike, said in a statement: "Russ was a
very handsome man, and was such a kind and special person with a smashing sense
of humour that he could get on with anyone he met. He was a doting father who
had lots and lots of friends. When he walked into a room he filled it with his
height and presence. He loved his life in the Army. He was very fit and sporty.
He recently ran 31 miles to raise funds for Gresley Rovers, a local junior
football team... He loved animals, was a caring person and, although he looked
tough, had a heart of gold and was loving and sensitive."
Corporal Paul Long
DIED: 24 JUNE 2003
Born in Portsmouth, Paul Long was educated in Aldershot and South Shields and
later lived in Colchester. He joined the Army in 1999 after serving two years
with the TA, and was posted to 156 Provost Company in March 2000. A member of
the Parachute Provost Platoon, he was a qualified radio operator. He was 24 when
he died. This was his first operational deployment.
His mother, Patricia Long, supported by her other two children and other family
members, said that "the Army was his life". He and his wife Gemma had a baby
son, Benjamin, who was 11 months old when he died.
Corporal Simon Miller
DIED: 24 JUNE 2003
A talented sportsman who won his black belt in karate aged just 12, Simon, from
Washington, Tyne & Wear, also showed promise as a professional footballer: he
had trials for Cambridge United. A qualified radio operator, he had served with
1 Para on a deployment to Kenya. He played football for his unit, and for the
Royal Military Police team. He also loved motorcycling. He was 21 when he died.
His parents, John and Marilyn Miller said: "Simon had a real zest for life and
was a keen sportsman. He loved the Army and was 100 per cent committed to his
job. He had great courage and was not afraid to stand his ground.
"Simon was promoted to Corporal just before he left for Iraq and we were all
really proud of him. He was due to finish his tour in July and planned to marry
when he returned home. He was our life - he was a lovely lad and very close to
his family and fiancée. Words can't describe how much we all love him and miss
Lance-Corporal Benjamin Hyde
DIED: 24 JUNE 2003
A qualified radio operator, from Northallerton, Yorkshire, Benjamin, who was 23,
had joined the Army in June 2001. This was his first operational tour. His
father John said in a statement: "Ben was an extremely charismatic person who
lightened the mood whenever he walked into a room. All he ever wanted was to
become a military policeman, and he worked very hard to become one. He was very
career-minded, with bags of potential, and had been recommended for promotion
"The red beret was all he ever wanted. It was his life, so he gave his life
doing the job he loved most. He was also a loving son who will be sorely
Lance-Corporal Thomas Keys
DIED: 24 JUNE 2003
Thomas, from Llanuwchllyn, Wales, joined the Army in August 1998, initially
serving with 1st Battalion, The Parachute Regiment. He transferred to the RMP
and joined 156 Provost Company in January 2002. He had served on operations in
Sierra Leone and Northern Ireland. A popular soldier, Thomas, 20, was a fully
trained paratrooper and physical training instructor who played football for the
company. His father Reg Keys stood against Tony Blair in his Sedgefield
constituency at the 2005 election.
Captain James Linton
DIED: 18 JULY 2003
Forty-three-year-old Captain Linton collapsed and died following a training run
at a British base in Az Zubayr in souther Iraq. From Warminster, he was married
with three children, and served with 40 Field Regiment, Royal Artillery.
Private Jason Smith
DIED: 13 AUGUST 2003
Jason, from Hawick, died in southern Iraq, apparently not as a result of hostile
action. Aged 32, he had served with the Territorial Army since 1992. A soldier
in the 52nd Lowland Regiment, he was serving in Iraq attached to the 1st
Battalion, The King's Own Scottish Borderers. His commanding officer said: "He
genuinely loved being a member of the TA and was thoroughly excited at being
mobilised. He saw it as his chance to do his job for real and to contribute to
the restoration of Iraq. He will be sadly missed by all his friends and
colleagues in the Regiment."
Captain David Jones
DIED: 14 AUGUST 2003
David, from Louth, Lincolnshire, was killed in a bomb attack on a military
ambulance in Basra. Aged 29, he had volunteered in January 2003 to serve in Iraq
as a civil-military liaison officer. He had been working on civil-military
cooperation projects in Basra to reconstruct the city, and his duties including
overseeing the distribution of humanitarian aid, improving local infrastructure
and helping the Iraqi communities establish local councils.
Described as a "professional, enthusiastic and outgoing officer who cared deeply
about the soldiers he commanded", he was a talented sportsman, excelling at
rugby union, and also playing in the battalion's rugby league team. During his
career he had served in Botswana, Kenya, the United States, Canada, Cyprus and
Northern Ireland.
His commanding officer said that he was a "courageous, warm-hearted and a very
popular officer". His wife Isobel said: "I am extremely proud of Dai. He was a
wonderful husband who served his country with great courage." They had been
married for 13 months.
Major Matthew Titchener
DIED: 23 AUGUST 2003
Matthew was one of three military policemen killed when their vehicle was
attacked by gunmen in central Basra. From Southport, Merseyside, he was 32 years
The commanding officer of 150 Provost Company, he was described as "an officer
of the very highest calibre" and an "intelligent, highly motivated and dedicated
leader" who set the highest of standards.
His main passions outside Army life were his family and football. He was a
talented football player, a qualified referee and manager of the RMP football
team. He was also an ardent Liverpool fan. He and his wife Raqual had been
married for almost six years and were expecting their second child in December
2003. Raqual said: "Matt was a perfect husband and a brilliant dad. He was
delighted at the thought of being a dad again. He died doing a job he was proud
of and was professional to the very end."
Company Sergeant Major Colin Wall
DIED: 23 AUGUST 2003
Colin, from Crawleyside, County Durham, had served in Belize, Germany, Canada,
Kosovo and Northern Ireland, since enlisting in 1985. Aged 34, he was described
as a "highly focused and professional soldier" whose first priority was always
the morale and motivation of the men and women in his care.
His passions outside Army life were his family, walking his dogs, and
"tinkering" with and restoring cars. He and his wife Trish had been married for
almost eight years. Their son Alexander was 11 months old when Colin died. Colin
also had two children from a previous marriage: Lauren, then 12, and Robert,
then 10. His parents, Barry and Joan, said: "Colin was a loving son and we are
very proud of him."
Fusilier Russell Beeston
DIED: 27 AUGUST 2003
Killed in action in an incident in Ali As Sharqi in southern Iraq, Russell was a
Territorial Army soldier in 52nd Lowland Regiment (Volunteers), serving on
attachment to the 1st Battalion King's Own Scottish Borderers. Aged 26, he came
from Govan, Glasgow. He was descibed as a "well-liked and respected soldier,
highly regarded by his peers". His family said in a statement: "[We are] totally
devastated. Russell was a soldier doing his duty in Iraq and will be sadly
missed by his family and friends."
Sergeant John Nightingale
A veteran of three tours of duty on peace-keeping operations in the Balkans,
John was a Territorial Army soldier who died serving at Shaibah Logistic Base,
near Basra. Aged 32, he came from Leeds and worked in the electronics industry.
His family remember him as a passionate rugby player, who had played prop
forward for the First XV at Otley RFU. His other interests included cars and
motorbikes. He was engaged to Lucy, a non-commissioned officer in the RAF. His
commanding officer described him as "a good man, a strong character and
excellent senior non-commissioned officer... He will be missed by all of us".
Corporal Ian Plank
Ian, from Poole, Dorset, was 31 when he was killed by hostile fire. Colonel
Jerry Heal, the director of Royal Marines, said: "Ian Plank was an extremely
popular and greatly admired member of the Royal Marines, widely respected for
his professional excellence, commitment and determination. He was particularly
well known for his resilience and robustness under pressure, when his
leadership, example and sense of humour were especially valued."
Private Ryan Thomas
Ryan was killed in a road accident in Basra. Aged 18, he came from Resolven,
Glamorgan, and had opted for the Army straight from school. He joined the Royal
Regiment of Wales (24th /41st Foot) three months before his death. A keen
sportsman, he had already made an impact on the battalion sports field, and was
described as "enormously popular and charismatic". He was particularly proud of
his Welsh roots, and had been passionately following Wales's progress in that
year's Rugby World Cup.
A battalion spokesman said: "Private Thomas... carried out his duties in this
unfamiliar and sometimes dangerous environment with a pride and maturity beyond
that expected of such a junior soldier. The tragic loss of such an unique
character is sorely felt by colleagues who valued his professionalism and sense
of fun."
Major James Stenner
A 30-year-old from Monmouthshire, Major Stenner died in a road accident in
Baghdad early on 1 January 2004, along with Sergeant Norman Patterson of the
Cheshire Regiment (see below), when their vehicle apparently hit a concrete
barrier which was part of a security chicane. There has been speculation that
both men was serving with the SAS, which has been neither confirmed nor denied
by the MoD. No further details have been released.
Sergeant Norman Patterson
Killed in the same incident as Major Stenner, Norman was 28 and came from
Staffordshire. His commanding officer, Lieutenant Colonel John Donnelly, said:
"Sergeant Patterson was a greatly respected and extremely popular member of the
Cheshire Regiment, admired not only for his professional excellence but also for
his great humility... His constant drive for perfection and his calmness under
pressure, coupled with his quietly confident manner, endeared him to all with
whom he worked."
Lance Corporal Andrew Craw
Described by his commanding officer as a "bright and promising soldier who will
be sorely missed by all in the regiment", Andrew died following "a tragic
incident on a training range near Basra". He was 21. He came from
Clackmannanshire and had been in the Army since 1999. He was described as "an
outstanding soldier who demonstrated exceptional talent from the outset". A
capable sportsman, he was a keen boxer who had represented the battalion on a
number of occasions.
Rifleman Vincent Windsor
Killed in a road accident at Al Amarah, Vincent came from Oxfordshire and, at
23, was on his second tour of duty in Iraq. He had also served in Germany and
Lieutenant Colonel Harry Emck, the commanding officer of the 2nd Battalion, the
Royal Green Jackets, said: "Vincent was enormously popular and likeable, very
down to earth, and with a great sense of humour. He will be sadly missed by all
his colleagues and comrades."
Sapper Robert Thomson
Known as Rab, Sapper Thomson came from West Lothian. He was serving with 35
Engineer Regiment, normally based in Paderborn, Germany. He was 22 when he died
in an accident in Basra. His parents, Robert and Margaret Thomson, said: "He was
a wonderful son who lived life to the full, and was an ardent follower of
Motherwell Football Club.
"He is sorely missed by all the family - all of whom were extremely proud of him
being a soldier, and he was much looked-up-to by his younger brother Stewie...
At this time words cannot express the depth of our grief, but mixed with our
profound sadness there is pride in the knowledge that he died while serving his
Corporal Richard Ivell
A vehicle mechanic from South Yorkshire, Richard was serving with 2 Close
Support Regiment of the Royal Logistic Corps, when he was fatally injured in a
vehicle accident at Shaibah Logistics Base. Aged 29, he was married with three
Fusilier Gordon Gentle
DIED: 28 JUNE 2004
Gordon, from Glasgow, was 19 when he was killed in a roadside bomb attack on
British vehicles in Basra. Lieutenant Colonel Paul Cartwright, the commanding
officer of the 1st Battalion Royal Highland Fusiliers, said: "His name says it
all. As a new member of the battalion, he settled in with ease, happy in the
team environment and always willing to help others. His enthusiasm for his job
immediately caught the eye of his peers and superiors alike."
His mother, Rose, has subsequently waged a fierce campaign against the presence
of UK troops in Iraq since his death, standing in the last general election
against Armed Forces Minister Adam Ingram in the constituency of East Kilbride
Strathaven & Lesmahagow, where she polled 3 per cent of the vote.
Her son had only recently completed his training at Catterick when he was posted
to Iraq. The day before he left, he texted his best friend, Gary Scott: "Leaving
on a jet plane, don't know when I'll be back again. Love Gento." Some four weeks
later he was dead.
Flight Lieutenant Kristian Gover
DIED: 19 JULY 2004
A 30-year-old Puma helicopter pilot, Kristian was killed in a helicopter
accident at Basra Airport. At RAF Benson in Oxfordshire, where 33 Squadron is
based, he was described as "a very professional and well-respected pilot".
"Kris's death has hit everyone at Basra very hard," said the RAF commander at
Basra Airport.
