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Gays, Gay / LGBTQ rights > USA


NYC > Stonewall riots / rebellion - June 1969





How Stonewall Became Famous

Video        Op-Docs        The New York Times        29 June 2019


Ever since the 1969 riots

on the streets outside New York City’s Stonewall Inn,

L.G.B.T.Q. communities have gathered there

to express their joy, their anger, their pain and their power.


Few places

are so tightly identified with the birth of a movement

as the Stonewall Inn and the streets that surround it,

in the downtown Manhattan neighborhood of Greenwich Village.


This month marks 50 years since the Stonewall riot,

which galvanized a half-century of activism

and agitation for L.G.B.T. rights

and made Stonewall a recurring stage

for public protest, grieving and celebration.


Cheryl Furjanic’s new Op-Doc,

“Stonewall: The Making of a Monument”

traces that history,

exploring the process

by which a chaotic street fight

in protest of police brutality

has been engraved into history

in the form of a national monument. Furjanic’s film,

built from a chorus of voices and archival footage,

is also a case study

in how mainstream acceptance can, ironically,

be a mixed blessing for political movements,

as people struggle to control their own history.

















The Stonewall You Know Is a Myth.

And That’s O.K.

NYT Celebrating Pride    31 May 2019





The Stonewall You Know Is a Myth. And That’s O.K.

Video        NYT Celebrating Pride        The New York Times        31 May 2019


"Who threw the first brick at Stonewall?”

has become a rallying cry,

a cliche and a queer inside joke on the internet

— never mind the fact that it’s not clear

whether bricks were ever thrown

during the riots at all.



















A group of young people

– including Tommy Lanigan -Schmidt on the far right –

celebrate outside the Stonewall Inn in 1969.


Photograph: Fred W McDarrah

Getty Images



a journey into the night that unleashed gay liberation


Stonewall was a rebellion, a riot and a release of fear.

But it was also the celebration of personhood

by queer Americans standing proud and unashamed


Wed 19 Jun 2019    06.00 BST

Last modified on Thu 20 Jun 2019    02.27 BST























































































June 28, 1969 > NYC, USA > Stonewall raid        UK / USA


Stonewall rebellion / uprising












watch?v=0IYeOOmJ2yU - video - NYT - 29 June 2019
























watch?v=S7jnzOMxb14 - video - NYT - 31 May 2019

















gay / queer cinema        UK










USA > First Gay Pride March, 1969










Storme DeLarverie        USA        1920-2014


singer, cross-dresser and bouncer

who may or may not have thrown

the first punch at the 1969 uprising

at the Stonewall Inn

in Greenwich Village,

but who was indisputably one

of the first and most assertive members

of the modern gay rights movement










Arthur Evans        USA        1942-2011


Arthur Evans

helped form and lead

the movement

that coalesced

after gay people

and their supporters

protested a 1969 police raid

on the Stonewall Inn,

a Greenwich Village gay bar











Franklin Kameny,

Gay Rights Pioneer,

Dies at 86


October 12, 2011

The New York Times



Franklin E. Kameny, who transformed his 1957 arrest as a “sexual pervert” and his subsequent firing from the Army Map Service into a powerful animating spark of the gay civil rights movement, died on Tuesday at his home in Washington. He was 86.

His death was confirmed by the United States Office of Personnel Management, which formally apologized two years ago for his dismissal.

A half-century ago, Mr. Kameny was either first or foremost — often both — in publicly advocating the propositions that there were homosexuals throughout the population, that they were not mentally ill, and that there was neither reason nor justification for the many forms of discrimination prevalent against them.

Rather than accept his firing quietly, Mr. Kameny challenged his dismissal before the Civil Service Commission and then sued the government in federal court. That he lost was almost beside the point. The battle against discrimination now had a face, a name and a Ph.D. from Harvard.

Though he helped found the Mattachine Society of Washington, an early advocacy group, Mr. Kameny was not content to organize solely within the gay community. He welcomed and exploited the publicity that came from broader — if foredoomed — political efforts, like running in 1971 for the delegate seat representing the District of Columbia in the House of Representatives.

He also claimed authorship of the phrase “Gay is good” a year before the 1969 Stonewall uprising in New York, widely regarded as the first milestone in the gay rights movement. Many of the tributes that began to appear on the Web on Wednesday noted that Mr. Kameny’s death coincided with National Coming Out Day.

