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learning > grammaire anglaise - niveau avancé


temps, formes verbales


groupe verbal


formes verbales


expression du passé


past perfect

( hadauxiliaire + verbeau participe passé )


fonctions et valeurs énonciatives :


bilan sur une période passée










rétro formes


past perfect simple


past perfect -ing



valeur énonciative


Mise sur le devant de la scène énonciative

d'un fait antérieur



We had an ordinary marriage.


Then I found outpassé irrégulier

my husband had been viewing images of child abuse


















I stuckpassé irrégulier my head in the sand

and pretendedpassé régulier

it hadn't happened




The Guardian        G2        p. 4        7 February 2007
















Present perfect

et past perfect (appelé aussi pluperfect)

se construisent avec haveauxiliaire.



Rappel :

dans certaines grammaires,

-EN est le symbole du participe passé.


Il s'agit bien d'un symbole,

et non d'une terminaison.


Exemples de verbes au participe passé :

thought, taken, become, cut, worked.






Present perfect et past perfect actifs :


have / had est suivi du Vau participe passé.


Present perfect :

haveauxiliaire + verbeau participe passé.


Past perfect :

hadauxiliaire +verbeau participe passé.






Present perfect et past perfect passifs :


have / had est suivi de been et du Vau participe passé.


Present perfect :

haveauxiliaire + been + verbeau participe passé.


Past perfect :

hadauxiliaire + been + verbeau participe passé.










1.    Comme le present perfect

(haveauxiliaire + Vau participe passé),

le past perfect

(hadauxiliaire + Vau participe passé)

sert notamment à faire un bilan,

mais dans un contexte passé,

sur une période révolue.



Cette rétro forme verbale

s'insère donc dans un passage

où les autres verbes sont au passé

(concordance / cohérence des temps).





The Guardian        Weekend        p. 8        20 December 2008














Doc Watson,

Blind Guitar Wizard

Who Influenced Generations,

Dies at 89


May 29, 2012
The New York Times


Doc Watson, the guitarist and folk singer

whose flat-picking style elevated the acoustic guitar

to solo status in bluegrass and country music,

and whose interpretations of traditional American music

profoundly influenced generations of folk and rock guitarists,

died [ passé actif ] on Tuesday in Winston-Salem, N.C.

He was [ passé actif ] 89.

Mr. Watson, who had been

[ bilan d'une période passée,

puisqu'il y a décès > past perfect ]

blind since he was a baby,

died [ passé actif ] in a hospital

after recently undergoing abdominal surgery,

The Associated Press quoted [ passé actif ]


a hospital spokesman as saying.

On Thursday his daughter, Nancy Ellen Watson,

said he had been hospitalized

after falling at his home in Deep Gap,

N.C., adding that he did not break any bones

but was very ill.

Doc Watson,
Blind Guitar Wizard Who Influenced Generations,
Dies at 89,
NYT, 29.5.2012,






Border shelling overshadows

U.S.-Pakistan-Afghan talks


KABUL/ISLAMABAD | Mon Jun 27, 2011
1:08pm EDT
By Alistair Scrutton
and Myra MacDonald



Fighting across the Pakistan-Afghanistan border

will overshadow talks when the two countries

meet along with the United States on Tuesday

to map out plans for reconciliation with the Taliban.


Pakistan on Monday rejected [ passé actif ]

Afghan allegations

it had fired

[ antériorité dans un contexte passé > past perfect actif ]

470 rockets into Afghanistan over the past three weeks,

saying only that "a few accidental rounds" may have crossed

the border when it pursued militants [ passé actif ]

who had attacked its security forces.

[ antériorité dans un contexte passé > past perfect actif ]

But the escalation of fighting on the border

between Pakistan's ethnic Pashtun tribal areas and Afghanistan

has underscored the difficulties the three countries face

in working together to reach a political settlement

to the 10-year Afghan war.

Border shelling overshadows U.S.-Pakistan-Afghan talks,






From Bloody Scene to E.R.,

Life-Saving Choices in Tucson


January 14, 2011
The New York Times



The moment Tony Compagno stepped off his fire engine,

frantic people spattered with blood began running up

to direct him to gunshot victims.

Among the wounded was Representative Gabrielle Giffords,

who had been shot in the head.

Mr. Compagno was one of the first paramedics to reach

the scene of the shooting rampage

at a shopping center in Tucson last Saturday.

“Lots of people were laying on the ground,”

said Mr. Compagno, from Fire Station 30...




A First Funeral

Dr. Friese does not remember seeing any of the patients

come through the doors of the trauma center last Saturday

— except for Christina.

Five days after the girl’s death,

his secretary told him

he was invited to Christina’s funeral.

He did not ask from whom the invitation came.

Was it from the family?

Or did the nurses planning to share a bus

to join the thousands of mourners seek him out?

It did not matter.

Without hesitating, he decided he would go.

There was no time

for Dr. Friese to meet Mr. and Mrs. Green

on Saturday.

