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Conviction and sentencing


1/2 - Jury > Verdict / Conviction > Guilty


2/2 - Judge > Sentencing > Life sentence





Ethan Crumbley

stands with his attorneys Paulette Loftin (left) and Amy Hopp

during his senencing hearing in Pontiac, Mich.


Parents of students killed at Michigan's Oxford High School

described the anguish of losing their children Friday

as a judge considered whether Crumbley would serve a life sentence

for the 2021 mass shooting.


Photograph: Carlos Osorio



Michigan high school shooter sentenced to Life in Prison without Parole


December 8, 2023    4:27 PM ET




















Lori Vallow Daybell

was sentenced to life in prison without parole

for the murders of her two youngest children

and conspiracy to murder a romantic rival.


She is seen here during the sentencing hearing

at the Fremont County Courthouse in St. Anthony, Idaho.


Photograph: Tony Blakeslee



Lori Vallow Daybell is sentenced to multiple life terms

for killing her children


Updated July 31, 202    34:14 PM ET




















Willard Miller makes a statement

during his sentence hearing

at the Jefferson County Courthouse

in Fairfield, Iowa, Thursday, July 6, 2023.


Miller, the first of two Iowa teenagers

who pleaded guilty to beating their high school Spanish teacher

to death with a baseball bat,

was sentenced Thursday to life

with a possibility of parole after 35 years in prison.


Photograph:Jim Slosiarek/AP


An Iowa teenager receives life

for the beating death of his high school teacher


July 7, 2023    2:23 AM ET




















Alex Murdaugh

was sentenced to two consecutive life sentences

for the murder of his wife and son.


Photograph: Pool photo by Andrew J. Whitaker


Breaking Silence,

Murdaugh Brother Says ‘Not Knowing Is the Worst Thing’

After Alex Murdaugh’s trial

ended in a conviction for the murders of his wife and son,

his older brother Randy is still trying to understand

what happened that night.


March 6, 2023




















Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School shooter Nikolas Cruz

enters the courtroom for a sentencing hearing

Tuesday at the Broward County Courthouse.


Photograph: Amy Beth Bennett



At an emotional hearing,

the Parkland shooter is formally sentenced to life in prison


Updated November 2, 2022    5:35 PM ET

































James Holmes gets life sentence:

Major moments in 2 minutes

USA Today    7 August 2015




James Holmes gets life sentence: Major moments in 2 minutes

Video        USA Today        7 August 2015


James Holmes has been sentenced to life in prison

without the possibility of parole.


Here are the major moments leading up to this decision.


















James Holmes sentenced to life in prison

for the Aurora theater shooting

7 August 2015





James Holmes sentenced to life in prison

for the Aurora theater shooting

Video    7 NEWS - The Denver Channel    7 August 2015


The jury decided on life in prison without the possibility of parole

for the gunman in the Aurora, Colorado movie theater shooting.


The Denver Channel, 7News,

brings you the latest trusted news and information

for Denver, Colorado, Mile High and the Rocky Mountains.


Our mission is to provide useful,

interesting news and updates on breaking news

to people in the Denver metro area,

all across our beautiful state of Colorado

and all over the world.



















sentencing hearing










judge > sentence N

to two consecutive life sentences for the murders of N










be sentenced to multiple life terms

for killing her children /

sentence N to multiple fixed life terms in prison

with no possibility of parole /

order N  to serve the prison terms

consecutively rather than concurrently










be sentenced to life

with a possibility of parole after 35 years in prison.










be sentenced

to 40 to 175 years in prison












be sentenced

to 25 years to life in prison for N










be sentenced to life in prison

without the possibility of parole /

be sentenced to Life in Prison without Parole














be prosecuted

under Louisiana's

controversial habitual offender law,

sometimes known as

a “three strikes and you're out” rule >

sentence N to life without parole

for a crime that ordinarily carries

a maximum sentence of two years.