Private Christopher Rayment
Single, and from London, Christopher was usually known as "Ray". He was 22 when
he was killed in an accident at Al Amarah. His commanding officer, Lieutenant
Colonel Matthew Maer, said: "He enriched the lives of all around him with his
irrepressible vigour, boisterous humour and his infectious optimism. Ray had the
inability to see anything but good in any situation and would find an excuse to
laugh, at often the most inappropriate times. He was immensely popular amongst
all ranks of my battalion and his presence was normally obvious before he was
even seen. He was also a tremendously committed and zealous soldier, who had
shown considerable courage, self-discipline and the highest standards of
professionalism over an exceptionally testing and hazardous period... The loss
of Ray has left a void among his friends and comrades in my battalion and our
thoughts are with his family and loved ones, whom he has left behind."
Private Lee O'Callaghan
A 20-year-old from Bermondsey, south London, Lee was an avid footballer and
football fan. He supported Millwall and was also a midfield player who,
according to his commanding officer, "took every opportunity he could to play".
He was killed in an attack by insurgents on British vehicles in Basra.
His commanding officer said: "He was highly regarded and known as a hard
working, diligent member of the team who could be trusted to finish any task
with characteristic good humour... [He] showed the highest standards of
professionalism and courage."
Private Marc Ferns
DIED: 12 AUGUST 2004
A 21-year-old from Glenrothes, Fife, Marc had already served in Iraq with the
Black Watch during the initial period of major combat operations in the spring
of 2003. This time, he was killed by an insurgents' bomb in Basra. His
commanding officer said: "Private Ferns had loyally served the Black Watch for
three years and had a bright future ahead of him. He was an experienced,
committed, professional and very popular soldier who will be sorely missed by
all who knew him."
Lance Corporal Paul Thomas
DIED: 17 AUGUST 2004
Killed in a firefight in Basra, Paul, 29, from Welshpool, was attached to the
1st Battalion the Cheshire Regiment. Known as "Taff", he was described by his
platoon commander as "a proud Welshman who had a passion for all sports."
"He was a keen rugby supporter," continued Lieutenant Will Follett, "as well as
following his local football club, Shrewsbury Town. He was an immensely popular
member of the platoon, widely regarded as its backbone, through his diligence,
professionalism and unfaltering enthusiasm to the job and the soldiers under his
command. His death has shocked the platoon, especially those soldiers who were
with him when he died. He will be sorely missed and our thoughts and prayers go
out to his family and loved ones."
Fusilier Stephen Jones
Serving with A Company of the 1st Battalion, the Royal Welch Fusiliers, Stephen
was killed when the Land-Rover he was driving left the road and overturned south
of Al Amarah while returning from a night mission - which had proved
unsuccessful - to detain an insurgent bomb-maker. From Llanrhaeadr,
Denbighshire, he was 22.
Stephen and his wife Zoe, 20, had been married only weeks before his posting to
Iraq in April last year. He was a keen footballer, and his regiment plans to
hold an annual challenge match in his memory.
Gunner David Lawrence
Known as "Loz", David, from Walsall, joined the Royal Artillery in 2001 and
served in Bosnia in 2002. With Marc Taylor he had been helping train the Basra
Police Serious Crimes Unit, and was killed in an ambush while escorting a visit
to a new housing project. A keen footballer, he was described by his colleagues
as a "cheerful soldier who always had a cheeky grin on his face" and as a "good
loyal friend" who would be sorely missed. He was 25.
Private Kevin McHale
Kevin, from Lochgelly, Fife, had served five years with the 1st Battalion, the
Black Watch, as a Warrior armoured vehicle driver. This was his second
operational tour with the Black Watch in Iraq, having served there during combat
operations in the spring of 2003. He had also served in Kosovo. He died in a
road accident in North Babil province, aged 27.
His commanding officer described him as "a great character", and said: "We will
miss him deeply."
Staff Sergeant Denise Rose
A 34-year-old member of the Royal Military Police's Special Investigation
Branch, Denise, from Liverpool, had joined the RMP in 1989, and had conducted
investigations into serious incidents in the military in the UK and Cyprus. She
died of a gunshot wound at a military base in Basra. She had volunteered to
serve in Iraq a month before her death, and was part of small team helping to
train the Iraqi police force. The Commanding Officer of the Special
Investigation Branch (Germany), based at Rheindahlen, said: "This is a terrible
shock for all her many comrades in the unit. She was doing so well in the Army,
and had a bright future in front of her. Even more importantly, Denise had a
multitude of friends, being universally popular, intelligent and ever cheerful.
Her death is a tragic loss."
Her family said in a statement: "[We] are struggling to come to terms with the
tragic loss of Denise. We will always remember her as a fun-loving girl who was
the life and soul of the party... She will be missed terribly and will always
remain in our hearts and thoughts."
Sergeant Stuart Gray
Married with two children, Stuart, 31, had served 12 years in the Army. As a
sergeant in the mortar platoon of the 1st Battalion, the Black Watch, he was one
of three British soldiers killed in a suicide car-bomb attack on a vehicle
checkpoint. He came from Dumfermline, Fife.
A statement from his family on behalf of his mother, Mrs Mary Gray, said: "She
is obviously deeply shocked by the news of the death of her son, yet that
sadness is tinged with her pride in a much-loved son who was a member of his
local regiment. He was an experienced and professional soldier, a loving
husband, father, son and brother, and a proud member of the Black Watch. Her
thoughts are also with the families of privates Lowe and McArdle [see below],
and the other Black Watch soldiers injured in the same incident; as well as her
daughter-in-law, Wendy, her family, and two gorgeous grand-children: Kirstin
aged 12, and Darren, 10."
Private Paul Lowe
A victim of the same incident, Paul, from Fife, was just 19. Described as "a
keen and admirable young soldier", he had been in the Army for three years (and
had wanted to join the Black Watch since he was seven). He had been a talented
drummer at school - at Kelty in Fife - and he later gained an instructor
qualification in drumming and became a member of the regiment's pipe band. He
was on his second tour of duty in Iraq.
His brother Craig, then 18 and also serving in the Black Watch, said: "My family
and all of Paul's friends were shocked and saddened to hear of his death while
serving his country... Words cannot express the depth of grief that my mother
Helen, brothers Stuart (16), Shaun (13), Jordan (10) and myself feel."
Private Scott McArdle
A rifleman in the elite reconnaissance platoon of the 1st Battalion, the Black
Watch, Scott, who came from Glenrothes, had served in the Army for six years. He
was 22 when he died in the same suicide attack that killed Sergeant Gray and
Private Lowe. The day after the incident, their commanding officer,
Lieutenant-Colonel James Cowan, said: "This is indeed a painful blow. All three
of the soldiers were our friends, but as we mourn their deaths, so we remember
their lives and give thanks to their contribution to the life of our regiment...
We will miss them as brothers-in-arms, and extend our sympathy and love to their
Private Pita Tukutukuwaqa
An outstanding sportsman and a trained sniper, Pita came from Fiji. He had
joined the Black Watch in March 2001 and served with the battalion in Kosovo and
in Iraq in 2003. Twenty-seven years old, and married, he was killed when a
Warrior armoured vehicle from the Black Watch battle group was hit by a roadside
bomb north of Camp Dogwood. "He will be dearly missed by his regiment and his
friends," said his commanding officer.
Sergeant Paul Connolly
Aged 33, Paul came from Crawley, West Sussex, and was separated, with three
children. He died of a gunshot wound in Shaibah Logistic Base.
He joined the REME in 1989 and, after military training, became a metalsmith. He
progressed to become a master welder, responsible for fabricating a wide range
of military equipment. He was posted to Iraq in October 2004 in support of 21
Engineer Regiment, helping to rebuild infrastructure in southern Iraq.
His commanding officer described his death as "a real tragedy and a terrible
shock for his many comrades both in the regiment and in the wider family of the
Royal Electrical and Mechanical Engineers. He was a highly capable soldier and a
hugely popular character who was widely respected and admired. He will be sorely
Squadron Leader Patrick Marshall
Aged 39, Patrick had joined the RAF in June 1990 as a pilot, and had served 11
operational tours flying Tornados. On temporary detachment to Iraq as a liaison
officer, he was killed, along with nine other UK service personnel (remembered
below), when an RAF C-130K Hercules crashed 30km north-west of Baghdad, on a
flight between Baghdad International Airport and Balad airbase.
Described as a "highly regarded and talented operational pilot" he was looking
forward to returning to his greatest passion - flying - after his tour of duty
as staff officer. Divorced, he was engaged to be married again.
Flight Lieutenant David Stead
"Steady" was regarded as one of the most capable captains in the Hercules fleet.
He had been involved in many operations around the globe, notably in
Afghanistan, where he showed his skill and courage by taking his Hercules
through "appalling flying conditions where no other fixed-wing aircraft would
fly" to rescue seriously wounded combat casualties and injured children. An RAF
testimonial noted that "on this occasion his exceptional skill, judgement and
physical bravery were directly responsible for saving lives". Brought up in West
Yorkshire and a keen fell-runner in his youth, he had worked for a short time in
a quantity surveying practice before joining the RAF. He was awarded his pilot's
wings in 1993. Aged 35, he was described as a "typically straight-talking
Yorkshireman with a devilish sense of humour and a fine wit". He leaves a wife,
Michelle, and two daughters, Holly and Amelia.
Flight Lieutenant Andrew Smith
Known as "Smudge" to his colleagues, Andrew was born in Doncaster and had
graduated with honours in environmental management at Lancaster University
before joining the RAF. He was awarded his pilot's wings in 2002 and joined the
Hercules fleet the following year. Though he was at the beginning of his flying
career - and this was his first spell on active duty - he had recently turned in
one of the best ever performances on a tactical air transport training course.
A passionate - and fast - motorcyclist, he was also described as "an active
officers' mess member who keenly supported all social functions, and his
colourful character was reflected in his array of fancy dress costumes. Popular
amongst his peers, his one-liners and witty comebacks will be sorely missed by
all." He was 25.
Flight Lieutenant Paul Pardoel
Born in Melbourne, Australia, Paul was 35, and had joined the RAF in 2002 after
14 years as a navigator and instructor with the Royal Australian Air Force.
Renowned as calm and unflappable, he had served in both Afghanistan and Iraq,
for which he was awarded Operational Service medals. A testimonial noted that
"he enjoyed the banter of being the only Australian in the squadron, and
remained a good sport - despite a Rugby World Cup final loss..." He leaves a
wife, Kellie, and a young family - Jordie, Jackson and India - who were "the
centre of his world".
Master Engineer Gary Nicholson
Aged 42, and divorced with two sons, "Gary Nic" had seen action many times
during his 23 years' service - including in the first Gulf war in 1991.
Described as "a giant of a man, with a giant heart and ebullient nature", he had
joined the RAF aged 20. A tribute to him stated that he was "the embodiment of a
master air engineer and, in the finest traditions of the service, he always put
the interests of his subordinates before himself."
Chief Technician Richard Brown
An avionics specialist, Richard served with the Engineering Wing at RAF Lyneham,
the home-base for all RAF Hercules. Aged 40 and divorced, he had joined the RAF
in 1983. He is remembered for his total dedication to his work, his love of
sport, and his committment to charity work, for which he was awarded a
commendation while stationed at RAF Kinloss.
Flight Sergeant Mark Gibson
Born in York, Mark joined the RAF at 17 and had accrued more than 7,000 flying
hours. An air load master, he had operational medals for service in Sierra
Leone, Afghanistan and Iraq. While in Afghanistan he devised a new ad-hoc
loading scheme which directly led to the success of a major operation during the
conflict there.
Remembered for his intelligent approach to his work and his ebullient
enthusiasm, he was also a fierce opponent on the golf course - and something of
an entertainer, who would play music to parachutists as they jumped.
Aged 34, he had been married, to Sheila, since 1992; their daughter, Poppy, is
now nearly eight. He was delighted that Poppy had shown an interest in his
passion - golf - and had already started taking lessons.
Sergeant Robert O'Connor
Aged 38 and single, Robert had joined the RAF as an apprentice in 1985. An
engineering technician, he spent most of his service career with the Engineering
Wing at RAF Lyneham. An RAF tribute said that "he was held in the highest esteem
and regard by his work colleagues and superiors for his knowledge, dedication
and professionalism".
Corporal David Williams
A survival equipment fitter, David was 37 and the proud father of three young
children. He is remembered by his colleagues for his happy-go-lucky nature and
dry sense of humour. A member of the RAF for 17 years, he was described as
"totally dedicated, and epitomising professionalism".