He was too busy attending to other patients,

so it fell to a pediatric specialist to tell them the outcome.

And he did not meet them Thursday either.

“I’m very glad that I didn’t meet her parents,” he said.

“I think I would have had trouble.

I would have had emotional ...”

His voice trailed off.

“I would have embarrassed myself,” he said.

He closed his eyes for just a moment


and sighed once more.

“I usually don’t get upset.”

He add, “I don’t know why, it’s just tough.”


When he showed up [ passé actif ] at the funeral

in his blue scrubs and his white surgeon’s jacket,

police officers helped [ passé actif ] him move

through the overflow crowd waiting outside the church.


He was ushered right in.

[ passé passif

du verbe à particule usher in ]


It was [ passé actif ] the first time

he had ever attended a patient’s funeral.

[ bilan dans un contexte passé > past perfect ]

From Bloody Scene to E.R., Life-Saving Choices in Tucson,






Hospitals Send Bill

After Mental Patients

Pursue Damages


December 24, 2010
The New York Times


Daniel J. Langevin was [ passé actif ] 35,

mentally ill and broke.


He had been living in psychiatric institutions on and off

since his early 20s.

[ bilan dans un contexte passé > past perfect en -ing ]  


A friend who visited him

at the Rochester Psychiatric Center

in February 1995 remembered

that Mr. Langevin had pain in his jaw, eye and face

that was not getting much attention from the staff.

A week later,

he was discovered unconscious,

with a near-fatal infection

spreading to his brain and other organs.

Mr. Langevin sued New York State,

which operates the hospital,

and probably would have won a sizable award.

But the state countered by demanding

that Mr. Langevin reimburse it $1.7 million

for 10 years of inpatient care he had received.

A judge sided with the state,

and Mr. Langevin wound up with nothing.

Hospitals Send Bill After Mental Patients Pursue Damages,
NYT, 25.12.2010,






WASHINGTON (Reuters) -

Iraq had [ passé actif ] no stockpiles of biological

and chemical weapons before last year's U.S.-led invasion

and its nuclear program had decayed

[ bilan dans un contexte passé > past perfect actif ]

since the 1991 Gulf War,

a weapons inspector appointed by the Bush administration

said [ passé actif ] on Wednesday.

U.S. Inspector at Odds with Bush on Iraq Weapons,
R, Wed Oct 6, 2004 11:58 AM ET,






A statement released on behalf of the company

that owns the transporter,

Elliott Sargeant of Totton, Southhampton,

said [ passé actif ]


it was [ passé actif ] "devastated".


It had been

[ bilan dans un contexte passé > past perfect actif ]


the first accident involving one of its vehicles

in more than eight years of trading.

Five killed as pile-up brings M1 to a halt,
GI, p. 7, 12.6.2003,






Mr Blunkett also confirmed [ passé actif ]


that police numbers had reached

[ bilan dans un contexte passé > past perfect actif ]


a record high of 136,386,

breaking the government's target

by nearly 4,000 six months early.

Bring back our bobby, say gun victim's daughters:
Family of woman shot dead in jewellery shop
reveal husband's pleas for more police patrols
as they urge Blunkett to do more to stop crime















2. Past Perfect


valeurs énonciatives


Marquage / mise en évidence

de l'antériorité

dans un contexte passé




Fifty years ago, on Saturday, February 28, 1953,

two young scientists walked [ passé actif ] into the Eagle,

a dingy pub in Cambridge, England,

and announced [ concordance des temps > passé actif ]

to the lunchtime crowd

that they had discovered

[ antériorité par rapport à un instant passé > past perfect actif ]

the secret of life.

Double Helix Leaps Fom Lab to Real Life,
NYT/Le Monde, 9/10.3.2003.



----- A (had discovered ) --------- B (walkedannounced / 28 February 1953) --------->











Even before all the facts trickled out,

[ passé actif ]

the little that was known

[ passé passif ]

was already terrible.

[ passé actif ]


On March 26, 2018,

the wreckage of an S.U.V. was spotted

[ passé passif ]

at the bottom of a cliff

along the Pacific Coast Highway.


The bodies of two adult women were

[ passé actif ]

in the front seats;

outside the car

were the bodies of three children.

[ passé actif ]


The remains of two more children

would eventually be discovered nearby,

and another child was presumed dead.

[ passé passif ]

(His body was never found.)

[ passé passif ]


A family of eight had plunged off a cliff

[ antériorité > past perfect actif ]

it had to be an awful accident.

[ passé actif ]


But there were no skid marks

[ passé actif ]

The driver had accelerated.

[ antériorité > past perfect actif ]

Autopsies on the children’s bodies found

[ passé actif ]

enormous doses of generic Benadryl.


It turned out

[ passé actif ]

that the women had been investigated

[ antériorité > past perfect passif ]

for child abuse in three different states.


Investigators concluded

[ passé actif ]

that Jennifer and Sarah Hart,

a white married couple

who had adopted six Black children

[ antériorité > past perfect actif ]

during the decade before,

had committed murder-suicide.