habitual-offender-jeff-landry - September 8, 2023








sentence N to life in prison

without parole












sentence N to life in prison

without the possibility of parole










impose the maximum sentence








be sentenced to 2 life terms










be formally sentenced to life in prison

without the possibility of parole

for each of 17 charges of first-degree murder










be sentenced to life

without parole










be sentenced

to life plus sixty years in prison without parole










be sentenced

by Judge E. Susan Garsh

to the mandatory term of life in prison

without the possibility of parole










be sentenced to life in prison










USA > California > (be) jailed for life for stealing $14        UK


jailed-for-life-for-stealing-14-dollars-podcast - Guardian podcast








(be) sentenced to life without parole as boys        USA










hand down










life sentence


























juveniles > life sentence


photos - July 13, 2017










 prisoners given life sentences as children


new-mexico-lost-juveniles-in-prison - March 10, 2023








get life










get life term










life terms










get 12 life sentences










be sentenced to life in prison










be formally sentenced to life in prison

without the possibility of parole

for each of 17 charges of first-degree murder










receive a life sentence

for each count of attempted first-degree murder






be sentenced

to life in prison without parole






be sentenced

to two consecutive life sentences for the murder of N






be sentenced

to seven consecutive terms of life in prison






serve life






get life In prison without parole






life in prison without parole






be sentenced

to three life terms in federal prison without parole






be sentenced to life in prison

without parole


be sentenced to life in prison

without the possibility of parole


get life without parole








be sentenced to 263 years for sexual assaults









get 800 years








sentence N to life in prison

without possibility of parole,

and 1,000 years










sentence N to life in prison

without possibility of parole, and 1,000 years










get 145 years in prison












Corpus of news articles


Law, Justice > Jury > Verdict > Guilty >


1/2 - Jury > Verdict > Conviction >


2/2 - Judge > Sentencing > Life sentence




Gunman in Giffords Shooting

Sentenced to 7 Life Terms


November 8, 2012

The New York Times



TUCSON — Jared L. Loughner was sentenced Thursday to seven consecutive terms of life in prison at a court hearing punctuated by raw emotion as former Representative Gabrielle Giffords and her husband, Mark E. Kelly, for the first time confronted the man who shot her in the head during a rampage last year that left 6 dead and 12 others wounded.

Ms. Giffords, her right arm in a sling, stared at Mr. Loughner as Mr. Kelly delivered his defiant remarks before a packed courtroom, from a dais a few feet from the defendant’s chair.

“By making death and producing tragedy, you sought to extinguish the beauty of life, to diminish potential, to strain love and to cancel ideas,” Mr. Kelly said. “You tried to create for all of us a world as dark and evil as your own. But remember it always: You failed.”

Mr. Loughner’s punishment — in addition to the life terms, he was sentenced to 140 years in prison — came as no surprise. It was a condition of the guilty plea he entered on Aug. 7, admitting to the shootings and bringing to an end a case that had prompted much soul-searching about mental health treatment and the country’s gun laws.

From the bench in Federal District Court, Judge Larry A. Burns said he was not going to make “political statements,” that he was just “a single federal judge” who had “no intention to change the law.” Still, he questioned the wisdom of allowing the unrestricted sale of high-capacity magazines, like the one Mr. Loughner used to carry out his crimes.

“I don’t understand the social utility of allowing citizens to have magazines with 30 bullets in them,” Judge Burns said.

For Mr. Kelly, though, who has been Ms. Giffords’s unrelenting companion and her voice as she has struggled to articulate her words since the shooting, the politics of gun control is the “elephant in the room.” He denounced politicians who are “afraid to do something as simple as have a meaningful debate about our gun laws,” singling out Gov. Jan Brewer, whom he called “feckless,” and the Legislature, which “thought it appropriate to busy itself naming an official Arizona state gun just weeks after this tragedy.”

Mr. Kelly went on, “After Columbine, after Virginia Tech, after Tucson and after Aurora,” the Colorado suburb where a gunman killed 12 and wounded 58 in a movie theater in July, “we have done nothing.”

A spokesman for the governor said in a statement that “on this solemn occasion,” Ms. Brewer “isn’t interested in engaging in politics.”

