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Videos > Documentaries > 2010s > UK > Debates


The Guardian five-minute debates


Zero-hours contracts:

are they bad for workers?

G    12 August 2013





Zero-hours contracts: are they bad for workers? - five-minute debate



Subscribe to the Guardian HERE: http://bitly.com/UvkFpD


Zoe Williams takes on

Alexander Ehmann of the Institute of Directors

over employers' increasing use of zero-hours contracts.

Do they enable businesses to take on

more staff than they otherwise would?

Or, as critics suggest,

are they being used to undermine employment rights

and exploit vulnerable workers?


YouTube > Guardian        Published 12 August 2013
















Is the internet bringing out the best in us?

G    15 July 2013





Is the internet bringing out the best in us? - five-minute debate


Subscribe to the Guardian HERE: http://bitly.com/UvkFpD


Susan Greenfield and David Babbs,

executive director of the social campaigning site 38 Degrees,

debate whether,

for its rapid technological advances,

the internet is bringing out the best in us.


Lady Greenfield is a long-time sceptic

about the value of social networking sites such as Facebook --

but Babbs argues that most people are adept

at separating online and offline reality.


YouTube > Guardian        Published 15 July 2013
















Is superstition irrational?

G    5 November 2013





Is superstition irrational? - five-minute video debate




Subscribe to the Guardian HERE: http://bitly.com/UvkFpD


Britain is preparing to let off fireworks and light bonfires

to commemorate the death of Guy Fawkes

and the foiling of his gunpowder plot to blow up parliament.


But what part do ritual and superstition play in modern life

- and is it rational?


Guardian columnist Giles Fraser discusses these questions

with Tracy King, rationalist and producer of Tim Minchin's Storm movie


YouTube > Guardian        Published 5 November 2013
















Does migration harm developing countries?

G    7 October 2013





Does migration harm developing countries? - five-minute debate

Video    Guardian    Published 7 October 2013


Subscribe to the Guardian HERE: http://bitly.com/UvkFpD


Does the money and skills returning migrants bring

to developing countries outweigh the brain-drain effect?


Is migration a subject that can be discussed dispassionately?


And what would an effective policy look like?


Paul Collier,

Oxford professor of economics, and author of Exodus,

joins Guardian columnist Alex Andreou to debate

the effects on developing countries of large-scale migration.


















Should there be restrictions

on wearing the niqab?

G    25 September 2013





Should there be restrictions on wearing the niqab? - five-minute debate

Video        Guardian        Published 25 September 2013


Subscribe to the Guardian HERE: http://bitly.com/UvkFpD


Columnists Nabila Ramdani and Joan Smith discuss

whether any restrictions should apply

to the wearing of the Islamic full-face veil (niqab) in public.


Is Britain on the way to a French-style ban?

Is the matter one of national importance?

Or are the number of people wearing the niqab in Britain

too small for it to be a serious concern?


















Are budget airlines bad for us?

G    3 September 2013




Are budget airlines bad for us? - five-minute debate

Video        Guardian        3 September 2013


Subscribe to the Guardian HERE: http://bitly.com/UvkFpD


Mark Smith of Seat61.com,

an advocate for train and ferry travel,

debates budget air travel

with Guardian transport correspondent Gwyn Topham.

Does it take the joy out of journeys?

Or is the opening up of foreign travel

to millions of people on modest incomes

a great social good?


















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