Acting Lance Corporal Steven Jones
"Steve worked hard, played hard and lived life to the max," said his family in a
statement, "whether it be sky diving or bungee jumping. Words will never be able
to express the loss that we feel today. He was always adventurous, fun loving
and had a wicked sense of humour. Steve will forever be in the hearts of those
that knew him best." Aged 25 and single, he came from Fareham.
Private Mark Dobson
DIED: 28 MARCH 2005
Mark had joined the Territorial Army in July 1996, and was posted to Iraq on 10
November 2004, attached to the Force Protection Unit providing security for
personnel working out of the Multi National Division (South East) Headquarters
at Basra Air Station. He had recently qualified as a physical training
instructor. Aged 41 and from County Durham, he was found dead in his
accommodation at Basra Air Station. His commanding officer described him as
"enthusiastic and popular" and spoke of "his thirst for adventure and passion
for soldiering".
Guardsman Anthony Wakefield
DIED: 2 MAY 2005
Fatally wounded by a roadside bomb during a routine patrol in Al Amarah, Anthony
was 24, came from Newcastle and was married with three children. He was
described as a "supremely fit and popular soldier, who died doing his duty and
among his friends... He loved his duty and had a very bright future ahead of
Lance Corporal Alan Brackenbury
DIED: 29 MAY 2005
Alan was killed by a roadside bomb while on patrol in Al Amarah. Aged 21, and
from East Riding, Yorkshire, he had joined the Army in 2000 and was promoted to
lance corporal in 2005. He is survived by his father Stephen, mother Janet,
brother David, and sister Faye. His father said: "Alan loved being in the Army -
it was all he had ever wanted to do. He was immensely proud to be a soldier and
we were immensely proud that he was a soldier. It is some comfort to us, as we
grieve for Alan, that he died doing what he loved so much."
His commanding officer, Lieutenant Colonel Toby Bridge, said that he: "lived
life to the full. He had a passion for racing, football and fishing. Above all
we will remember his tremendous sense of humour and fun, and his willingness to
try something new."
Signaller Paul Didsbury
DIED: 29 JUNE 2005
Paul - known as "Dids" - was two weeks short of his 19th birthday when he died
from a suspected "negligent discharge incident" at Basra Air Station. He was
serving as part of the Joint Helicopter Force Iraq, having joined the Army in
August 2002. His commanding officer said of him: "He was an outgoing and
irrepressibly cheerful soldier who was very well known and hugely popular...
Always keen to try new things, he siezed every opportunity to broaden his
horizons and relished the challenges that operations in Iraq offered. Fit,
bright and a capable operator, what set Signaller Didsbury apart was his
enthusiasm and zest for life."
Second Lieutenant Richard Shearer
DIED: 16 JULY 2005
Richard, from Nuneaton, was 26. He was one of three soldiers from C Company, The
1st Battalion Staffordshire Regiment, who were killed by a roadside bomb in Al
Amarah. He had already served in the French Foreign Legion, and had only been
commissioned into the regiment the previous year. He was described as a "bold
platoon commander and certainly no stranger to either danger or excitement". His
commanding officer said of him: "He had quickly established himself as a true
soldier and a leader of men. His passion for soldiering was infectious and he
was highly respected by everyone. A true accolade: his men loved him and
regarded him as much more than their platoon commander..."
Private Phillip Hewett
DIED: 16 JULY 2005
Although he was only 21, Phillip was Second Lieutenant Shearer's driver - a
position of great responsibility in combat situations. He had been with the
platoon since arriving in the 1st Battalion three years ago. From Tamworth, he
was described as a "cheerful and intelligent young man with a natural air of
confidence" who had a sound future in the Army. He had been selected to attend a
promotional course this winter and was also short-listed to become a physical
training instructor.
Private Leon Spicer
DIED: 16 JULY 2005
The third victim of the incident that killed Richard Shearer and Phillip Hewett,
Leon - also from Tamworth - was 26 when he died. His commanding officer said:
"After sustaining a serious injury to his leg last year, he had worked against
the odds to become fully fit again. He had shown tremendous grit and
determination to rejoin 7 Platoon, and to be with his friends in Iraq. Always
larger than life, Leon got along extremely well with all those he worked with."
Fusilier Stephen Manning
Killed by a roadside bomb while on patrol near Az Zubayr, Stephen was 22 and
came from Erith, Kent. His commanding officer said: "In the two years with the
Fusiliers in both Belfast and Iraq, Fusilier Manning had made many friends... he
will be sorely missed by them all... Above all, his many friends in the Company
and across the Regiment remember his generosity of spirit, and his
Major Matthew Bacon
"Our son was a hero," said a statement from Matthew's parents, "invincible we
thought, having served in conflict zones including Northern Ireland, the Gulf,
Former Yugoslavia and Afghanistan as well as enjoying high-risk sports like
sky-diving. We have always understood the risks attached to Matthew's career but
never imagined that anything could or would happen to our son. We are immensely
proud of Matthew, of the leader he became, the lives of people he touched
directly and indirectly and the good work he did throughout his career."
Thirty-four years old, single, and from the London area, Matthew had joined the
Army in 1988 and served with the Intelligence Corps. At the time of his death,
he was serving as a staff officer with the Headquarters of Multi-National
Division (South East). He was killed by a roadside bomb in Basra.
His commanding officer described his death as "a desperate loss to his family,
and his girlfriend, and a tragic blow to his friends and colleagues."
Lieutenant Colonel Andrew Barrow continued: "[He] did not waste a moment of his
life. He loved soldiering, had a passion for physical exercise, and in his spare
time was studying for a law degree."
Captain Ken Masters
As commanding officer of 61 Section, Special Investigation Branch, Ken had been
responsible for the investigation of all "in-theatre" serious incidents and
investigations conducted by the General Police Duties section of the Theatre
Investigation Group. Aged 40, he was married with two children and had served
with the Royal Military Police since 1981. He was commissioned from the ranks in
2001 and served most of his career with the Special Investigation Branch.
His body was discovered in his accommodation in Waterloo Lines, Basra.
Sergeant Chris Hickey
A popular 30-year-old from East Brierley, near Bradford, Chris had joined the
Coldstream Guards in 1993 and was seen as potential officer material. He was
killed by a roadside bomb while reconnoitring a route for the late-night patrol
he was leading. Friends in East Brierley remembered him as "the life and soul"
and "a hell of a good mate"; his wife of two years, Gemma, was too upset to talk
about his death. The commanding officer of the 1st Battalion Coldstream Guards
battle group, Lieutenant Colonel Nick Henderson, described Chris as "a capable
and reliable individual... He set a fine example to those of all ranks who
served with him; it is significant that at the time of his death he was, as
ever, leading his men from the front. A bright future in the Army beckoned and
he would undoubtedly have gone far in the profession that he had chosen and that
he loved. He was the epitome of a professional soldier.
"Chris was more than just this. He was a fun-loving and warm-hearted character
who always displayed an irrepressible cheerfulness; however bad things were
Chris could always raise a smile... [and] lighten any situation. To him things
were always good, or, as he would put it, 'canny'.
"We are also keenly aware that Chris was not just a comrade and friend to those
of us who were fortunate enough to serve alongside him; he was also a loving
husband and son. Our thoughts and prayers go out to his wife, parents, family
and friends at this tragic time."
Corporal Stephen Allbutt
DIED 25 MARCH 2003
On one day, two soldiers from the Queen's Royal Lancers were killed by "friendly
fire" when their Challenger 2 main battle tank was accidentally hit by another
Challenger 2 during a battle with Iraqi forces on the outskirts of Basra. One
was David Clark, the other was Stephen Allbutt.
Stephen joined the 16th/5th the Queen's Royal Lancers in 1989 and saw action on
Operation Desert Storm in 1991. He also served in Bosnia. His commanding officer
described him as an "immensely dedicated and competent NCO" who was a strong
candidate for promotion. Aged 35, he camed from Stoke-on-Trent and was married
with two sons: Joshua, now 16, and Connor, 11. He and his wife Debi would have
celebrated their 10th wedding anniversary in September 2003.
"The Army was Steve's life," says Debi today. "He had wanted to join since he
was a little boy. Although he was quiet, he had a brilliant sense of humour and
was a loyal and devoted friend. He was also very romantic. Just before he left
for the Gulf he planted some daffodil bulbs in our garden as a surprise, so
they'd come up while he was away. They came up just before he died. I hadn't
noticed them, and it was in one of the last phone calls I got from him that he
said: 'Have you noticed anything in the garden?' And I looked out, and said: 'Oh
yes! Thank you!' He was just a quiet family man really. He loved his boys, and
his life, he said, was his three loves: Stoke City FC, and the Army, and me and
the kids. He used to laugh and say that Stoke came first, but obviously I didn't
believe him. We loved each other deeply and words cannot express how much I'll
miss him. He was my true love."
Trooper David Clarke
DIED: 25 MARCH 2003
Nineteen years old, David, from Littleworth, Staffordshire, was a keen sportsman
who played for Stafford Rugby Club when he was on leave. He had joined the Army
aged 16, straight from school, and had volunteered for service in Iraq.
"He had wanted to join up ever since he was a little boy - he had no interest
whatsoever in doing anything else," recalls his mother, Beverley. His commanding
officer described him as a "diligent and popular soldier, [with] a promising
career ahead of him". On his next leave, he was due to get engaged to his
childhood sweetheart, Rachel.
His mother says he was as much a friend as a son to her: he loved going
clubbing, and used to take her with him. "The last time he came home on leave I
was at work at our local Co-op," she recalls, "and he came running into the
store, picked me up and gave me a great big kiss in front of everybody. He
wasn't frightened about letting anybody see how he felt. He was my best friend:
I didn't just lose my eldest son, I lost my best friend. He lived life to the
full. And I'm so proud of him."
Corporal Dewi Pritchard
DIED: 23 AUGUST 2003
Born in the Rhondda, Dewi was one of three military policemen killed when gunmen
opened fire on their vehicle in central Basra. A member of the Territorial Army,
he had joined the Royal Military Police in 1996, while managing an assembly line
at the Bosch factory in Miskin for his day job. As a corporal in 116 Provost
Company (Volunteers), he was described as "an outstanding junior
non-commissioned officer".
After six days' leave at home in Wales with his wife Tracey, daughter Kira (then
six) and son Ethan (one), he had been back in Basra for one day when he was
killed. He was 35.
"He'd been out in Iraq for 10 weeks, and then he surprised us - he just turned
up on the doorstep," says Tracey. "He had to leave to go back the following
Thursday, which was Kira's birthday, and then he was killed on the Saturday
morning. We were fortunate and blessed to have that week together."
She says he loved golf and karate, and was a very fair and honourable person.
"If he was your friend, he'd be your friend for life," she recalls. "There was
nothing he wouldn't do for anybody. And he always had a twinkle in his eye -
with his wicked sense of humour you never knew what he was going to do or say
next. He was an adventurous man, and a kind and compassionate husband and
father. To sum Dewi up in one word it would have to be 'love'. We've been left
devastated by his death, but feel proud, blessed and privileged to have had the
honour of sharing his life."
Lance Corporal Shaun Brierley
DIED: 30 MARCH 2003
Shaun, from West Yorkshire, was killed in a road accident in Kuwait. A radio
systems operator with 1(UK) Armoured Division HQ & Signal Regiment, he was
described by his commanding officer as a "highly regarded member of the
squadron". Aged 28, he had been based in Germany for four years and was the
father of a three-year-old son with his German girlfriend Birgitte.
His father Peter fondly remembers a "big, noisy lad", who looked tough and
aggressive - but wasn't. "He was really in your face, but he wouldn't have
harmed anybody. He was the gentle-giant type," says Peter. At his grammar school
he would protect younger children from bullies, and as a teenager he often
intervened to try to stop fights.
He never hid his opinions; but although "he looked and sounded aggressive, but
he wasn't at all, and he had that knack of talking to people. He was an
intelligent lad".
Fusilier Donal Meade
Killed in the same incident as Fusilier Stephen Manning (see below), Donal was
20. He was born on the island of Montserrat but came to Britain when he was 10
following the volcanic eruption of 1995. He lived in Plumstead, London, and
enlisted in the Army when he was 17. He joined the fusiliers in 2002 and - like
Stephen Manning - volunteered to serve in Iraq. His family said: "[We] are
tremendously proud of Donal and couldn't ask for a better son. Donal will be
deeply missed, but we take comfort in that he died doing a job he loved."