Ms. Giffords did not say anything, only stroking her husband’s back when they slowly made their way back to their seats.

On Jan. 8, 2011, Mr. Loughner, now 24, arrived at a constituents meeting hosted by Ms. Giffords, then a member of the House of Representatives, in a shopping center parking lot. He had a loaded Glock 9-millimeter pistol and carried 60 extra rounds of ammunition. In less than 30 seconds, he fired 31 shots.

Onlookers tackled and restrained him when he paused to reload. One of them was Pamela Simon, an aide and close friend of Ms. Giffords’s who was shot by Mr. Loughner and was one of seven victims to speak in court.

Ms. Simon, who taught at the middle school Mr. Loughner had attended, said she remembered him as “a kid who loved music.” On Thursday, she told him, “You remind us that too often we either do not notice the signs of mental illness, or we just choose to look away.”

Mavy Stoddard, whom Mr. Loughner shot three times, told him she cradled her wounded husband, Dorwan, in her arms and whispered, “Breathe deeply, honey.”

Ten minutes later, he was dead.

Mr. Loughner stared at each of them, virtually motionless. He slurred his only words, “That’s right,” which he spoke after the judge asked if he had indeed waived his right to address the court.

He had been given a diagnosis of schizophrenia, but was deemed competent to agree to the plea deal, which makes him ineligible for parole or to appeal. He has been held at a federal hospital in Missouri for more than a year, undergoing psychiatric evaluations and treatment. On Thursday, Judge Burns said he should stay “in a place where he can get continual medical treatment.”

His mother, Amy Loughner, sniffled loudly at times, convulsing as people described the horror her son had unleashed. His father, Randy, was also there. Representative Ron Barber, a close aide of Ms. Giffords’s at the time of the shooting who was struck by a bullet in the leg, told them, “Please know that I and my family hold no animosity toward you.”

To Mr. Loughner, he said, “You must pay the price.”


Timothy Williams contributed reporting from New York.



This article has been revised

to reflect the following correction:

Correction: November 8, 2012

An earlier version of this article and headline

misstated the number of life sentences

received by Jared L. Loughner. It is seven, not six.

The article also misspelled the given name

of a woman shot by Mr. Loughner.

It is Mavy Stoddard, not Mary.

Gunman in Giffords Shooting Sentenced to 7 Life Terms,
NOV. 8, 2012,






Juveniles Don’t Deserve

Life Sentences


March 14, 2012
The New York Times



IN the late 1980s, a small but influential group of criminologists predicted a coming wave of violent juvenile crime: “superpredators,” as young as 11, committing crimes in “wolf packs.” Politicians soon responded to those fears, and to concerns about the perceived inadequacies of state juvenile justice systems, by lowering the age at which children could be transferred to adult courts. The concern was that offenders prosecuted as juveniles would have to be released at age 18 or 21.

At the same time, “tough on crime” rhetoric led some states to enact laws making it easier to impose life without parole sentences on adults. The unintended consequence of these laws was that children as young as 13 and 14 who were charged as adults became subject to life without parole sentences.

Nationwide, 79 young adolescents have been sentenced to die in prison — a sentence not imposed on children anywhere else in the world. These children were told that they could never change and that no one cared what became of them. They were denied access to education and rehabilitation programs and left without help or hope.

But the prediction of a generation of superpredators never came to pass. Beginning in the mid-1990s, violent juvenile crime declined, and it has continued to decline through the present day. The laws that were passed to deal with them, however, continue to exist. This month, the United States Supreme Court will hear oral arguments in two cases, Jackson v. Hobbs and Miller v. Alabama, which will decide whether children can be sentenced to life without parole after being convicted of homicide.

The court has already struck down the death penalty for juveniles and life without parole for young offenders convicted in nonhomicide cases. The rationale for these earlier decisions is simple and equally applicable to the cases to be heard: Young people are biologically different from adults. Brain imaging studies reveal that the regions of the adolescent brain responsible for controlling thoughts, actions and emotions are not fully developed. They cannot be held to the same standards when they commit terrible wrongs.