[ antériorité > past perfect actif ]

A Family’s Murder-Suicide and a Foster Care System in Crisis
In “We Were Once a Family,”
Roxanna Asgarian investigates the case of a couple
who drove off a cliff with their six adopted children
in the family’s S.U.V.,
March 8, 2023,






Virus Variant in Brazil Infected Many

[ passé actif ]


Who Had Already Recovered

From Covid-19

[ past perfect actif ]

The first detailed studies

of the so-called P.1 variant

show how it devastated a Brazilian city.


Now scientists want to know

what it will do elsewhere.

Published March 1, 2021
Updated March 2, 2021, 2:15 a.m. ET






Recent Drone Strikes

Strain U.S. Ties

With Afghanistan and Pakistan


November 29, 2013
The New York Times



The coalition official confirmed [ passé actif ]

that two drone attacks had taken place

[ antériorité > past perfect actif ]

in Helmand Province on Thursday.

The first, in Garmsir district,

targeted an insurgent commander

traveling on a motorcycle,

but the missile missed him and apparently hit civilians;

one child was reported killed,

and two women were severely wounded.

The targeted man fled on foot

and was killed by a later drone strike.

In the second attack,

in Nawa Barak Sai district nearby,

a drone strike killed

[ passé actif ]

a single insurgent who had been targeted,

[ antériorité > past perfect passif ]


causing no civilian casualties, the official said.


But Mr. Karzai’s spokesman, Aimal Faizi,

disputed the NATO account.

He said that in the first instance,

American drones fired missiles

at the man while he was riding a motorbike

but also while he was hiding  in a house.

Omar Zwak, the spokesman for the Helmand governor,

identified the target of the strike as Mullah Nazar Gul,

who he said was a bomb maker.


Mr. Zwak said

[ passé actif ]


the man had been killed inside a house.

[ antériorité > past perfect passif ]

Recent Drone Strikes Strain U.S. Ties With Afghanistan and Pakistan,






Freed From Prison,

Long Island Man Takes to Pulpit


December 24, 2010
The New York Times


CORAM, N.Y. — A Long Island man whose prison sentence

in the fatal shooting a 17-year-old in front of his home

was commuted by Gov. David A. Paterson

said [ passé actif ] Friday


that he was haunted

[ passé passif ]


by what he had done.

[ antériorité > past perfect actif ]

Freed From Prison, Long Island Man Takes to Pulpit, NYT, 24.12.2010,






ALEXANDRIA, La. (AP) -- Police shot to death

[ passé actif ]


a man who had shot

[ antériorité > past perfect actif ]

five people in a downtown law office

and holed up in the building for hours,

firing at officers and holding two victims inside.

Police Kill Man Who Shot 5 at La. Office, NYT, 5.10.2007,






FALLUJA, Iraq, Nov. 8 -

The two marines were pinned down

[ passé passif ]

on a roof on Monday,

pressing themselves against a low, crumbling wall

as insurgents fired rocket-propelled grenades at them

from a building near the middle of town.


Hours before, they had clambered

[ antériorité > past perfect actif ]

over a railroad embankment

- a berm, to the engineering-minded -

and started their advance into this rebel-held city.

Urban Warfare Deals Harsh Challenge to Troops,
NYT, 9.11.2004,






It was [ passé actif  ] a scene from hell.


When the Italian coastguards boarded

[ passé actif ]


the dilapidated wooden fishing boat

in high seas on Sunday,

flying no colours and with no name,

they found [ passé actif ] 15 survivors and 13 corpses.


They had been warned

[ antériorité > past perfect passif ]

what to expect.


The first craft on the scene, an Italian fishing boat,

had spotted

[ antériorité > past perfect actif ]

the living and the dead mixed up together.


They had tossed

[ antériorité > past perfect actif ]

bottles of water and bread across to the survivors,

but the seas were too high for them to risk boarding.


When the coastguards arrived

[ passé actif ]

they found  [ passé actif ] the deck littered with bodies,

while those left alive were wailing for help.

 [ be + -ing au passé actif ]


They were  [ passé actif ] at their last gasp,

human skeletons.

Strewn with corpses, another refugee ship offloads its carg, I, 21.10, 2003,






Le passé peut également marquer l'antériorité :

Paediatrician tells GMC hearing

his 'unique knowledge' compelled him to inform police

he believed

husband killed two infant sons

Professor stands by baby murder claim,
G, 12.6.2004,















3. Rétro formes > Past perfect


Formulation d'une hypothèse




past perfect inversé


hadauxiliaire + Nsujet + Vau participe passé


had he not died

at the miserably early age of 35.






Musicians speculate endlessly about what

Mozart might have achieved

had he not died at the miserably early age of 35.

This Week's Top Picks,

WSJE/Personal Journal), p. P8, 7/9.3.2003.










Voir aussi > Anglonautes >

Grammaire anglaise explicative - niveau avancé


present perfect




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