grammaire anglaise explicative en BD
vocabulaire > confusions
tooadverbe + adjectif
toviseur -> Base Verbale (BV)
The Guardian 1 April 2005
theypronom personnel pluriel sujet + V
theirspronom possessif
The Guardian Weekend p. 38 19 November 2005
The Guardian p. 2 29.3.2006
Guardian p. 1 24.2.2005
The Guardian p. 21 1.3.2005
The Guardian Wekkend p. 14 21.12006
I thought Loomus could have his birthday at my house. No, I want him at mine.
Loomus Steven Appleby The Guardian Family p. 2 21.1.2006
The Guardian p. 25 18.4.2005
Come out with your hands up!!
Come in, Mr Crane...
come, came, come ( arriver, venir - mouvement vers l'énonciateur)
go, went, gone ( partir - éloignement par rapport à l'énonciateur)
want (vouloir) -> I want to be your friend.
won't (= will not) -> I won't give up.
went (passé de go) -> I went to see her.
Hello... Dr Hamilton are you there? Uh... Yes, I'm here!
Created in 1948 by Nicholas P. Dallis 4.5.2005
here (ici)
there (là)
they're (ils / elles sont)
their (leur / leurs)
theirs (à eux / elles)
now (maintenant)
no (non)
know (savoir, connaître)
The Guardian Film & Music p. 18 9.12.2005
live (en direct / en concert) live (vivre / habiter) leave, left, left (partir, quitter, s'en aller) life (vie) / lives (vies)
love (aimer) love (amour)
like (aimer / apprécier) like (comme) look like (ressembler à) look at (regarder) look (avoir l'air de)
listen to (écouter) hear, heard, heard (entendre)
look at (regarder, examiner)
watch TV (regarder la télé)
watch (observer, surveiller, avoir à l'oeil)
see, saw, seen (voir)
Did Guran send you to look for me?
Paul Ryan (daily art), Graham Nolan (sunday art) & Tony DePaul (scripts) 25.4.2005 Ghost Who Walks Will Never Die": The Phantom's First 400 Years. http://www.kingfeatures.com/features/comics/phantom/about.htm
Look up the word "spoiled".
Freshly Squeezed by Ed Stein Gocomics December 26, 2013
look at (regarder, examiner)
look for (chercher)
look up (chercher dans le dictionnaire)
look after (surveiller, s'occuper de, prendre soin de)
fall, fell, fallen : tomber ≠ feel, felt, felt : sentir / ressentir
you (pronom personnel sujet) -> You are beautiful.
you (pronom personnel objet) -> I love you.
your (adjectif possessif + N) -> It's your bag.
yours (pronom possessif) -> Is it yours?
who's (who is)
whose (dont)
sometimes (quelques fois, parfois)
somebody / someone (quelqu'un)
something (quelque chose)
everybody / everyone (tout le monde)
everything (tout)
everytime (tout le temps)
every hour, day, week, month, year (chaque heure, ...)
afterpréposition (+ GN / forme en -ing, ou proposition)
afterconjonction + proposition (GNsujet + verbe conjugué > after he left... )
here (ici)
her (adjectif possessif féminin)
The escaped tiger! It was here all the time!
where (où)
we / you / they were (l'une des deux formes passé de be)
we're (we are)
tree (arbre)
three (trois)
how (comment)
who (qui)
hour (heure)
our (adjectif possessif pluriel)
you (tu / vous)
your (ton, ta, tes, votre, vos)
for (pour)
four (4)
fourteen (14)
forty (40)
thirteen (13)
thirty (30)
thirtieth (trentième)
thing (chose)
think (penser)
word (mot)
world (monde)
his (son, sa, ses)
is (présent de be > he / she / it is)
with (avec)
which (qui, ce qui)
white (blanc)
witch (sorcière)
The temple goes on forever!
Paul Ryan (daily art), Graham Nolan (sunday art) & Tony DePaul (scripts) 12.3.2005 Ghost Who Walks Will Never Die: The Phantom's First 400 Years. http://www.kingfeatures.com/features/comics/phantom/about.htm
forever (pour l'éternité, éternellement, sans fin à l'infini)
still (toujours, dans le sens de "encore")
always (toujours) ≠ never (jamais)
en anglais dit "correct" :
there is + Nsingulier
there are + Npluriel
The Guardian p. 3 1.8.2005
marque du génitif : 's (suivie ou non d'un N) ≠ forme contractée de is ou de has : 's
How was it at your dad's, honey?
What's the matter?
The Guardian Family p. 2 11.3.2006
tooadverbe + adjectif
toviseur -> Base Verbale
The Guardian G2 pp. 14-15 15.3.2006
Voir aussi
Verbe BE > Valeurs > Carte d'identité du sujet