Homicide is the worst crime, but in striking down the juvenile death penalty in 2005, the Supreme Court recognized that even in the most serious murder cases, “juvenile offenders cannot with reliability be classified among the worst offenders”: they are less mature, more vulnerable to peer pressure, cannot escape from dangerous environments, and their characters are still in formation. And because they remain unformed, it is impossible to assume that they will always present an unacceptable risk to public safety.

The most disturbing part of the superpredator myth is that it presupposed that certain children were hopelessly defective, perhaps genetically so. Today, few believe that criminal genes are inherited, except in the sense that parental abuse and negative home lives can leave children with little hope and limited choices.

As a former juvenile court judge, I have seen firsthand the enormous capacity of children to change and turn themselves around. The same malleability that makes them vulnerable to peer pressure also makes them promising candidates for rehabilitation.

An overwhelming majority of young offenders grow out of crime. But it is impossible at the time of sentencing for mental health professionals to predict which youngsters will fall within that majority and grow up to be productive, law-abiding citizens and which will fall into the small minority that continue to commit crimes. For this reason, the court has previously recognized that children should not be condemned to die in prison without being given a “meaningful opportunity to obtain release based on demonstrated maturity and rehabilitation.”

The criminologists who promoted the superpredator theory have acknowledged that their prediction never came to pass, repudiated the theory and expressed regret. They have joined several dozen other criminologists in an amicus brief to the court asking it to strike down life without parole sentences for children convicted of murder. I urge the justices to apply the logic and the wisdom of their earlier decisions and affirm that the best time to decide whether someone should spend his entire life in prison is when he has grown to be an adult, not when he is still a child.


Gail Garinger,

a juvenile court judge in Massachusetts

from 1995 to 2008,

is the state’s child advocate,

appointed by the governor.

    Juveniles Don’t Deserve Life Sentences, NYT, 14.3.2012,






Shahzad Gets Life Term

for Times Square Bombing Attempt


October 5, 2010
The New York Times


The defendant came to Federal District Court in Manhattan on Tuesday ready to ladle out several minutes of anti-American justification for his act of terrorism in Times Square. But the judge, Miriam Goldman Cedarbaum, best known of late for presiding over Martha Stewart’s trial, came ready, too.

She repeatedly interrupted the defendant, Faisal Shahzad, to spar with him over his interpretation of the Koran, his invocation of a Muslim warrior in the Crusades and, above all, the relevance of any of it to the life sentence that hung over him like the dozen United States deputy marshals who guarded the prisoner in court.

And after the judge formally sentenced Mr. Shahzad to life in prison, she left him a parting shot: “I do hope that you will spend some of the time in prison thinking carefully about whether the Koran wants you to kill lots of people.”

The six or eight minutes or so of back and forth brought a bit of drama to the endgame of a case that, as nerve-rattling as it was at its inception, with the discovery of a potentially lethal bomb in Times Square on May 1, had drawn to a close with the sentencing on Tuesday.

The hearing was a part-sentencing and part-scolding, and the latter started before the former. Judge Cedarbaum looked at Mr. Shahzad, seated between lawyers, his beard thick and his hair long under his white skullcap, and said, “I think you should get up.”

Mr. Shahzad, 31, rose. He seemed to have aged in the last five months from the boyish man who was arrested aboard a jet that had been cleared for takeoff at Kennedy Airport.

He asked the judge for 5 or 10 minutes, then launched into a soliloquy that was at times rambling, at times threatening and delivered with the crinkly-eyed grin of a man who acted as if he could not be happier than where he was at that moment.

“This is but one life,” he said. “If I am given a thousand lives, I will sacrifice them all for the sake of Allah, fighting this cause, defending our lands, making the word of Allah supreme over any religion or system.”

He made his one and only reference to his arrest by claiming, for the first time, that his rights had been denied. Law enforcement officials have said that immediately following his arrest, on May 3, Mr. Shahzad cooperated, but he said otherwise on Tuesday.

