grammaire anglaise explicative en BD
Groupe Verbal (GV)
be + going + to -> Base Verbale
I'm going to be an artist!
forme contractée de going + to : gonna
be + gonna -> Base Verbale
I'm gonna be an artist!
valeurs énonciatives > forte supposition, présupposition, intention, détermination, résolution, proclamation
invitation à faire quelque chose
"mise en scène", théatralisation, effet d'annonce avec forte garantie de l'énonciateur / énonciatrice :
'"je te dis que je vais le faire, tu vas voir un peu ce que je peux / vais faire!
I'm gonna be an artist!
I'm gonna be an artist! = I'm going to be an artist!
Baldo Hector D. Cantu and Carlos Castellanos GoComics March 07, 2014
All right, just for that, I'm not going to give you what I was going to give you!
Peanuts Charles Schulz GoComics February 28, 2016 http://www.gocomics.com/peanuts/2016/02/28
So Cruz and I are gonna get burgers. = So Cruz and I are going to get burgers.
Baldo by Hector D. Cantu and Carlos Castellanos GoComics March 02, 2014
I have an important announcement to make...
I'm going to take a BATH!
For Better or For Worse by Lynn Johnston GoComics January 29, 2012
Those two are not going to escape us!
Dick Tracy by Joe Staton and Mike Curtis GoComics March 06, 2014
Arent' we going to call the game?
No we're not going to call the game,...
This is going to be another great season!
Peanuts by Charles Schulz GoComics April 01, 2012 http://www.gocomics.com/peanuts/2012/04/01
You're really going to tell your boss what you think -- even if it puts your job a risk?
Freshly Squeezed by Ed Stein GoComics October 02, 2011 http://www.gocomics.com/freshlysqueezed/2011/10/02
This is going to be the biggest snowman ever built!
Calvin and Hobbes GoComics Bill Watterson January 22, 2012
Everyone is saying it's going to be a really snowy winter...
Nancy by Guy Gilchrist and Brad Gilchrist GoComics December 04, 2011 http://www.gocomics.com/nancy/2011/12/04
All right, I'll tell him, but he's not going to like it.
Peanuts by Charles Schulz GoComics October 30, 2011 http://www.gocomics.com/peanuts/2011/10/30
Are you going to kiss her goodnight?
Peanuts by Charles Schulz GoComics November 6, 2011
I'm going to get out and see what his problem is.
Real Life Adventures by Gary Wise and Lance Aldrich GoComics October 02, 2011
You're seriously going to give captain Ruiz an engagement ring?!
Jump Start by Robb Armstrong GoComics October 18, 2011
Voir aussi > Anglonautes > Learning English > Grammaire anglaise explicative en BD - niveau débutants / révisions