Mr. Kameny has been likened both to Rosa Parks and to Gen. George Patton, two historical figures not frequently found in the same sentence. “Frank Kameny was our Rosa Parks, and more,” Richard Socarides, the president of the advocacy group Equality Matters, said on Wednesday. During the Clinton administration, Mr. Socarides was the special assistant for gay rights in the White House, outside which Mr. Kameny and others had picketed in 1965 to protest their treatment by the government.

The Patton analogy was made by Dudley Clendinen and Adam Nagourney in their 1999 book “Out for Good: The Struggle to Build a Gay Rights Movement in America.” (Mr. Nagourney is a reporter for The New York Times, and Mr. Clendinen is a former Times reporter.)

“Franklin Kameny had the confidence of an intellectual autocrat, the manner of a snapping turtle, a voice like a foghorn, and the habit of expressing himself in thunderous bursts of precise and formal language,” the authors wrote. “He talked in italics and exclamation points and he cultivated the self-righteous arrogance of a visionary who knew his cause was just when no one else did.”

Franklin Edward Kameny was born May 21, 1925, in New York City. He entered Queens College, served in the Army in the Netherlands and Germany during World War II and was awarded his doctorate from Harvard in 1956. He was hired as an astronomer the next year by the Army Map Service, but lasted only five months when the government learned he had been arrested by the morals squad in Lafayette Park, across from the White House, which was known as a gay cruising ground.

At the time, under an executive order signed by President Dwight D. Eisenhower in 1953,“sexual perversion” was considered grounds for dismissal from government employment. Mr. Kameny contested his firing through level after level of legal appeal, until the Supreme Court declined to hear his case in 1961.

Unable to get another job in his field, he became radicalized, he told Eric Marcus, who interviewed him for the 1992 book “Making History: The Struggle for Gay and Lesbian Equal Rights, 1945-1990.” Mr. Kameny said his personal manifesto emerged from the petition he prepared for the Supreme Court.

“The government put its disqualification of gays under the rubric of immoral conduct, which I objected to,” Mr. Kameny said. “Because under our system, morality is a matter of personal opinion and individual belief on which any American citizen may hold any view he wishes and upon which the government has no power or authority to have any view at all. Besides which, in my view, homosexuality is not only not immoral, but is affirmatively moral.

“Up until that time, nobody else ever said this — as far as I know — in any kind of formal court pleading.”

After this loss, Mr. Kameny recognized that the American Psychiatric Association’s classification of homosexuality as a sickness posed a high hurdle to the movement.

“An attribution of mental illness in our culture is devastating, and it’s something which is virtually impossible to get beyond,” he said to Charles Kaiser, who interviewed him in 1995 for his book “The Gay Metropolis: 1940-1996.” He was among those who lobbied for its reversal.

In December 1973, the psychiatric association’s board of trustees approved a resolution declaring that homosexuality, “by itself, does not necessarily constitute a psychiatric disorder.”

Leading psychiatrists who believed otherwise, like Dr. Charles W. Socarides (the father of Richard Socarides), pushed for a membership-wide referendum in the hope of overturning the resolution. In April 1974, 5,854 of the association’s roughly 20,000 members voted to support the trustees’ position, 3,810 to oppose it. The result left Mr. Kameny “ecstatic,” he said.

As for his firing, Mr. Kameny lived long enough to receive and accept an apology from John Berry, the director of the United States Office of Personnel Management, successor to the Civil Service Commission. Speaking of Mr. Kameny on Wednesday, Mr. Berry said:

“He helped make it possible for countless of patriotic Americans to hold security clearances and high government positions, including me.”

    Franklin Kameny, Gay Rights Pioneer, Dies at 86, NYT, 12.10.2011,






A Stonewall Veteran, 89,

Misses the Parade


June 27, 2010

The New York Times



At noon on Sunday, thousands of marchers filled Fifth Avenue for New York City’s annual gay pride parade. Nearly six miles away, on the sixth floor of a nursing home in Brooklyn, the frail, white-haired woman in beige pajamas and brown slippers in Room 609 sat motionless at the edge of her bed, staring out her window.

She touched the medallion on her necklace — an image of St. Jude, the patron saint of lost causes — and fiddled with one of her rings.

“This one,” she said of the ring on a pinky finger, “I hit a guy so hard I knocked the stone out, and I hadn’t gotten around to put it back yet.”