“On the second day of my arrest, I asked for the Miranda,” he said, referring to the required notification of his right to counsel. “And the F.B.I. denied it to me for two weeks” and threatened his wife and children, he said. The judge, prosecutors and defense lawyers stayed silent as Mr. Shahzad, who has mounted no substantive defense in his case and who pleaded guilty to all charges against him on June 21, continued to speak. His lawyer, Philip L. Weinstein, had no comment on the statements after the hearing.

Mr. Shahzad attacked the American military forces “who have occupied the Muslim lands,” and said that attacks like his attempted bombing would continue.

“Brace yourselves, because the war with Muslims has just begun,” he said. “Consider me only a first droplet of the flood that will follow me.”

He went on about the war and about the “fragile economy” that he said would soon prove unable to sustain the troops, when Judge Cedarbaum interrupted and asked, “Do you want to comment in any way in connection with sentence?” He said he was getting to that, his motivations, when the judge asked, “Didn’t you swear allegiance to this country when you became an American citizen?”

He smiled like a boy caught in a fib, and said as much: “I did swear, but I did not mean it.”

“You took a false oath?”


“Very well. Is there anything else you want to tell me?”

“Sure,” he began, and went on to say, “Blessed be” Osama bin Laden, “who will be known as no less than Saladin of the 21st-century crusade, and blessed be those who give him asylum.”

The judge stopped him again. “How much do you know about Saladin, as you called him?”

He is known in the Middle East as Salahuddin al-Ayubi, but commonly known in the West as Saladin, the Muslim leader who took Jerusalem from the Crusaders in 1187. He is remembered in biographies as being a lover of peace who waged war reluctantly.

“He didn’t want to kill people,” the judge told the defendant.

“He liberated — ” Mr. Shahzad continued.

“He was a very moderate man,” Judge Cedarbaum said. Mr. Shahzad spoke more about the war in Iraq and said, “If you call us terrorists, then we are proud terrorists, and we will keep on terrorizing until you leave our land and people at peace.”

He finished, and it was time for the sentencing by Judge Cedarbaum. “Although happily, the training you sought in making bombs was unsuccessful and you were unsuccessful in your effort to kill many Americans,” she said, the facts of the case “require that you be incarcerated for life.”

She began going through the 10 separate sentences he faced: “I sentence you to life in prison,” she said.

“Allahu akbar,” he replied. (“God is great.”)

“I understand that you welcome that,” the judge said.

Mr. Shahzad was handcuffed and led away.

Shahzad Gets Life Term for Times Square Bombing Attempt,






Life Sentence Closes Chapter

in Arizona Shootings


July 30, 2009
Filed at 3:49 a.m. ET
The New York Times


PHOENIX (AP) -- A sentence of life in prison for one of two men convicted in a series of random nighttime shootings closes a significant chapter in a case that unnerved metropolitan Phoenix residents in 2005 and 2006.

A jury decided Wednesday to spare Samuel Dieteman from the death penalty, unlike his partner in the Serial Shooter case, Dale Hausner. Authorities say the two preyed on pedestrians, bicyclists and animals in attacks that ended in August 2006 when both men were arrested at the apartment they shared in Mesa.

Hausner received six death sentences in the case earlier this year.

Dieteman, who never asked for leniency and was a key witness against Hausner, thanked the court for treating him like a human being after the verdict was read Wednesday.

''I'm truly sorry for the pain that I've caused to many, many people,'' said Dieteman, 33.

Dieteman met Hausner in April 2006 -- about nine months after the Serial Shooter attacks began, and Dieteman's defense attorneys painted him as being Hausner's follower.

Paul Patrick, a victim of the shooting spree who nearly died when Dieteman shot him as he walked down a street in June 2006, was in the court for the verdict and said he agreed with it.

''It's not a cause to celebrate; a mother just lost a son, and children lost their father,'' he said of Dieteman's family. ''No hatred for the family. Too much time has been wasted on that.''

Patrick said if there is such a thing as closure for him, the verdict is ''the closest thing to it.''