The commandingoOfficer of 2nd Regiment Royal Fusiliers, Lt Col John Whitwam MBE,
said: "The whole of the Royal Regiment of Fusiliers mourns the tragic loss of
these two fine young men... They understood the dangers but were proud to be
soldiers and recognised that they were doing a difficult, occasionally thankless
but always worthwhile job."
Corporal Marc Taylor
Marc "Spud" Taylor, from Ellesmere Port, was one of two British soldiers who
died when their military convoy was ambushed south-west of Basra. Aged 27, he
was married with a daughter. His wife Olivia was expecting their second child
when he was killed.
In Iraq he commanded a four-man team with B Battery Royal Horse Artillery and
provided escort teams to a group coordinating reconstruction projects in Basra
province. He was killed while escorting a visit to a new housing project. He was
described as a calm, confident leader, and a first class team commander.
"He was an Army man through and through," said his wife. "He was always very
positive about his time in Iraq, and serving his country. He enjoyed the
particular job he was doing, helping the Iraqi people rebuild their lives. All
of his family are proud that he died doing the job he wanted to do. He was a
hero to all of us."
Captain Philip Guy
DIED: 21 MARCH 2003
A 29-year-old husband and father, Philip came from Skipton, North Yorkshire. He
was killed just hours after the attack on Iraq began, in a helicopter crash that
also claimed the lives of seven other men from 3 Commando Brigade (all
remembered below). Captain Guy died two weeks before his wife Helen was due to
give birth to their second child. She described him as "the most brave,
courageous man you could ever imagine" and a "perfect, loving, special husband".
He had joined the Royal Marines after graduating from Salford university in
1995, and had served in Bosnia and Afghanistan. He had been in the Gulf for six
weeks. A keen sportsman, he represented his Corps in long-distance running. His
fellow officers had nominated him for a Marine medal for courage and
Major Jason Ward
DIED: 21 MARCH 2003
Described as "an exceptional leader" by his colleagues, Jason, aged 34, had been
a UN peacekeeper in Cambodia and had served in Bosnia and Northern Ireland.
His childhood ambition was to be a Royal Marine, and he served in the corps for
15 years. He was renowned for always being among the first to volunteer for any
task, and for boldly leading his men into battle from the front.
Very close to his family - his mother Jaqueline, his father George, a retired
businessman, and his younger brother Elliot - he wrote to his parents a week
before he died: "I am genuinely very well. I really want you both to know that.
I am not putting up a brave face. All is good out here... Obviously I have no
idea how long we are going to stay, but I guess I'll be back mid-May, hopefully
the 5th, because I will stand to win nearly 50 bottles of champagne. The
quartermaster and I are running a book on it."
Colour Sergeant John Cecil
DIED: 21 MARCH 2003
Aged 35, and from Newcastle upon Tyne, John was "proud to be a Royal Marine,
proud to be British and proud to represent his country", according to his
family. "John leaves behind a great many friends and relatives," said a
statement issued at the time, "and our thoughts and prayers go out to Wendy
Cecil, his children Nicholas and Jodie, his beloved daughter Paige, and his
brother David."
Lance Bombardier Llywelyn Evans
DIED: 21 MARCH 2003
Nicknamed "Welly", Llywelyn was 24 and came from Llandudno. He had been in the
army since 1996 and had served in Sierra Leone and Afghanistan. He was engaged
to Miss Rebecca Williams. His father, Gordon Evans, said: "On behalf of my whole
family, I wish to say that we are all devastated by the loss of our son. Whilst
we are deeply saddened, we are, and always will be, proud of him."
Marine Sholto Hedenskog
DIED: 21 MARCH 2003
A university graduate from Cape Town, South Africa, Sholto had abandoned further
study to realise a lifelong ambition to serve with the Marines, whom he joined
in 2000 and with whom he served in Afghanistan in the search for al-Qa'ida
fighters in the caves of Tora Bora. Nicknamed "Sonic" by his colleagues -
because his name sounded vaguely like "hedgehog" - he had last been home in
December 2002, on leave after his tour of duty in Afghanistan. His cousin, Sean,
said: "He was totally dedicated. After becoming a marine, he became so strong
and confident. He loved it. He knew the dangers involved."
He was due to be best man at the July 2003 wedding of Craig Garnett, his best
friend in 3 Commando Brigade. They had joined up together and were due to leave
the marines the following year. He is survived by his mother and two sisters,
Megan and Eva, who live in Cape Town. He was 26.
Sergeant Les Hehir
DIED: 21 MARCH 2003
Les, from Poole, Dorset, was 34. He and his wife Sharon had two sons: Oliver
(then five) and William (then three). Mrs Hehir said Les's death was "the worst
blow imaginable". She added: "In addition to being an outstanding and highly
regarded soldier, Les was an extremely loving and devoted husband, father and
son. The loss we feel is really too much to bear. We lived for each other and
our two wonderful boys."
Operator Mechanic Ian Seymour RN
DIED: 21 MARCH 2003
Also from Poole, Operator Mechanic (Communications) Second Class Ian Seymour RN
was 28 years old. Married to Lianne, 27, and with a young son, Beck (then aged
three), he was the first British victim of the war to be buried. The funeral, on
April 9, followed a service at St Michael's Church, Hamworthy, Poole, and was
conducted with full military honours.
Among the flowers and tributes left at the Plymouth headquarters of 3 Commando
Brigade was one from his wife and son. The note, pinned to a photo of them,
read: "For my Daddy. I love you loads. So does Mummy. We will miss you always.
God bless you. Lots of love from your Baby Bear and Tinkerbell."
Warrant Officer Mark Stratford
DIED: 21 MARCH 2003
Aged 39, and from Plymouth, Warrant Officer Second Class Mark Stratford
completes the list of victims of that first helicopter crash. His family said:
"The Royal Marines were Mark's life and he was dedicated to the regiment. He
served in many areas of the world and we know that he thoroughly enjoyed his 20
years with the corps. He had a wonderful life."
Lieutenant Marc Lawrence
DIED: 22 MARCH 2003
Aged 26, Marc was one of six British victims of a second tragic crash, between
two Royal Navy Sea King helicopters over the northern Arabian Gulf. The others
are remembered below.
Marc grew up in Westgate-on-Sea, Kent, the son of George and Ann. From an early
age he loved the sea and was a keen sailor, diver and windsurfer. After officer
training at the Royal Naval College, Dartmouth, he trained as a Sea King
Observer at Culdrose, gained his wings in 2002, and joined 849 Squadron. That
same year, he also became engaged: to Elaine Cleaver, also from Kent. They had
planned to marry in 2004 and make their home in Cornwall.
An accomplished musician, Marc played in the ship's band on board HMS Ark Royal.
His sister Jayne described her brother as a "happy man with a ready smile". "He
stole our hearts," said his fiancée Elaine.
Lieutenant Philip West
DIED: 22 MARCH 2003
Aged 32, Philip was 6ft 4in tall and was known throughout 849 Squadron as
"Stretch". He was brought up in Carlisle but moved with his family to Hoylake on
the Wirral when he was 10. In later life he lived in Budock Water, Cornwall,
with his fiancée, Nicky.
According to his parents, Philip always wanted to fly. After Salford university
he did officer training at Dartmouth, and he gained his wings in 1994. His
parents said that his decision to join the service made them immensely proud.
During the Balkan conflict he served in HMS Invincible in the Adriatic and was
awarded the campaign medal.
He and Nicky - a nurse whom he had met when he was serving at Culdrose Air
Station - were converting a barn together, and were looking forward to their
wedding. They were due to be married in August 2003.
Lieutenant Andrew Wilson
DIED: 22 MARCH 2003
Aged 36, Andrew was married and came from Exeter. His wife Sarah said that she
was devastated and saddened by her tragic loss, but intensely proud of her
husband's commitment to the Royal Navy. She described Andrew as an extremely
kind and outgoing person who would be greatly missed by his family, his squadron
colleagues and by the wider naval aviation community.
Fellow aircrew on 849 Squadron - in which Andrew had served for the past three
years - said that he had been a powerful personality within the squadron and an
outstanding pilot.
Lieutenant Philip Green
DIED: 22 MARCH 2003
Born in North Walsham, Norfolk, Philip learnt to fly with Oxford University Air
Squadron while studying geology at Oxford Brookes University. He joined the Navy
in April 1996, and by early 2000 he had completed Anti-Submarine Warfare
training on Sea King helicopters. He joined 849 Squadron in May 2002. His flying
skills had won him "green rated" status - the highest possible.
Aged 30 at the time of his death, he was from Frieston, Lincolnshire. His family
- his parents, Richard and Karen, and his sisters, Juliet and Catherine - say
they miss Philip terribly, and remember his gentle, easy manner and dry sense of
humour. Philip also loved spending time in Scotland with his girlfriend Louise
Cameron and her family in Ayrshire.
Philip loved the outdoors, keeping fit and walking on Caythorpe heath with his
greatest and most devoted admirer, the family's springer spaniel, Sam. Every
year, in memory of Philip, a shield is presented by North West English Springer
Spaniel Rescue to a rescued dog that has shown extreme bravery in the face of
life's adversities.
Lieutenant Antony King
DIED: 22 MARCH 2003
Brought up in North Somerset, Antony joined the Royal Navy in 1987 at the age of
19. At the time of his death - aged 35 - he had recently been selected for
promotion to the rank of Lieutenant Commander. Described as a "committed family
man" who valued his family and close friends above all else, he lived in
Helston, Cornwall, with his wife Sarah and children David (then five) and Molly
(then four).
His family described him as a "larger than life" character with a "tremendous
presence". He had a passion for rugby and had played for Stithians RFC. He was
awarded a posthumous mention in dispatches in recognition of the vital work he
had done in bringing into service a new battlefield communications system.
Lieutenant James Williams
DIED: 22 MARCH 2003
Aged 28 at the time of his death, James was the son of Vernon and Liz Williams.
He grew up in Winchester with his older sister Caroline and was fascinated by
aircraft from boyhood. While a student at Liverpool University he met his
fiancée Sarah, with whom he later moved to Falmouth. He joined the Royal Navy in
January 1999 and 849 Squadron's A Flight in 2003. The Iraq campaign was his
first operational tour of duty.
A popular character in the squadron, he joined the Navy in fulfilment of an
ambition to fly, and to serve his country. His parents recalled how proud he was
to wear his uniform, and said that he died doing the job he loved most.
Flight Lieutenant Kevin Main & Flight Lieutenant David Williams
DIED: 23 MARCH 2003
On Sunday 23 March 2003 at 2.48am local time, an RAF GR4 Tornado was returning
from a mission over Iraq when it was hit near the Kuwaiti border by a Patriot
missile at 18,000ft after its "friend or foe" identification system had failed -
unknown to the two crewmen. The US battery's electronics thus mis-identified the
aircraft as an incoming Iraqi missile. Kevin - the pilot - and David - the
navigator - were both killed instantly when the Patriot struck. The families of
both men requested that no further details should be released.
Sapper Luke Allsopp
DIED: 23 MARCH 2003
Luke, a 24-year-old from north London, was one of two soldiers killed in an
attack on British military vehicles in southern Iraq. "Luke Allsopp was a very
capable individual who was well liked within the squadron, and a valued team
member," said Lieutenant Colonel Anthony Troulan, his commanding officer. "He
had served in bomb disposal in Cyprus and Kenya. He leaves behind a loving
family and girlfriend, Katy."
Staff Sergeant Simon Cullingworth
DIED: 23 MARCH 2003
Simon, who died in the same incident as Sapper Allsopp, was from Essex. He was
36. His commanding officer described him as "an extremely experienced soldier
who was in line for promotion and whose dedication to duty and professionalism
won him the respect of everyone he served with."
"This was his third tour of duty with the regiment," continued Lieutenant
Colonel Troulan; "he had already served as a bomb disposal officer in the
Balkans and Afghanistan. He leaves behind his wife Allison and two young sons
aged eight and three."
Sergeant Steven Roberts
DIED: 24 MARCH 2003
Aged 33, Steven - known as "TC" in his regiment - was killed in action near Az
Zubayr, south west of Basra. Brought up in Cornwall, he later lived in Bradford.
He joined the Army in 1986 and quickly gained promotion, serving in Northern
Ireland, Cyprus and Canada. His commanding officer described him as "an
all-round professional soldier" and a "first-class tank commander, a strong and
effective leader with great depth of character who excelled under pressure".
