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They will probably attack

when I start swimming again!

Mark Trail        Jack Elrod

Created by Ed Dodd in 1946        10.2.2005
















Crackdown on neighbours from hell


A crackdown on neighbours from hell is to be announced

[ annonce / événement présentés comme inéluctables ]

by Home Office minister Hazel Blears.


The Government is publishing a new package of measures

designed to improve the way bad parents bring up

their children

[ be + -ing

a ici à la fois une valeur de futur

(le gouvernement va annoncer...)

et une fonction anaphorique :

be + -ing reprend et développe l'énoncé précédent

(premier paragraphe)] .


Ministers hope the moves will rehabilitate Britain's worst families

who cause nuisance and misery to thousands of neighbours

[ relation prédicative modalisée en will (valeur prédictive) :

pour l'énonciateur,

ces mesures auront très probablement un résultat positif,

c'est quasiment certain ] .


Ms Blears will announce the measures,

plus initiatives targeting other forms of anti-social behaviour,

on a visit to a family support project

in Eccles, Salford 

[ relation prédicative modalisée en will (valeur prédictive) :

cette annonce aura très probablement lieu ] .


Findings from a Home Office review

of 100 of Britain's most difficult families

will show

[ valeur présente de will ]

39% believed the government crackdown

had helped change their behaviour.


Police and councils are using warnings,

Acceptable Behaviour Contracts,

Anti-Social Behaviour Orders or the threat of eviction

against nuisance neighbours

[ valeur présente de be + -ing ].


A Home Office spokeswoman said the review

supported the Government's view

that tackling problem families was key

to getting a grip on nuisance neighbours.


The majority of cases dealt with - 67% -

involved families with children.

Half of all cases involved threatening

or intimidating behaviour.


Ms Blears will also meet a couple who recently won

a Home Office Taking a Stand Award

for standing up to two families

who terrorised their estate

[ relation prédicative

modalisée en will (valeur prédictive) :

cette rencontre aura très probablement lieu ].


The minister and Louise Casey,

director of the Anti-Social Behaviour Unit,

will meet workers

at the NCH Salford Assisted Families Project in Eccles

to look at how they provide support for problem families

[ relation prédicative

modalisée en will (valeur prédictive) :

cette rencontre aura très probablement lieu ] .

Full text, Ananova, 14.2.2005,
sm_1283782.html?menu=news.topheadlines - broken URL










Voir aussi > Anglonautes >

Grammaire anglaise explicative - niveau avancé


groupe verbal > expressions du futur




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