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Videos > Documentaries > 2010s > UK > Army, Afghanistan War





The Afghanistan war in numbers

Video        Guardian Explainers        G        28 October 2014


After 13 years fighting a war in Afghanistan,

British troops have handed over control of Camp Bastion

and ended their combat role.


The war has claimed the lives of thousands of civilians,

military personnel and Taliban insurgents

and cost billions of pounds.


This is the story of the Afghanistan war in numbers.


Estimates for civilian deaths

are from costofwar.org UN records began in 2009


















British army: one young recruit's story

G    28 October 2013




British army: one young recruit's story

Video        G        28 October 2013


Britain is one of just 19 countries

that still recruit 16-year-olds to the armed forces.


A new report claims

that younger recruits are more likely to suffer from PTSD,

alcohol problems and suicide than those who join as adults.


This video tells the story of David Buck who joined the army at 17

but now feels he was conned by misleading recruitment marketing.













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