Keen on sport, he had also represented both the 2nd and 3rd Tank Regiments in
rugby and squash.
His wife Samantha said in a statement: "Steve's whole future lay with the Army;
it was his life and he was very proud of his job. He was adamant that he was
doing the right thing and said that he was doing it for the people back home and
the Iraqi people. He was a unique man, who was very outgoing and sociable. We
loved each other deeply - he is totally irreplaceable."
His mother, Mrs Marion Chapman, said: "Steve loved Cornwall - and he always took
a Cornish flag with him everywhere. He was the best son anyone could have. He
made us laugh, he was the most perfect son ever."
Lance Corporal Barry Stephen
DIED: 24 MARCH 2003
A 31-year-old from Perth, Barry "Baz" Stephen was awarded a posthumous mention
in dispatches for the gallantry he displayed during the action in which he fell,
near Al Zubayr. He joined the battalion in 1997, and served in Northern Ireland,
Germany, and in the UK with the regimental recruiting team. He was then called
back to his regiment in Fallingbostel, Germany, to rejoin the mortar platoon.
In a statement issued on behalf of his family, his close friend Sergeant Mark
Hudson said: "I know I speak for Barry's family and all of his many friends when
I say that we are absolutely devastated to learn of his death. He was a
wonderful husband and son as well as a great friend. I know he was very proud to
be a soldier and to wear the red hackle. He loved the army, and both his family
and I take some comfort from knowing that he died a hero, doing the job he
loved. We will miss him dreadfully."
Lance Corporal of Horse Matty Hull
DIED: 28 MARCH 2003
Matty, 25, from Salisbury, served with the Blues & Royals, Household Cavalry
Regiment. He was killed in a suspected "friendly fire" incident in southern
Iraq. His wife, Susan Hull, said in a statement: "He is, without doubt, the most
exceptional man I have ever met; a loving and supportive husband and son, a
dedicated soldier and a great friend to so many. He had rightly earned the
utmost respect from everyone he worked with, and this makes it that much harder
to accept this accidental death. It is not easy to come to terms with the fact
that someone who was so full of life has had his so cruelly cut short, just
three days before his 26th birthday, but come to terms with it we must. It is
what he would want. Matty always strived for a challenge, and Iraq has proved
his ultimate test. His aim in life was to be the best he could be, and there was
certainly no better husband, son or brother on this earth."
Major Stephen Ballard
DIED: 30 MARCH 2003
Stephen, 33, from Swindon, was in 3 Commando Brigade. He died of natural causes
while in Iraq. His family said in a statement: "Stephen joined the Royal Marines
in 1994 and was promoted to the rank of major in 2001. He was passionate about
his life in the Royal Marines and proud to be a marine. One of four sons, he
loved his family. Stephen and Lucy had been married for 18 months and were
thrilled at the prospect of the arrival of their first child. Stephen's family,
colleagues and wide circle of friends are devastated by his death."
Marine Christopher Maddison
DIED: 30 MARCH 2003
Christopher, of 9 Assault Squadron, was killed in action near Basra. Aged 24, he
came from Scarborough. In a statement, his parents said: "Christopher Maddison
was loved and respected by everybody who knew him. He was a man of character,
honour and principles who always fought for those less able. As he lived, he
died, with strength and courage. He died in a war that will be won in his name
alongside all the other brave souls who selflessly gave themselves for the
freedom of all our nations. God bless him and all his brothers and sisters."
Staff Sergeant Chris Muir
DIED: 31 MARCH 2003
A staff sergeant with the Army School of Ammunition, Chris, from Romsey,
Hampshire, was killed in southern Iraq during a bomb disposal operation. Aged
32, he was qualified in bomb disposal at the highest level and had travelled
widely with the Royal Logistics Corps. Shortly before his death, he had been
selected for promotion to warrant officer. "It is a particularly sad fact that
we will not see him wearing the new rank he so richly deserved," said his
commanding officer, recalling his wit, and his love of sport and motorcycling.
"He was a very strong character, an outstanding technician, and a highly
effective leader. Most of all, however, Chris was a gentleman through and
His wife Gillian said in a statement: "Chris was the sort of person that could
light up a room just by being in it. I know that [he] was very proud to wear the
badge of an ammunition technician, and I take small comfort from the knowledge
that he died doing the job he loved. He has left me and our families with the
most fantastic of memories, the greatest one being our son, Ben, who can grow up
knowing that his father was a good, honest, hardworking soldier, who died trying
to do the right thing."
Lance Corporal Karl Shearer
DIED: 1 APRIL 2003
Karl, from Irvine in Ayrshire, was killed when a Scimitar armoured vehicle
overturned. He was 24. His wife Suzie described him as "a very loving,
supportive husband and father. He was a wonderful son and brother. He was loved
very much and will be missed terribly." His commanding officer said: "Karl was a
popular and very able soldier whom I had recently promoted. He demonstrated the
very best of what it is to be a soldier of the Household Cavalry and will be
greatly missed."
Lieutenant Alexander Tweedie
DIED: 22 APRIL 2003
Lieutenant Tweedie died in hospital from injuries sustained in the same incident
that killed Lance Corporal Shearer (see above). He was 25. He had served for two
and a half years in D Squadron, The Blues & Royals, Household Cavalry Regiment.
His family said in a statement: "He was a wonderful, loving son who brightened
the lives of everyone who knew him. We are proud of Alexander and will remember
him in our hearts forever."
His commanding officer said: "Alexander was an excellent officer. Popular with
all, he matched very positive leadership from the front with a deep care for his
men. He led his troop in battle with skill, determination and great coolness
under fire."
Fusilier Kelan Turrington
DIED: 6 APRIL 2003
Eighteen-year-old Kelan, from Haslingfield, near Cambridge, was the youngest
serviceman to lose his life in the Iraq campaign so far. He was killed in an
assault on an enemy trench in Basra. He was awarded a posthumous mention in
dispatches in recognition of the gallantry he displayed during the action which
cost him his life. His mother said that he had wanted to be a soldier since the
age of four.
Lance Corporal Ian Malone
DIED: 6 APRIL 2003
Ian, from Dublin, was killed in action in Basra. He was 28. He had enlisted in
1997, was promoted to Lance Corporal in 2000 and had served in Kosovo, Poland,
Canada, Oman and Germany. He was also a valued member of the pipe band.
His family said in a statement: "Ian was a wonderful son, full of life and
vitality, fun and wit. His family and girlfriend are devastated to learn of his
death. He had so many friends and so much to live for. He loved the Army and
lived for the excitement and challenges that being a soldier brought. He was
proud to be an Irishman and proud to serve in the Irish Guards. His family takes
some comfort from knowing that he died doing the job he loved."
Piper Christopher Muzvuru
DIED: 6 APRIL 2003
Christopher, 21, was from Zimbabwe and was his regiment's first black piper. He
died in the same incident as Lance Corporal Malone. He had enlisted in February
2001, and after training joined his battalion in October that year. In April
2002 he completed a piper's course at the piping school in Edinburgh and was a
valued member of the battalion's pipe band.
Lance Corporal James McCue
DIED: 30 APRIL 2003
James, from Paisley, was a lance corporal with 7 Air Assault Battalion, REME
(Royal Electrical and Mechanical Engineers). Aged 27, he was killed in an
explosion in southern Iraq. Keen on rugby and running - he had represented
Scotland as a junior sprinter - he was also his unit's physical training
instructor. His commanding officer said: "He was a popular soldier who forged a
large number of friendships within the unit and enjoyed a lively social life as
a result. He was a strong character who displayed a great sense of pride in
everything he did. He was a credit to his corps and will be sadly missed."
His mother Mary said he was a "wonderful son", with a lively sense of humour.
"Words cannot express the depth of our grief, but mixed with our profound
sadness there is pride in the knowledge that he died a soldier while serving his
country. He will be remembered by all that knew him forever."
Private Andrew Kelly
DIED: 6 MAY 2003
Andrew, from Tavistock, was in Iraq with the 3rd Battalion, The Parachute
Regiment. He died in an accident. His mother, Helen Yallop, said in a statement:
"Andrew's loss is deeply felt by all the family. We are devastated. He was a
wonderful, fearless and confident son, always well-mannered, and who, even as a
young boy, desired only to be a Para. He turned 18 on 9 March this year [2003],
and within days was on his way to the Gulf.
"Even at school in Tavistock, he was single-minded about an Army career, knowing
it would fulfil his ambitions for travel and sport. He loved swimming,
roller-blading and skiing, and had enjoyed many family trips abroad. In his last
call to me just days ago, he said, 'Don't worry about me mum; Paras always go to
heaven.' Andrew remains alive in our thoughts and memories; it will always be
Describing him as polite and "quiet but confident and likeable", his commanding
officer said he was a "full of energy and life with a long career in The
Parachute Regiment ahead of him... [he] proved himself to be fit, mentally
agile, professional, and highly determined."
Gunner Duncan Pritchard
DIED: 8 MAY 2003
Duncan died in hospital in the UK following a traffic accident in Iraq. He was
serving with 16 Squadron RAF Regiment, home-based at RAF Honington in Suffolk.
He was 22.
Corporal David Shepherd
DIED: 19 MAY 2003
David died from natural causes in Kuwait. He was 34.
Len Harvey
DIED: 22 MAY 2003
A civilian member of the Defence Fire Service, Leonard died in hospital after
falling ill while serving in the Gulf.
He had worked in the Defence Fire Service for 33 years, was normally based at
Wattisham in Suffolk, and had twice served in Bosnia. As a civilian firefighter,
he had volunteered to go to the Gulf, which was his third overseas deployment.
The father of three daughters, he was popular with his colleagues and had a
great passion for football. He had regularly played in goal in his youth, and
was a lifetime supporter of Ipswich Town.
Sergeant Simon Hamilton-Jewell
DIED: 24 JUNE 2003
Simon was one of six royal military policemen who were killed when an armed mob
stormed an Iraqi police station where they had sought refuge at Al Majar Al
Kabir. They had been helping to re-establish the local police. Simon, from
Chessington, was 41. Known to his friends as "HJ", he joined the Army in August
1988, and had previously been in the Territorial Army (from 1979). He had served
in Germany and the UK, and on operations in Northern Ireland, Sarajevo and
Sudan. As well as being a trained military parachutist, he practised martial
arts and loved motorcycling, hiking and climbing. His mother, Teresa, and
brother, Tony, described him as "keen to help anybody", and "a fearless man" who
was dedicated to the Army, his regiment, his unit and to his comrades. "He gave
20 years of service defending others, in so many locations, and was a selfless
man to the last. For a soldier never afraid to do his duty - we love and miss
you. God bless."
Corporal Russell Aston
DIED: 24 JUNE 2003
Killed in the same incident as Sergeant Hamilton-Jewell, Russell, from
Swadlincote, Derbyshire, was 30 years old. Married, with one daughter, he had
joined the Army in 1993 and had served with the Grenadier Guards. Parachute
trained, he had served in Macedonia and Northern Ireland and on operations in
Kenya. He was also the company's physical training instructor.
His wife, Anna, and parents, Glenice and Mike, said in a statement: "Russ was a
very handsome man, and was such a kind and special person with a smashing sense
of humour that he could get on with anyone he met. He was a doting father who
had lots and lots of friends. When he walked into a room he filled it with his
height and presence. He loved his life in the Army. He was very fit and sporty.
He recently ran 31 miles to raise funds for Gresley Rovers, a local junior
football team... He loved animals, was a caring person and, although he looked
tough, had a heart of gold and was loving and sensitive."
Corporal Paul Long
DIED: 24 JUNE 2003
Born in Portsmouth, Paul Long was educated in Aldershot and South Shields and
later lived in Colchester. He joined the Army in 1999 after serving two years
with the TA, and was posted to 156 Provost Company in March 2000. A member of
the Parachute Provost Platoon, he was a qualified radio operator. He was 24 when
he died. This was his first operational deployment.
His mother, Patricia Long, supported by her other two children and other family
members, said that "the Army was his life". He and his wife Gemma had a baby
son, Benjamin, who was 11 months old when he died.
Corporal Simon Miller
DIED: 24 JUNE 2003
A talented sportsman who won his black belt in karate aged just 12, Simon, from
Washington, Tyne & Wear, also showed promise as a professional footballer: he
had trials for Cambridge United. A qualified radio operator, he had served with
1 Para on a deployment to Kenya. He played football for his unit, and for the
Royal Military Police team. He also loved motorcycling. He was 21 when he died.
