Les anglonautes

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History > America, English America, USA, World


20th century > 1939-1945 > World War 2


USA, World



in articles, pictures and podcasts


warning: graphic violence / distressing



after WW2

Germany, USA > Operation Paperclip



 after WW2 > Tokyo, Japan >

International Military Tribunal   1946-1948






USA, Europe, North Africa,

Russia, Persia, Japan, Asia >

Main timeline > Key events



The Allies vs The Axis > Leaders






USA > African-American soldiers



France, Switzerland > Resistance



USA > Manhattan project   1942-1946



Japan > 6 and 9 August 1945 >

Atomic bombings > Hiroshima and Nagasaki



Victory in Europe Day / V-E Day - May 8, 1945

Celebrations in the U.S. / worldwide




Battle of Berlin - April-May 1945




Bombing of Dresden - February 13-15, 1945



Belgique, France, Luxembourg

Bataille des Ardennes / Battle of the Bulge

December 1944 - January 1945




Canada, USA > Normandy landings / D-Day - 6 June 1944

Battle for Normandy

6 June 1944 - 31 August 1944



Italian Campaign    1943-1945



Russia > Siege of Leningrad    1941-1944



Russia > Battle of Stalingrad

August 21, 1942 - February 2, 1943



North African Campaign   1940-1943






War in the Pacific, Asia, India



War in Asia > Japan

Sex slaves / 'Comfort women'

from Korea / The Philippines



USA > Home front



USA > Japanese-Americans

internment camps   1942-1945



USA > Pearl Harbor   7 December 1941



Netherlands > German occupation   1940-1945



Nazis invade Poland   1 September 1939



Poland > Resistance






photo gallery > WW2



advertisements > WW2 > USA



Online resources / materials / documents










Related > Anglonautes > History > 20th century > Cold War


Cold war > USA > CIA, FBI >

Recruitment of Nazis as spies and informants



Cold war > Germany, USA >

Operation Paperclip






Related > Anglonautes > History > 20th century


WW2 (1939-1945) > USA, world



WW2 (1939-1945) > UK >

Timeline in articles, pictures, podcasts



Franklin Delano Roosevelt   1882-1945

32nd President of the United States   1933-1945



Axis powers, Germany, Europe >

Antisemitism, Adolf Hitler, Nazi era,

Holocaust / Shoah, Samudaripen



photos > wars > WW2



WW1 (1914-1918) > UK, world >

Timeline in articles, pictures, podcasts





Related > Anglonautes > Science


Albert Einstein    Germany, USA    1879-1955






Related > Anglonautes > Arts > Photography


war photography






Related > Anglonautes > Vocapedia


genocide, war,

weapons, arms sales,

espionage, torture



conflicts, wars, climate, poverty >

asylum seekers, displaced people,

migrants, refugees




terrorism, global terrorism,

militant groups,

intelligence, spies, surveillance



USA > race relations









BBC Archive







Introducing ‘Beyond the World War II We Know’







A Soldier’s Odyssey

Years, Fears, and Tears.

World War II Letters by Harold Grove Moss.





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