She had forgotten that the gay pride march was Sunday. Her mind and her memory are not as sharp as her wit and her tongue. She said she had been living there, at the Oxford Nursing Home, for years (she arrived in April). She was not sure how old she was (she will be 90 in December).

The woman in Room 609, Storme DeLarverie, has dementia. She is but one anonymous elderly New Yorker in a city with thousands upon thousands of them. And many of those who marched down Fifth Avenue on Sunday would be hard pressed to realize that this little old lady — once the cross-dressing M.C. of a group of drag-queen performers, once a fiercely protective (and pistol-packing) bouncer in the city’s lesbian bars — was one of the reasons they were marching.

Ms. DeLarverie fought the police in 1969 at the historic riot at the Stonewall Inn in Greenwich Village that kicked off the gay rights movement. The first gay pride parade in 1970 was not a parade at all but a protest marking the one-year anniversary of the Stonewall uprising.

Some writers believe Ms. DeLarverie may have been the cross-dressing lesbian whose clubbing by the police was the catalyst for the riots (the woman has never been identified). While others are adamant that Ms. DeLarverie was not that woman, no one disputes that she was there, and no one doubts that the woman who had been fighting back all her life fought back in the summer of 1969.

At one point on Sunday, she said she was not struck by the police. At another moment, she said a police officer had hit her from behind. “He wound up flat on his back on the ground,” said Ms. DeLarverie, a member of the Stonewall Veterans’ Association. “I don’t know what he hit me with. He hit me from behind, the coward.”

Ms. DeLarverie has struggled in recent years with a confluence of housing, mental health and legal issues. In 2009, a social services group, the Jewish Association for Services for the Aged, was appointed her legal guardian by a judge. In March, she was hospitalized after she was found disoriented and dehydrated at the Chelsea Hotel, her home for decades. No one occupies her room on the seventh floor of the hotel, but it remains unclear if she will ever return.

A small group of friends, including some of her neighbors at the Chelsea Hotel, visit her regularly. A social worker with the nonprofit group SAGE, which provides services to lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender older people, has been assisting Ms. DeLarverie since 1999, when she was at risk of eviction from the hotel.

Some of her friends said they had been frustrated by the way she was treated by the authorities and others, and they expressed disappointment that Ms. DeLarverie’s troubles have not been a widespread concern for many gay and lesbian activists.

“I feel like the gay community could have really rallied, but they didn’t,” said Lisa Cannistraci, a longtime friend of Ms. DeLarverie’s who is the owner of the lesbian bar Henrietta Hudson, where Ms. DeLarverie worked as a bouncer.

“The young gays and lesbians today have never heard of her,” Ms. Cannistraci said, “and most of our activists are young. They’re in their 20s and early 30s. The community that’s familiar with her is dwindling.”

Ms. DeLarverie’s friends said they were disturbed because she spent most of her days inside the nursing home and they had not been allowed to take her outside, even for walks.

Leah Ferster, chief services officer for the Jewish Association for Services for the Aged, said she was not aware that that was a concern among her friends. “We have to make sure she’s medically capable and able, and if that was true, then we would be glad to speak with her friends and see if we can come up with a safe plan and have her go out for a few hours,” she said.

Ms. DeLarverie’s first name is pronounced STORM-ee, like the weather, but in Room 609 on Sunday, she was calm, chatty, graceful. Her life has been flamboyant, boundary-breaking, the stuff of pulp fiction.

Friends say she worked for the mob in Chicago. The drag-queen group she performed with decades ago, known as the Jewel Box Revue, regularly played the Apollo in Harlem (she dressed as a man and the men dressed as women). She was photographed by Diane Arbus. She carried a straight-edge razor in her sock, and while some merely walked to and from the gay and lesbian bars in the Village, friends said, she patrolled.

Sitting at the edge of her bed, her mind turned again to the parade, where, in the past, she had been a fixture. She said she had a message for those who took part in the celebration. “Just be themselves, like they’ve always been,” she said. “They don’t have to pretend anything. They’re who they are.”

Ms. DeLarverie asked what time it was, and what time the march started. At one point, she took off her slippers and seemed to look for her shoes. “I think they started already,” she said. “They’re probably wondering where I am.”

Colin Moynihan contributed reporting.

A Stonewall Veteran, 89, Misses the Parade,









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