His parents, John and Marilyn Miller said: "Simon had a real zest for life and
was a keen sportsman. He loved the Army and was 100 per cent committed to his
job. He had great courage and was not afraid to stand his ground.
"Simon was promoted to Corporal just before he left for Iraq and we were all
really proud of him. He was due to finish his tour in July and planned to marry
when he returned home. He was our life - he was a lovely lad and very close to
his family and fiancée. Words can't describe how much we all love him and miss
Lance-Corporal Benjamin Hyde
DIED: 24 JUNE 2003
A qualified radio operator, from Northallerton, Yorkshire, Benjamin, who was 23,
had joined the Army in June 2001. This was his first operational tour. His
father John said in a statement: "Ben was an extremely charismatic person who
lightened the mood whenever he walked into a room. All he ever wanted was to
become a military policeman, and he worked very hard to become one. He was very
career-minded, with bags of potential, and had been recommended for promotion
"The red beret was all he ever wanted. It was his life, so he gave his life
doing the job he loved most. He was also a loving son who will be sorely
Lance-Corporal Thomas Keys
DIED: 24 JUNE 2003
Thomas, from Llanuwchllyn, Wales, joined the Army in August 1998, initially
serving with 1st Battalion, The Parachute Regiment. He transferred to the RMP
and joined 156 Provost Company in January 2002. He had served on operations in
Sierra Leone and Northern Ireland. A popular soldier, Thomas, 20, was a fully
trained paratrooper and physical training instructor who played football for the
company. His father Reg Keys stood against Tony Blair in his Sedgefield
constituency at the 2005 election.
Captain James Linton
DIED: 18 JULY 2003
Forty-three-year-old Captain Linton collapsed and died following a training run
at a British base in Az Zubayr in souther Iraq. From Warminster, he was married
with three children, and served with 40 Field Regiment, Royal Artillery.
Private Jason Smith
DIED: 13 AUGUST 2003
Jason, from Hawick, died in southern Iraq, apparently not as a result of hostile
action. Aged 32, he had served with the Territorial Army since 1992. A soldier
in the 52nd Lowland Regiment, he was serving in Iraq attached to the 1st
Battalion, The King's Own Scottish Borderers. His commanding officer said: "He
genuinely loved being a member of the TA and was thoroughly excited at being
mobilised. He saw it as his chance to do his job for real and to contribute to
the restoration of Iraq. He will be sadly missed by all his friends and
colleagues in the Regiment."
Captain David Jones
DIED: 14 AUGUST 2003
David, from Louth, Lincolnshire, was killed in a bomb attack on a military
ambulance in Basra. Aged 29, he had volunteered in January 2003 to serve in Iraq
as a civil-military liaison officer. He had been working on civil-military
cooperation projects in Basra to reconstruct the city, and his duties including
overseeing the distribution of humanitarian aid, improving local infrastructure
and helping the Iraqi communities establish local councils.
Described as a "professional, enthusiastic and outgoing officer who cared deeply
about the soldiers he commanded", he was a talented sportsman, excelling at
rugby union, and also playing in the battalion's rugby league team. During his
career he had served in Botswana, Kenya, the United States, Canada, Cyprus and
Northern Ireland.
His commanding officer said that he was a "courageous, warm-hearted and a very
popular officer". His wife Isobel said: "I am extremely proud of Dai. He was a
wonderful husband who served his country with great courage." They had been
married for 13 months.
Major Matthew Titchener
DIED: 23 AUGUST 2003
Matthew was one of three military policemen killed when their vehicle was
attacked by gunmen in central Basra. From Southport, Merseyside, he was 32 years
The commanding officer of 150 Provost Company, he was described as "an officer
of the very highest calibre" and an "intelligent, highly motivated and dedicated
leader" who set the highest of standards.
His main passions outside Army life were his family and football. He was a
talented football player, a qualified referee and manager of the RMP football
team. He was also an ardent Liverpool fan. He and his wife Raqual had been
married for almost six years and were expecting their second child in December
2003. Raqual said: "Matt was a perfect husband and a brilliant dad. He was
delighted at the thought of being a dad again. He died doing a job he was proud
of and was professional to the very end."
Company Sergeant Major Colin Wall
DIED: 23 AUGUST 2003
Colin, from Crawleyside, County Durham, had served in Belize, Germany, Canada,
Kosovo and Northern Ireland, since enlisting in 1985. Aged 34, he was described
as a "highly focused and professional soldier" whose first priority was always
the morale and motivation of the men and women in his care.
His passions outside Army life were his family, walking his dogs, and
"tinkering" with and restoring cars. He and his wife Trish had been married for
almost eight years. Their son Alexander was 11 months old when Colin died. Colin
also had two children from a previous marriage: Lauren, then 12, and Robert,
then 10. His parents, Barry and Joan, said: "Colin was a loving son and we are
very proud of him."
Fusilier Russell Beeston
DIED: 27 AUGUST 2003
Killed in action in an incident in Ali As Sharqi in southern Iraq, Russell was a
Territorial Army soldier in 52nd Lowland Regiment (Volunteers), serving on
attachment to the 1st Battalion King's Own Scottish Borderers. Aged 26, he came
from Govan, Glasgow. He was descibed as a "well-liked and respected soldier,
highly regarded by his peers". His family said in a statement: "[We are] totally
devastated. Russell was a soldier doing his duty in Iraq and will be sadly
missed by his family and friends."
Sergeant John Nightingale
A veteran of three tours of duty on peace-keeping operations in the Balkans,
John was a Territorial Army soldier who died serving at Shaibah Logistic Base,
near Basra. Aged 32, he came from Leeds and worked in the electronics industry.
His family remember him as a passionate rugby player, who had played prop
forward for the First XV at Otley RFU. His other interests included cars and
motorbikes. He was engaged to Lucy, a non-commissioned officer in the RAF. His
commanding officer described him as "a good man, a strong character and
excellent senior non-commissioned officer... He will be missed by all of us".
Corporal Ian Plank
Ian, from Poole, Dorset, was 31 when he was killed by hostile fire. Colonel
Jerry Heal, the director of Royal Marines, said: "Ian Plank was an extremely
popular and greatly admired member of the Royal Marines, widely respected for
his professional excellence, commitment and determination. He was particularly
well known for his resilience and robustness under pressure, when his
leadership, example and sense of humour were especially valued."
Private Ryan Thomas
Ryan was killed in a road accident in Basra. Aged 18, he came from Resolven,
Glamorgan, and had opted for the Army straight from school. He joined the Royal
Regiment of Wales (24th /41st Foot) three months before his death. A keen
sportsman, he had already made an impact on the battalion sports field, and was
described as "enormously popular and charismatic". He was particularly proud of
his Welsh roots, and had been passionately following Wales's progress in that
year's Rugby World Cup.
A battalion spokesman said: "Private Thomas... carried out his duties in this
unfamiliar and sometimes dangerous environment with a pride and maturity beyond
that expected of such a junior soldier. The tragic loss of such an unique
character is sorely felt by colleagues who valued his professionalism and sense
of fun."
Major James Stenner
A 30-year-old from Monmouthshire, Major Stenner died in a road accident in
Baghdad early on 1 January 2004, along with Sergeant Norman Patterson of the
Cheshire Regiment (see below), when their vehicle apparently hit a concrete
barrier which was part of a security chicane. There has been speculation that
both men was serving with the SAS, which has been neither confirmed nor denied
by the MoD. No further details have been released.
Sergeant Norman Patterson
Killed in the same incident as Major Stenner, Norman was 28 and came from
Staffordshire. His commanding officer, Lieutenant Colonel John Donnelly, said:
"Sergeant Patterson was a greatly respected and extremely popular member of the
Cheshire Regiment, admired not only for his professional excellence but also for
his great humility... His constant drive for perfection and his calmness under
pressure, coupled with his quietly confident manner, endeared him to all with
whom he worked."
Lance Corporal Andrew Craw
Described by his commanding officer as a "bright and promising soldier who will
be sorely missed by all in the regiment", Andrew died following "a tragic
incident on a training range near Basra". He was 21. He came from
Clackmannanshire and had been in the Army since 1999. He was described as "an
outstanding soldier who demonstrated exceptional talent from the outset". A
capable sportsman, he was a keen boxer who had represented the battalion on a
number of occasions.
Rifleman Vincent Windsor
Killed in a road accident at Al Amarah, Vincent came from Oxfordshire and, at
23, was on his second tour of duty in Iraq. He had also served in Germany and
Lieutenant Colonel Harry Emck, the commanding officer of the 2nd Battalion, the
Royal Green Jackets, said: "Vincent was enormously popular and likeable, very
down to earth, and with a great sense of humour. He will be sadly missed by all
his colleagues and comrades."
Sapper Robert Thomson
Known as Rab, Sapper Thomson came from West Lothian. He was serving with 35
Engineer Regiment, normally based in Paderborn, Germany. He was 22 when he died
in an accident in Basra. His parents, Robert and Margaret Thomson, said: "He was
a wonderful son who lived life to the full, and was an ardent follower of
Motherwell Football Club.
"He is sorely missed by all the family - all of whom were extremely proud of him
being a soldier, and he was much looked-up-to by his younger brother Stewie...
At this time words cannot express the depth of our grief, but mixed with our
profound sadness there is pride in the knowledge that he died while serving his
Corporal Richard Ivell
A vehicle mechanic from South Yorkshire, Richard was serving with 2 Close
Support Regiment of the Royal Logistic Corps, when he was fatally injured in a
vehicle accident at Shaibah Logistics Base. Aged 29, he was married with three
Fusilier Gordon Gentle
DIED: 28 JUNE 2004
Gordon, from Glasgow, was 19 when he was killed in a roadside bomb attack on
British vehicles in Basra. Lieutenant Colonel Paul Cartwright, the commanding
officer of the 1st Battalion Royal Highland Fusiliers, said: "His name says it
all. As a new member of the battalion, he settled in with ease, happy in the
team environment and always willing to help others. His enthusiasm for his job
immediately caught the eye of his peers and superiors alike."
His mother, Rose, has subsequently waged a fierce campaign against the presence
of UK troops in Iraq since his death, standing in the last general election
against Armed Forces Minister Adam Ingram in the constituency of East Kilbride
Strathaven & Lesmahagow, where she polled 3 per cent of the vote.
Her son had only recently completed his training at Catterick when he was posted
to Iraq. The day before he left, he texted his best friend, Gary Scott: "Leaving
on a jet plane, don't know when I'll be back again. Love Gento." Some four weeks
later he was dead.
Flight Lieutenant Kristian Gover
DIED: 19 JULY 2004
A 30-year-old Puma helicopter pilot, Kristian was killed in a helicopter
accident at Basra Airport. At RAF Benson in Oxfordshire, where 33 Squadron is
based, he was described as "a very professional and well-respected pilot".
"Kris's death has hit everyone at Basra very hard," said the RAF commander at
Basra Airport.
Private Christopher Rayment
Single, and from London, Christopher was usually known as "Ray". He was 22 when
he was killed in an accident at Al Amarah. His commanding officer, Lieutenant
Colonel Matthew Maer, said: "He enriched the lives of all around him with his
irrepressible vigour, boisterous humour and his infectious optimism. Ray had the
inability to see anything but good in any situation and would find an excuse to
laugh, at often the most inappropriate times. He was immensely popular amongst
all ranks of my battalion and his presence was normally obvious before he was
even seen. He was also a tremendously committed and zealous soldier, who had
shown considerable courage, self-discipline and the highest standards of
professionalism over an exceptionally testing and hazardous period... The loss
of Ray has left a void among his friends and comrades in my battalion and our
thoughts are with his family and loved ones, whom he has left behind."
Private Lee O'Callaghan
A 20-year-old from Bermondsey, south London, Lee was an avid footballer and
football fan. He supported Millwall and was also a midfield player who,
according to his commanding officer, "took every opportunity he could to play".
He was killed in an attack by insurgents on British vehicles in Basra.
His commanding officer said: "He was highly regarded and known as a hard
working, diligent member of the team who could be trusted to finish any task
with characteristic good humour... [He] showed the highest standards of
professionalism and courage."
Private Marc Ferns
DIED: 12 AUGUST 2004
A 21-year-old from Glenrothes, Fife, Marc had already served in Iraq with the
Black Watch during the initial period of major combat operations in the spring
of 2003. This time, he was killed by an insurgents' bomb in Basra. His
commanding officer said: "Private Ferns had loyally served the Black Watch for
three years and had a bright future ahead of him. He was an experienced,
committed, professional and very popular soldier who will be sorely missed by
all who knew him."