Phoenix police spokesman Sgt. Andy Hill, who also was in court, said the verdict was the culmination of four years of pain and suffering for the victims in the case and their family members.

''This is a closure,'' he said. ''The verdict, we think is just. Without the forthrightness of Sam Dieteman coming forward we might not have had a verdict today.''

Dieteman, who had been charged with murdering two people and attacking 14 others, had admitted to fatally shooting 20-year-old Claudia Gutierrez-Cruz in Scottsdale in May 2006 and assisting in the deadly shooting of 22-year-old Robin Blasnek in July 2006 as she walked from her parents' home to her boyfriend's house in Mesa.

Testimony at Dieteman's sentencing trial included a written apology from Dieteman to Patrick, in which he said he would make ''no cries for mercy.'' He also said he regretted his actions, including not turning in Hausner to authorities when he first learned of the shootings.

''There's so many things I would change back then,'' he told jurors.

Ulysses Fuentes, one of the jurors who decided to spare Dieteman's life, said he initially wanted to sentence him to death.

''I felt that what he had done was just irresponsible and there was just no excuse for that,'' said Fuentes, a 19-year-old customer service representative of Phoenix.

He said he didn't feel sympathy for Dieteman. ''Mercy would be a better term.''

Doug Budner, the jury foreman, said he also wanted the death penalty at first.

''The way I was brought up was an eye is for an eye, but as you go into the jury room, then you start seeing evidence unfold in front of you, you have to really listen and really dissect all the information out there and from there make an educated decision,'' said the 53-year-old aircraft mechanic of Phoenix. ''We know we came up with the most lawful decision.''

Prosecutors had sought the death penalty for Dieteman. They painted him as a drifter who was a willing participant, pulling the trigger and serving as Hausner's lookout.

Investigators said their big break came when one of Dieteman's drinking buddies, Ron Horton, called police to say that Dieteman had bragged about shooting people. ''They called it 'RV'ing.' Random Recreational Violence,'' Horton told The Associated Press in a 2006 interview. Horton died last year.

During Hausner's trial, Dieteman said Hausner professed a hatred for prostitutes and homeless people as they looked for victims in areas frequented by streetwalkers. Dieteman said Hausner never explained why he wanted to shoot people.

In describing one shooting, Dieteman said he and Hausner found humor at the sight of one of their seriously injured victims, who held his stomach and appeared angry.

The Serial Shooter case was one of two serial murder investigations that put Phoenix-area residents on edge during the summer of 2006. Police attributed 23 more attacks, including nine slayings, to an assailant dubbed the Baseline Killer.

Life Sentence Closes Chapter in Arizona Shootings, NYT, 30.9.2009,






Baseline Killer Suspect

Gets 438 Years


December 15, 2007

Filed at 6:02 a.m. ET

The New York Times



PHOENIX (AP) -- A man accused of being the Phoenix Baseline Killer was sentenced to 438 years in prison Friday for the sexual assaults of two sisters. Mark Goudeau still faces trial for the slayings of eight women and a man in 2005-2006, and faces a possible death sentence if he is convicted. He has pleaded not guilty.

The 43-year-old former construction worker was sentenced for his September conviction on charges of raping one woman and sexually attacking another as they walked home from a park.

During the two-month trial, both sisters identified Goudeau as their attacker. DNA evidence also linked him to the rape.

Goudeau has maintained his innocence, and told Maricopa County Superior Court Judge Andrew Klein that what happened to the two young women was horrible, ''but I had nothing to do with it.''

Klein said before handing down the sentence that Goudeau must have two ''diametrically opposed'' personalities, one calm and respectful in court and the other sociopathic and brutal.

One of the victims told the judge Friday through an interpreter that she still wakes up crying at times: ''I will hope for him to never get out.''

The Associated Press has not identified the woman because she is the victim of sexual assault.

Prosecutors had said earlier that Goudeau faced a maximum of 285 years in prison. But Deputy County Attorney Suzanne Cohen proved a prior violent record in court Friday that made him eligible for the higher sentences.