Lance Corporal Paul Thomas
DIED: 17 AUGUST 2004
Killed in a firefight in Basra, Paul, 29, from Welshpool, was attached to the
1st Battalion the Cheshire Regiment. Known as "Taff", he was described by his
platoon commander as "a proud Welshman who had a passion for all sports."
"He was a keen rugby supporter," continued Lieutenant Will Follett, "as well as
following his local football club, Shrewsbury Town. He was an immensely popular
member of the platoon, widely regarded as its backbone, through his diligence,
professionalism and unfaltering enthusiasm to the job and the soldiers under his
command. His death has shocked the platoon, especially those soldiers who were
with him when he died. He will be sorely missed and our thoughts and prayers go
out to his family and loved ones."
Fusilier Stephen Jones
Serving with A Company of the 1st Battalion, the Royal Welch Fusiliers, Stephen
was killed when the Land-Rover he was driving left the road and overturned south
of Al Amarah while returning from a night mission - which had proved
unsuccessful - to detain an insurgent bomb-maker. From Llanrhaeadr,
Denbighshire, he was 22.
Stephen and his wife Zoe, 20, had been married only weeks before his posting to
Iraq in April last year. He was a keen footballer, and his regiment plans to
hold an annual challenge match in his memory.
Gunner David Lawrence
Known as "Loz", David, from Walsall, joined the Royal Artillery in 2001 and
served in Bosnia in 2002. With Marc Taylor he had been helping train the Basra
Police Serious Crimes Unit, and was killed in an ambush while escorting a visit
to a new housing project. A keen footballer, he was described by his colleagues
as a "cheerful soldier who always had a cheeky grin on his face" and as a "good
loyal friend" who would be sorely missed. He was 25.
Private Kevin McHale
Kevin, from Lochgelly, Fife, had served five years with the 1st Battalion, the
Black Watch, as a Warrior armoured vehicle driver. This was his second
operational tour with the Black Watch in Iraq, having served there during combat
operations in the spring of 2003. He had also served in Kosovo. He died in a
road accident in North Babil province, aged 27.
His commanding officer described him as "a great character", and said: "We will
miss him deeply."
Staff Sergeant Denise Rose
A 34-year-old member of the Royal Military Police's Special Investigation
Branch, Denise, from Liverpool, had joined the RMP in 1989, and had conducted
investigations into serious incidents in the military in the UK and Cyprus. She
died of a gunshot wound at a military base in Basra. She had volunteered to
serve in Iraq a month before her death, and was part of small team helping to
train the Iraqi police force. The Commanding Officer of the Special
Investigation Branch (Germany), based at Rheindahlen, said: "This is a terrible
shock for all her many comrades in the unit. She was doing so well in the Army,
and had a bright future in front of her. Even more importantly, Denise had a
multitude of friends, being universally popular, intelligent and ever cheerful.
Her death is a tragic loss."
Her family said in a statement: "[We] are struggling to come to terms with the
tragic loss of Denise. We will always remember her as a fun-loving girl who was
the life and soul of the party... She will be missed terribly and will always
remain in our hearts and thoughts."
Sergeant Stuart Gray
Married with two children, Stuart, 31, had served 12 years in the Army. As a
sergeant in the mortar platoon of the 1st Battalion, the Black Watch, he was one
of three British soldiers killed in a suicide car-bomb attack on a vehicle
checkpoint. He came from Dumfermline, Fife.
A statement from his family on behalf of his mother, Mrs Mary Gray, said: "She
is obviously deeply shocked by the news of the death of her son, yet that
sadness is tinged with her pride in a much-loved son who was a member of his
local regiment. He was an experienced and professional soldier, a loving
husband, father, son and brother, and a proud member of the Black Watch. Her
thoughts are also with the families of privates Lowe and McArdle [see below],
and the other Black Watch soldiers injured in the same incident; as well as her
daughter-in-law, Wendy, her family, and two gorgeous grand-children: Kirstin
aged 12, and Darren, 10."
Private Paul Lowe
A victim of the same incident, Paul, from Fife, was just 19. Described as "a
keen and admirable young soldier", he had been in the Army for three years (and
had wanted to join the Black Watch since he was seven). He had been a talented
drummer at school - at Kelty in Fife - and he later gained an instructor
qualification in drumming and became a member of the regiment's pipe band. He
was on his second tour of duty in Iraq.
His brother Craig, then 18 and also serving in the Black Watch, said: "My family
and all of Paul's friends were shocked and saddened to hear of his death while
serving his country... Words cannot express the depth of grief that my mother
Helen, brothers Stuart (16), Shaun (13), Jordan (10) and myself feel."
Private Scott McArdle
A rifleman in the elite reconnaissance platoon of the 1st Battalion, the Black
Watch, Scott, who came from Glenrothes, had served in the Army for six years. He
was 22 when he died in the same suicide attack that killed Sergeant Gray and
Private Lowe. The day after the incident, their commanding officer,
Lieutenant-Colonel James Cowan, said: "This is indeed a painful blow. All three
of the soldiers were our friends, but as we mourn their deaths, so we remember
their lives and give thanks to their contribution to the life of our regiment...
We will miss them as brothers-in-arms, and extend our sympathy and love to their
Private Pita Tukutukuwaqa
An outstanding sportsman and a trained sniper, Pita came from Fiji. He had
joined the Black Watch in March 2001 and served with the battalion in Kosovo and
in Iraq in 2003. Twenty-seven years old, and married, he was killed when a
Warrior armoured vehicle from the Black Watch battle group was hit by a roadside
bomb north of Camp Dogwood. "He will be dearly missed by his regiment and his
friends," said his commanding officer.
Sergeant Paul Connolly
Aged 33, Paul came from Crawley, West Sussex, and was separated, with three
children. He died of a gunshot wound in Shaibah Logistic Base.
He joined the REME in 1989 and, after military training, became a metalsmith. He
progressed to become a master welder, responsible for fabricating a wide range
of military equipment. He was posted to Iraq in October 2004 in support of 21
Engineer Regiment, helping to rebuild infrastructure in southern Iraq.
His commanding officer described his death as "a real tragedy and a terrible
shock for his many comrades both in the regiment and in the wider family of the
Royal Electrical and Mechanical Engineers. He was a highly capable soldier and a
hugely popular character who was widely respected and admired. He will be sorely
Squadron Leader Patrick Marshall
Aged 39, Patrick had joined the RAF in June 1990 as a pilot, and had served 11
operational tours flying Tornados. On temporary detachment to Iraq as a liaison
officer, he was killed, along with nine other UK service personnel (remembered
below), when an RAF C-130K Hercules crashed 30km north-west of Baghdad, on a
flight between Baghdad International Airport and Balad airbase.
Described as a "highly regarded and talented operational pilot" he was looking
forward to returning to his greatest passion - flying - after his tour of duty
as staff officer. Divorced, he was engaged to be married again.
Flight Lieutenant David Stead
"Steady" was regarded as one of the most capable captains in the Hercules fleet.
He had been involved in many operations around the globe, notably in
Afghanistan, where he showed his skill and courage by taking his Hercules
through "appalling flying conditions where no other fixed-wing aircraft would
fly" to rescue seriously wounded combat casualties and injured children. An RAF
testimonial noted that "on this occasion his exceptional skill, judgement and
physical bravery were directly responsible for saving lives". Brought up in West
Yorkshire and a keen fell-runner in his youth, he had worked for a short time in
a quantity surveying practice before joining the RAF. He was awarded his pilot's
wings in 1993. Aged 35, he was described as a "typically straight-talking
Yorkshireman with a devilish sense of humour and a fine wit". He leaves a wife,
Michelle, and two daughters, Holly and Amelia.
Flight Lieutenant Andrew Smith
Known as "Smudge" to his colleagues, Andrew was born in Doncaster and had
graduated with honours in environmental management at Lancaster University
before joining the RAF. He was awarded his pilot's wings in 2002 and joined the
Hercules fleet the following year. Though he was at the beginning of his flying
career - and this was his first spell on active duty - he had recently turned in
one of the best ever performances on a tactical air transport training course.
A passionate - and fast - motorcyclist, he was also described as "an active
officers' mess member who keenly supported all social functions, and his
colourful character was reflected in his array of fancy dress costumes. Popular
amongst his peers, his one-liners and witty comebacks will be sorely missed by
all." He was 25.
Flight Lieutenant Paul Pardoel
Born in Melbourne, Australia, Paul was 35, and had joined the RAF in 2002 after
14 years as a navigator and instructor with the Royal Australian Air Force.
Renowned as calm and unflappable, he had served in both Afghanistan and Iraq,
for which he was awarded Operational Service medals. A testimonial noted that
"he enjoyed the banter of being the only Australian in the squadron, and
remained a good sport - despite a Rugby World Cup final loss..." He leaves a
wife, Kellie, and a young family - Jordie, Jackson and India - who were "the
centre of his world".
Master Engineer Gary Nicholson
Aged 42, and divorced with two sons, "Gary Nic" had seen action many times
during his 23 years' service - including in the first Gulf war in 1991.
Described as "a giant of a man, with a giant heart and ebullient nature", he had
joined the RAF aged 20. A tribute to him stated that he was "the embodiment of a
master air engineer and, in the finest traditions of the service, he always put
the interests of his subordinates before himself."
Chief Technician Richard Brown
An avionics specialist, Richard served with the Engineering Wing at RAF Lyneham,
the home-base for all RAF Hercules. Aged 40 and divorced, he had joined the RAF
in 1983. He is remembered for his total dedication to his work, his love of
sport, and his committment to charity work, for which he was awarded a
commendation while stationed at RAF Kinloss.
Flight Sergeant Mark Gibson
Born in York, Mark joined the RAF at 17 and had accrued more than 7,000 flying
hours. An air load master, he had operational medals for service in Sierra
Leone, Afghanistan and Iraq. While in Afghanistan he devised a new ad-hoc
loading scheme which directly led to the success of a major operation during the
conflict there.
Remembered for his intelligent approach to his work and his ebullient
enthusiasm, he was also a fierce opponent on the golf course - and something of
an entertainer, who would play music to parachutists as they jumped.
Aged 34, he had been married, to Sheila, since 1992; their daughter, Poppy, is
now nearly eight. He was delighted that Poppy had shown an interest in his
passion - golf - and had already started taking lessons.
Sergeant Robert O'Connor
Aged 38 and single, Robert had joined the RAF as an apprentice in 1985. An
engineering technician, he spent most of his service career with the Engineering
Wing at RAF Lyneham. An RAF tribute said that "he was held in the highest esteem
and regard by his work colleagues and superiors for his knowledge, dedication
and professionalism".
Corporal David Williams
A survival equipment fitter, David was 37 and the proud father of three young
children. He is remembered by his colleagues for his happy-go-lucky nature and
dry sense of humour. A member of the RAF for 17 years, he was described as
"totally dedicated, and epitomising professionalism".
Acting Lance Corporal Steven Jones
"Steve worked hard, played hard and lived life to the max," said his family in a
statement, "whether it be sky diving or bungee jumping. Words will never be able
to express the loss that we feel today. He was always adventurous, fun loving
and had a wicked sense of humour. Steve will forever be in the hearts of those
that knew him best." Aged 25 and single, he came from Fareham.
Private Mark Dobson
DIED: 28 MARCH 2005
Mark had joined the Territorial Army in July 1996, and was posted to Iraq on 10
November 2004, attached to the Force Protection Unit providing security for
personnel working out of the Multi National Division (South East) Headquarters
at Basra Air Station. He had recently qualified as a physical training
instructor. Aged 41 and from County Durham, he was found dead in his
accommodation at Basra Air Station. His commanding officer described him as
"enthusiastic and popular" and spoke of "his thirst for adventure and passion
for soldiering".
Guardsman Anthony Wakefield
DIED: 2 MAY 2005
Fatally wounded by a roadside bomb during a routine patrol in Al Amarah, Anthony
was 24, came from Newcastle and was married with three children. He was
described as a "supremely fit and popular soldier, who died doing his duty and
among his friends... He loved his duty and had a very bright future ahead of
Lance Corporal Alan Brackenbury
DIED: 29 MAY 2005
Alan was killed by a roadside bomb while on patrol in Al Amarah. Aged 21, and
from East Riding, Yorkshire, he had joined the Army in 2000 and was promoted to
lance corporal in 2005. He is survived by his father Stephen, mother Janet,
brother David, and sister Faye. His father said: "Alan loved being in the Army -
it was all he had ever wanted to do. He was immensely proud to be a soldier and
we were immensely proud that he was a soldier. It is some comfort to us, as we
grieve for Alan, that he died doing what he loved so much."
His commanding officer, Lieutenant Colonel Toby Bridge, said that he: "lived
life to the full. He had a passion for racing, football and fishing. Above all
we will remember his tremendous sense of humour and fun, and his willingness to
try something new."
Signaller Paul Didsbury
DIED: 29 JUNE 2005
Paul - known as "Dids" - was two weeks short of his 19th birthday when he died
from a suspected "negligent discharge incident" at Basra Air Station. He was
serving as part of the Joint Helicopter Force Iraq, having joined the Army in
August 2002. His commanding officer said of him: "He was an outgoing and
irrepressibly cheerful soldier who was very well known and hugely popular...
Always keen to try new things, he siezed every opportunity to broaden his
horizons and relished the challenges that operations in Iraq offered. Fit,
bright and a capable operator, what set Signaller Didsbury apart was his
enthusiasm and zest for life."
Second Lieutenant Richard Shearer
DIED: 16 JULY 2005
Richard, from Nuneaton, was 26. He was one of three soldiers from C Company, The
1st Battalion Staffordshire Regiment, who were killed by a roadside bomb in Al
Amarah. He had already served in the French Foreign Legion, and had only been
commissioned into the regiment the previous year. He was described as a "bold
platoon commander and certainly no stranger to either danger or excitement". His
commanding officer said of him: "He had quickly established himself as a true
soldier and a leader of men. His passion for soldiering was infectious and he
was highly respected by everyone. A true accolade: his men loved him and
regarded him as much more than their platoon commander..."
Private Phillip Hewett
DIED: 16 JULY 2005
Although he was only 21, Phillip was Second Lieutenant Shearer's driver - a
position of great responsibility in combat situations. He had been with the
platoon since arriving in the 1st Battalion three years ago. From Tamworth, he
was described as a "cheerful and intelligent young man with a natural air of
confidence" who had a sound future in the Army. He had been selected to attend a
promotional course this winter and was also short-listed to become a physical
training instructor.
Private Leon Spicer
DIED: 16 JULY 2005
The third victim of the incident that killed Richard Shearer and Phillip Hewett,
Leon - also from Tamworth - was 26 when he died. His commanding officer said:
"After sustaining a serious injury to his leg last year, he had worked against
the odds to become fully fit again. He had shown tremendous grit and
determination to rejoin 7 Platoon, and to be with his friends in Iraq. Always
larger than life, Leon got along extremely well with all those he worked with."
Fusilier Stephen Manning
Killed by a roadside bomb while on patrol near Az Zubayr, Stephen was 22 and
came from Erith, Kent. His commanding officer said: "In the two years with the
Fusiliers in both Belfast and Iraq, Fusilier Manning had made many friends... he
will be sorely missed by them all... Above all, his many friends in the Company
and across the Regiment remember his generosity of spirit, and his
Major Matthew Bacon
"Our son was a hero," said a statement from Matthew's parents, "invincible we
thought, having served in conflict zones including Northern Ireland, the Gulf,
Former Yugoslavia and Afghanistan as well as enjoying high-risk sports like
sky-diving. We have always understood the risks attached to Matthew's career but
never imagined that anything could or would happen to our son. We are immensely
proud of Matthew, of the leader he became, the lives of people he touched
directly and indirectly and the good work he did throughout his career."
Thirty-four years old, single, and from the London area, Matthew had joined the
Army in 1988 and served with the Intelligence Corps. At the time of his death,
he was serving as a staff officer with the Headquarters of Multi-National
Division (South East). He was killed by a roadside bomb in Basra.
His commanding officer described his death as "a desperate loss to his family,
and his girlfriend, and a tragic blow to his friends and colleagues."
Lieutenant Colonel Andrew Barrow continued: "[He] did not waste a moment of his
life. He loved soldiering, had a passion for physical exercise, and in his spare
time was studying for a law degree."
Captain Ken Masters
As commanding officer of 61 Section, Special Investigation Branch, Ken had been
responsible for the investigation of all "in-theatre" serious incidents and
investigations conducted by the General Police Duties section of the Theatre
Investigation Group. Aged 40, he was married with two children and had served
with the Royal Military Police since 1981. He was commissioned from the ranks in
2001 and served most of his career with the Special Investigation Branch.
His body was discovered in his accommodation in Waterloo Lines, Basra.
Sergeant Chris Hickey
A popular 30-year-old from East Brierley, near Bradford, Chris had joined the
Coldstream Guards in 1993 and was seen as potential officer material. He was
killed by a roadside bomb while reconnoitring a route for the late-night patrol
he was leading. Friends in East Brierley remembered him as "the life and soul"
and "a hell of a good mate"; his wife of two years, Gemma, was too upset to talk
about his death. The commanding officer of the 1st Battalion Coldstream Guards
battle group, Lieutenant Colonel Nick Henderson, described Chris as "a capable
and reliable individual... He set a fine example to those of all ranks who
served with him; it is significant that at the time of his death he was, as
ever, leading his men from the front. A bright future in the Army beckoned and
he would undoubtedly have gone far in the profession that he had chosen and that
he loved. He was the epitome of a professional soldier.
"Chris was more than just this. He was a fun-loving and warm-hearted character
who always displayed an irrepressible cheerfulness; however bad things were
Chris could always raise a smile... [and] lighten any situation. To him things
were always good, or, as he would put it, 'canny'.
"We are also keenly aware that Chris was not just a comrade and friend to those
of us who were fortunate enough to serve alongside him; he was also a loving
husband and son. Our thoughts and prayers go out to his wife, parents, family
and friends at this tragic time."
Remembrance: The fallen of Iraq, I, 11.11.2005,
Is this any way to treat those who fought
for their country?
British Legion survey shows how millions of war veterans
are living in poverty
Published: 11 November 2005
The Independent
By Terri Judd
The British Legion has marked Armistice Day by producing
the first comprehensive survey of the country's 10.5 million military veterans
and their dependants, uncovering a shocking picture of a community struggling to
get by, financially and emotionally.
As the nation prepares to remember the sacrifices of millions, exhaustive
research by the Legion suggests that almost half of veterans and their
dependants - 3.88 million - are surviving on less than £10,000 a year. Almost
one million have to exist on less than half that amount.
The military charity canvassed 6,218 people, drawn from the ex-service
community, the charity's beneficiaries and case workers, to make the first
accurate estimate of the size, personal circumstance and welfare needs of the
UK's veterans.
It concluded that the ex-service community accounted for approximately a sixth
of the population. Many are elderly, but the survey included survivors of the
Afghanistan and Iraq conflicts as well as 1.74 million dependent children.
The report paints a depressing picture of how a large number are coping with
post-military life. Based on its survey, the Legion estimates that nearly half -
4.42 million - have a long-term illness, disability or infirmity, and 530,000
may have mental health problems. Physical problems are most prevalent in the
elderly, and psychological troubles such as depression are most noted in those
aged 35 to 44.
Opposition politicians described the revelations as disgraceful and called on
the Government to rectify an unacceptable situation.
The shadow Defence Secretary, Michael Ancram, said: "It is disgraceful that so
many of our ex-servicemen and their families are living on less than the
Government says it is necessary to live on. We owe them support and we call on
the Government to look for ways of rectifying this unacceptable situation as
soon as possible."
The Liberal Democrat defence spokesman, Michael Moore, said: "As we pay our
respects and tributes on Remembrance Sunday, it is a disgrace that so many of
our brave veterans are reduced to living on such a small amount."
A third of ex-servicemen and women are believed to live alone, compared with the
national average of 19 per cent. Eleven per cent of the over-65s reported a
lonely existence. As many as 570,000 said they never went out to see relatives
or friends, and more than a third of that number did not even get visits from
loved ones.
Although a mass of blood red poppies commemorates their sacrifices for a
fortnight each year, many old soldiers go back to impoverished anonymity for the
remaining months, struggling to cope with the most mundane daily functions. A
quarter of those canvassed said they needed help washing and dressing. The study
found 84 per cent of veterans were male and 94 per cent of dependants were
women, often widows.
Sue Freeth, director of welfare at the Legion, said a key problem was that many
were unaware of the benefits they were entitled to. More than half a million
members of the community said they received no help, advice or support.
Ms Freeth said: "We must convey more awareness of what is available to them. We
need more co-operation between the charitable sector and government agencies."
An estimated 2,300,000 British servicemen and women have been killed since the
beginning of the First World War, millions more suffering severe injuries and
mental trauma from their experience.
There has only been one year, 1968, since the end of the Second World War when a
member of the British military has not been killed on active service. Almost two
million lost their lives in the 1914-1918 war, and 403,000 were killed between
1939 and 1945.
Of recent military conflicts, Northern Ireland has claimed 671, the Falklands
239, the first Gulf War 47, the Balkans conflict 70 and Afghanistan four. To
date, a further 97 have died in Iraq. Today there are 11 million veterans and
their dependants in the United Kingdom.
Lance Corporal David Jones, 30
Rifle Volunteers, Afghanistan conflict
David Jones was with a bomb-disposal team on patrol in Afghanistan last year
when they tried to overtake a slow taxi.
As they were passing the vehicle it blew up. L/Cpl Jones was blinded in his left
eye and had his eardrum perforated, putting paid to his ambition of becoming a
paramedic. "When I woke up in a field hospital and realised I had lost my eye, I
more or less accepted it," the Territorial Army soldier said yesterday.
When he returned home, he sought help from the Royal British Legion, which
arranged for him to attend a vocational assessment. L/Cpl Jones is now in his
second year of a sports therapy degree.
"I knew I couldn't work in my chosen career so I chose to go back to university.
Not being able to work full time, I am now trying to get a part-time job so I
can survive and pay my mortgage, and I am hoping to get some help to set up my
business in sports therapy," he said.
But, as he struggles to make ends meet, he is still determined to go back to
performing his Territorial Army duties.
Private Percy White, 74
Royal Army Ordnance Corps, Suez
When Percy White finally sought help, he and his wife were living in a tiny flat
with paper peeling off the walls because they could only afford to heat it for a
couple of hours a day.
The 74-year-old who served with the Royal Army Ordnance Corps in Suez looked
after his wife, Rita - who suffers from arthritis and osteoporosis. But a stroke
earlier this year meant he was unable to perform the most perfunctory daily
"I can't use my left arm properly but at least I have got the use of my legs
back now," he said yesterday. Having left the Army in the 1950s, Mr White was
forced to leave his Isle of Wight home to find work in London. But retirement
brought hardships. With an income of £500 a month they spent a fifth of that on
council tax alone.
The stroke in February meant he could no longer make the weekly trip to the
laundrette or carry the shopping from the supermarket.
The British Legion said the couple were living in "appalling conditions" and
stepped in. It got the couple a washing machine and a freezer. It also helped
them apply for council tax benefit. Yet Mr White insisted yesterday that he
still has luxuries: "We manage to get by. We've got a television, a DVD player
and a cassette player. We have been married for 50 years and we have always been
Corporal George Illsley, 81
Parachute Regiment, North Africa campaign. WWII
George Illsley is a typical example of a veteran who survives on little without
complaining. Like so many others, he is forced to get by on about £10,000 a year
but insists he wants for nothing.
Others, he explained, were much worse off: "There are some out there that are
struggling. But I am quite happy."
As a young corporal, Mr Illsley served in the Parachute Regiment in north
Africa, losing many of his friends.
He left the Army in 1947, married, and took a job in an engineering firm.
Widowed eight years ago, he chose not to live the lonely existence of so many
veterans and moved in with his sister-in-law two years later. Together they pool
their pensions. "We share the bills. I get a hundred or two a week and I can
live comfortably. My sister-in-law is good to me and we still go dancing. If you
sit back and stop being active you get old," he said.
Nevertheless he says he knows of others who have struggled and need help with
everything from arranging welfare payments to finding convalescent homes.
"We have got the British Legion to help out. I don't think the younger
generation really appreciate what we have been through."
Mr Illsley said he felt sad that so many former soldiers and dependants were
trying to exist on less than him.
Is this any way to
treat those who fought for their country?, I, 11.11.2005,