Goudeau is suspected of being a serial predator known as the ''Baseline Killer,'' named for the south Phoenix street where many of the early attacks took place.

He is the first of three suspected serial killers to go on trial for a rash of random attacks that terrorized the Phoenix area for more than a year. All three were arrested last year.

Dale Hausner and Samuel Dieteman were arrested in the so-called ''Serial Shooter'' case in August 2006 and are expected to go on trial next year. Hausner faces seven murder counts and Dieteman is charged with two. Their trial is expect to begin next year.

Baseline Killer Suspect Gets 438 Years,
aponline/us/AP-Serial-Predator.html - broken link






Convicted child molester

gets 800 years


Posted 2/10/2007

1:03 AM ET




SAN JOSE, Calif. (AP) — The former roommate of one of the nation's most prolific child molesters was sentenced Friday to at least 800 years in prison for sexually abusing three boys.

Fred Everts, 36, was convicted last year of molesting the youngsters, ages 3, 9 and 11. He was sentenced to 800 years to life.

Police discovered the crimes two years ago while investigating Dean Arthur Schwartzmiller, who authorities say may have molested hundreds of youngsters over decades and kept detailed logs on the children.

Schwartzmiller, 65, was sentenced in January to 152 years in prison for abusing two 12-year-old boys. He and Everts had met in prison on earlier molestation charges and eventually moved in together in San Jose.

Steve Fein, who prosecuted both men, said Everts admitted molesting about 40 children, including his 3-month-old biological son. He asked for the maximum sentence of 1,175 years to life.

Everts' sentence was compounded under California's three-strikes law because of two felony convictions in Oregon in 1993 for sodomy and sexual abuse on his young stepson.

In asking for leniency, defense lawyer Steven Woodson asked the judge to disregard the previous two felonies and consider his client's admission to the crimes and cooperation with investigators.

Convicted child molester gets 800 years,
UT, 10.2.2007,
serial-molester_x.htm - broken link






Utah man gets six years to life

for killing wife


Tue Jun 7, 2005

1:33 AM ET


By James Nelson


SALT LAKE CITY (Reuters) - A Utah man who confessed to killing his pregnant wife to try and cover up his own lies about his education and plans to become a doctor was sentenced to six years to life in prison on Monday.

Mark Hacking, 29, who appeared in court hand-cuffed and wearing a bullet-proof vest amid tight security, broke down in tears, saying he was "tormented" by the killing.

He pleaded guilty in April to shooting his wife Lori while she slept and then throwing the body into the garbage.

"She was the greatest thing that ever happened to me, but I killed her and put her and my unborn child in the garbage. And I can't explain why I did it," he said in a hearing before the sentence was handed down.

The sentence was the only one that Judge Denise Lindberg could hand down under state guidelines but she called Hacking "the poster child for dishonesty."

Lindberg said a parole board would determine how long Hacking would serve but said she would recommend he stay in prison a "very, very long time."

The murder drew international attention when Lori Hacking, 27, was reported missing July 19 by her husband who told police she had never returned from a morning jog.

Police quickly focused on Mark Hacking as a suspect.

Shortly before the murder Hacking had told friends and family he had been accepted to a medical school. Records later showed he had not graduated from college.

In October police found Lori Hacking's badly decomposed body in a landfill. They were unable to determine if she was pregnant at the time of her death, a factor that deterred prosecutors from seeking the death penalty.

Lori's mother, Thelma Soares, told the judge since her daughter's death she had received correspondence and gifts from concerned people in every state in America and 63 nations.

"Mark's infamy extends well beyond the borders of Utah," she said. "He killed my daughter and grandchild and then threw them in the trash with the intent that they never be found and that I never know what happened to them. Those acts constitute the very epitome of depraved indifference."

"I can't think of one good reason why Mark should ever walk free again," Soares told the judge.

Several members of the Hacking family made statements to the judge including Mark's brother Scott Hacking. "We will continue to love Mark and pray for him," he said.

Utah man gets six years to life for killing wife,
Tue Jun 7, 2005,
1:33 AM ET,










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